egg - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "egg" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 21 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
egg huevo [m]
egg huevero [adj]
egg óvulo [m]
egg huevo [m]
egg postura [f]
egg cubrir con huevo [v]
egg mezclar con huevo [v]
egg blanquillo [m] MX GT HN
egg huevera [adj/f]
egg chivarse [v]
egg óvolo [m]
egg huevo [m]
egg óvulo [m]
egg ova [f]
egg carga [f]
egg bomba aérea
egg ovo [m]
egg techo de escape de la cabina
egg bomba aérea
egg mina submarina
egg huevo crudo

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "egg" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
egg whites claras [f/pl]
egg white clara de huevo [f]
egg tester ovoscopio [m]
yolk of an egg yema [f]
egg yolk yema [f]
nest egg nidal [m]
white of egg albumen [m]
egg-slicer cortahuevos [m]
egg-laying desove [m]
egg box huevera [f]
egg white clara [f]
egg-laying postura [f]
egg-laying puesta [f]
egg-shaped oviforme [adj]
egg-shaped ovoide [adj]
edible aquatic insect egg ahuautle [m]
egg white albumen [m]
egg laying desove [m]
egg tooth diente [m]
scrambled egg slime fuligo [m]
egg vendor huevero [m]
egg cup huevero [m]
chicken egg huevo [m]
shrovetide wax egg huevo [m]
whisked egg huevo batido [m]
egg of columbus huevo de colón [m]
columbus' egg huevo de colón [m]
egg of columbus huevo de juanelo [m]
columbus' egg huevo de juanelo [m]
sock darning egg huevo de zurcir [m]
hard-boiled egg huevo duro [m]
soft-boiled egg huevo en cáscara [m]
soft-boiled egg huevo encerado [m]
sunny-side-up egg huevo estrellado [m]
fried egg huevo frito [m]
anembryonic egg huevo huero [m]
nonviable egg huevo huero [m]
egg nog huevo mejido [m]
soft-boiled egg huevo pasado por agua [m]
pottage of beef broth, parsley, cheese, and egg jusello [m]
nest egg nidal [m]
sweet made of shelled and crushed almonds, lemon peel, sugar, and egg white secadillo [m]
sweet made of flour, sugar, and egg suspiro [m]
sweet made of egg white and syrup tocino de cielo [m]
mark that indicates if an egg is fertilized galladura [f]
mark that indicates if an egg is fertilized agalladura [f]
egg membrane algara (árabe) [f]
egg membrane fárfara [f]
ligaments uniting the yolk of an egg to the ends chalaza [f]
queen bee egg cresa [f]
mark that indicates if an egg is fertilized galladura [f]
nest egg hucha [f]
egg cup huevera [f]
egg carton huevera [f]
egg shop huevería [f]
bowl of fricassee with egg sauce pepitoria [f]
egg-laying postura [f]
blood spots on egg yolks prendedura [f]
egg flip yema [f]
egg flip yema mejida [f]
egg-shaped aovado [adj]
egg-like aovado [adj]
egg-shaped ovoidal [adj]
egg-shaped ovoide [adj]
egg-shaped ovoideo [adj]
egg-laying ponedor [adj]
egg-laying ponedor [adj]
egg on azuzar [v]
give an egg-shape to ahuevar [v]
clarify red wine with egg whites ahuevar [v]
fry an egg estrellar [v]
beat the egg white, or cream, until it is fluffy montar [v]
sweet made of egg yolk and clarified sugar huevos dobles [m/pl]
baked sweet made of egg yolk and clarified sugar huevos dobles quemados [m/pl]
whipped egg yolk and sugar huevos moles [m/pl]
egg laying ovíparo [m]
egg-timer reloj de arena [m]
egg dealer huevero [m]
egg product ovoproducto [m]
poached egg huevo escalfado [m]
kind of cooked egg huevo escalfado [m]
century egg huevo centenario [m]
easter egg huevo de pascua [m]
egg roll rollo de huevo [m]
fried egg huevo frito [m]
fried egg huevo estrellado [m]
egg white albumen [m]
egg left in a nest so hens keep laying nidal [m]
bird's egg huevo de pájaro [m]
chicken egg huevo de gallina [m]
egg tapping combate con huevos (juego de pascua) [m]
egg fight combate con huevos (juego de pascua) [m]
egg boxing combate con huevos (juego de pascua) [m]
egg knocking combate con huevos (juego de pascua) [m]
egg pacqueing combate con huevos (juego de pascua) [m]
egg chucking combate con huevos (juego de pascua) [m]
egg jarping combate con huevos (juego de pascua) [m]
egg picking combate con huevos (juego de pascua) [m]
dove egg huevo de paloma [m]
duck egg blue verde azulado [m]
duck egg blue color azul celeste [m]
egg and bunny huevo y conejo (relato de pascua) [m]
egg carton cartón de huevos [m]
egg odor hedor de huevo [m]
egg nyte lunes de pascua [m]
egg seller vendedor de huevos [m]
egg smell olor a huevo [m]
egg-and-spoon race juego del huevo con la cuchara [m]
rotten egg huevo podrido [m]
duck egg huevo de pato [m]
nest egg hucha [f]
bread soaked in milk covered with egg and dipped in sugar or honey torrija [f]
giblet or bowl of fricassee with egg sauce pepitoria [f]
egg shop huevería [f]
egg dealer huevera [f]
candied egg yolk yema [f]
yellow of egg yema [f]
white (of an egg) clara [f]
egg hunting búsqueda de huevos (actividad de pascua) [f]
egg fight pelea de huevos [f]
egg odor peste a huevo [f]
egg crate caja de huevos [f]
egg hunting caza de huevos [f]
egg fight lucha de huevos [f]
egg odor pestilencia de huevo [f]
egg vendor huevera [f]
large egg huevón [m/f]
ovoid (egg-shaped) ovoide [adj]
egg laying ovíparo [adj]
egg-shaped en forma de huevo [adj]
egg shaped con forma de huevo [adj]
egg shaped ovalado [adj]
fertilize (egg) fecundar [v]
poach (as an egg) escalfar [v]
produce an egg poner un huevo [v]
crack an egg cascar un huevo [v]
beat an egg batir un huevo [v]
lay an egg poner el huevo [v]
lay an egg poner un huevo [v]
egg someone on infundir ánimo a alguien [v]
boil egg hervir un huevo [v]
boil an egg hervir un huevo [v]
egg on to alentar a [v]
egg on to be alentar a ser [v]
egg somebody on alentar a alguien [v]
egg somebody on to do something alentar a alguien a que haga (algo) [v]
egg somebody on acicatear a alguien [v]
nest egg ahorrillos [m/pl]
a curate's egg ni bueno ni malo
abnormal egg huevo deforme
poached egg huevo escalfado
boiled egg huevo duro
boiled egg huevo pasado por agua
egg yolk yema de huevo
hard-boiled egg huevo cocido
fried egg huevo estrellado
fried egg huevo frito
hard-boiled egg huevo duro
soft-boiled egg huevo pasado por agua
egg baby bebé huevo
sauce for egg-plant almodrote [m]
sweetmeat made of syrup, white of egg and lemon juice azucarillo [m]
egg-plant plantation berenjenal [m]
small egg of a silk-worm granito [m]
nest-egg nidal [m]
small egg ovecico [m]
small egg ovezuelo [m]
nest-egg ponedero [m]
egg-laying ponedor [m]
sweetmeat of white of egg, sugar and flavour volado [m]
small egg huevecito [m]
small egg huevezuelo [m]
small egg huevecillo [m]
dish of egg-plant, tomatoes, pumpkins and pimento alboronia [f]
white of egg albura [f]
thin film covering an egg, onion algara [f]
tread (of egg) agalladura [f]
white of egg clara [f]
beverage made of white wine, cinnamon, sugar and egg clarea [f]
pellicle (egg/onion) binza [f]
fly's egg cresa [f]
egg of queen bee cresa [f]
tread of an egg galladura [f]
shell membrane (an egg) fárfara [f]
small egg huevecico [f]
egg-stand huevera [f]
egg-cup huevera [f]
ruddy spot in the yolk of an egg engalladura [f]
egg of a silkworm labor [f]
embryo in white of egg meaja [f]
egg of a louse liendre [f]
egg-layer ponedora [f]
egg-laying ponedora [f]
egg-plant-coloured amorgado [adj]
hard (boiled egg) (huevo) encerado [adj]
egg-shaped ovalado [adj]
egg-coloured overo [adj]
peck like chickens in the egg-shell apitonar [v]
ant-egg huevo de hormiga [m]
new-laid egg huevo fresco [m]
egg-shell cascarón [m]
egg-merchant huevero [m]
rotten egg huevo empollado [m]
nest egg dote [f]
egg-merchant huevera [f]
egg on hurgar [v]
egg on provocar a [v]
nest egg economías [f/pl]
dessert made of egg, coconut, almond ante [m] MX
addled egg batueco [m] ARA
rhomboid-shaped sweet made from yucca starch, egg, unrefined brown sugar and spices almidón [m] VE
rhomboid-shaped sweet made from yucca starch, egg, unrefined brown sugar and spices almidoncito [m] VE
rhomboid-shaped sweet made from yucca starch, egg, unrefined brown sugar and spices almidonero [m] VE
a very small egg, usually laid by an old hen barcelisco [m] CR disused rur.
chicken egg blanquillo [m] MX GT HN SV NI rare rur.
chicken egg blanquillo de amor [m] HN
chicken egg blanquillo [m] MX GT HN SV NI rur. rare
domestic chicken egg blanquillo de amor [m] HN
open face burger with ham, hard-boiled egg, pickled vegetables, lettuce, and tomato chivito canadiense [m] UY
rotten egg chuplaj (voz quechua) [m] EC:S rur.
chicken egg fraile [m] SV
30-egg tray cartón de huevo [m] CU
30-egg tray cartón de huevo [m] CU
egg shell filled with perfumed water or flour that are thrown at people as a game during carnival cascarón [m] BO:W,C
egg shell filled with perfumed water or flour that are thrown at people as a game during carnival cascarón [m] PE rare
egg shell filled with confetti used as a game at carnival cascarón [m] GT
egg shell filled with perfumed water or flour that are thrown at people as a game during carnival cascarón [m] EC disused
blow from a cascarón egg shell during carnival cascaronazo [m] BO:W,C
sandwich with mainly vegetables and egg friquitaqui [m] DO
nest egg guanajo [m] CU
nest egg guardado [m] MX NI PE
elongated braided roll made of whole wheat flour, egg yolk, and sugar goloso [m] HN
fried food made with a dough of rice flour, butter, milk, and egg grano [m] PR
unhatched egg güevero [m] PY
soft-boiled egg huevo a la copa [m] EC BO CL
soft-boiled egg huevo abotonado [m] SV
fried egg served over tomato huevo al colchón [m] UY
decorative egg huevo chimbo [m] SV
homegrown chicken egg huevo de amor [m] HN SV NI
egg laid by a hen without having contact a rooster huevo de sombra [m] SV
poached egg served over other food huevo poyé [m] UY
soft-boiled egg huevo tibio [m] MX SV NI PA DO CO VE EC
soft-boiled egg huevo tierno [m] CR
dough made of egg yolk whipped with sugar used as filling for sweets huevo molle [m] CL
egg yolk whipped with sugar and some spice huevo mejío [m] PR rur.
egg placed in a nest to stimulate the hand to lay more jisunú [m] BO:E,W rur.
bad egg malandro [m] PY
egg carton maple [m] HN BO AR UY
fighter cock born and hatched from an egg laid in the month of march marcial [m] PR
egg wash lustre [m] NI CR
sandwich with three slices of crustless bread, filled with ham, cheese, hard boiled egg, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise olímpico [m] UY
egg left in place to prompt the hen to lay eggs there nidador [m] MX CO
wooden egg placed so the hen can lay eggs there nido [m] EC rur.
chicken egg pecado de gallo [m] HN
cocktail made with brandy, egg white, sugar, and lemon pisco sauer [m] PE BO AR UY
cocktail made with brandy, egg white, sugar, and lemon pisco sour [m] BO:W,C,S CL AR UY
hot drink made of egg yolk, coffee, and nutmeg ponche [m] DO
freeze-dried potato cooked in water and served with cheese, hard boiled egg, or beef jerky puti [m] BO
drink with liquor, egg yolk, and sugar zabajón [m] CO
drink with liquor, egg yolk, and sugar sabajón [m] CO
drink made of milk, egg, liquor, and sugar rimpolio [m] BO
drink made of milk, egg, liquor, and sugar rimpollo [m] BO
dough made with wheat flour, egg, water, and salt that is fried and eaten in pieces or shredded reviro [m] AR:Ne
dough made with wheat flour, egg, water, and salt that is fried and eaten in pieces or shredded reviro [m] PY rur.
sandwich made with fried egg, rice, potatoes and chili sauce trancapecho [m] BO:C,W,S
drink made of liquor, egg yolk, and sugar zabajón [m] CO
drink made of liquor, egg yolk, and sugar sabajón [m] CO
oatmeal with sugar and egg atolillo [m] NI CR
sterile egg batueco [m] ES local
egg flip candeal [m] PY AR UY
pineapple juice and egg yolk refreshment huevo chimbo [m] SV
soft-boiled egg huevo tibio [m] MX GT HN PA AN VE
egg carton maple [m] MX BO AR UY
egg-cone pine grove ocotal [m] MX GT HN SV NI
pellicle (egg/onion) bienza [f] rur. rare
egg yolk amarilla [f] VE
chicken egg flor de gallina [f] HN
egg shell powder cascarilla [f] CU
roll made from whole wheat flour, egg, and sugar guaracha [f] SV
small cake or cookie with irregular edges made of whole wheat flour, egg yolk, and sugar guaracha [f] HN
cookie made with wheat flour, sugar, and egg yolk with chocolate shavings in the form of scribbles on top galleta garabato [f] HN
soft candy made of raw cane sugar syrup, whipped egg whites, lime, and baking soda hueca [f] VE
fish egg huevera [f] PE
nest egg huaca [f] CU
nest egg huacabolas [f] CU
nest egg guaca [f] PE BO CL
drink prepared with rum, condensed milk, cinnamon, and egg lechita [f] CU
sweet made with milk, egg, and vanilla, similar to flan jericaya [f] MX
good egg nota [f] VE
broth made with egg, potatoes, onion, cilantro, and milk, served at breakfast pizca [f] VE
egg carton telera [f] UY rur.
egg white albura [f] disused
egg frying pan estrelladera [f] rare
egg membrane járjara [f] AL
egg-cone pine grove ocotera [f] MX
sweet made from whipped egg whites, sugar, and gelatin, covered with powdered sugar sustancia [f] CL
bad egg lámpara [m/f] HN NI
bad egg lanza [m/f] MX
egg-shaped ahuevado [adj]
that has lime, ash, or egg whites added to achieve its purification clarificado [adj] HN
infertile (egg) choro [adj] SV
fried in oil or butter (egg) estrellado [adj] HN NI BO
laid by a free range hen (egg) criollo [adj] CU
rotten (egg) huero [adj] GT DO CO PE BO CL PY
rotten (egg) güero [adj] GT NI EC PE CL
egg-eating huevero [adj] CU PR
with abundant egg-cone pine ocotaloso [adj] HN
examine an egg against the light alumbrar [v] DO rare
have to walk on egg shells bailar en un tusero [v] VE
detect with a finger if a chicken is about to lay an egg atentar [v] PR rur.
(an egg) to decay agüerarse [v] BO
(an egg) to go off agüerarse [v] BO
wet, paint and flour or egg-lay the new coming students (by freshmen) bautizar [v] GT EC BO
dip in egg white abrillantar [v] CU BO
egg somebody on hinchar a alguien [v] AR
egg somebody on to do something hinchar a alguien a que haga algo [v] AR
egg someone on so they take part in a humorous conversation carretear [v] NI
to egg someone on golillar [v] HN
egg on gufiar (inglés goof) [v] PR teen
release drops of egg white abotonar [v] rare
cover in egg enhuevar [v] HN
nest egg ahorros [m/pl] fig.
bread and egg fritters huevos bobos [m/pl] ES local
egg and potato omelet tortilla ES
egg-shaped aovada [adj/f]
egg-plant coloured aberenjenada [adj/f]
egg-plant-coloured amorgada [adj/f]
egg-coloured overa [adj/f]
egg-shaped ovalada [adj/f]
good egg buena persona [f]
build a nest egg ahorrar dinero [v]
lay an egg bromear [v]
lay an egg burlarse [v]
have egg on your face quedar en ridículo [v]
egg someone on calentar la cabeza a alguien [v]
can't boil an egg no sabe freír un huevo [v]
egg someone on incitar a alguien a la acción [v]
egg someone on dar ánimo a alguien [v]
have egg on one's face tener vergüenza [v]
have egg on one's face estar ruborizado [v]
have egg on one's face estar sonrojado [v]
have egg on one's face estar avergonzado [v]
have egg on one's face estar abochornado [v]
have an egg on one's face quedar mal parado [v]
kill the goose that lays the golden egg matar la gallina de los huevos de oro [v]
go fry an egg marcharse con la música a otra parte [v]
go fry an egg ir con la música a otra parte [v]
go fry an egg irse con la música a otra parte [v]
go fry an egg irse a hacer puñetas [v]
egg someone on dar manija a alguien [v]
egg someone on calentar los cascos a alguien [v]
egg someone on infundir ánimo a alguien [v]
egg someone on dar aliento a alguien [v]
egg someone on dar alas a alguien [v]
have a nice little nest egg saved up tener una buena hucha [v]
have a nice little nest egg tucked away tener una buena hucha [v]
build a nest egg tener una buena hucha [v]
have a nice little nest egg of money tener una buena hucha [v]
have a nice little nest egg built up tener una buena hucha [v]
have a nice little nest egg set aside tener una buena hucha [v]
have egg on one's face quedar mal parado [v]
have egg on one's face salir mal parado [v]
a chicken and egg situation aquello de la gallina y el huevo
a chicken and egg situation el problema del huevo y la gallina
a chicken and egg situation un caso sin resolver
a chicken and egg situation un círculo vicioso
a chicken and egg situation una pregunta sin respuesta
which came first the chicken or the egg? ¿qué es primero, el huevo o la gallina?
kill the goose that laid the golden egg matar a la gallina de los huevos de oro
kill the goose that lays the golden egg agotar una fuente de riqueza
kill the goose that lays the golden egg perder una fuente de riqueza
kill the goose that lays the golden egg matar a la gallina de los huevos de oro
lay an egg tomar el pelo
lay an egg cumplir con las expectativas
lay an egg poner un huevo
lay an egg errar
bad egg manzana podrida
lay an egg exhibir un rendimiento deficiente
lay an egg fracasar
lay an egg resultar un fiasco
lay an egg no cumplir
lay an egg ser un fiasco
it's a chicken and egg situation es aquello de la gallina y el huevo
it's a chicken and egg situation aquello de la gallina y el huevo
a nest egg los ahorros
the curate's egg (tiene) cosas buenas y cosas malas
the curate's egg (tiene) el lado bueno y el lado malo
good egg buena gente
good egg persona confiable
over-egg the pudding pasarse de la raya
rotten egg mala persona
someone's nest egg los ahorros de alguien
soft-boiled (egg) a la copa [adj] BO CL
good egg buena nota [adj] HN NI CR CO VE EC
have egg on one's face embolsar el violín [v] LAM
egg someone on tirar al choque [v] CL
have a nest egg tener una guanaja echada [v] CU
egg someone on hacer la liga [v] PY
egg on quebrar lanzas [v] CL
have egg on one's face tener sangre en la cara [v] EC
which came first the chicken or the egg? ¿qué fue primero, el huevo o la gallina?
which came first the chicken or the egg? ¿qué fue antes, el huevo o la gallina?
egg on incitar [v]
a nest egg unos ahorros para la jubilación
you can't unscramble an egg a golpe dado no hay quite
coated with flour and egg a la romana
the goose that laid the golden egg gallina de los huevos de oro
egg timer cronómetro de cocina [m]
egg beater helicóptero [m]
bad egg tipejo [m]
a bad egg chuchumeco [m]
be a bad egg ser un pájaro de cuenta [v]
have egg on one's face hacerse una rosca [v]
be a bad-egg tener mala leche [v]
lay an egg hacer un churro [v]
lay an egg hacer una chapuza [v]
lay an egg hacer un bodrio [v]
egg someone on incitar a alguien [v]
beat the egg white until it gets stiff montar la clara a punto de nieve [v]
whisk the egg white until it becomes stiff montar la clara a punto de nieve [v]
egg on azuzar a los perros a alguien [v]
be a bad egg ser chungo [v]
be a bad egg ser una mala bestia [v]
egg on meter caña [v]
egg on plantar cara a alguien [v]
walking on egg shells pisando huevos [adv]
egg roll [us] rollitos primavera
a curate's egg una de cal y otra de arena
a good egg buena gente
go fry an egg! ¡vete al diablo!
go fry an egg! ¡anda a bañarte!
go fry an egg! ¡vete a la porra!
go fry an egg! ¡que te den morcilla!
go fry an egg! ¡vete a freír buñuelos!
go fry an egg! ¡vete a la puñeta!
go fry an egg! ¡vete a freír espárragos!
go fry an egg! ¡vete a paseo!
go fry an egg! ¡vete a espulgar un galgo!
go fry an egg! ¡vete con la música a otra parte!
go fry an egg! ¡vete a freír espárrago si!
go fry an egg! ¡a cagara la vía! (catalán)
bad egg mala leche
nest egg guardadito [m] MX NI PE
egg yolk ñema [f] PR VE
bad egg lángara [m/f] MX
empty (egg) collo [adj] BO:W
served with a fried egg on top montado [adj] EC PE
egg on gufear (inglés) [v] PR teen
egg on puyar [v] CO:N
last one out is a rotten egg ¡la peste el último! [expr] CU
he that steals an egg will steal an ox ladroncillo de agujeta, después sube a barjuleta
better an egg today than a hen tomorrow más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a tomar por culo [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a tomar vientos [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a tomar viento [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a paseo [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a la mierda [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a la eme [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien al carajo [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien al cuerno [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien al demonio [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien al guano [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien al infierno [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a cagar [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a capar moscas [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a escardar cebollinos [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a freír churros [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a freír buñuelos [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a hacer puñetas a alguien [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a freír espárragos [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a freír monas [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien al quinto infierno [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a paseo [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a tomar morcilla [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a tomar morcillas [v]
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien al diablo [v]
a bad egg la manzana podrida
a bad egg un caradura
a bad egg un sinvergüenza
a bad egg una persona deshonesta
a bad egg una mala persona
go fry an egg! ¡una polla!
go fry an egg! ¡una ñorda!
go fry an egg! ¡un rábano!
rotten egg persona de mal carácter
rotten egg persona repelente
traditional method of scrambled egg perico [m] VE
hen's egg albaire [m] disused
tell someone to go fry an egg mandar a alguien a la droga [v] CAR
goose egg ni hueva [pron] CL
goose egg ni hueva [adv] CL
goose egg una hueva [adv] CL
goose egg ni güea [adv] CL
goose egg ni güeva [adv] CL
goose egg una güeva [adv] CL
nest egg ahorros [m/pl]
Work Safety Terms
egg-shell silicosis silicosis con calcificaciones en cáscara de huevo
egg slicer cortahuevos [m]
egg-shell calcification calcificación en cáscara de huevo [f]
egg capsule cápsula ovígera [f]