pastured - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch


Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "pastured" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 65 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
pasture pasto [m]
pasture potrero [m]
pasture pradera [f]
pasture redonda [f]
pasture pastorear [v]
pasture pastar [v]
pasture campo [m]
pasture herbaje [m]
pasture herbazal [m]
pasture pastal [m]
pasture pastizal [m]
pasture prado [m]
pasture pastura [f]
pasture pacer [v]
pasture dehesa [f]
pasture acampo [m]
pasture agostadero [m]
pasture apacentadero [m]
pasture apartadero [m]
pasture campeo [m]
pasture enciso [m]
pasture herbazal [m]
pasture majadal [m]
pasture pastadero [m]
pasture pasto [m]
pasture potrero [m]
pasture priscal [m]
pasture veranadero [m]
pasture pastorada [f]
pasture pastura [f]
pasture redonda [f]
pasture suelta [f]
pasture campear [v]
pasture herbajar [v]
pasture herbajear [v]
pasture pastar [v]
pasture pastear [v]
pasture pastorear [v]
pasture alijares (árabe) [m/pl]
pasture pastoreo [m]
pasture comedero [m]
pasture apacentar [v]
pasture herbajar [v]
pasture herbajear [v]
pasture pacedura [f]
pasture verde [m] AMER
pasture zacatal [m] AMER
pasture zacatal [m] CAM MX
pasture alijar (árabe) [m] rare
pasture careo [m] ES local
pasture repasto [m] CR
pasture sel [m] ES local
pasture yerbazal [m] MX CU DO
pasture zacatal [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR PH
pasture zacatonal [m] MX
pasture defesa [f] disused
pasture pación [f] ES local
pasture zacatera [f] HN SV
pasture apasturar [v] disused
pasture veranadero [m]
pasture forraje [m]
pasture pasto [m]
pasture hierba [f]
pasture potrero pastizal
Animal Husbandry
pasture llevar a pastar [v]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "pastured" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 190 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
enclosed pasture potrero [m]
becoming pasture adehesamiento [m]
summer pasture agostadero [m]
renting land for pasture alenguamiento [m]
putting out to pasture apacentamiento [m]
common pasture boalar [m]
pasture keeper dehesero [m]
laying open a pasture-ground desacoto [m]
right of pasture herbaje [m]
winter pasture invernadero [m]
winter pasture invernal [m]
pasture guard montanero [m]
pasture used for young bulls and as a birthing pen novillero [m]
weaned cow thrown to pasture pastenco [m]
pasture for foals and colts potril [m]
portion of a pasture quinto [m]
enclosure for pasture repajo [m]
pasture added repasto [m]
summer pasture veranero [m]
common pasture land dula [f]
cattle that pasture common land dula [f]
common pasture land adula [f]
cattle that pasture common land adula [f]
pasture strip añada [f]
post-harvest pasture rights derrota [f]
communal pasture land dula (árabe) [f]
time that pig livestock pasture montanera [f]
autumn pasture otoñada [f]
conversion of pasture into arable land panificación [f]
troop of young mares at pasture potrada [f]
putting out to pasture apacentador [adj]
pasture-dwelling pratense [adj]
converted to pasture redondo [adj]
become pasture adehesarse [v]
make into pasture adehesar [v]
put out to pasture apacentar [v]
put to pasture apastar [v]
put out to pasture apotrerar [v]
put in a pasture apotrerar [v]
turn into pasture dehesar [v]
lay open a pasture-ground desacotar [v]
put cattle out to pasture endehesar [v]
pasture acorns and beechnuts montanear [v]
convert pasture into arable land panificar [v]
pasture a second time repastar [v]
put out to pasture veranar [v]
be put out to pasture at night yacer [v]
put out to pasture meter en verde [m/pl]
pasture ground for horses pastizal [m]
pasture land pastizal [m]
enclosed pasture which is common land potrero [m]
annual pasture pasto anual [m]
pasture ground dehesa [f]
annual pasture pastura anual [f]
pasture-dwelling pratense [adj]
put out pasture pacer [v]
common of pasture derecho de pastoreo
converting land into pasture adehesamiento [m]
place converted into pasture adehesado [m]
common pasture acampo [m]
agreement relative to pasture alenguamiento [m]
temporary admission of flocks into pasture acogido [m]
summer pasture agostadero [m]
pasture-land apacentadero [m]
keeper of pasture-ground dehesero [m]
enclosed pasture-ground coto [m]
pasture ground boalaje [m]
taking fences from pasture-ground desacoto [m]
pasture ground herbazal [m]
pasture ground for weaned calves novillero [m]
enclosure for pasture repajo [m]
share of pasture ground quinto [m]
good pasture ground majadal [m]
pasture for foals potril [m]
pasture-ground potrero [m]
pasture ground prado [m]
pasture-ground pasto [m]
summer pasture veranadero [m]
common pasture-ground adula [f]
pasture-ground dehesa [f]
post-harvest pasture rights derrota [f]
common pasture-ground dula [f]
common pasture land facería (navarra) [f]
pasture-ground pacedura [f]
troop of young mares at pasture potrada [f]
country full of meadows and pasture-ground pradera [f]
pasture-land pradera [f]
pasture-ground pastura [f]
pasture-ground redonda [f]
pasture for foals dehesa potril [f]
country full of meadows and pasture-ground pradería [f]
pasture-land pradería [f]
relating to pasture-grounds for cattle about to be slaughtered carnicero [adj]
suitable for lambs (pasture land) borreguero [adj]
relating to cattle (pasture ground) boyal [adj]
fit for pasture pacedero [adj]
new (pasture) ricial [adj]
turned to pasture redondo [adj]
convert land into pasture adehesar [v]
agree about pasture lands or pasturage alenguar [v]
pasture cattle on stubbles in summer agostar [v]
turn arable land into pasture ground dehesar [v]
lay open a pasture-ground desacotar [v]
put cattle out to pasture endehesar [v]
feed/pasture a second time repastar [v]
convert pasture into arable land panificar [v]
lead to pasture pastorear [v]
common pasture land alijares [m/pl]
enclosed pasture-ground curvo [m] rur. rare
gate with horizontal wood members in a pasture fence tranquero [m] CO VE
pasture plots in fallow season aparto [m] CR
a clay and pasture land, not suitable for cattle breeding campo [m] AR:Nw rur.
range for wintering cattle, winter pasture campo de invernada [m] PY AR UY rur.
pasture where old and thin horses graze chalatón [m] HN rur.
pasture owner pastajero [m] AR:Nw
fenced pasture potrero [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA CU DO CO VE EC PE BO CL PY AR UY
any pasture land with salt for cattle saladero [m] CR rur.
rent paid to use a plot of land to put livestock to pasture yerbaje [m] AR:Nw
pasture as food for cattle talaje [m] MX CL rur.
enclosed pasture haras [m] VE PE AR
summer pasture braña [f] rur. rare
winter pasture encierra [f] CL
a graminaceous plant used for pasture saetía [f] CU
river, gorge or spring water within a pasture or meadow which supplies water to the cattle agua de pasto [f] HN:E PA rur.
each of the small divisions of a paddock or pasture gaveta [f] HN
pasture for a single cattle corraleja [f] VE:W rur.
winter pasture invernada [f] CL PY rur.
fattening pasture invernada [f] PE PY rur.
pasture owner pastajera [f] AR:Nw
cattle grazing pasture when not cut tala [f] CL rur.
common pasture land facería [f] ES local
winter pasture invernada [f] VE EC BO CL PY UY
small pasture manga [f] PA CO
pertaining to common pasture land facero [adj] ES local
admit cattle to pasture land acoger [v] disused
pasture (cattle) empotrerar [v] AMER
move livestock from pasture to pasture apartar [v] CR
put the cattle out to pasture campear [v] AR:Nw rur.
put out to pasture vaquear [v] NI BO rur.
take to pasture vaquear [v] NI BO rur.
let livestock graze in a pasture acoger [v] disused
put out to pasture apacer [v] disused
put to pasture apasturar [v] disused
relating to pasture-grounds for cattle about to be slaughtered carnicera [adj/f]
turned to pasture redonda [adj/f]
fit for pasture pacedera [adj/f]
suitable for lambs (pasture land) borreguera [adj/f]
put a horse out to pasture poner un caballo a pastar [v]
put a horse out to pasture dejar un caballo libre en las pasturas (por estar ya demasiado viejo) [v]
put out to pasture obligar a alguien a retirarse [v]
put out to pasture dejar a alguien a un lado [v]
out to pasture a prado [adv]
pasture or labor community rejas vueltas [expr]
go out to pasture irse al otro barrio [v]
rent out a pasture with the stipulation one's livestock can still graze there arrendar a alguien a diente [v]
change of pasture makes fat calves entre col y col, lechuga
common of pasture comunidad de pastos
common pasture comunidad de pastos
common pasture lands pastos comunes
put out to pasture pacer [v]
woodland pasture bosque de pastos [m]
pasture land pastadero [m]
irrigated pasture pastizal de regadío
permanent pasture pradera permanente
pasture feeding alimentación en pastoreo
permanent pasture pastura permanente
alpine pasture pastos de montaña
pasture breed raza de pastoreo
alpine pasture pastos alpinos
wheat pasture poisoning envenenamiento por pastura de trigo
pasture land zacatal [m]
free pasture place (beside a road) apartadero [m]
pasture management ordenación de pantos
stump pasture pastura en bosques talados
temporary pasture pradera temporal
cutover pasture pastura en bosques talados
pasture feeding alimentación en pastoreo
pasture management gestión de pastizales
pasture renovation renovación de pastos
native pasture pastura nativa
organic pasture pastizales orgánicos
Animal Husbandry
putting out to pasture veranada [f] CL AR
put out to pasture empotrerar [v] MX HN SV CR NI CU DO VE EC AR
mountain pasture pastos de montaña
extensive pasture pastoreo extensivo
bee pasture flora apícola
brush pasture matorral [m]
brush pasture monte [m]
pasture ground pasturas [f/pl]
winter pasture campo de invernada