cooking - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "cooking" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 23 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
cooking cocina [f]
cooking culinario [adj]
cooking cocción [f]
cooking cocimiento [m]
cooking cocido [m]
cooking cocinado [m]
cooking cocedura [f]
cooking cochura [f]
cooking culinaria [f]
cooking guisador [adj]
cooking adobamiento [m]
cooking cocedura [f]
cooking arte culincrio [m]
cooking cocinero [adj]
cooking coquinario [m] disused
cooking cocinería [f] disused
cooking culinaria [adj/f]
cooking cocido [m]
cooking lejiación [f]
cooking digestión [f]
cooking digestión [f]
cooking lejiación [f]
cooking la cocción

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "cooking" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 185 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
cooking pot puchero [m]
brown by cooking tostar [v]
cooking (time) horneado [m]
earthenware or porcelain object after the first cooking with no varnish or enamel yet bizcocho [m]
broth made from cooking blood sausages chichurro [m]
cooking pot cocedor [m]
cooking pot cocido [m]
royal cooking coquinario del rey [m]
fire-shovel used for cooking by shepherds cubrepán [m]
confectioner's pan for cooking eggs estrelladero [m]
blow from a cooking pot pucherazo [m]
cooking pot besuguera [f]
metal vessel for cooking cacerola [f]
cooking range cocina económica [f]
cooking pot marmita [f]
syrup obtained by cooking sugar froth miel de claros [f]
cooking recipe receta [f]
greased cooking sheet papillote [m/f]
buttered cooking sheet papillote [m/f]
be cooking up cocerse [v]
book of cooking recipes libro de recetas [m]
cooking oil aceite de cocina [m]
blow with a cooking pot pucherazo [m]
cooking pot cocedero [m]
cooking contest un concurso de cocina [m]
cooking oil aceite comestible [m]
cooking pot marmita [f]
earthen cooking pan cazuela [f]
small cooking pot perola [f]
cooking range cocina [f]
cooking time cocción [f]
fat used in cooking grasa [f]
grill (for cooking) plancha [f]
a type of container used in cooking gaceta [f]
home cooking cocina casera [f]
adequate cooking cocción adecuada [f]
pertaining to the practice of cookery or the activity of cooking culinario [adj]
be cooking guisarse [v]
do the cooking hacer la comida [v]
be cooking estar cocinando [v]
smell the cooking gulusmear [v]
cooking time tiempo de cocción
cooking course curso de cocina
burning (food whilst cooking) asuramiento [m]
notched pole for supporting cooking pots calderil [m]
fire-shovel used for cooking by shepherds cubrepán [m]
cooking-stove fogón [m]
confectioner's pan for cooking eggs estrelladero [m]
over-cooking verriondez [f]
self-regulating (cooking vessel) autoclave [adj]
become overheated (cooking) achicharrarse [v]
burn (food while cooking) asurar [v]
cover with batter (cooking) enalbardar [v]
plain cooking cocina casera [f]
flat earthenware pan for cooking maize cake comal [m] MX CAM EC
cooking stove reverbero [m] AR CU EC HN
residue remaining from food after cooking and casting afrecho [m] PA PE
by-product of oil used as fuel for cooking/lighting aceite de carbón [m] CU rur.
cooking pot caldero [m] DO PR
(confectionery) slow cooking of a fruit in water with sugar until it is a transparent substance calado [m] PE
batter (cooking) apanado [m] CO CL
container for cooking oil aceitero [m] PY UY
beef for cooking cachito [m] GT
toasted, crispy bottom layer of rice that is left after cooking for too long cucayo [m] CO:N
large pot for cooking or storing food, used to feed large groups of people fondo [m] CL
husked and peeled corn for cooking frangollo (portugués) [m] PE AR:Nw
place where the fire it lit for cooking, on ranches and farms fogón [m] MX PA CU DO VE EC BO CL PY AR rur.
dark brown colored sweet dough made by cooking sugar cane juice cristal (de cristal®) [m] DO PR
grill (cooking) huile [m] MX rare
any dish prepared by cooking something in a broth jervío [m] DO
any dish prepared by cooking something in a broth hervido [m] DO
purgative extracted from the cooking of the wood and the root of the jalap jalapa [m] HN
thick and sticky food or dessert due to lack of cooking masacote [m] AR
cooking corn in water with lime or ash nixtamal [m] MX GT HN SV
cooking corn in water with lime or ash nistamal [m] MX GT HN SV NI
bad looking food due to poor cooking or a bad mix of ingredients pasticho (italiano) [m] AR
bed of corn husks at the bottom of a pot for cooking tamales pepestle [m] MX rur.
cooking twine putunque [m] HN
corn porridge obtained by cooking fermented cornmeal in making corn liquor tajti [m] BO:C,W
cooking fork trinche [m] CL
broth made by cooking veal, partridges, frogs, snakes and various herbs together caldo alterado [m] disused
water turned yellow from cooking corn nejayote (náhuatl) [m] MX
cooking stone tenamaste (náhuatl) [m] MX GT HN NI
cooking stone tinamaste [m] CR
cooking stones/supports in triangular configuration over wood fire topia  [f] VE
small round stone often used in cooking to grind food chaquena [f] PE rur.
cooking of sugar cane liquor to the point of making molasses to then prepare raw cane sugar fondada [f] VE rur.
crust that sticks to the bottom of the pot when cooking corn dough carantata [f] CO:S,Sw
cooking or heating of many corn tortillas on a griddle comaleada [f] MX SV rur.
cooking corn in water with lime or ash nisqueza [f] HN NI
pot for cooking chocolate olleta [f] CO
large pot for cooking mole sauce molera [f] MX
large pot for the final cooking of sugar cane to make syrup meladora [f] MX:Se
tool for cooking drugs olla [f] PR drug
cooking corn in water with lime or ash nesquiza [f] NI
cooking corn in water with lime or ash nistamalización [f] MX HN
cooking corn in water with lime or ash nixtamalización [f] MX HN cult
cooking corn in water with lime or ash nisquesa [f] CR:Nw
large cooking pot paila [f] PE
large clay pot with handles for cooking sartena [f] SV
cooking tray tártara [f] CU
water with ash or lime for cooking corn cernada [f] GT HN NI
loose by cooking (rice) desgranado [adj] CU DO
loose by cooking (rice) graneado [adj] DO
loose by cooking (rice) granoso [adj] HN SV NI
loose by cooking (rice) sueltecito [adj] PR
separated after cooking sueltecito [adj] PR
separated after cooking granoso [adj] HN SV NI
separated after cooking graneado [adj] DO
separated after cooking desgranado [adj] CU DO
treated with grease so that food does not burn or stick (cooking utensil) curado [adj] NI BO CL
relating to cooking and selling beef steaks churrasquero [adj] BO CL AR
color food with annatto when cooking it achotar [v] CR EC
form an airbag during cooking (corn tortillas) aventarse [v] HN NI
crack during cooking or drying (referring to a ceramic container) abrirse [v] HN
remain separated after cooking (referring to grains of rice) desgranarse [v] CU DO EC
turn over while cooking virar [v] CU
prepare corn for tortillas by cooking it with ash nesquisar [v] NI
prepare corn for tortillas by cooking it with ash nisquear [v] HN
prepare corn for tortillas by cooking it with ash nixquear [v] HN
cooking the books cuentas de gárinson [f/pl] HN
clean and seasoned pork legs for cooking patitas [f/pl] PA
be cooking on gas avanzar [v]
be cooking on gas progresar [v]
be cooking on gas cambiar para bien [v]
be cooking with gas progresar [v]
be cooking with gas cambiar para bien [v]
be cooking with gas avanzar [v]
be good at cooking tener buena mano para la cocina [v]
not done cooking en agraz [adv]
what's cooking ¿qué está pasando?
what's cooking ¿qué se está cocinando?
what's cooking ¿qué sucede?
now you're cooking ahora sí (haces lo que deberías hacer)
now you're cooking así sí
crack corn grains before cooking quebrar el nixtamal [v] HN
know what's cooking saber lo que está en la olla [v] PR
what's cooking? ¿cómo te va?
are you cooking? ¿estás cocinando?
I am good at cooking cocinando, soy bueno
I am good at cooking soy bueno en la cocina
I am good at cooking soy bueno cocinando
i'm good at cooking soy bueno cocinando
i'm good at cooking sé cocinar bien
what's cooking? ¿qué está pasando?
what's cooking? ¿qué se cuece?
what's cooking? ¿qué se está cocinando?
my aunt doesn't like cooking very much a mi tía no le gusta demasiado cocinar
my aunt doesn't like cooking very much a mi tía no le gusta mucho cocinar
what are you cooking? ¿qué están cocinando?
i like cooking me gusta cocinar
now you're cooking with gas ahora sí que te ha salido
now you're cooking with gas ahora sí que lo has hecho
what's cooking? ¿qué te cuentas?
what's cooking? ¿qué pasa?
what's cooking? ¿qué pasa contigo?
skillful in cooking sazón [m] MX NI CU DO PR BO
cooking up craneada [f] HN
it's cooking esto es una sauna (tiempo)
it's cooking hace un calor de perros
what's cooking? ¿qué onda? LAM
solar cooking cocción solar [f]
sulfite cooking cocción al sulfito [f]
cooking oil aceite de cocinar
cooking liquor licor de cocción
cooking instruction instrucción culinaria
cooking utensils utensilios de cocina
cooking time tiempo de cocción
cooking pot pote [m]
cooking oil aceite de cocinar
phobia of cooking fobia a cocinar
cleaning cooking area and utensils limpiar la zona de cocina y los utensilios
cooking fats grasas para cocinar
microwave cooking cocinado por microondas
fried meat dish where beer or chicha is added in the last phase of cooking asado borracho [m] BO
dish prepared with meat, vegetables, and spices served in the gravy produced during cooking mole de olla [m] MX
dish made by cooking ripe banana with cinnamon, sugar, butter and dry wine plátano en tentación [m] CU
cooking pot cazuela [f]
sweet dark brown paste obtained from cooking of sugar cane juice jalea [f] BO
refreshment prepared by cooking sun dried peaches with cinnamon and sugar mocola [f] BO:C,Sw
dress (to prepare for cooking or serving by cleaning, trimming) preparar [v]
solar cooking cocina solar [f]
cooking range cocina económica [f]
cooking banana (musa) maduro [m] CO EC BO
cooking butter mantequilla de cocina [f]