several - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "several" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 19 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
several varios [adj]
several diverso [adj]
several diversos [adj]
several varios [adj]
several varios [pron]
several unos cuantos [adj]
several algunos [pron]
several varias [adj/pl]
several algunas
several unas cuantas
several diversos [m/pl]
several ciertos [adj]
several unos [adj]
several distinto [adj]
several distinta [adj/f]
several separado [adj]
several independiente [adj]
several independiente [adj]
several separado [adj]

Sens de "several" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 415 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
mountain with several steep elevations cuchillar [m]
any combination or agreement among several persons with an unlawful object monipodio [m]
fishing line with several fishhooks palangre [m]
mountain range with several gorges puerto [m]
mountain with several steep elevations cuchilla [f]
increase several times over multiplicar [v]
device which interleaves several activities multiplexor [m]
the state of being able to speak several languages plurilingüismo [m]
name given to several species of turtle galápago [m]
study of the moon and several satellites selenologia [f]
pertaining to several different cultures multicultural [adj]
by several lengths en varias longitudes [adj]
shoot several times tirotear [v]
quarrel or violent conflict between several people, usually due to the dispute of something material and of value garata con puños [n] DO PR
children's game in which several children dispute a handful of coins thrown into the air garata con puños [n] DO
several times varias veces
several alternatives for varias alternativas para que
several alternatives to varias alternativas para
several years varios años
ace of clubs in several games of cards basto [m]
generic denomination for several gastric conditions of the stomach gastricismo [m]
name given to several south american tribes orejón [m]
one playing alone against several others mohíno [m]
fishing line with several fishhooks palangre [m]
generic name for several plants with prickly stems tríbulo [m]
several thousands millarada [f]
circular order or notice sent to several towns on the same route vereda [f]
organize into a regiment several battalions or companies regimentar [v]
leave several important shoots on a vine-stock perchonar [v]
order several times remandar [v]
name of several plants whose bulbs and rhizomes are used as soap amole [m] MX
name given to several wild herbaceous plants with prickly or spinous fruit guisaso [m] CU
kind of flute with several tubes used by indians guajiro [m] AMER
name given to several climbing plants suspiro [m] AR CL
popular square candy that comes in several colors and flavors (with coconut) arrancamuelas [m] CO
a seat for several people that has the backrest placed against the windows (urban omnibuses) asiento de los bobos [m] UY
professional with several careers and a military rank who works half the time in military institutions asimilado [m] DO VE UY
an appliance with several components attached that grinds/crushes/slices/mixes food auxiliar de cocina [m] EC
a term for several species of el chaco plant aguay [m] AR NI UY
two-storey building with several flats biplanta [m] CU
two-story building with several apartments biplanta [m] CU
furniture with several drawers cajonero [m] CO EC
name of several species of birds bolsero [m] HN NI
two story building with several apartments biplanta [m] CU
common fund among several people to buy drugs ángulo [m] PR
opening something several times (especially a window or door) abridero [m] MX GT HN SV NI PA CO
confusing clamoring caused by several people discussing something generally in a heated discussion burumbún [m] CR
an old dance made up of several dances performed around a snake made from several materials baile de la culebra [m] DO disused
liquidation of a business among several people clearing (inglés) [m] US PR
utensil with a drain in which cacao is placed during several days until the sticky sap covering has been drained off desbabadero [m] VE
dance with one or several cueca traditional dances cuequeo [m] CL
distribution among several people cuoteo [m] BO CL
fight, quarrel, or heated argument between several people julepe [m] PR
fight, quarrel, or heated argument between several people escarceo [m] CU DO PR
building of several stories connected by a corridor that ascends in spiral, where there are commercial establishments caracol [m] CL
driving someone to one or several specific places carreteo [m] CL
several plots of agricultural land with only stubble left guamilal [m] HN rur.
outskirts or suburbs formed by several contiguous urban cores cono urbano [m] AR UY
outskirts or suburbs formed by several contiguous urban cores conurbano [m] AR
taxi with a fixed route that picks up several passengers colectivo [m] MX HN CR CO PE CL
taxi with a fixed route that picks up several passengers coleto [m] CL
taxi with fixed a route that picks up several passengers colepato [m] PE disused
card game played with several players each with one card visible conquiam [m] GT HN SV
card game played with several players each with one card visible conquián [m] MX GT SV
working together for a common cause (several people) compadrazco [m] CL rare derog.
urban road composed of several streets or sections between corners jirón [m] PE
rustic bullfighting in which one or several people try to remove a package attached to the bull's body that usually contains a quantity of money jocheo de torros [m] BO:N,E
rustic bullfighting in which one or several people try to remove a package attached to the bull's body that usually contains a quantity of money jochi de toros [m] BO:N,E
man who tries to make one or several women fall in love jembrero [m] VE:C
man who dates several women at the same time negreador [m] BO
person missing one or several fingers, hands, or arms ñoco [m] PR VE
person missing one or several fingers, hands, or arms broco [m] PR VE
building of small apartments where several families rent palomar [m] GT
person with several different jobs pulpo [m] PA
beef or chicken seasoned with several spices, in a thick stew with corn or bread pulique [m] GT
liquor made with several plant roots with healing and aphrodisiac properties sieteraíces [m] PE:E
column of several ads tótem [m] BO CL
column of several ads tótem [m] EC
utensil for draining sap from cocoa during several days desbabadero [m] VE
place with several springs remanal [m] ES local
concurrence of several things avenida [f] fig.
municipal borough composed of several villages cendea [f] rur. rare
name of several weeds with prickly fruits or leaves dicha [f] CL
name of several shrubs tola [f] SA
sudden capture of something that several other people are trying to obtain arranchadera [f] PE
a drink having medicinal properties, served hot, made with infusions from one or several herbs agua de vieja [f] EC
an unsuccessful exchange of ideas among several people babosería [f] CU DO
person who has lost one or several front teeth bocacha [f] PA
opening something several times (especially a window or door) abridera [f] MX GT HN SV NI PA CO EC rare
any of several flowers that resemble a female dancer bailarina [f] CR
cylindrical tank with several shallow compartments used to purify sugar cane juice by removing the residue clarificadora [f] CU rare
annual visit made by the parishioners of several towns in santa cruz, guanacaste province, with the image of the black christ of esquipulas on january 14th, on the eve of the festival of santa cruz demanda [f] CR:Nw
money collected from several people to share an expense or to make a donation chancha [f] NI PE
music genre that combines several rhythms chicha [f] PE
dinner or lunch consisting of spaghetti prepared for several people espaguetada [f] DO
group of several stems with the same root cepa [f] HN
group of several plants or trees with a single root, especially banana cepa [f] PR
person selected from among several others as the preferred carita [f] DO
voluntary financial contribution of several people for a common purpose ajustadilla [f] HN
construction with one or several booths located in the bus terminals from where the routes of the vehicles are controlled garita [f] CO:C EC CL
amount of money contributed by several people for a common goal guaca [f] HN
dish consisting of stewing pork fritters or entrails with potatoes, tomato sauce, and several spices gandingada [f] PR
common name for several species of trees in the dominican republic coaba [f] DO
conversation where several people speak at once cotorrera [f] PR
territory composed of several town connected by roads intercomuna [f] CL
collect money from several people gurgucha [f] HN
woman with several lovers mancornadora [f] MX
clandestine game of dice and cards in which several participate manigua [f] PR
person who casually dates several men loca [f] MX NI PA CU AR UY PR BO
congratulate a friend by throwing them into the air several times malteada (inglés malted milk) [f] SV
union of several people with a specific purpose nucleación [f] PY cult
person missing one or several fingers, hands, or arms ñoca [f] PR VE
person missing one or several fingers, hands, or arms broca [f] PR VE
woman with several boyfriends pava [f] GT HN
woman who has given birth several times parendera [f] HN SV NI
woman who has given birth several times parindera [f] SV
disorder caused by several people recocha [f] CO
prostitute who has sex with several men at once remolquera [f] SV
collusion between several people to harm someone vaca [f] NI
money collected from several people for a specific expense vaquita [f] MX BO AR UY
basic lottery with a single ticket in play for several weekly drawings bonoloto [f] ES
cylindrical tank with several shallow compartments to purify sugar cane juice by removing the residue clarificadora [f] CU
person who has lost one or several front teeth bocacho [m/f] PA
owner of one or several small farms parvifundista [m/f] MX
with several important differences between them (in a comparison) abismal (inglés) [adj] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA
missing one or several teeth (person) chanta [adj] SV
reinforced with several twists of string entisado [adj] CU
tied up for several days without eating (cattle) estrasijado [adj] PR rur.
missing one or several teeth gacho [adj] PA
guarded by several police officers while being moved (prisoner) de conduce [adj] CU
high on several different drugs or a mixture of drugs and alcohol (person) cruzado (inglés) [adj] MX GT SV
missing one or several teeth dijusto [adj] HN SV rare rur.
missing one or several teeth mocho [adj] NI
missing one or several teeth gacho [adj] PA
missing one or several teeth molacho [adj] MX
missing one or several teeth mueco [adj] CO
three-dimensional with several flat faces ochavado [adj] MX GT NI BO
making several women fall in love at the same time pastelero [adj] SV
missing one or several teeth portilludo [adj] HN
missing several teeth xolco [adj] GT
cover a surface with several parallel lines to better define a space achurar [v] CL
join together several people to create chaos and disorder arrochelarse [v] VE
lend several tools to farmers/miners aviar [v] PA AR disused rur.
hit somebody/something several times aturusar [v] CR
(in pottery) to soak mud or clay for one or several days agriar [v] HN
(in pottery) to soak mud or clay for one or several days podrir [v] HN
work at several low-paying jobs in order to make ends meet busconear [v] PR rur.
have an accident on a motor vehicle that turns over several times campanearse [v] MX
(for a motor vehicle) to turn over several times campanearse [v] MX
combine several heterogeneous elements campechanear [v] MX
divide a quantity among several people, based on what is proportionally due to each person cuotear [v] BO CL
mull something over several times chapolear [v] CO disused
wrap something with several twists of string to reinforce it entisar [v] CU
drive someone to one or several specific places carretear [v] PR
hastily collect something that has been thrown into the air (several people) garduñar [v] HN
divide a paddock into several parts with fences gavetear [v] HN
get high by mixing several different drugs or alcohol and drugs cruzarse [v] MX GT HN SV NI drug
sell items of one or several types at wholesale prices by buying from several retailers corretear [v] AR UY
have several drinks embicar [v] DO
divide up plots of land or distribute portions of something among several people lotear [v] GT CO BO CL PY
have several alcoholic drinks in a row embicar [v] DO
drink several shots in a row embicarse [v] DO
gather several people with common interests nuclear [v] CU BO PY AR UY PE cult
gather several people with common interests aglutinar [v] MX HN CU DO VE BO
have relations with several women at the same time negrear [v] BO
have sex several times in a row recoger [v] SV NI
work several jobs recursearse [v] EC rare
work several jobs recursearse [v] PE PY
date several woman at once negrear [v] BO
with great momentum (after turning the arm several times) a brazo borneado [adv] CL
period of several days diyales [m/pl] GT rare
homeopathic compound that contains several types of medicinal flowers flores pectorales [f/pl] CL
basic lottery with a single ticket in play for several weekly drawings bono-loto [f] ES
who has had sexual intercourse with several men (woman) corrida [adj/f] CU CL
who has had sexual intercourse with several men (woman) baqueteada [adj/f] CU
who has had sexual intercourse with several men (woman) ponchada [adj/f] CU
who has had sexual intercourse with several men (woman) rodada [adj/f] CU
who has had sexual intercourse with several men (woman) traqueteada [adj/f] CU
having given birth several times parendera [adj/f] HN SV NI
have several irons in the fire tener más de una opción disponible [v]
have several irons in the fire tener varias bolas en el aire [v]
(after several attempts) lose on purpose (about something) dejarse pelos en la gatera [v]
(after several attempts) lose one's hope dejarse pelos en la gatera [v]
have several irons in the fire tener alguien el pie en dos zapatos [v]
several cards short of a full deck deficiente mental
several cards short of a full deck idiota
several cards short of a full deck retrasado mental
several cards short of a full deck subnormal
who has sexual intercourse with several women (man) de cola grande [adj] HN
be drunk for several days agarrar canilla [v] HN
suddenly develop a chaotic situation/confrontation between several people armarse la bola [v] MX
have a fever lasting several days tener una calentura pegada [v] HN NI
tolerate several insults abrir el paraguas [v] DO AR UY
go to several places to resolve a situation dar sánsara [v] CU
appropriate the majority of what is distributed among several people despacharse hermoso [v] NI
appropriate the majority of what is distributed among several people despacharse con el cucharón [v] PR
appropriate the majority of what is distributed among several people despacharse con la cuchara grande [v] MX PR
use something several times (especially an article of clothing) darle como a pandereta aleluya [v] PR
win the same card several times when playing a card game darse una carta [v] PR
jump several times with one's arms up to catch something estar a las acapujadas [v] AR:W
jump several times with one's arms up to catch something estar a las capujadas [v] AR:W
be several months pregnant (woman) estar adelantada [v] UY
be behind on several obligatory payments, like rent estar en moro [v] PA
have several people pitch in hacer una cucha [v] CL
have several people pitch in hacer la cabuda [v] SV
have several people pitch in hacer la carreta [v] SV
collect money from several people for a common purpose hacer la cabuda [v] SV
(at christmas) exchange small gifts among several people without anyone knowing who received them each jugar al angelito [v] DO
stop after several days of drinking pararla [v] NI CR BO
share a profit with several people partir un confite [v] VE
have a fever for several days tener una calentura pegada [v] HN NI
have several drinks tocarse un poco [v] PR
are we lighting the whole neighborhood? (to indicate that there were several spare lights in a room) ¿está parida la gata? [expr] disused
after several weeks después de varias semanas
past several days hará unos días
several days apart a pocos días
over the past several days durante los últimos años
and several other things y qué sé yo
due to several reasons debido a varias razones
due to the several reasons debido a las muchas razones
on several occasions en varias ocasiones
on several occasions varias veces
in the next several hours en las próximas horas
for the past several days durante los últimos días
church festival extending over several days pascua [f]
(several other animals) to attack one animal aguaicar [v]
work several jobs at once comer a dos carrillos [v]
work several jobs at once masticar a dos carrillos [v]
make several attempts teclear [v]
try several different things teclear [v]
man who has sexual intercourse with several women cola alegre [n] HN NI
several years later varios años más tarde
several cards short of a full deck no le gira la ardilla
undressing of one person or several people calateo [m] PE
unsuccessful exchange of ideas among several people baboseo [m] CU DO
an aggression with several repeated beats campaneo [m] MX
sudden dismissal of one or several people guillotinazo [m] CL
point where several elements converge junte [m] BO:N,E
person who has committed several homicides matachín [m] VE:W
man who dates several women at the same time nina-nina [m] BO:E
heist that consists of breaking into a taxi and forcing the passenger to withdraw money from several atms paseo millonario [m] CR CO
unexpected child born several years after the last one santanazo [m] MX
a beating by several people aguaicada [f] AR:Nw
attack on one animal by several other animals aguaicada [f] AR:Nw
undressing of one person or several people calateada [f] PE
undressing of one person or several people calateadera [f] PE rare
disturbance or racket caused by several people guachafita [f] CO VE
disturbance or racket caused by several people huachafita [f] CO VE
abundant consumption of tobacco by one or several people fumadera [f] EC teen
abundant consumption of tobacco by one or several people fumadera [f] MX GT HN NI CR PR CO BO CL
conversation of several people at the same time habladera [f] NI CR DO VE
money collected by several people for a specific expense ponina [f] CU
collection of money between several people vaca [f] CR CO EC AR UY
beating among several others torta [f] CL
(a piece of food or beverage) tasted by several people babeado [adj] NI PA
made up from the fusion of several ingredients or a mix of elements campechaneado [adj] MX
high on several different drugs or a mixture of drugs and alcohol (person) cruzado (inglés) [adj] HN
(several people) to beat someone up aguaicar [v] AR:Nw
overcome several consecutive setbacks caerle la macacoa [v] PR
overcome several consecutive setbacks caer comején al palo [v] PR
overcome several consecutive setbacks caerle la changa [v] PR
for several people to criticize or question someone caerle las avispas [v] HN
riot among several people recochar [v] CO
work several jobs pulpear [v] PA
shoot several times afrijolar [v] CU
(a piece of food or beverage) tasted by several people babeada [adj/f] NI PA
person who casually dates several men loca [f] CU DO EC derog.
have sex several times in a row recoger [v] PY
a corporation made up of several different, independent businesses conglomerado [m]
joint and several administrator administrador solidario [m]
joint and several solidario [adj]
joint and several solidario [adj]
joint-and-several administrators administradores solidarios [m/pl]
joint and several obligation obligación solidaria
joint and several liability responsabilidad conjunta
joint and several mancomunada y solidariamente
joint and several liability obligación conjunta
joint and several debt obligación solidaria
several liability responsabilidad solidaria
joint and several contract contrato solidario
joint and several creditor acreedor solidario
joint and several guaranty garantía solidaria
joint and several debtor deudor solidario
joint and several note pagaré solidario
several liability responsabilidad independiente
joint and several commitment compromiso solidario
several liability responsabilidad independiente
several obligation obligación independiente
several ownership propiedad independiente
joint and several contract contrato solidario
joint and several obligation deber solidario
joint and several liability responsabilidad solidaria
joint and several creditor acreedor solidario
joint and several liability mancomunidad solidaria
joint and several liability mancomunidad total
joint and several debt deuda mancomunada y solidaria
joint and several debt deuda solidaria
joint and several debtor deudor solidario
joint and several guaranty garantía solidaria
joint and several obligation obligación solidaria
joint and several note pagaré solidario
joint and several surety fiador solidario
joint and several colectiva e individualmente
joint and several guarantee garantía solidaria
joint and several liability deuda mancomunada y solidaria
joint and several creditor acreedor solidario
joint and several liability responsabilidad solidaria
joint and several guarantee garantía solidaria
joint and several liability responsabilidad conjunta e individual
joint and several liability responsabilidad solidaria
joint and several bond obligación solidaria
joint and several creditor acreedor solidario
joint and several liability deuda mancomunada y solidaria
joint and several debtor deudor solidario
name given to several types of sweet bars eaten at christmas turrón [m]
joint and several liability solidaridad [f]
several counts combinación de causas [f]
make several persons pay the costs of a lawsuit mancomunar [v]
several times reiteradamente [adv]
several debtor deudor solidario
joint and several debtor deudor solidario
several inheritance herencia fraccionada
joint and several action acción solidaria
joint and several liability responsabilidad mancomunada
several covenant pacto solidario
several inheritance herencia dividida
several leads varias pistas
joint and several contract contrato solidario
joint and several creditor acreedor solidario
joint and several debt deuda solidaria
joint and several guarantee garantía solidaria
joint and several guaranty garantía solidaria
joint and several liability responsabilidad solidaria
joint and several obligation obligación solidaria
several actions acciones separadas
several liability responsabilidad independiente
several obligation obligación independiente
several ownership propiedad independiente
International Law
joinder of plaintiffs’ claims against several defendants acumulación de acciones
several action acción independiente
joint and several action acción solidaria
joint and several creditor acreedor solidario
joint and several liability deuda mancomunada y solidaria
joint and several creditor coacreedor [m]
several-for-one varios para uno
consisting of several parcels multiparcelar [adj]
several issues cuestiones diversas [f/pl]
any of several digestive enzymes that break down starches amilasa [f]
knot theory comprising several closed curves teoría de nudos que comprende varías curvas cerradas [f]
break a problem down into several subproblems descomponer un problema en varios subproblemas [v]
degree of a monomial in several variables grado de un monomio de distintas variables
degree of a polynomial in several variables grado de un polinomio de distintas variables
functions of several complex variables funciones de varias variables complejas
functions of several variables funciones de varias variables
mix several kinds of ore chacurruscar [v] PE
well cutting accross several pools pozo subyacente
treatment using several drugs politerapia [f]
infection caused by microorganisms of the genus anaplasma that attacks several classes of cattle and produces general weakness and anemia holán [f] EC
any of several diseases caused by deficiency of one or more vitamins avitaminosis [f]
joint and several liability responsabilidad conjunta
mobility of several joints movilidad de varias articulaciones
stability of several joints estabilidad de varias articulaciones
Real Estate
joint and several liability responsabilidad solidaria
manifold (one of several copies) copia [f]
wide composing stick holding several lines cazuela [f]
meal made up of a rice soup with meat, chicken, fish or seafood, several vegetables and sauté asopao [m] DO PR
roasted tamale that is soaked in milk for several days before being served bienmesabe [m] CR:Nw,Se
a thick stew made with several type of potatoes, chicken, tender corn and flavored with guasca herbs ajiaco [m] CO VE
beef steak that can be prepared several ways churrasco [m] PE BO PY
several corn tortillas filled with different ingredients burra [f] HN
dish prepared by mixing or stirring together several items of food, especially pig entrails, that are generally eaten separately chanfaina [f] HN NI PA
dish consisting of stewing pork fritters or entrails with potatoes, tomato sauce, and several spices jandinga [f] PR
dish consisting of stewing pork fritters or entrails with potatoes, tomato sauce, and several spices gandinga [f] CU PR
typical food including several crab dishes jueyada [f] PR
set of several small rolls that are cooked together, but can be separated later marraqueta [f] PE:Sw
parchment containing several documents pancarta [f]
joint and several liability responsabilidad pública colectiva
joint and several liability responsabilidad conjunta o variada
repetition of one or several syllables to the rhythm of rumba music lalaleo [m] CU
impersonator playing several characters in rapid mutation transformista [m/f]
get the ball past several opponents (soccer and other sports) filtrar [v] HN
a fast-growing, erect or diffuse, simple or several-stemmed herb with a foetid aroma, growing up to 25 meters tall (cassia hirsuta) bicho [m] CO
a climbing plant that produces long pods with several red and hard seeds, between round and oval, a few centimeters in length callajabo [m] PR
a climbing plant that produces long pods with several red and hard seeds, between round and oval, a few centimeters in length cayajabo [m] PR
an annual, shallow-rooted herb, usually growing to a height of about 15 to 45 cm, characterized by succulent stems, shiny, heart-shaped, fleshy leaves and tiny, dot-like seeds attached to several fruiting spikes (peperomia pellucida) corazón de hombre [m] PR
a climbing plant of several sizes, with triangular stem divided by several furrows, used for fishing purposes (serjania triquetra) amole [m] GT HN
a climbing plant of several sizes, with triangular stem divided by several furrows, used for fishing purposes (serjania triquetra) farolito chino [m] AR UY
a climbing plant of various sizes, with triangular stem divided by several furrows (serjania triquetra) farolito chino [m] HN
a climbing plant of various sizes, with triangular stem divided by several furrows (serjania triquetra) amole [m] GT HN
an annual, shallow-rooted herb, usually growing to a height of about 15 to 45 cm, characterized by succulent stems, shiny, heart-shaped, fleshy leaves and tiny, dot-like seeds attached to several fruiting spikes (peperomia pellucida) alumbre [f] PR
an annual, shallow-rooted herb, usually growing to a height of about 15 to 45 cm, characterized by succulent stems, shiny, heart-shaped, fleshy leaves and tiny, dot-like seeds attached to several fruiting spikes (peperomia pellucida) coclaria [f] PR
an annual, shallow-rooted herb, usually growing to a height of about 15 to 45 cm, characterized by succulent stems, shiny, heart-shaped, fleshy leaves and tiny, dot-like seeds attached to several fruiting spikes (peperomia pellucida) frescura [f] PR
an annual, shallow-rooted herb, usually growing to a height of about 15 to 45 cm, characterized by succulent stems, shiny, heart-shaped, fleshy leaves and tiny, dot-like seeds attached to several fruiting spikes (peperomia pellucida) peletaria [f] PR
an annual, shallow-rooted herb, usually growing to a height of about 15 to 45 cm, characterized by succulent stems, shiny, heart-shaped, fleshy leaves and tiny, dot-like seeds attached to several fruiting spikes (peperomia pellucida) paletaria [f] PR
a climbing plant of several sizes, with triangular stem divided by several furrows, used for fishing purposes (serjania triquetra) tronadora [f] HN
a climbing plant of various sizes, with triangular stem divided by several furrows (serjania triquetra) tronadora [f] HN
a medicinal plant used in folk medicine to treat several ailments (bauhinia microstachya) escalera de mono [f] AR
a medicinal plant used in folk medicine to treat several ailments (bauhinia microstachya) caí escalera [f] AR
several plots of agricultural land with only stubble left guamilería [f] HN rur.
a perennial grass, up to 1 m high, with several thin and green stems, alternate leaves, from ovate to lanceolate, sharp at the apex and rounded at the base, green flowers (polygala hondurana) ipecacuana [f] HN NI CR BO
a perennial grass, up to 1 m high, with several thin and green stems, alternate leaves, from ovate to lanceolate, sharp at the apex and rounded at the base, green flowers (polygala hondurana) picuana [f] HN
a large climbing shrub producing twining, perennial stems up to several metres long (calopogonium caeruleum) jícama cimarrona [f] CU
a large climbing shrub producing twining, perennial stems up to several metres long (calopogonium caeruleum) jícama [f] CU PR
one of several species in the genus artemisia (artemisia vulgaris) artemisa [f]
one of several species in the genus artemisia (artemisia vulgaris) altamisa [f]
ornate of several rows, like fish scales mariposado [adj]
any of several small insects that feed by sucking the juices from plants áfido [m]
one of several species of flies (dermatobia hominis) nuche [m] CO EC PE
one playing alone against several others mohíno [m]
match of one playing against several others mohíno [m]
one or several dancers may intervene to counter, perform various changes, moving only their legs and feet malambo [m] PE:S CL:S AR UY
ceremony held a few days before carnival, where several men and women pretend to meet and complain about themselves publicly to be consecrated as friends topamiento [m] AR:Nw
popular courtship dance performed by several couples face to face with a handkerchief in hand, accompanied by a guitarist and singer mariquita [f] AR
one of several species of owl monkeys (aotus trivirgatus) jujuná [m] PA
one of several species of owl monkeys (aotus trivirgatus) obiubí [m] VE