Catégorie |
Anglais |
Espagnol |
Common |
1 |
Common |
true? right? |
¿verdad? [interj]
General |
2 |
General |
out of true |
descentrado [adj]
3 |
General |
out of true |
desequilibrado [adj]
4 |
General |
come true |
concretarse [v]
5 |
General |
come true |
cumplirse [v]
6 |
General |
come true |
realizarse [v]
7 |
General |
come true |
verificarse [v]
8 |
General |
true rib |
costilla verdadera [f]
9 |
General |
sap of the true aloe |
zabida [f]
10 |
General |
sap of the true aloe |
zabila [f]
11 |
General |
sap of the true aloe |
zábila [f]
12 |
General |
out of true |
descentrado [adj]
13 |
General |
'true |
puntual [adj]
14 |
General |
'true |
real [adj]
15 |
General |
be true or truthful |
corroborarse [v]
16 |
General |
accept as true |
creer [v]
17 |
General |
show one’s true colors |
destaparse [v]
18 |
General |
establish as true |
ejecutoriar [v]
19 |
General |
hide its true nature |
sobresanar [v]
20 |
General |
that's not true |
mentira [interj]
21 |
General |
true believer |
creyente verdadero [m]
22 |
General |
dream come true |
sueño hecho realidad [m]
23 |
General |
a true story |
un relato auténtico [m]
24 |
General |
the quality of being true to someone or something |
verdad [f]
25 |
General |
a true story |
una historia real [f]
26 |
General |
a true story |
una historia verdadera [f]
27 |
General |
a true story |
una historia verídica [f]
28 |
General |
a true story |
una historia verdadera [f]
29 |
General |
a true story |
una historia real [f]
30 |
General |
(his/her) wish come true |
convertirse en realidad (el deseo de alguien) [v]
31 |
General |
(one's wishes) come true |
convertirse en realidad (los sueños de alguien) [v]
32 |
General |
(one's wishes) come true |
hacerse realidad (los sueños de alguien) [v]
33 |
General |
suppose to be true |
suponer [v]
34 |
General |
suppose to be true |
dar por sentado [v]
35 |
General |
accept as true |
creer [v]
36 |
General |
come true |
hacerse realidad [v]
37 |
General |
be a dream come true |
ser un sueño hecho realidad [v]
38 |
General |
show one's true colors |
pelar el cobre [v]
39 |
General |
show one's true colors |
enseñar el cobre [v]
40 |
General |
hide one's true intentions |
recatarse [v]
41 |
General |
remain true to |
seguir siendo fiel a [v]
42 |
General |
be a true copy of the original |
ser una copia fiel del original [v]
43 |
General |
be true to |
cumplir con una promesa [v]
44 |
General |
be true to a certain extent |
ser cierto hasta cierto punto [v]
45 |
General |
be true of |
estar seguro de [v]
46 |
General |
be true to a limited extent |
ser cierto hasta cierto punto [v]
47 |
General |
be reportedly true |
ser aparentemente cierto [v]
48 |
General |
be reportedly true |
constar como cierto [v]
49 |
General |
be reportedly true |
ser supuestamente cierto [v]
50 |
General |
be reportedly true |
constar como verdadero [v]
51 |
General |
be a true copy of the original |
ser una copia auténtica del original [v]
52 |
General |
used to indicate that something is true or happens to a small extent |
así siquiera [expr]
53 |
General |
a dream come true |
un sueño hecho realidad
54 |
General |
a true friend |
un amigo de verdad
55 |
General |
a true copy |
una copia fidedigna
56 |
General |
a true friend |
un verdadero amigo
57 |
General |
true story |
historia verídica
58 |
General |
true story |
historia real
59 |
General |
true story |
historia verdadera
60 |
General |
one's true self |
su verdadero yo
61 |
General |
true friend |
amigo verdadero
62 |
General |
true friend |
amigo auténtico
63 |
General |
true love |
amor verdadero
64 |
General |
true love |
el amor del bueno
65 |
General |
true love |
amor del bueno
66 |
General |
true sense/meaning |
espíritu [m]
67 |
General |
true-lover's knot |
lazada [f]
68 |
General |
true nature (self) |
naturaleza [f]
69 |
General |
necessarily true |
apodíctico [adj]
70 |
General |
become true |
cumplirse [v]
71 |
General |
prove true |
verificarse [v]
72 |
General |
suspect (to imagine to be the case or true or probable) |
imaginar [v]
73 |
General |
true blue |
conservador [m]
74 |
General |
true story |
historia verdadera [f]
75 |
General |
true blue |
conservadora [f]
76 |
General |
true blue |
fiel [adj]
77 |
General |
true blue |
leal [adj]
78 |
General |
true-born |
de casta [adj]
79 |
General |
true-born |
legítimo [adj]
80 |
General |
true blue |
patriótico [adj]
81 |
General |
true-bred |
de pura sangre [adj]
82 |
General |
true-bred |
de casta legítima [adj]
83 |
General |
true-born |
de buena cepa [adj]
84 |
General |
true-hearted |
sincero [adj]
85 |
General |
true-hearted |
leal [adj]
86 |
General |
true-hearted |
fiel [adj]
87 |
General |
true-heartedly |
de corazón [adv]
88 |
General |
true friend |
acates [m]
89 |
General |
man fond of telling true or made-up stories |
cuentero [m]
90 |
General |
group of people who spread true or false news about other people's lives |
cotarrillo [m]
91 |
General |
doubt or suspicion about whether something is true or good |
cominillo [m]
92 |
General |
true event, proven and factual, but that is not recognized or is ignored |
porfiado hecho [m]
93 |
General |
event considered true, proven, and irrefutable |
hecho de la causa [m]
94 |
General |
true or false news intended to criticize or discredit |
soplo [m]
95 |
General |
true passionflower |
tintín [m]
96 |
General |
person concealing their true intentions |
tapado [m]
97 |
General |
fruit of the true service-tree |
azarolla [f]
98 |
General |
woman fond of telling true or made up stories |
cuentera [f]
99 |
General |
evidence presented to deny or contradict something given as true |
contraprueba [f]
100 |
General |
person concealing their true intentions |
tapada [f]
101 |
General |
not true |
inefectivo [adj]
102 |
General |
concealing their true intentions |
tapado [adj]
103 |
General |
concealing their true intentions |
tapado [adj]
104 |
General |
show one's true colours |
desembozar [v]
105 |
General |
believe that something is true |
atracar [v]
106 |
General |
out of true |
descentrada [adj/f]
107 |
General |
out of true |
desequilibrada [adj/f]
108 |
General |
true blue |
patriótica [adj/f]
109 |
General |
true-hearted |
sincera [adj/f]
110 |
General |
true-born |
legítima [adj/f]
Idioms |
111 |
Idioms |
consider something to be true |
dar algo por sentado [v]
112 |
Idioms |
be something true and obvious |
caerse de su propio peso [v]
113 |
Idioms |
be true |
caerse de su propio peso [v]
114 |
Idioms |
be something true and obvious |
caerse por su propio peso [v]
115 |
Idioms |
be true |
caerse por su propio peso [v]
116 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
enseñar las orejas [v]
117 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
asomar las orejas [v]
118 |
Idioms |
show one's true colour |
enseñar la oreja [v]
119 |
Idioms |
show oneself in one's true colors |
enseñar las orejas [v]
120 |
Idioms |
show oneself in one's true colors |
asomar las orejas [v]
121 |
Idioms |
show one's true color |
enseñar la oreja [v]
122 |
Idioms |
show one's true color |
asomar la oreja [v]
123 |
Idioms |
show oneself in one's true colours |
enseñar las orejas [v]
124 |
Idioms |
show oneself in one's true colours |
asomar las orejas [v]
125 |
Idioms |
show one's true colours |
enseñar las orejas [v]
126 |
Idioms |
show one's true colours |
asomar las orejas [v]
127 |
Idioms |
consider something to be true |
dar algo por descontado [v]
128 |
Idioms |
show oneself in one's true colours |
descubrir la hilaza [v]
129 |
Idioms |
show oneself in one's true colours |
descubrir la oreja [v]
130 |
Idioms |
reveal one's true intention |
descubrir las cartas [v]
131 |
Idioms |
reveal one's true intention |
enseñar las cartas [v]
132 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
descubrir la hilaza [v]
133 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
descubrir la oreja [v]
134 |
Idioms |
reveal one's true intention |
mostrar las cartas [v]
135 |
Idioms |
be out of true |
estar desviado [v]
136 |
Idioms |
be out of true |
estar desalineado [v]
137 |
Idioms |
ring true |
sonar sincero [v]
138 |
Idioms |
ring true |
parecer sincero [v]
139 |
Idioms |
ring true |
parecer verdad [v]
140 |
Idioms |
tell one's true feelings to another person |
abrir el corazón a alguien [v]
141 |
Idioms |
tell one's true feelings to another person |
abrir el pecho a alguien [v]
142 |
Idioms |
be not true |
no haber tales carneros [v]
143 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
quitarse el embozo [v]
144 |
Idioms |
show one’s true colors |
quitarse la máscara [v]
145 |
Idioms |
show one’s true colors |
quitarse la careta [v]
146 |
Idioms |
show one’s true feelings |
respirar por la herida [v]
147 |
Idioms |
be a true leader |
ser un líder con toda la barba [v]
148 |
Idioms |
make assertions or comments that are known to be not true |
faltar a la verdad [v]
149 |
Idioms |
believe that something is true |
dar asenso a [v]
150 |
Idioms |
accept as true |
dar asenso a [v]
151 |
Idioms |
someone's true colour to come out |
mostrar (alguien) su verdadera naturaleza [v]
152 |
Idioms |
show somebody in their true colors |
mostrar la verdadera cara de alguien [v]
153 |
Idioms |
show somebody in their true colours |
mostrar la verdadera cara de alguien [v]
154 |
Idioms |
show somebody's/something's true colors |
mostrar el verdadero rostro de alguien/algo [v]
155 |
Idioms |
hide one's true feelings |
mascar las agrias [v]
156 |
Idioms |
consider to be true |
dar por sentado [v]
157 |
Idioms |
not be true |
no haber tal [v]
158 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
resollar por la herida [v]
159 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
respirar por la herida [v]
160 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
quitarse alguien la mascarilla [v]
161 |
Idioms |
show someone's true colors |
sacar mentirosa a otra persona [v]
162 |
Idioms |
show someone's true colors |
sacar verdadera a otra persona [v]
163 |
Idioms |
it's true that |
bien es verdad [expr]
164 |
Idioms |
it's true that |
es verdad que [expr]
165 |
Idioms |
it's true that |
verdad es que [expr]
166 |
Idioms |
many a true word is spoken in jest |
las bromas a veces pueden ser de veras
167 |
Idioms |
many a true word is spoken in jest |
entre broma y broma la verdad asoma
168 |
Idioms |
as true as steel |
muy confiable
169 |
Idioms |
as true as steel |
muy leal
170 |
Idioms |
as true as steel |
fiel hasta la muerte
171 |
Idioms |
as true as steel |
muy fiel
172 |
Idioms |
a dream come true |
un sueño vuelto realidad
173 |
Idioms |
a dream come true |
un sueño hecho realidad
174 |
Idioms |
one's true colour to come out |
mostrarse tal cual es uno
175 |
Idioms |
you can write anything you want about something but it doesn't mean it's true |
el papel lo aguanta todo
176 |
Idioms |
you can write anything you want about something but it doesn't mean it's true |
el papel aguanta todo lo que le escriban
177 |
Idioms |
too good to be true |
demasiado bueno para ser verdad
178 |
Idioms |
too good to be true |
demasiado bueno para ser cierto
179 |
Idioms |
too good to be true |
demasiado bueno para ser real
180 |
Idioms |
tried and true |
probado y examinado
181 |
Idioms |
tried and true |
probado y comprobado
182 |
Idioms |
tried and true |
probado y confiable
183 |
Idioms |
true to form |
como se esperaba
184 |
Idioms |
true to form |
como es usual
185 |
Idioms |
true to one's word |
cumpliendo lo prometido
186 |
Idioms |
true to type |
como se esperaba
187 |
Idioms |
true to type |
como es usual
188 |
Idioms |
true-blue |
189 |
Idioms |
twelve good men and true |
doce hombres de confianza
190 |
Idioms |
have true grit |
hasta las masas [adj]
191 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
mostrar la hilachas [v]
192 |
Idioms |
show one's true colours |
mostrar la hilachas [v]
193 |
Idioms |
reveal one's true self |
darse una descobijada [v]
194 |
Idioms |
reveal one's true self |
darse una despapayada [v]
195 |
Idioms |
make someone believe something that is not true |
echarle un cubo [v]
196 |
Idioms |
ensure that what is being said is completely true |
jurar de guata [v]
197 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
enseñar el cobre [v]
198 |
Idioms |
be the little boy who cried wolf, complaining about not having money when it's not true |
llorar miseria [v]
199 |
Idioms |
be the little boy who cried wolf, complaining about not having money when it's not true |
llorar miserias [v]
200 |
Idioms |
hide one's true intentions |
embarajar el tiro [v]
201 |
Idioms |
cover up one's true intentions |
embarajar el tiro [v]
202 |
Idioms |
reveal one's true intentions |
mostrar la pinta [v]
203 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
mostrar el cobre [v]
204 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
mostrar la hilacha [v]
205 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
mostrar la ojota [v]
206 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
mostrar la pinta [v]
207 |
Idioms |
be too good to be true |
pasarse de piquete [v]
208 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
pelar el cobre [v]
209 |
Idioms |
show someone's true colors |
sacar el cobre [v]
210 |
Idioms |
show one's true colors |
salírsele el cobre [v]
211 |
Idioms |
reveal one's true nature |
salírsele el cobre [v]
212 |
Idioms |
have a curse come true |
tener la boca salada [v]
213 |
Idioms |
have true grit |
hasta las masas [adv]
Speaking |
214 |
Speaking |
that's true |
es cierto
215 |
Speaking |
that's not true |
eso no es cierto
216 |
Speaking |
that isn't true |
eso no es cierto
217 |
Speaking |
it's not true |
eso no es cierto
218 |
Speaking |
that is not true |
eso no es cierto
219 |
Speaking |
this is not true |
eso no es cierto
220 |
Speaking |
it’s not true |
eso no es verdad
221 |
Speaking |
dreams do come true |
los sueños sí se hacen realidad
222 |
Speaking |
it's not true, right? |
no es cierto, ¿verdad?
223 |
Speaking |
it's not true, is it? |
no es cierto, ¿verdad?
224 |
Speaking |
a hundred percent true |
cien por ciento verdad
225 |
Speaking |
is that true? |
¿eso es cierto?
226 |
Speaking |
it's true |
es verdad
227 |
Speaking |
that’s not true! |
que no es cierto!
228 |
Speaking |
definitely it is true! |
¡completamente cierto!
229 |
Speaking |
but it's true |
pero es verdad
230 |
Speaking |
it's strange but true |
es extraño pero cierto
231 |
Speaking |
Is what I have heard true? |
¿es cierto lo que oí?
232 |
Speaking |
is that true? |
¿es verdad?
233 |
Speaking |
it's strange but true |
es raro pero cierto
234 |
Speaking |
it is not true |
no es verdad
235 |
Speaking |
it's not true |
no es verdad
236 |
Speaking |
it doesn't matter if the rumors are true or not |
no importa si los rumores son ciertos o no
237 |
Speaking |
you're true blue |
eres fiel
238 |
Speaking |
you're true blue |
eres incondicional
239 |
Speaking |
someone's true colors have been shown |
alguien mostró su verdadera naturaleza
240 |
Speaking |
even if it were true |
aunque fuera verdad
241 |
Speaking |
based on a true story |
hecha en base a una historia real
242 |
Speaking |
that's not entirely true |
no es completamente cierto
243 |
Speaking |
that's not true at all |
no es cierto, para nada
244 |
Speaking |
that's not true at all |
no es verdad en absoluto
245 |
Speaking |
that's not true |
no es verdad
246 |
Speaking |
based on a true story |
basada en una historia real
247 |
Speaking |
isn't that true? |
¿no es verdad?
248 |
Speaking |
it must be true |
debe de ser verdad
249 |
Speaking |
it must be true |
debe ser verdad
250 |
Speaking |
this can't be true |
esto no puede ser cierto
251 |
Speaking |
it's a true story |
es un hecho real
252 |
Speaking |
it's not true |
no es cierto
253 |
Speaking |
it's true |
así como lo oyes
254 |
Speaking |
if that turns out to be true |
si es así
255 |
Speaking |
if it's true |
si es cierto
256 |
Speaking |
if it's true |
de ser cierto
257 |
Speaking |
most of it is true |
la mayor parte es verdad
258 |
Speaking |
most of it is true |
la mayor parte es cierto
259 |
Speaking |
I bet that's not true |
apuesto a que eso no es cierto
260 |
Speaking |
the rumors were true |
los rumores eran ciertos
261 |
Speaking |
since you say so it must be true |
si tú lo dices, debe ser verdad
262 |
Speaking |
if that's true |
si eso es verdad
263 |
Speaking |
if the saying is true |
si el dicho es cierto
264 |
Speaking |
if the saying is true |
si la máxima es cierta
265 |
Speaking |
if what you say is true |
si lo que dices es verdad
266 |
Speaking |
what you say may be true |
lo que dices podría ser verdad
267 |
Speaking |
I don't think that's true |
no creo que sea verdad
268 |
Speaking |
my wish came true |
se cumplió mi deseo
269 |
Speaking |
my wish came true |
mi deseo se hizo realidad
270 |
Speaking |
my worst fears came true |
mis peores temores se hicieron realidad
271 |
Speaking |
nothing is true everything is permitted |
nada es verdad, todo está permitido
272 |
Speaking |
nothing is true everything is permitted |
nada es verdad, todo se permite
273 |
Speaking |
of course, i have a few friends here, but i don't have a true friend |
por supuesto, tengo algunos amigos aquí, pero no tengo un verdadero amigo
274 |
Speaking |
please tell me that isn't true |
dime por favor que no es verdad
275 |
Speaking |
what i said is true |
lo que dije es verdad
276 |
Speaking |
sad but true |
triste pero cierto
277 |
Speaking |
I know that's true |
yo sé que es cierto
278 |
Speaking |
dreams come true |
sueños se hacen realidad
Phrases |
279 |
Phrases |
children and crazy people tell what's true |
locos y niños dicen la verdad [phrase]
280 |
Phrases |
although this may be true |
aunque sea cierto
281 |
Phrases |
although this may be true |
aunque sea verdad
282 |
Phrases |
based on true events |
basado en eventos verdaderos
283 |
Phrases |
inspired by true events |
basada en hechos reales
284 |
Phrases |
if the saying is true |
si lo que dicen es verdad
285 |
Phrases |
if the saying is true |
si lo que se dice es cierto
286 |
Phrases |
inspired by a true story |
inspirada en una historia real
287 |
Phrases |
the true face of something |
la verdadera cara de algo
288 |
Phrases |
that is partly true but |
eso es en parte verdad pero
289 |
Phrases |
this is a true story |
esta es una historia real
290 |
Phrases |
it's too good to be true |
es demasiado bueno para ser cierto
291 |
Phrases |
but it wasn't true |
pero no era cierto
292 |
Phrases |
but it wasn't true |
pero no era verdad
293 |
Phrases |
in the true sense of the word |
en el buen sentido de la palabra
294 |
Phrases |
a dream come true |
sueño realizado
295 |
Phrases |
true, but... |
muy cierto, pero...
296 |
Phrases |
the true meaning of... |
el verdadero significado de...
297 |
Phrases |
that's absolutely true |
eso va a misa
298 |
Phrases |
many a true word is spoken in jest |
entre broma y broma la verdad se asoma
Colloquial |
299 |
Colloquial |
of true grit |
de estómago [adj]
300 |
Colloquial |
sad but true |
como el puño [adj]
301 |
Colloquial |
sad but true |
como un puño [adj]
302 |
Colloquial |
sad but true |
de a puño [adj]
303 |
Colloquial |
sad but true |
como puños [adj]
304 |
Colloquial |
'true |
real [adj]
305 |
Colloquial |
come true |
materializarse [v]
306 |
Colloquial |
be true |
estar a escuadra [v]
307 |
Colloquial |
be true |
estar en ángulo recto [v]
308 |
Colloquial |
be true |
formar un ángulo recto [v]
309 |
Colloquial |
be true to one's word |
ser fiel a su palabra [v]
310 |
Colloquial |
be true to one's word |
cumplir con su palabra [v]
311 |
Colloquial |
show one's true character |
destaparse [v]
312 |
Colloquial |
see someone's true colors |
vérsele el cobre a alguien [v]
313 |
Colloquial |
show one's true colors |
saltar alguien de la mata [v]
314 |
Colloquial |
show one's true colors |
asomar alguien la oreja [v]
315 |
Colloquial |
show one's true colors |
descubrir alguien la oreja [v]
316 |
Colloquial |
show one's true colors |
enseñar alguien la oreja [v]
317 |
Colloquial |
show one's true colors |
vérsele a alguien la oreja [v]
318 |
Colloquial |
show someone's true colors |
enseñar alguien su pata [v]
319 |
Colloquial |
see someone's true intentions |
vérsele a alguien el plumero [v]
320 |
Colloquial |
hide one's true intentions |
embarajar el tiro [v]
321 |
Colloquial |
too good to be true |
cebo de anzuelo y carne de buitrera [expr]
322 |
Colloquial |
a true talent |
un talento verdadero
323 |
Colloquial |
her true love |
su gran amor
324 |
Colloquial |
the story is true |
ciertos son los toros
325 |
Colloquial |
our fears came true |
nuestros temores se han hecho realidad
326 |
Colloquial |
our worst fears came true |
nuestros peores temores se han hecho realidad
327 |
Colloquial |
our worst fears came true |
nuestros peores temores se hicieron realidad
328 |
Colloquial |
let your dreams come true |
permite que tus sueños se hagan realidad
329 |
Colloquial |
lie or true? |
¿mentira o verdad?
330 |
Colloquial |
lie or true? |
¿verdadero o falso?
331 |
Colloquial |
true-penny |
amigo confiable
332 |
Colloquial |
true blue |
muy fiable
333 |
Colloquial |
true blue |
muy leal
334 |
Colloquial |
true blue friend |
amigo muy leal
335 |
Colloquial |
true enough |
336 |
Colloquial |
then it must be true |
entonces tiene que ser cierto
337 |
Colloquial |
I swear (it's true) |
palabrita del niño jesús
338 |
Colloquial |
true or false news to criticize or discredit someone |
chambre [m]
339 |
Colloquial |
hiding one's true thoughts |
careteo [m]
340 |
Colloquial |
true thing |
merfi [m]
341 |
Colloquial |
covering up one's true intentions |
tapado [adj]
342 |
Colloquial |
that's so true! |
a huevo
Proverbs |
343 |
Proverbs |
true love never grows old |
quien bien ama, tarde se olvida [old-fashioned]
344 |
Proverbs |
many a true words are spoken in jest |
no hay peor burla, que la verdadera [old-fashioned]
345 |
Proverbs |
true beauty lies within |
busca mujer por lo que valga
346 |
Proverbs |
there's many a true word spoken in jest |
347 |
Proverbs |
many a true word is spoken in jest |
348 |
Proverbs |
to thine own self be true |
sé sincero contigo mismo
349 |
Proverbs |
a person's true character will always show through |
el que es gallo donde quiera canta
350 |
Proverbs |
If it sounds too good to be true it probably is |
cuando la limosna es grande hasta el santo desconfía
351 |
Proverbs |
let's see if what he/she says is true |
ver si como ronca duerme
352 |
Proverbs |
the course of true love never did run smooth |
El amor no es un camino de rosas
Slang |
353 |
Slang |
true blue |
de verdad
354 |
Slang |
true that |
es verdad que
355 |
Slang |
true blue |
356 |
Slang |
true blue |
hombre de palabra
357 |
Slang |
true that |
es cierto que
358 |
Slang |
true that |
359 |
Slang |
lead someone to believe something that is not true |
carnear [v]
360 |
Slang |
lead someone to believe something that is not true |
casquear [v]
361 |
Slang |
that's so true! |
a huevo [interj]
362 |
Slang |
that is not true |
eso es puro pedo [expr]
Business |
363 |
Business |
true and fair |
verdadero y equitativo [adj]
364 |
Business |
true and fair |
fiel reflejo
365 |
Business |
true copy |
copia exacta
366 |
Business |
true value |
valor real
367 |
Business |
true copy |
copia fiel
368 |
Business |
true value |
valor justo en el mercado
369 |
Business |
true representation |
imagen fiel
370 |
Business |
true copy |
copia exacta
371 |
Business |
true copy |
copia auténtica
372 |
Business |
certified true copy |
copia auténtica certificada
373 |
Business |
true copy |
copia fiel
374 |
Business |
true interest cost |
coste real de intereses
375 |
Business |
true income |
ingresos reales
376 |
Business |
true interest |
intereses reales
377 |
Business |
true interest cost |
costo real de intereses
378 |
Business |
true lease |
arrendamiento real
379 |
Business |
true owner |
dueño verdadero
380 |
Business |
true value |
valor justo en el mercado
381 |
Business |
true yield |
rendimiento real
382 |
Business |
true owner |
propietario legítimo
383 |
Business |
true value |
valor real
Industry |
384 |
Industry |
grind true |
rectificar con la muela [v]
Textile |
385 |
Textile |
true-lover's knot |
lazo [m]
Accounting |
386 |
Accounting |
true and fair view |
imagen fiel
Finance |
387 |
Finance |
true and fair view of the financial position |
fidelidad de la situación financiera
388 |
Finance |
true mean |
media verdadera
Law |
389 |
Law |
true copy |
extracta [f]
390 |
Law |
true and lawful attorney |
representante legal [m/f]
391 |
Law |
true and accurate |
exacto y verdadero [adj]
392 |
Law |
accurate and true |
exacto y verdadero [adj]
393 |
Law |
true copy |
copia de estilo
394 |
Law |
no true bill |
rechazo de una acusación formal
395 |
Law |
i affirm that the foregoing is true and correct |
protesto lo necesario
396 |
Law |
true copy |
copia auténtica
397 |
Law |
true finding |
fallo verdadero
398 |
Law |
true test copy |
prueba de copia verdadera
399 |
Law |
true verdict |
veredicto legítimo
400 |
Law |
true value |
valor en efectivo
401 |
Law |
certified as a true copy |
certificada como copia fiel
402 |
Law |
true value |
valor de mercado
403 |
Law |
true bill |
acusación ratificada
404 |
Law |
true verdict |
veredicto sin vicios
405 |
Law |
true copy |
copia fidedigna
406 |
Law |
true copy |
copia fiel
407 |
Law |
true copy |
copia fiel
408 |
Law |
certified true copy |
copia auténtica certificada
409 |
Law |
true bill |
acusación aprobada por el gran jurado
410 |
Law |
true bill |
acusación fundada
International Law |
411 |
International Law |
true copy |
copia certificada
412 |
International Law |
certified true copy |
copia certificada
413 |
International Law |
certified true copy |
copia autenticada
414 |
International Law |
true copy |
copia autenticada
Estate Law |
415 |
Estate Law |
true copy |
copia fiel
Education |
416 |
Education |
true-false items exams |
examen con respuestas de tipo verdadero-falso
417 |
Education |
true-false exam |
examen de selección de respuestas falsas o verdaderas
Philosophy |
418 |
Philosophy |
unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration |
apodíctico [adj]
419 |
Philosophy |
unconditionally true |
apodíctico [adj]
Computer |
420 |
Computer |
true complement |
complemento verdadero [m]
421 |
Computer |
true figure |
cifra positiva real [f]
422 |
Computer |
true time operation |
operación en tiempo verdadero
423 |
Computer |
true add |
suma real
424 |
Computer |
true form |
formato verdadero
425 |
Computer |
true address |
dirección real
Electricity |
426 |
Electricity |
true value |
valor verdadero
427 |
Electricity |
true coincidence |
coincidencia verdadera
428 |
Electricity |
conventionally true value of a quantity |
valor convencionalmente verdadero de una magnitud
429 |
Electricity |
conventional true value |
valor convencionalmente verdadero
430 |
Electricity |
conventionally true surface emission rate |
tasa de emisión superficial convencionalmente verdadera
431 |
Electricity |
true resistance |
resistencia óhmica
432 |
Electricity |
true resistance |
resistencia real
433 |
Electricity |
true power |
potencia efectiva
434 |
Electricity |
true power |
potencia activa
435 |
Electricity |
true power |
potencia real
Engineering |
436 |
Engineering |
true complement |
complemento de la base [m]
437 |
Engineering |
true complement |
complemento de raíz [m]
438 |
Engineering |
true complement |
complemento verdadero [m]
439 |
Engineering |
true fracture stress |
esfuerzo de rotura uniforme [m]
440 |
Engineering |
true figure |
cifra real [f]
441 |
Engineering |
true figure |
cifra verdadera [f]
442 |
Engineering |
true strain |
tensión rectilínea [f]
443 |
Engineering |
true stress |
carga real [f]
444 |
Engineering |
center-true |
centrado [adj]
445 |
Engineering |
out of true |
torcido [adj]
446 |
Engineering |
out-of-true |
desviado [adj]
447 |
Engineering |
make true |
ajustar [v]
448 |
Engineering |
true up |
afinar [v]
449 |
Engineering |
true up |
alisar [v]
450 |
Engineering |
true up |
igualar [v]
451 |
Engineering |
true up |
pulir [v]
452 |
Engineering |
true fungi |
eumicetos [m/pl]
453 |
Engineering |
true bearing |
marcación geográfica
454 |
Engineering |
true positive |
verdadero positivo
455 |
Engineering |
true bearing |
demora verdadera
456 |
Engineering |
true fit |
ajuste exacto
457 |
Engineering |
true time |
tiempo real
458 |
Engineering |
true copy |
copia fiel del original
459 |
Engineering |
true colour |
color natural
460 |
Engineering |
true heading |
rumbo verdadero
461 |
Engineering |
true track |
derrota verdadera
462 |
Engineering |
true specific gravity |
densidad absoluta
463 |
Engineering |
true time |
tiempo verdadero
464 |
Engineering |
true north |
norte geográfico
465 |
Engineering |
true color |
color verdadero
466 |
Engineering |
true time |
tiempo solar
467 |
Engineering |
true bearing |
rumbo verdadero
468 |
Engineering |
true horizon |
horizonte real
469 |
Engineering |
true copy |
copia fiel
470 |
Engineering |
true bearing |
orientación verdadera
471 |
Engineering |
true colour |
color real
472 |
Engineering |
true positive |
positivo verdadero
473 |
Engineering |
true ohm |
ohmio verdadero
474 |
Engineering |
true motor load |
carga verdadera de motor
475 |
Engineering |
true bill |
veredicto cierto
476 |
Engineering |
true distance |
distancia real
477 |
Engineering |
true value |
valor del mercado
478 |
Engineering |
true value |
justo valor
479 |
Engineering |
true solution |
solución verdadera
480 |
Engineering |
true error |
error verdadero
481 |
Engineering |
true meridian |
meridiano geográfico
482 |
Engineering |
true horizon |
horizonte verdadero
483 |
Engineering |
true negative |
negativo verdadero
484 |
Engineering |
true color |
color natural
485 |
Engineering |
true negative |
verdadero negativo
486 |
Engineering |
true south |
sur geográfico
487 |
Engineering |
true fluid |
fluido newtoniano
488 |
Engineering |
true line of sight |
eje de colimación
489 |
Engineering |
true airspeed |
velocidad verdadera
490 |
Engineering |
true address |
dirección real
491 |
Engineering |
true form |
formato real
492 |
Engineering |
true colour |
color verdadero
493 |
Engineering |
true length |
longitud verdadera
494 |
Engineering |
true logic |
lógica de verdad
495 |
Engineering |
true density |
densidad verdadera
496 |
Engineering |
true-bearing unit |
unidad de demora verdadera
497 |
Engineering |
true watts |
vatios efectivos
498 |
Engineering |
dead true |
ajuste perfecto
499 |
Engineering |
true bearing |
marcación verdadera
500 |
Engineering |
true specific gravity |
densidad aparente