sound - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "sound" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 191 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
sound sonido [m]
sound son [m]
sound sano [adj]
sound sonar [v]
sound seno [m]
sound ileso [adj]
sound saludable [adj]
sound de sonido [adj]
sound sonoro [adj]
sound sondear [v]
sound tañido [m]
sound sólido [adj]
sound sónico [adj]
sound consistente [adj]
sound sondar [v]
sound hacer sonar [v]
sound entonar [v]
sound fondear [v]
sound parecer [v]
sound profundo [adj]
sound voz [f]
sound seno [m]
sound son [m]
sound sondaje [m]
sound sondeo [m]
sound sonido [m]
sound tono [m]
sound letra [f]
sound sonoridad [f]
sound voz [f]
sound consistente [adj]
sound firme [adj]
sound sonante [adj]
sound sonoro [adj]
sound sonoroso [adj]
sound sustentable [adj]
sound auscultar [v]
sound cantar [v]
sound escandallar [v]
sound parecer [v]
sound sentir [v]
sound sonar [v]
sound sondar [v]
sound sondear [v]
sound toque [m]
sound ruido [m]
sound estrecho [m]
sound grito [m]
sound tono [m]
sound sonoridad [f]
sound estrecho [adj]
sound legítimo [adj]
sound sensato [adj]
sound redondo [adj]
sound acústico [adj]
sound fiable [adj]
sound seguro [adj]
sound repicar [v]
sound pulsar [v]
sound metal [m]
sound sonda [f]
sound bueno [adj]
sound incólume [adj]
sound entero [adj]
sound válido [adj]
sound confiable [adj]
sound tantear [v]
sound vadear [v]
sound suavizar [v]
sound mar estrecho [m]
sound tienta [f]
sound mar de sonda [f]
sound importancia [f]
sound vejiga natatoria (del pez) [f]
sound significación [f]
sound completo [adj]
sound cabal [adj]
sound perfecto [adj]
sound recto [adj]
sound firme [adj]
sound justo [adj]
sound indudable [adj]
sound cierto [adj]
sound anunciar [v]
sound proclamar [v]
sound celebrar [v]
sound cantar [v]
sound aclamar [v]
sound probar por el sonido [v]
sound publicar [v]
sound hacer emitir un sonido [v]
sound inquirir [v]
sound rastrear [v]
sound hacer ruido [v]
sound causar ruido [v]
sound dar toque de aviso [v]
sound dar toque de llamada [v]
sound dar señal por medio de un toque [v]
sound calarse (la ballena) [v]
sound vigorosamente [adv]
sound sanamente [adv]
sound sueno [m] disused
sound sueno [m] disused
sound sonada [f] disused
sound hito [adj] disused
sound pulsar [v] fig.
sound asondar [v] rare
sound sana [adj/f]
sound sólida [adj/f]
sound sónica [adj/f]
sound profunda [adj/f]
sound segura [adj/f]
sound ilesa [adj/f]
sound entera [adj/f]
sound válida [adj/f]
sound buena [adj/f]
sound completa [adj/f]
sound perfecta [adj/f]
sound justa [adj/f]
sound recta [adj/f]
sound cierta [adj/f]
sound de los buenos [adj]
sound de cal y canto [adj]
sound sensato [adj]
sound solvente [adj]
sound sólido [adj]
sound sano [adj]
sound tañer [v]
sound sondear [v]
sound pasaje [m]
sound inalterable [adj]
sound razonable [adj]
sound íntegro [adj]
sound de sonido [m]
sound productivo [adj]
sound acústico [adj]
sound fónico [adj]
sound durable [adj]
sound sin avería
sound sondaleza
sound nivel sonoro
sound sonido [m]
sound sonido [m]
sound sonoridad [f]
sound sonido [m]
sound solvente [adj]
sound sonda [f]
sound sano [adj]
sound tentar [v]
sound correcto [adj]
sound sondar [v]
sound divulgarse [v]
sound bucear [v]
sound esparcirse [v]
sound dar el toque de [v]
sound resonar [v]
sound brazo de mar
sound acertado [adj]
sound mar poco profundo
sound escandallar [v]
sound hondear [v]
sound brazo de mar
sound cantar [v]
sound echar la sonda [v]
sound brazo de mar [m]
sound sondear [v]
sound escandallar [v]
sound brazo de mar
sound brazo de mar [m]
sound sonda [f]
sound sondear [v]
sound escandallar [v]
sound sonda [f]
sound ría [f]
sound fiordo [adj]
sound en buen estado [adj]
sound sin avería [adj]
sound sin defectos [adj]
sound resistente [adj]
sound sólido [adj]
sound solvente [adj]
sound bien pensado [adj]
sound sonido [m]
sound sólido [adj]
sound fundamentado [adj]
sound en buen estado [adj]
sound timbre de sonido
sound franco [adj]
British Slang
sound excelente
sound maravilloso
sound genial

Sens de "sound" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
pitch (sound) tono [m]
volume (sound) tono [m]
make sound a ring timbrar [v]
sound level meter sonómetro [m]
sound judgment prudencia [f]
sound archive fonoteca [f]
sound engineer sonidista [m/f]
sound hollow sonar a hueco [v]
sound like sonar a [v]
sound out sondar [v]
sound out sondear [v]
sound out tantear [v]
sound the retreat tocar la retirada [v]
sound out pulsar [v]
sound out vadear [v]
to the sound of al son de [adv]
step (song, music, sound) tono [m]
sound (bell, alarm, horn) tocar [v]
sound judgment acierto [m]
high-pitched sound alto [m]
soft sound arrullo [m]
rifle shot sound carabinazo [m]
sound of the castanets castañeteado [m]
sound of loud chewing chiquichaque [m]
sound of swords hitting chischás [m]
loud sound from the bugle or trumpet clarinazo [m]
faint sound eco [m]
distant sound eco [m]
hammering sound martilleo [m]
monaural or monophonic sound reproduction mono [m]
celebration to the sound of a tambourine pandereteo [m]
scratching sound rasguido [m]
putting back on sound footing saneamiento [m]
very slight sound sonecillo [m]
very slight sound soniquete [m]
sound of trumpets trompeteo [m]
sound represented by the letter a a [f]
sound of the letter b b [f]
sound of the letter c c [f]
stereophonic sound cadena musical [f]
sound box caja de resonancia [f]
sound board caja de resonancia [f]
ch sound ch [f]
sound judgment discreción [f]
sound of the letter f f [f]
sound of the letter g g [f]
sound of the letter g ge [f]
sound of the letter i i [f]
sound of the letter j j [f]
letter j and its sound jota [f]
sound of the letter k k [f]
letter k and its sound ka [f]
sound of the letter l l [f]
sound of the double l digraph ll [f]
sound of the letter m m [f]
sound of words materialidad [f]
sound systems megafonía [f]
sound of the letter n n [f]
sound of the letter ñ ñ [f]
sound of the letter o o [f]
sound of the letter p p [f]
sound of the letter p pe [f]
sound judgment prudencia [f]
sound of the letter r r [f]
sound of the letter s s [f]
installation of a sound system sonorización [f]
sound of the letter t t [f]
sound hole tarraja [f]
letter t and the sound it represents te [f]
sound of the letter u u [f]
sound of the letter x x [f]
sound of the letter z z [f]
warlike sound belísono [adj]
installing a sound system sonorizador [adj]
make a clippety-clop sound atabalear [v]
sound out auscultar [v]
make a sound like the cicadidae chicharrear [v]
make a sound chitar [v]
hear the sound of one's own voice escucharse [v]
sound out plantear [v]
put back on sound footing redondear [v]
have a sound sonar [v]
sound out sondear [v]
install a sound system sonorizar [v]
sound the alarm tangir [v]
sound out tantear [v]
make a loud sound traquetear [v]
sound meter audiómetro [m]
sound amplifier sonoamplificador [m]
a chirping sound un chirrido (de insecto, grillo) [m]
sound effect efecto sonoro [m]
device which is used to make a whistling sound chifle [m]
device which is used to make a whistling sound pito [m]
device which is used to make a whistling sound silbato [m]
sound of whistling pitido [m]
sound of whistling silbato [m]
sound of whistling chiflido [m]
sound of a telephone when ringing ringtone [m]
sound of a telephone when ringing tono de llamada [m]
lack of any sound silencio [m]
sound of a dog guau [m]
sound of a dog ladro [m]
sound of a duck cuac [m]
absence of sound silencio [m]
sound of talking barullo [m]
sound of talking vocerio [m]
clicking sound chasquido [m]
sound of hen cloqueo [m]
sound of hen clo [m]
sound of a hungry stomach gruñido [m]
sound of a snake siseo [m]
heavy snoring sound esteror [m]
sound of swallowing glup [m]
sound of swallowing indicating fear glup [m]
sound of flatulence pun [m]
stereo sound estéreo [m]
sound of discharging a firearm pun [m]
the sound of a sheep balido [m]
crackling (sound) restallido [m]
gurgling (sound) gorjeo [m]
beep (sound) pitido [m]
whistling (sound) silbo [m]
snoring sound ronquido [m]
scratchy sound of bass guitar bordoneo [m]
bleating sound (animal) balido [m]
bubbling sound sonido burbujeante [m]
breath sound sonido de respiración [m]
booming sound sonido envolvente (altavoces) [m]
beeping sound ruido de alarma [m]
booming sound sonido potente (altavoces) [m]
call sound sonido de llamada [m]
harsh sound disonancia [f]
disapproving sound pedorreta [f]
device which is used for making a sound alarm sirena [f]
act of producing vocal sound fonación [f]
sound of whistling pitada [f]
sound of a word pronunciación [f]
absence of sound tranquilidad [f]
absence of sound quietud [f]
sound track banda sonora [f]
of sound mind en su sano juicio [adj]
bass [sound] grave [adj]
sound-producing sonador [adj]
without voice or sound afónico [adj]
sharp (sound) bronco [adj]
pertaining to audible sound de sonido [adj]
pertaining to audible sound de audio [adj]
safe and sound sano y salvo [adj]
pertaining to sound sónico [adj]
shrill (high-pitched and piercing in tone or sound) agudo [adj]
as sound as bell más sano que una pera [adj]
sound harshly disonar [v]
put on a sound footing sanear [v]
sound a horn pitar [v]
(alarm) to sound sonar (la alarma) [v]
sound (drum) batir [v]
(sound) to produce arrancar [v]
put in a sound system sonorizar [v]
turn off the sound of apagar [v]
turn off the sound of desactivar [v]
sound loudly trompetear [v]
emit sound rechinar [v]
make a metallic sound hacer un ruido metálico [v]
to sound the alarm dar la voz de alarma [v]
hear a sound oír algo [v]
make someone sound like hacerle parecer [v]
sound like a broken record parecer un disco rayado [v]
be safe and sound estar sano y salvo [v]
sound good sonar bien [v]
sound funny sonar gracioso [v]
sound comical sonar cómico [v]
sound strange sonar raro [v]
sound funny sonar raro [v]
drown out the sound ahogar el sonido [v]
sound the horn tocar el claxon [v]
sound the alarm dar la alarma [v]
sound the alarm dar la voz de alerta [v]
record sound grabar sonido [v]
make it sound like hacer que suene como si [v]
make a sharp hissing sound armar una silba [v]
make a sharp hissing sound dar una silba [v]
sound the horn bocinar [v]
sound a wake-up call dar una llamada de atención [v]
sound the alarm tocar arma [v]
sound the alarm dar una llamada de atención [v]
sound the horn tocar el cláxones [v]
sound the horn tocar el klaxon [v]
sound the call to arms tocar arma [v]
sound the horn claxonar [v]
arrive safe and sound llegar sano y salvo [v]
be physically sound and strong estar sano y fuerte físicamente [v]
be sound asleep estar dormido profundamente [v]
arrive safe and sound llegar sano y salvo [v]
safe and sound a salvo [adv]
meow (sound of a cat) mio [interj]
sound of a giggle jeje [interj]
sound of a giggle jaja [interj]
sound of a ticking clock tic tac [interj]
sound of a cow or bull mu [interj]
sound of a person chewing ñam ñam ñam [interj]
sound of explosion pum [interj]
sound of a violent impact zas [interj]
sound system equipo de audio [n] CU EC
sound system sistema sonoro
a sound analysis un análisis realista
a sound basis una sólida base
a sound analysis un análisis riguroso
a sound analysis un análisis profundo
a sound basis una base sólida
a sound basis una base firme
beep (sound) sonido de bip
speed of sound velocidad del sonido
sound box boca de sonido
sound wave onda acústica
sound wave onda sonora
sound of a dog barking guau guau
sound effects efectos sonoros
sound barrier barrera del sonido
sound wave onda de sonido
sound wave onda sónica
sound effects efectos de sonido
the sound and the fury el ruido y la furia
gurgling sound sonido de gorgoteo
wraparound sound sonido envolvente
sound system el sistema de sonido
sound system equipo de sonido
speed of sound la velocidad del sonido
velocity of sound la velocidad del sonido
turn on the sound enciende el sonido
sound engineer ingeniero de sonido
harmony of sound/colours acorde [m]
shrill sound chillido [m]
any shrill disagreeable sound chirrido [m]
sound of two swords in dueling chischás [m]
sound of passing bell clamor [m]
sound of castanets castañeteado [m]
distant sound eco [m]
gurgling sound gorgoteo [m]
fleeting idea/sound relumbrón [m]
tingling sound retinte [m]
repercussion of sound rimbombe [m]
harsh, rough sound ronquido [m]
sound of voices rumor [m]
harmonious sound timbre [m]
tremulous sound trinado [m]
piercing sound (as of a clarion) tintirintín [m]
sound of a bell talán [m]
sound of the tambourine tan [m]
very slight sound sonecillo [m]
sound made by tapping with the fingers sonetico [m]
rhythmical tapping sound sonsonete [m]
sound of a sail flapping in the wind zapatazo [m]
sound of a falling body zarpazo [m]
sound of a bell tilín [m]
repercussion of sound rimbombo [m]
sound post (violin) alma [f]
sound of a bell campanada [f]
sound made by a chestnut bursting in the fire castañetada [f]
sound health eucrasia [f]
single sound nota [f]
sweetness of sound melodía [f]
repercussion of sound resonancia [f]
sound echoed back respuesta [f]
digraph and sound ll (y) ll [f]
uniformity of sound unisonancia [f]
faint (sound) bajo [adj]
of sound mind consciente [adj]
warlike sound belísono [adj]
faltering (sound/voice) entrecortado [adj]
hale (healthy; robust; vigorous; sound) fuerte [adj]
scratchy (sound) agudo [adj]
sound the warning alarms alarmar [v]
display assonance or match in sound asonar [v]
produce feedback (sound) acoplarse [v]
emit a harsh sound (musical instrument) cerdear [v]
sound the trumpet bocinar [v]
disagree in sound disonar [v]
sound with a catheter cateterizar [v]
sound loudly retumbar [v]
feed souls with sound doctrine pastorear [v]
sound imitating the snarling of a cat fu [interj]
bowel sound borborigmo [m]
dead sound ruido sordo [m]
sound post alma del violín [f]
sound-track guía sonora [f]
safe and sound salvo [adj]
sound the alarm tocar al arma [v]
re-sound volver a sonar [v]
silence (a sound) apagar [v]
of sound mind en su cabal juicio [adv]
shout/lament as part of sound of the joropo eco [m] CO VE
onomatopoetic sound of maracas chischeo [m] VE
sound emitted by certain pinnipedians (seals/walruses) aturneo [m] HN
electronic images and sound reproduction device betamax [m] CO HN SV NI PA CL rare CR EC PE disused
a musical instrument that consists of a small wooden fork on which two wires with metal plates are placed on each side, when moving, the plates emit a sound similar to those of rattles and maracas ayacaste [m] MX HN
musical instrument composed of a small wooden fork, two wires with metal plates are placed on each side, when moved the plates make a sound like a rattle or maracas ayacastle [m] MX
a musical instrument that consists of a small wooden fork on which two wires with metal plates are placed on each side, when moving, the plates emit a sound similar to those of rattles and maracas ayacaxtle [m] SV
sound from a conch shell bututazo [m] HN
sound produced by a storm or volcano bujido [m] SV NI
sound from a horn bututazo [m] HN
shortness of breath accompanied by a wheezing sound caused by asthma or severe catarrh ahoguillo [m] PR US rare
(in string instruments) piece of wood in which the sound box has been carved, polished, and decorated cuartón [m] PR
sound a rooster makes cucurucú [m] DO PR
snapping sound made with one's tongue chasqueteo [m] MX
indigenous folk dance in which dancers hold a bow and arrows and play with them to the sound of music as a part of the choreography chuncho [m] BO:C,W
big soft mallet that makes a sound when hitting something chipote chillón [m] CL child
portable sound reproduction system for a car estéreo [m] US MX NI DO
sound produced by a fotuto, conch shell trumpet fotutazo [m] DO PR
sound imitating the music played by a cimarrona, musical group farafarachín [m] CR
sound of hoofbeats casqueo [m] HN rur.
sound of hoofbeats cascadeo [m] HN rur.
sound of hoofbeats casqueo [m] HN
loud sound made when falling to the ground guatacazo [m] DO CL
creaking sound produced by a solid body when rubbing against something or breaking crujimiento [m] CL
sound made when cracking one's joints conejo [m] PE
sound defeat of an opponent hachazo [m] SV
sound system discomóvil [m] HN CR DO
musical group member or person who works in with mobile sound system marañón [m] SV
remote sound transmission system using hertz waves radio [m] MX NI CR PA DO CO EC UY
sound system discomóvil [m] HN
sound beating friega [f] CL
sound beating zumba [f] CO CL PR
sound produced by a storm or volcano bujida [f] SV
sound defeat inflicted on someone in a competition or dispute felpa [f] VE AR CL rare
sound defeat of a team or person in a sports competition jamaqueada [f] HN
sound defeat macaneada [f] HN NI
sound defeat maceteada [f] HN
musical group member or person who works in with mobile sound system marañona [f] SV
sound defeat moneada [f] HN SV
mobile sound system miniteca [f] CO VE
party with dancing and mobile sound system miniteca [f] CO
sound defeat pateadura [f] CU PE CL
sound defeat pateada [f] HN NI
sound defeat pela [f] MX DO PR
sound defeat pela de calzón quitado [f] DO
sound defeat petateada [f] HN
sound defeat petatiada [f] HN
sound defeat penqueada [f] GT HN NI
sound defeat pijiada [f] GT HN SV NI
sound from a skidding wheel rechinada [f] MX NI PE CL
sound of meat tearing and tasting racachaca [f] NI
peristaltic sound sonajera de tripas [f] CL
sound defeat zarandeada [f] HN SV
sound defeat tanateada [f] HN
sound defeat tanda [f] PE CL
sound defeat vapuleada [f] HN CR CU PE BO PY AR UY CO
sound made with lips to manifests disagreement trompetilla [f] CU PR
bowel sound sonajera de tripas [f] CL
sound defeat volazón [f] HN
sound system cadena [f] ES
stereophonic sound cadena de música [f] ES
stereophonic sound cadena de sonido [f] ES
sound system miniteca [f] VE
loud sound tronancina [f] HN
expert in production, transmission, or electronic sound emission sonidista [m/f] SV NI CR CU DO PR CO EC BO CL PY AR UY
sound tech sonidista [m/f] SV NI CR CU DO PR CO EC BO CL PY AR UY
sound technician sonidista [m/f] SV NI CR CU DO PR CO EC BO CL PY AR UY
sound engineer sonidista [m/f] MX NI CR CU PR CO EC BO CL PY AR UY
sound asleep achocado [adj] PR
making a harsh and intermittent sound (thing) chicharriento [adj] CL
harsh and intermittent (sound) chicharriento [adj] MX CL
that produces a muffled sound when struck (thing) fotuto [adj] VE
using pretentious and obscure words to sound intelligent filatélico [adj] EC
sound funny sonar chistoso [v] LAM
sound one's horn cornetear [v] CAR
make a disappointed sound as a last ditch effort aletear [v] PR
make a soft whistling sound to hunt iguanas silbar iguanas [v] CR VE
sound the horn of a vehicle bocinear [v] BO
(for the garbage collection truck) to alert residents with a sound to take the garbage out campanear [v] MX
make a snapping sound with one's tongue chasquetear [v] MX
make a sound with one's flip-flops while walking cutarear [v] CU:E
make a disgusting sound chicharrear [v] MX CL
make a clippety-clop sound (horse's hooves) casquear [v] HN VE
sound defeat patear [v] HN NI DO PR
without making a sound apasito [adv] PA
expressing/imitating the sound of a hit or a fall ¡atángana! [interj] PR
imitating the sound a rooster makes ¡cucurucú! [interj] DO BO
imitating the sound of a blow or punch to something relatively soft ¡cuaz! [interj] HN
used to imitate the sound of cracking knuckles, especially those of the hands or feet, to reinforce one's position ¡cuy! [interj] EC
imitating the sound produced by a slap ¡chapaj! (del quechua) [interj] BO
imitating the sound of a body submerging in water ¡chapulín! [interj] SV
imitating the sound feet make when stepping in a quagmire ¡chaquechaque! [interj] PA
imitating the sound of a machete hitting someone or something ¡chacás! [interj] SV
express the sound of a blow or fall ¡tacatás! [interj] DO
faltering (sound/voice) entrecortada [adj/f]
warlike sound belísona [adj/f]
as sound as a dollar confiable [adj]
as sound as bell de perfecta salud [adj]
as sound as bell en perfectas condiciones [adj]
as sound as bell sano como una manzana [adj]
safe and sound sano y salvo [adj]
sound fishy oler a camelo [v]
sound fishy oler a chamusquina [v]
have a sound grasp of something dominar algo en su totalidad [v]
have a sound grasp of something tener un conocimiento profundo de algo [v]
sound the death knell dejar seco a alguien [v]
sound one's horn echarse flores [v]
sound one's horn tirarse flores [v]
sound like a broken record estar siempre con la misma canción [v]
be sound as a barrel estar más sano que una manzana [v]
be sound as a barrel estar sano como una manzana [v]
be sound as a barrel estar en perfectas condiciones [v]
be sound as a barrel gozar de buena salud [v]
sound like a broken record parecer como un disco rayado [v]
sound like a broken record ser como un disco rayado [v]
sound like a broken record repetirse más que un disco rayado [v]
sound like a broken record sonar como un disco rayado [v]
sound out the public sondear a la opinión pública [v]
be of sound mind estar en si [v]
be of sound mind estar en su sano juicio [v]
sound the alarm dar la voz de alerta [v]
Sound/ring/toll the death knell doblar a muerto [v]
sound the alarm llamar a rebato [v]
sound someone out tirar de la lengua a alguien [v]
sound one's abilities tentar el vado [v]
sound a wake-up call tocar a rebato [v]
sound the alarm tocar la generala [v]
sound someone out (discover someone's opinions or intentions) tomar el pulso a alguien [v]
sound the alarm tocar a rebato [v]
sound/toll the death knell tocar a muerto [v]
sound the alarm tocar a somatén [v]
sound out someone tomar el pulso a alguien [v]
sound the call to arms tocar la generala [v]
sound something out tomar el pulso a algo [v]
sound alarm bells alertar [v]
sound alarm bells advertir sobre el peligro [v]
sound the death knell for doblar las campanas por [v]
sound the death knell for llegar el fin de [v]
sound out descubrir campo [v]
sound out descubrir el campo [v]
be of sound mind estar en su juicio [v]
be of sound mind estar muy en juicio [v]
sound the alarm tocar a rebato [v]
sound out descubrir tierra alguien [v]
sound someone out tener el vado (alguien) [v]
sound good correr el verbo [v]
at the sound of the bell a campana herida [adv]
at the sound of the bell a campana tañida [adv]
without making a sound a la chita callando [adv]
to the sound of a son de un instrumento [adv]
let out some kind of sound hacer ruido (una persona)
love the sound of one's own voice tener alta autoestima
get a sound grasp of something conocer a fondo un tema
get a sound grasp of something tener un conocimiento profundo sobre algo
let out some kind of sound dejar escapar algún sonido
I don't want to sound like a busybody but no quiero parecer un metiche pero
I don't want to sound like a busybody but no quiero sonar como un entrometido pero
I don't want to sound like a busybody but no quiero meter las narices donde no me llaman, pero
sound the alarm dar la voz de alarma
as sound as a dollar estar en perfectas condiciones
as sound as a barrel más sano que una manzana
as sound as a bell más sano que una manzana
as sound as a dollar sólido
as sound as a barrel fuerte como un roble
as sound as a dollar genuino/confiable
as sound as a barrel gozar de perfecta salud
as sound as a bell gozar de perfecta salud
as sound as a barrel más sano que una pera
as sound as a bell más sano que una pera
as sound as a dollar seguro
as sound as a dollar de confianza
sound reveille tocar diana
safe and sound sano y salvo
as sound as a barrel más fuerte que un roble
sound as a barrel en buen estado físico
sound as a barrel sano y salvo
sound asleep completamente dormido
sound asleep dormido como una piedra
sound asleep en un sueño profundo
sound sleep sueño profundo
sound like an old fart sonar como un viejo chocho
not make a sound no hacer ni cuio [v] NI CR
sound the alarm tocar a rebato [v] disused
at the sound of a trumpet a trompa tañida [adv] disused
don't make a sound no hagas ni un ruido
you sound sick tienes mala voz
you sound terrible tienes una voz horrible
you sound tired tienes voz de cansado
you sound sick tienes voz de enfermo
i'll sound it out for you te lo diré palabra por palabra
do i sound like i'm joking? ¿parece que estoy bromeando?
do I sound like I'm joking? ¿lo que dije suena a broma?
do i sound like i'm joking? ¿esto te suena a broma?
does it sound strange? ¿suena extraño?
does it sound strange? ¿no suena raro?
does it sound strange? ¿suena raro?
does it sound strange? ¿no te parece extraño?
does that sound crazy? ¿eso suena loco?
does that sound familiar? ¿eso te parece familiar?
does that sound like rational behavior to you? ¿eso te parece racional para ti?
does this song sound familiar? ¿esta canción te suena familiar?
does that sound crazy? ¿te parece una locura?
i'm starting to sound like my dad estoy empezando a hablar como mi padre
i'm starting to sound like my dad estoy empezando a sonar como mi papá
how's that sound? ¿cómo suena eso?
how's that sound? ¿qué te parece?
that doesn't sound fair eso no es justo
how does that sound? ¿qué te parece?
I didn't hear a sound No oí nada
there was no sound no se oía nada