road-use - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük


Meanings of "road-use" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
road carretera [f]
road camino [m]
road pista [f]
road engineer ingeniero de caminos [m]
road calle [f]
stopover (a stop on a road, or a longer layover) escala [f]
road engineer ingeniera de caminos [f]
road-holding agarre [m]
road surface pavimento [m]
road sweeper barrendero [m]
road vial [m]
side (of a road) borde [m]
ring road ronda [f]
road ruta [f]
road signs señalización [f]
road estrada [f]
road sweeper barrendera [f]
road metal grava [f]
road rutero [adj]
road vial [adj]
road viario [adj]
do (road/route) recorrer [v]
road roller rodillo [m]
road vía [f]
road calzada [f]
bed of gravel on a road afirmado [m]
width of a road ancho [m]
road andel [m]
road where logs are dragged through arrastradero [m]
paved road arrecife [m]
road arrecife [m]
road arriate (árabe) [m]
road arroyo [m]
bumpy road batidero [m]
vehicle road camino carretero [m]
wagon road camino carretero [m]
vehicle road camino carretil [m]
wagon road camino carretil [m]
drover’s road camino de cabaña [m]
dirt road camino de cabras [m]
vehicle road camino de ruedas [m]
wagon road camino de ruedas [m]
royal road camino real [m]
high road camino real [m]
municipal road camino vecinal [m]
country road camino vecinal [m]
farm-to-market road camino vecinal [m]
local road camino vecinal [m]
minor road camino vecinal [m]
road surface firme [m]
underground mining road hurto [m]
road worker peón caminero [m]
road laborer peón caminero [m]
road roller rodillo [m]
road roller rodo [m]
road rumbo [m]
road-rail vehicle tractocarril [m]
rail-road vehicle tractocarril [m]
road vial [m]
main road carretera [f]
high-road carretera [f]
road or neighborhood with packsaddle stores albardería [f]
road roller apisonadora [f]
arterial road arteria [f]
road down bajada [f]
fork in the road bifurcación [f]
main road calle mayor [f]
drovers' road cañada [f]
road carrera [f]
direct road derechera [f]
paved road estrada [f]
side road hijuela [f]
road jornada [f]
vehicular road rúa [f]
road ruta [f]
town road travesía [f]
road vía [f]
communication road vía de comunicación [f]
express road vía rápida [f]
road management vialidad [f]
road caminero [adj]
pertaining to the road caminero [adj]
road vial [adj]
road viario [adj]
speed down the road desempedrar [v]
remove the curb from a road desencintar [v]
move over to the side of the road orillarse [v]
take the road less traveled senderear [v]
battery-electric road vehicle electrobús [m]
road cut atajo [m]
minor road ramal [m]
cobblestone road adoquinado [m]
stone-paved road arrecife [m]
road worker obrero de carretera [m]
road surface afirmado [m]
road arriate [m]
road surface firme [m]
road accident accidente de tráfico [m]
narrow road tollón [m]
road derecho [m]
shoulder (of a road) arcén [m]
road map mapa de carreteras [m]
road to calvary viacrucis [m]
bank (road/river) ribazo [m]
bicycle road camino para bicicletas [m]
bendy road camino tortuoso [m]
cadastral road camino catastral [m]
road guard guardacamino [m]
ancillary road camino auxiliar [m]
dirt road camino de tierra [m]
gravel road camino de ripio [m]
gravel road camino de terracería [m]
gravel road camino de grava [m]
gravel road camino gravillado [m]
paved road camino pavimentado [m]
side road camino lateral [m]
main road ruta [f]
paved road calzada [f]
road surfacing pavimentación [f]
road holding adherencia [f]
road transport automoción [f]
main road autovía [f]
trunk road autovía [f]
road sweeper barredera [f]
roman road calzada romana [f]
unevenness (road) fragosidad [f]
arterial road calle arterial [f]
ring road circunvalación [f]
central portion of a road used by the vehicles calzada [f]
road roller aplanadora [f]
road plow roturadora [f]
freeway (main road) autovía [f]
(road) turning bocacalle [f]
ring road [uk] carretera de circunvalación [f]
main road carretera principal [f]
strategic road carretera nacional [f]
trunk road carretera nacional [f]
the road forks calle se bifurca [f]
country road carretera comarcal [f]
fork (tree/road) horqueta [f]
earth road carretera de tierra [f]
ancillary road carretera auxiliar [f]
ancillary road vía auxiliar [f]
road ronda [f]
dirt road calle de tierra [f]
side road calle lateral [f]
on the wrong road descaminado [adj]
pertaining to a road/highway vial [adj]
(for a road) turn to the left dar vuelta a la izquierda [v]
(for a road) turn to the right dar vuelta a la derecha [v]
(for a road) turn to the right girar a la derecha (en un camino) [v]
(for a road) turn to the left girar a la izquierda (en un camino) [v]
(police) take control of a road tomar el control de un camino (la policía) [v]
(police) take control of a road tomar el control de una carretera (la policía) [v]
(for a road) turn to the right torcer a la derecha [v]
(for a road) turn to the left torcer a la izquierda [v]
leave a road salir [v]
run across the road cruzar la carretera corriendo [v]
walk across the road cruzar la carretera andando [v]
be on the road to estar en camino de [v]
run off the road salirse de la carretera [v]
road to take el camino a seguir [v]
rise upwards (road/tower/tree) empinarse [v]
block the road bloquear la carretera [v]
block the road bloquear el camino [v]
can't see beyond the road no poder ver más allá de las propias narices [v]
be on the road estar en camino [v]
be off-road salirse de la carretera [v]
be on the right road ir por el buen camino [v]
be on the road estar de camino [v]
be on the wrong road ir por el mal camino [v]
be on the wrong road tomar un camino equivocado [v]
at the end of the road al final del camino [adv]
at the end of the road al final de la carretera [adv]
by rail road por ferrocarril [adv]
along the road a lo largo de la carretera [adv]
b-road carreteras secundarias [f/pl]
one for the road la del estribo [n] MX HN SV NI CU VE EC PE BO CL AR UY
fork in the road gancho de camino [n] NI
wide road with stone pavement lomo de perro [n] VE
community road camino vecinal
road map mapa de carreteras
pike road autopista de peaje
road map hoja de ruta
a dark road un camino oscuro
a road of no return un camino sin retorno
silk road ruta de la seda
one for the road la caminera
something which blocks or obstructs a road barrera vial
road safety seguridad en carretera
road tax impuesto de circulación
road sign señal de carretera
road works obras de carretera
side of the road orilla del camino
the road forks la calle se bifurca
the road forks el camino se bifurca
the road forks se bifurca el camino
the road forks camino se bifurca
the road to follow el camino a seguir
straight road camino derecho
straight road camino recto
royal road camino real
bumpy road camino pedregoso
rocky road camino pedregoso
slippery road camino resbaladizo
slick road camino resbaladizo
road forks el camino se bifurca
road forks se bifurca el camino
road forks la calle se bifurca
winding road camino torcido
road safety la seguridad vial
main road via principal
winding road sinuoso camino
service road vía de servicio
turn in the road vuelta del camino
overlook road maintenance district descuidar el mantenimiento de las rutas del distrito
road construction salesman vendedor de construcción de caminos
road regulations reglamento vial
road guard barrera guardacamino
sidewalk by a road, wharf or bridge andén [m]
road-bed afirmado [m]
road by which logs are dragged arrastradero [m]
road paved with stone arrecife [m]
deep hole in street/road bache [m]
road repair bacheo [m]
road skirting a precipice desfiladero [m]
ballasting (road) balastaje [m]
mountain and road guide baquiano [m]
vehicle-road camino carretero [m]
putting on the right road encaminamiento [m]
narrow road carril [m]
act of putting on the right road encaminadura [m]
gravel bed on a road firme [m]
road-roller rodillo [m]
sand/gravel for a road recebo [m]
road pasaje [m]
road roller rulo [m]
road rumbo [m]
road surgidero [m]
fork of a road trivio [m]
cross-road trivio (poco usado/división en tres ramales) [m]
uneven road tropezadero [m]
road viaje [m]
car or train that can run on a road or on rails tractocarril [m]
road tránsito [m]
uphill road subidero [m]
cross-road travesío [m]
deep hole in street/road socavón [m]
country road/lane paseo [m]
deep hole in street/road badén [m]
small road caminito [m]
clearing (of road or region) calva [f]
heavy road abarrancadura [f]
gravel for road repair almendrilla [f]
country road/lane avenida [f]
main road calzada [f]
road-sweeping machine barredera [f]
road for cattle colada [f]
road junction bifurcación [f]
steep road/street costana [f]
direct road derechera [f]
road derrota [f]
roughness of the road fragura [f]
high-road carrera [f]
side road hijuela [f]
putting on the right road encaminadura [f]
cross-road encrucijada [f]
right road enderezadura [f]
paved road estrada [f]
roughness of the road fragosidad [f]
military road trocha [f]
road-leveler traílla [f]
road scraper traílla [f]
cross-road travesía [f]
side-road travesía [f]
cattle road vía para los ganados [f]
used by sheep/cattle (road) cabañal [adj]
relating to the road caminero [adj]
remove a restriction from the use of a road/boundary or property descotar [v]
put on the right road encaminar [v]
take the road to encaminarse [v]
put on the right road encarrilar [v]
take the direct road enderezar [v]
take the longer road rodear [v]
follow (road/street) tomar [v]
put on the right road encarrillar [v]
put on the right road dirigir [v]
by-road camino de travesía [m]
cross-road cruce [m]
main road camino real [m]
high road camino real [m]
road camino real [m]
road paso [m]
road curso [m]
turnpike road camino con portazgo [m]
by-road sendero [m]
side road atajo [m]
side road sendero [m]
trunk-road ruta nacional [f]
trunk-road carretera principal [f]
turnpike road carretera principal [f]
turnpike road autopista de peaje [f]
by-road trocha [f]
side road trocha [f]
all along the road todo lo largo del camino [adv]
road worker peón caminero [m] disused
shoulder (of a road) arce [m] outdated
road shoulder hombro [m] HN PA
road coso [m] disused
heavy road desbarrancadero [m] MX CAM CO VE EC
reserved for parking (area on a road) acotamiento [m] MX
dirt road callejón [m] CR DO VE AR
a channel at the side or in the middle of a road or street, for carrying off surface water baden [m] CL
periphery road anillo periférico [m] MX HN SV NI UY
entrance to a mountain road boquete [m] NI rur.
hard shoulder of a public road used for parking burladero [m] CL
a wide, public road populated with trees camellón [m] CO
an unpaved, dirt road camino carretero [m] EC BO
a road in use, designed and built during the period of spanish colonization camino real [m] MX HN NI PA EC
a road or path not usually transited camino extrajudicial [m] CU DO
the most important road camino real [m] DO
main road camino troncal [m] AR BO
an unpaved, dirt road covered with gravel camino ripiado [m] EC BO
public road lane canal [m] DO VE
major road camino troncal [m] AR BO
ring road camino de cintura [m] AR
road reflector post delineador [m] CL
fork in the road where two streets that had been more or less parallel meet cuchillo [m] CU
narrow road or path, generally created by the continuous traffic of people or animals chaquiñán (del quechua) [m] EC rur.
road side restaurant estadero [m] CO
deep groove left by the wheels of a vehicle or water on a road cangilón [m] HN NI CU DO CO
road cleaner coche barredera [m] PE
road where parking is prohibited during certain hours corredor vial [m] CO VE
dirt road huellón [m] AR UY
road between two sidewalks hormigón [m] UY
shoulder of a road hombrillo [m] VE
shoulder of a road hombro [m] HN PA
urban road composed of several streets or sections between corners jirón [m] PE
road marker painter listero [m] PR
laying gravel on a road enripiado [m] PR EC CL PY AR UY
paved road pavimentado [m] PE
place where a railroad crosses a road at the same level paso nivel [m] CO CL AR
place where a railroad crosses a road at the same level pasonivel [m] CO CL
ring road periférico [m] MX GT
curve forming on a road or river quingo [m] CO:Sw EC
road roller rolo [m] DO
reflective road studs sapito [m] SV
fork in the road tenedor [m] US
off-road enthusiast yipero [m] CL disused
off-road vehicle driver yisero [m] VE
puddle of water on a public road or in a courtyard tablazo [m] PR
animal excrement on public road vidrio inglés [m] CU DO
narrow road trillo [m] CR PA CU DO AR:Ne UY
royal road camino capdal [m] disused
fried banana slices for the road chipilo [m] BO
road roller cilindro [m] CU
fork in the road cuchillo [m] CU
fork in the road despartidero [m] ES local
road hormigón [m] UY
rocky road pedrero [m] ES local
reflective road stud sapito [m] SV
dirt road terrizo [m] AL
cattle road cabañero [f] ARA
direct road derecera [f] disused
cross-road palca [f] BO
road roller aplanadora [f] AMER
non-urban paved road autorruta [f] CL rare
shoulder of a road banquina [f] PY AR UY
heap of stones placed at the side of the road to invoke the protection of the divinity apacheta [f] PE CL AR
heap of stones placed at the side of the road to invoke the protection of the divinity apacheta [f] BO:W,C,S rur.
straight road with no detours derecera [f] AR:Nw rur.
stone or cement border separating the road from the sidewalk cuneta [f] NI CL
road roller cilindradora [f] CO
frontage road extensión [f] CL
unpaved rural road carretera destapada [f] CO
dirt road between two planted fields guardarraya [f] CU
short, wide road between two parallel roads that are typically contiguous cortada [f] AR
wrong way (road or highway) contramano [f] BO PY CL AR
wrong way (road or highway) contravía [f] HN CO EC BO
fork in the road horqueta [f] VE CL AR
dirt road huella [f] NI EC PE BO CL PY AR UY
ride, way to travel by road jalada [f] PE
parallel road marginal [f] PR
frontage road marginal [f] PR
service road marginal [f] PR
access road marginal [f] PR
road lleca [f] HN CR PE AR UY
paved road pavimentada [f] MX NI
road roller planadora [f] CR
gravel similar to sand used in masonry and road paving piedra chispa [f] EC
road pista [f] PE
private road privada [f] MX
place on the shore of a river or road, used by sailors or passerbys to spend the night ranchería [f] VE
small altar at the side of the road where processions stop posa [f] PE
fire road ronda [f] GT HN SV NI PA
strip of land between private property and a public road ronda [f] HN CR rur.
road stop serviteca [f] CO EC
road roller rola [f] PA
road troncal [f] CO EC BO CL
dirt road terracería [f] MX
main road troncal [f] CO EC BO CL
road drain valeta [f] AR:Ne
road with right of way vía con prelación [f] CO
main road vía arteria [f] CO
main road vía con prelación [f] CO
unpaved road terracería [f] MX
road roller aplanadora [f] LA
car road cambera [f] ES local rur.
main road carrendera [f] ES local
road carruna [f] ES local
direct road derecera [f] MX AR
fork in the road horqueta [f] CL AR
road roller planadora [f] CR
dirt road terracería [f] MX
dirt road terriza [f] AL
with road rage cañonero [adj] CU PR
(for a road) turn to the right doblar a la derecha [v] AMER
(for a road) turn to the left doblar a la izquierda [v] AMER
put on the right road empuntar [v] CO ES
detach due to lack of land cohesion (upper riverbanks/road edges) avolcanarse [v] EC rare
detach due to the erosive action of air and water (upper riverbanks/road edges) avolcanarse [v] EC rare
spread a layer of gravel or crushed stone on a road/highway balastrar [v] HN UY
spread a layer of gravel or crushed stone on a road/highway balastrear [v] MX SV UY
remove dirt from a place to clean it (road/ditch/channel) desaterrar [v] HN NI CR MX rur.
swerve on a clay or dirt road (vehicle) culetear [v] EC
ride a motorcycle off-road escrambear [v] PR
ride a motorcycle off-road escrambiar [v] PR
cover a road with gravel lastrar [v] EC
lay gravel on a road enripiar [v] CL PY AR UY
even out a street or road patrolear [v] NI
supply at a public road with traffic lights semaforizar [v] CL
off-road rustiquear [v] VE
off-road yipear [v] CL disused
pave a road arrecifar [v] AL
against traffic (road or highway) en contrarruta [adv] BO
in the wrong way or direction (road or highway) contrarruta [adv] BO
in the wrong way or direction (road or highway) en contrarruta [adv] BO
in the wrong way or direction (road or highway) en contrarruta [adv] BO
road rutera [adj/f]
road viaria [adj/f]
relating to the road caminera [adj/f]
rough (road) agria [adj/f]
road to nowhere callejón sin salida [m]
on the road de camino [adj]
smack the road apretar las calzaderas [v]
smack the road echar a correr [v]
smack the road poner pies en polvorosa [v]
smack the road correr rápidamente [v]
smack the road salir arreando [v]
smack the road huirse [v]
come to the end of the road llegar al fin del camino [v]
take the high road hacer lo correcto [v]
be on the road to recovery estar en camino de recuperarse [v]
be on the road to recovery estar mejorando [v]
take the high road ir por la vereda [v]
be the end of the road ser el final de la línea [v]
be the end of the road ser el acabose [v]
go off on a different road sacar los pies de las alforjas [v]
be off the road estar fuera de circulación [v]
have one for the road tomar la última [v]
be the end of the road ser algo el acabose [v]
pave the road for abrir camino [v]
go off road ir fuera de camino [v]
be on the road to llevar camino algo [v]
get on the road ponerse en camino [v]
get the show on the road ponerse en camino [v]
know the road conocer la carta de marear [v]
know the road saber la carta de marear [v]
come to a cross road rodearse las cosas [v]
hit the road coger alguien la puerta [v]
hit the road tomar alguien la puerta [v]
without a bump in the road a paso llano [adv]
road to camino de [prep]
that's a long road to walk trabajo le mando [expr]
that's a long road to walk trabajo te mando [expr]
get the show on the road poner en marcha el espectáculo
get this show on the road poner en marcha este espectáculo
wide place in the road pueblo pequeño
down the road más adelante
where the rubber meets the road el momento crucial
where the rubber meets the road el momento de la verdad
down the road próximamente
keep on the right side of the road ir por el buen camino
keep on the right-hand side of the road ir por el buen camino
get the show on the road comenzar la función
a road hog conductor suicida
a road hog conductor temerario
a road hog un loco al volante
the road to hell is paved with good intentions el camino al infierno está lleno de buenas intenciones
knight of the road bandolero
one for the road una copa más para el camino
one for the road la última antes de partir
road hog amo de la carretera
road hog conductor impertinente
rocky road período difícil
rocky road proceso difícil
the end of the road el final del trayecto
the end of the road el límite
the end of the road el fin
the end of the road el fin del camino