self - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "self" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 21 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
self automático [adj]
self ser [m]
self mismo [adj]
self individuo [m]
self persona [f]
self idéntico [adj]
self puro [adj]
self no mezclado (colores) [adj]
self en ciertos casos [adj]
self yo mismo [pron]
self sí mismo
self idéntica [adj/f]
self pura [adj/f]
self propio [adj]
self no mezclado
self sí mismo [m]
self yo [m]
self yo [m]
self identidad propia
Nursing Terms
self si mismo
self por sí mismo

Sens de "self" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
self-consumption autoconsumo [m]
self-control autocontrol [m]
self-sufficiency autosuficiencia [f]
self-evaluation autoevaluación [f]
self-help autoayuda [f]
self-assessment autoevaluación [f]
self-realization autorrealización [f]
self-governing autónomo [adj]
self-sufficient autosuficiente [adj]
self-appraisal autoevaluación [f]
self-realisation autorrealización [f]
self-denial abnegación [f]
self-acting automático [adj]
self-interest autointerés [m]
self-feeder autoalimentado [m]
self-abuse autoabuso [m]
self-closing autocierre [m]
self-radiator autorradiador [m]
self-adjustment autoajuste [m]
self-service autoservicio [m]
self-dialysis autodiálisis [f]
self-generative autogenerativo [adj]
self-satisfied presuntuoso [adj]
self-consistent homogéneo [adj]
self-acting autoactuador [adj]
self-adjusting autorregulante [adj]
self-serve autoservicio [adj]
self-service autoservicio [adj]
Irregular Verb
self-feed self-fed - self-fed [v]
self-sow self-sowed - self-sown/self-sowed [v]
self-service restaurant self-service [m]
self-analysis autoanálisis [m]
self-study autoaprendizaje [m]
self-restraint autocontrol [m]
self-monitoring autocontrol [m]
self-timer autodisparador [m]
self-respect pundonor [m]
self-employment autoempleo [m]
self-deception autoengaño [m]
self-government autogobierno [m]
self-service restaurant autoservicio [m]
self-service shop autoservicio [m]
self-respect dignidad [f]
self-satisfaction suficiencia [f]
self-government autarquía [f]
self-censorship autocensura [f]
self-pity autocompasión [f]
self-confidence autoconfianza [f]
self-preservation autoconservación [f]
self-defense autodefensa [f]
self-defence autodefensa [f]
self-determination autodeterminación [f]
self-discipline autodisciplina [f]
self-examination autoexploración [f]
self-fertilization autofecundación [f]
self-expression autoexpresión [f]
self-management autogestión [f]
self-hypnosis autohipnosis [f]
self-harm automutilación [f]
self-government autonomía [f]
self-preservation autopreservación [f]
self-protection autoprotección [f]
self-fulfilment autorrealización [f]
self-confidence desenvoltura [f]
self-taught person autodidacta [m/f]
self-satisfied rufo [adj]
self-sacrificing sacrificado [adj]
self-satisfied orondo [adj]
self-styled sedicente [adj]
self-centered [us] egocéntrico [adj]
self-centred egocéntrico [adj]
self-evident palmar [adj]
self-evident palmario [adj]
self-contained independiente [adj]
self-interested interesado [adj]
self-satisfied suficiente [adj]
self-conscious cohibido [adj]
self-confessed confeso [adj]
self-assured lozano [adj]
self-adhesive autoadherente [adj]
self-destructive autodestructivo [adj]
self-financing autofinanciado [adj]
self-financing autofinanciable [adj]
self-imposed autoimpuesto [adj]
self-inflicted autoinfligido [adj]
self-cleaning autolimpiable [adj]
self-propelled automotor [adj]
self-assembly automontable [adj]
self-employed autónomo [adj]
self-sealing autopegado [adj]
self-proclaimed autoproclamado [adj]
self-seeking ventajista [adj]
self-confident desenfadado [adj]
self-confident desenvuelto [adj]
self-destruct autodestruirse [v]
self- auto- [pref]
self-contained autónomo [adj]
self-reliance independencia [f]
self-satisfaction autosatisfacción [f]
self-assurance desenvoltura [f]
self-centered egocéntrico [adj]
self-serving interesado [adj]
self-interest interés [m]
self-governing autonómico [adj]
self-ignition autoencendido [m]
self-love amor propio [m]
self-sufficiency autoabastecimiento [m]
self-adhesive autoadhesivo [m]
self-concept autoconcepto [m]
self-supply autoconsumo [m]
self-control autodominio [m]
self-coup autogolpe [m]
self-injectable autoinyectable [m]
self-portrait autorretrato [m]
self-control control [m]
self-love decoro [m]
self-assurance desembarazo [m]
self-confidence desembarazo [m]
self-assurance desempacho [m]
self-confidence desempacho [m]
self-confidence desenfado [m]
lack of self-control desenfrenamiento [m]
lack of self-control desenfreno [m]
self-absorption ensimismamiento [m]
self-isolation confinamiento [m]
inner self fuero interior [m]
inner self fuero interno [m]
self-learning autoaprendizaje [m]
self-study autoaprendizaje [m]
self-teaching autoaprendizaje [m]
self-education autoaprendizaje [m]
self-training autoaprendizaje [m]
self-satisfaction orgullo [m]
self-esteem orgullo [m]
self-respect orgullo [m]
self-love pundonor [m]
self-abasement rebajamiento [m]
self-sufficient person robinsón [m]
self-sufficiency robinsonismo [m]
self-denial sacrificio [m]
self-sacrifice sacrificio [m]
self-service self-service (inglés) [m]
self-consciousness sentido del ridículo [m]
self-guided torpedo torpedo automóvil [m]
self-sacrifice abnegación [f]
self-existence aseidad [f]
self-governance autarcía [f]
self-sufficiency autarquía [f]
self-governance autarquía [f]
self-affirmation autoafirmación [f]
self-censure autocensura [f]
self-compassion autocompasión [f]
self-satisfaction autocomplacencia [f]
self-assurance autoconfianza [f]
self-conscience autoconsciencia [f]
self-criticism autocrítica [f]
self-curation autocuración [f]
self-defense autodefensa [f]
self-definition autodefinición [f]
self-destruction autodestrucción [f]
self-reliance autodeterminación [f]
self-esteem autoestima [f]
self-exclusion autoexclusión [f]
self-worship autolatría [f]
self-mutilation autolesión [f]
self-inflicted injury autolesión [f]
self-medication automedicación [f]
self-propulsion autopropulsión [f]
self-defense autoprotección [f]
self-regulation autorregulación [f]
self-relaxation autorrelajación [f]
self-reliance autosuficiencia [f]
self-importance autosuficiencia [f]
self-defense defensa personal [f]
self-confidence desenvoltura [f]
self-respect dignidad [f]
self-assurance distracción [f]
self-confidence distracción [f]
self-respect estimación propia [f]
self-financing autofinanciación [f]
self-possession hombría [f]
self-respect honra [f]
self-possession independencia [f]
self-praise jactancia [f]
self-control medida [f]
young, free and self-assured woman piruja [f]
self-satisfaction satisfacción [f]
self-government soberanía [f]
self-importance suficiencia [f]
self-improvement superación [f]
self-determining man/woman autodeterminista [m/f]
self-moving semoviente [m/f]
self-sufficient autónomo [adj]
self-satisfied autocomplaciente [adj]
self-sacrificing abnegado [adj]
self-assured aplomado [adj]
self-possessed aplomado [adj]
self-governed autárquico [adj]
self-sufficient autárquico [adj]
self-adhesive autoadhesivo [adj]
self-satisfying autocomplaciente [adj]
self-indulgent autocomplaciente [adj]
self-critical autocrítico [adj]
self-destructive autodestructivo [adj]
self-determination autodeterminista [adj]
self-determining autodeterminista [adj]
self-generating autógeno [adj]
self-guided autoguiado [adj]
self-induced autoinducido [adj]
self-injectable autoinyectable [adj]
self-injuring autolesivo [adj]
self-injurious autolesivo [adj]
self-propelled autopropulsado [adj]
self-regulating autorregulable [adj]
self-regulating autorregulador [adj]
self-adjusting autorregulador [adj]
self-assured barbián (caló) [adj]
self-confidant barbián (caló) [adj]
self-indulgent convenenciero [adj]
self-indulgent decadente [adj]
self-assured desenvuelto [adj]
self-confident desenvuelto [adj]
self-centered egoísta [adj]
self-centered engreído [adj]
self-important engreído [adj]
self-flagellating flagelador [adj]
self-centered monologante [adj]
self-styled sedicente [adj]
self-assured seguro [adj]
self-propelled semoviente [adj]
self-assured torero [adj]
self-confident torero [adj]
self-centered ufano [adj]
make self-conscious aldabear [v]
be self-sufficient autoabastecerse [v]
self-censure autocensurar [v]
self-censure autocensurarse [v]
self-harm autolesionarse [v]
self-medicate automedicarse [v]
self-regulate autorregularse [v]
self-propagate cundir [v]
be overly self-confident engallarse [v]
be self absorbed ensimismarse [v]
be self-deprecating espinarse [v]
self-finance autofinanciar [v]
self-flagellate flagelarse [v]
self-incriminate autoinculparse [v]
rid one self of salir [v]
self-flagellate verberarse [v]
self-propagate volar [v]
self-confidently desenvueltamente [adv]
self-assuredly desenvueltamente [adv]
self-respectingly orgullosamente [adv]
self-oscillator autooscilador [m]
self-service store autoservicio [m]
self-knowledge autoconocimiento [m]
self-balancing autoestabilizado [m]
self-love autoamor [m]
self-heterodyne autodino [m]
self-recording autorregistro [m]
self-confidence desparpajo [m]
self-esteem amor propio [m]
self-possession aplomo [m]
self-absorption ensimismamiento [m]
self-discovery autodescubrimiento [m]
self-love amor propio [m]
self-respect autorespeto [m]
someone that practices self-flagellation flagelante [m]
self-boycotting autoboicoteo [m]
self-cultivation autocultivo [m]
self-learning autodidactismo [m]
self-sacrifice autosacrificio [m]
self-starter emprendedor [m]
self-assurance desenfado [m]
self-governance autogobierno [m]
self-respect amor propio [m]
love of one self amor propio [m]
self-possession serenidad [f]
self-control contención [f]
self-checking autocomprobación [f]
low self-esteem baja autoestima [f]
self cleaning autolimpieza [f]
self-worship egolatría [f]
self-evidence notoriedad [f]
self-examination autocrítica [f]
(a) relationship based on self-interest una relación egoísta [f]
self-confidence seguridad en sí mismo [f]
self-importance altanería [f]
self-annihilation autoaniquilación [f]
self-deportation autodeportación [f]
self-incrimination autoinculpación [f]
self-improvement superación [f]
self-mutilation automutilación [f]
self-assertion autoafirmación [f]
self-denial vigilia [f]
lack of self-control acrasia [f]
the state of being self-assured autoafirmación [f]
type of self-referential literature metaficción [f]
self-awareness autognosis [f]
the quality of being self-aware autognosis [f]
self-awareness autoconsciencia [f]
self-consciousness timidez [f]
the quality of being self-aware autoconsciencia [f]
self-consciousness inseguridad [f]
the state of being self-sufficient autosuficiencia [f]
self-awareness conciencia [f]
self-improvement autosuperación [f]
self-immolation autoinmolación [f]
self-obsession autoobsesión [f]
self-censoring autocensura [f]
self-referentiality autorreferencialidad [f]
self-satisfaction autocomplacencia [f]
self-pride petulancia [f]
self-control continencia [f]
self-publishing autoedición [f]
poor self-esteem baja autoestima [f]
self-confidence autoestima [f]
self-respect autoestima [f]
self-worth autoestima [f]
self-praise autoadulación [f]
self-isolation autoaislamiento [f]
self-confession autoconfesión [f]
self-congratulation autofelicitación [f]
self-marginalization automarginación [f]
self-motivation automotivación [f]
self-advertising autopublicidad [f]
self-advertisement autopublicidad [f]
self-quarantine autocuarentena [f]
self-quarantine cuarentena [f]
self-consciousness autoconsciente [m/f]
self-regulated autorregulado [adj]
self-ventilated autoventilado [adj]
self-evident autoexplicativo [adj]
self-evident obvio [adj]
self-leveling autonivelante [adj]
self-reinforced autorreforzado [adj]
self-guided autoguiado [adj]
self-reducing autorreductor [adj]
self-locking inamovible [adj]
self-conscious tímido [adj]
self-equalizing autocompensador [adj]
self-inductive autoinductivo [adj]
self-congruent autocongruente [adj]
self-centering autocentrante [adj]
self-rotating autorrotativo [adj]
self-imposed voluntario [adj]
self-conscious vergonzoso [adj]
self-calibrating autocalibrador [adj]
self-organizing autoorganizador [adj]
self-lubricated autolubricado [adj]
self-governing autorregulado [adj]
self-stowing autoestibante [adj]
self-feeding autoalimentador [adj]
self-exciting autoexcitador [adj]
self-rectifying autorrectificador [adj]
self-compensating autocompensador [adj]
self-aligning autoalineador [adj]
self-centric autocentrador [adj]
self-explanatory fácil de entender [adj]
self-explanatory obvio [adj]
self-satisfied ufano [adj]
self-satisfied satisfecho [adj]
self-seeking ambicioso [adj]
self-confident aplomado [adj]
self-seeking aprovechado [adj]
self-contradictory contradictorio [adj]
self-confident seguro [adj]
self-destructing autodestructible [adj]
self-copying autocopiable [adj]
self-draining autovaciante [adj]
self-governing autogobernado [adj]
self-fulfilling autocumplido [adj]
self-incriminating autoinculpatorio [adj]
self-managed autogestionario [adj]
self-referential autorreferencial [adj]
self-proclaimed autodenominado [adj]
self-satisfied engreído [adj]
self-proud petulante [adj]
self-styled supuesto [adj]
self-proclaimed autocoronado [adj]
self-styled autocoronado [adj]
self-serving ventajista [adj]
self-possessed más fresco que una lechuga [adj]
self-righteous fariseo [adj]
self-evident autoevidente [adj]
self-evident lógico [adj]
self-assured seguro de si mismo [adj]
self-evident evidente [adj]
self-conscious autoconsciente [adj]
showing tendencies of self-indulgence decadente [adj]
self-confident seguro de sí mismo [adj]
self-indulgent decadente [adj]
self-made casero [adj]
self-made hecho en casa [adj]
self-made hecho a mano [adj]
self-reliant autosuficiente [adj]
self-righteous mojigato [adj]
self-righteous santurrón [adj]
self-taught autodidacto [adj]
self-regarding egoísta [adj]
self-conscious acomplejado [adj]
self parodying autoparódico [adj]
self deprecating autoparódico [adj]
self-driven emprendedor [adj]
self-assured seguro de sí mismo [adj]
self-catering sin pensión [adj]
self-confident lleno de seguridad [adj]
self-contained autosuficiente [adj]
self-evident patente [adj]
self-explanatory evidente [adj]
self-employed que trabaja por cuenta propia [adj]
self-possessed dueño de sí mismo [adj]
self-respecting que se precie [adj]
self-reliant independiente [adj]
self-respecting digno [adj]
self-satisfied satisfecho de sí mismo [adj]
self-satisfied lleno de suficiencia [adj]
self-sufficient in autosuficiente en [adj]
self-congratulatory autocomplaciente [adj]
self-congratulatory autocongratulatoria [adj]
self-confessed autoconfesado [adj]
self-deprecating autocrítico [adj]
self-depreciating autocrítico [adj]
self-deprecatory autocrítico [adj]
self-described autodefinido [adj]
self-defined autodefinido [adj]
self-destructive autodestructible [adj]
self-disciplined autodisciplinado [adj]
have self-respect preciarse [v]
lose self-control dispararse [v]
regain one's self-possession serenarse [v]
be self-reliant ser auto suficiente [v]
be self-employed trabajar por cuenta propia [v]
self-edit autoeditar [v]
self-harm automutilarse [v]
inflict self-harm autolesionarse [v]
feel self-fulfilled autorrealizarse [v]
self-administer automedicarse [v]
make a self-portrait autorretratarse [v]
become self-sufficient autoabastecerse [v]
have self-pride preciarse [v]
self-appoint autodenominarse [v]
self-proclaim autodefinirse [v]
self-identify autodefinirse [v]
self-name autodenominarse [v]
self-finance autofinanciarse [v]
self radicalize radicalizarse [v]
lose self-control perder la cabeza [v]
act self-righteously tire la primera piedra [v]
be self-possessed ser dueño de sí mismo [v]
be self-employed trabajar por mi cuenta [v]
be self-employed cuenta propia [v]
be self-employed trabajar por su propia cuenta [v]
have self-respect tener amor propio [v]
be self-assured aplomarse [v]
be self-governing autoadministrarse [v]
be self-governing autogobernarse [v]
self-administer autoadministrarse [v]
self-administer a drug autoadministrarse una droga [v]
self-mutilate automutilarse [v]
self-support autosostenerse [v]
self-qualify autocalificarse de [v]
self-confess autoconfesarse [v]
self-administer autogobernarse [v]
self-proclaim autoproclamarse [v]
self-actualize autorrealizarse [v]
self-sustain autosostenerse [v]
be self-sufficient bastarse a sí mismo [v]
offend a person's self-respect herir la dignidad de una persona [v]
be self-confident tener confianza en uno mismo [v]
have self confidence tener confianza en uno mismo [v]
make one's self reputable or noble calificarse [v]
make self-conscious azorarse [v]
become self-aware volverse consciente de sí mismo [v]
become self-important volverse vanidoso [v]
boost one's self esteem aumentar la autoestima [v]
avoid self-sacrifice evitar el auto-sacrificio [v]
become more self-confident llegar a ser más seguro de sí mismo [v]
become self-supporting mantenerse a uno mismo económicamente [v]
self-sacrifice abnegarse [v]
do a self-criticism hacerse una autocrítica [v]
be self-giving ser egoísta [v]
be self-denying autoengañarse [v]
be self-sacrificing autosacrificarse [v]
self-isolate autoaislarse [v]
self-analyze autoanalizarse [v]
self-evidently manifestamente [adv]
self-taught autodidacta [adj/f]
self-assured person guacho pistola [n] AR
self-confident person guacho pistola [n] AR
a self-governing state un estado autónomo
ability of self-expression capacidad para expresarse
self-assured seguro de sí mismo
self-satisfied pagado de sí mismo (coloquial)
self-assured segura de sí misma
self-satisfied engreído
self-confidence confianza en uno mismo
self-raising flour harina con levadura
self-raising flour harina leudante
self-improvement superación personal