the soul - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch

the soul


Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "the soul" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 250 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
damned soul condenado [m]
heart and soul ahínco [m]
soul music soul (inglés) [m]
life and soul alma [f]
heart and soul alma [f]
soul in purgatory alma [f]
soul in purgatory ánima [f]
soul in purgatory ánima bendita [f]
death of the soul muerte [f]
deep in one's soul interior [adj]
give inanimate objects a soul animizar [v]
soul music soul [m]
damned soul condenada [f]
soul patch barbilla de labio inferior [f]
soul patch barbillita [f]
kindred soul alma gemela [f]
the body, esp. as distinguished from the spirit or soul carne [f]
soul-destroying desmoralizado [adj]
commend one's soul to god encomendar su alma a dios [v]
not a soul ni un alma
lost soul alma perdida
soul mate el alma gemela
living soul bicho viviente
living soul el alma viviente
pertaining to the spirit or the soul espiritual [adj]
heart and soul con toda el alma [adv]
with all my soul con el mayor gusto [adv]
with all my soul con toda mi alma [adv]
upon my soul en mi conciencia [adv]
a scare from a ghost or a lost soul azoro [m] HN NI
the soul ajayu [m] BO
heart and soul ahincamiento [m] disused
soul of a child animita [f] MX
heart and soul ahincanza [f] disused
see a ghost or a lost soul azorarse [v] HN
appear to someone (spirit or soul in mourning) espantar [v] HN
(for a spirit or soul in pain) to appear espeluznarse [v] HN
put one's heart and soul into something macanearse [v] GT HN SV NI
put one's heart and soul into matar [v] PA EC BO UY
put one's heart and soul into mecatear [v] HN SV NI
put one's heart and soul into medirse [v] CO UY
hold ceremonies to recover a soul lost to some spell picharar [v] BO AR:Nw rur.
put one's heart and soul into mecatearse [v] HN SV
not a single soul ni el médico chino [adv] CU DO PR
prayers recited for the soul of the deceased at the wake decenarios [m/pl] DO
soul in purgatory alma en pena [f]
wandering soul alma en pena [f]
lonely soul alma en pena [f]
solitary soul alma en pena [f]
keep body and soul together sobrevivir [v]
go about like a lost soul estar como el alma en pena [v]
keep body and soul together coger el toro por los cuernos [v]
throw heart and soul into poner alma y vida en [v]
can't call one's soul one's own dejar siempre de lado sus propios deseos [v]
can't call one's soul one's own trabajar todo el tiempo para los demás [v]
gripe one's soul molestar a alguien [v]
gripe one's soul torturar el alma de alguien [v]
gripe one's soul sacar de quicio a alguien [v]
put your heart and soul into it dar el do de pecho [v]
not be a soul in sight no haber ni un alma a la vista [v]
not tell a (living) soul no contarle a nadie [v]
nourish the soul alimentar el alma [v]
pour out one's soul desahogarse [v]
pour out one's soul abrir el corazón [v]
put your heart and soul into something/doing something poner el corazón en algo/haciendo algo [v]
put heart and soul into poner alma y corazón en [v]
put one's heart and soul into dejar el alma en [v]
put one's heart and soul into ponerse con todo en [v]
put one's heart and soul into poner mucho afán para [v]
put one's heart and soul into poner mucha energía en [v]
be the captain of one's soul dibujar su propio destino [v]
be the captain of one's soul ser el arquitecto de su propio destino [v]
be the life and soul of the party ser el alma de la fiesta [v]
be the life and soul of the party ser el centro de atención [v]
be the life and soul of the party ser la chispa de la fiesta [v]
be the soul of discretion ser la discreción en persona [v]
have no soul no tener alma [v]
be soul mates ser almas gemelas [v]
be soul twins ser almas gemelas [v]
be the soul of discretion ser una tumba [v]
wander (around) like a lost soul vagar como alma en pena [v]
pray for someone's soul encomendar el alma [v]
pray for someone's soul recomendar el alma [v]
refresh someone's soul dilatar el ánimo [v]
refresh someone's soul dilatar el corazón [v]
refresh someone's soul ensanchar el corazón [v]
with heart and soul con el alma y con la vida [adv]
with heart and soul con el alma y la vida [adv]
from the heart and soul de raíz [adv]
may their soul rest in peace que en paz descanse [expr]
can't call one's soul one's own no tener tiempo para uno mismo (al trabajar o hacer cosas siempre para otros)
the life and soul of the party la alegría de la fiesta
lose one's soul perder el propósito
lose one's soul perder la dirección
lose one's soul perder la esencia
keep body and soul together permanecer
with all one's heart and soul de todo corazón
just enough to keep body and soul together apenas suficiente para sobrevivir
keep body and soul together resistir
with all one's heart and soul fervientemente
with all one's heart and soul francamente
just enough to keep body and soul together ganar lo justo para no pasar hambre
keep body and soul together ganarse la vida
don't tell a soul no se lo cuentes a nadie
don't tell a soul no se lo digas a nadie
I won't tell a soul no se lo diré a nadie
I won't tell a soul guardaré el secreto
with all one's heart and soul sinceramente
keep body and soul together soportar
keep body and soul together subsistir
keep body and soul together supervivir
enough to keep body and soul together suficiente para sobrevivir
with all one's heart and soul con toda mi alma
with all one's heart and soul con toda mi alma y corazón
with all one's heart and soul con todo mi corazón
(there's) not a soul around no hay ni un alma
keep body and soul together seguir vivito y coleando
every living soul todo hijo de vecina
bare one's soul confiar los secretos más íntimos
bare one's soul contar los problemas personales
bare one's soul to someone contar los problemas personales a alguien
bare one's soul decir algo con el alma
walk like a lost soul andar como un alma en pena
bare one's soul desnudar el alma
bare one's soul desnudar el corazón
bare one's soul revelar los pensamientos más íntimos
bare one's soul to someone revelar los sentimientos íntimos a alguien
bare one's soul revelar los problemas íntimos
body and soul con todo el ser
body and soul en alma y cuerpo
body and soul en cuerpo y mente
body and soul en cuerpo y espíritu
brevity is the soul of wit lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno
body and soul en cuerpo y alma
not a single living soul ni un alma viviente
not a single living soul ni alma nacida
not a single living soul ni alma viviente
not a soul ni un alma
open confession is good for the soul una confesión abierta es saludable para el alma
the heart and soul of the matter el meollo (del asunto)
the heart and soul of the matter el meollo de la cuestión
the heart and soul of the matter la esencia del asunto
the heart and soul of the matter lo medular del asunto
soul brother hombre negro
soul brother negro
soul sister negra
soul sister mujer negra
soul sucking explotador
soul sucking usurero
soul sucking sanguijuela
every living soul raimundo y medio mundo [m] NI CR PA CO EC
put one's heart and soul into doing something hacer fuerza [v] CL
put one's heart and soul into doing something meter ganas [v] EC
put one's heart and soul into something hacerse tira [v] CL
touch the spirit of someone to drive them crazy or take their soul jugar el diablo [v] SV
put one's heart and soul into something echar cachucha [v] SV
put one's heart and soul into meter ficha [v] CO
put one's heart and soul into meter ganas [v] EC
put one's heart and soul into meter ñeque [v] EC
put one's heart and soul into meter tupido [v] BO:W
put one's heart and soul into meterle [v] SV BO CL UY cult
put one's heart and soul into meterle [v] MX PA VE PE UY
every living soul raimundo y medio mundo [pron] HN CR
don't tell a soul no se lo cuentes a nadie
don't tell a soul no le digas a nadie
may his soul rest in peace que en paz descanse
may god bless her soul dios bendiga su alma
may god bless his soul dios bendiga su alma
may god have mercy on your soul dios se apiade de tu alma
may god rest his soul dios le de descanso a su alma
there is not a soul here no hay ni un alma aquí
there was not a soul around no había ni un alma alrededor
not a living soul absolutamente nadie
not a living soul ni un alma
not a living soul in the house no hay ni un alma en la casa
not a soul ni un alma
with heart and soul con el alma y la vida [adv]
with all one's heart and soul con toda el alma y el corazón
with all my soul con toda el alma
with all my soul con toda mi alma
the eyes are the mirrors of the soul los ojos son las ventanas del alma
not a single soul ni un alma
in the depths of the soul en el fondo del alma
there is not a soul no hay ni un alma
the face is the mirror of the soul la cara es el espejo del alma
every living soul todo bicho viviente
in the soul en el alma
the eyes are the windows of the soul la cara es el espejo del alma
the life and soul of the party la alegría de la huerta
the life and soul of the party la alegría de vivir ES
the life and soul of the party el alma de la fiesta
the heart and soul of the matter la madre del cordero
not a living soul ni rey ni roque
living soul piante ni mamante [m]
soul mate alma gemela [f]
soul mate media naranja [f]
sell one’s soul to the devil vender el alma al diablo [v]
lost soul alma en pena [v]
be soul mates ser almas gemelas [v]
have the soul of a tener alma de [v]
have a soul tener alma de [v]
sell one's soul to the devil vender el alma al diablo [v]
be the life and soul of the party es el alma de la fiesta [v]
sell one's soul to the devil venderle el alma al diablo [v]
have no soul no tener entrañas [v]
tear one's soul out sacar las entrañas a alguien [v]
not a soul nadie [pron]
not a single soul ni el apuntador [pron]
with heart and soul con el alma [adv]
with heart and soul con toda el alma [adv]
with heart and soul con mi almas [adv]
every living soul cada persona
god rest her soul dios le de descanso a su alma
god rest his soul dios le de descanso a su alma
god rest one's soul dios lo tenga en su gloria
god rest one's soul dios lo tenga en la gloria
every living soul todo bicho viviente
heart and soul en cuerpo y alma
the life and soul of the party el alma de la fiesta
simple soul alma bendita
lost soul alma en pena
poor soul alma en pena
good soul alma de dios
kind soul alma de dios
not a living soul ni alma nacida
not a living soul ni alma viviente
not a living soul ni un alma viviente
in body and soul en cuerpo y alma
not a living soul ni quisque
don't tell a soul! ¡no la píes!
living soul cristiano [m] disused
keep body and soul together cascarear [v] MX
put one's heart and soul into something machetear [v] MX GT
every living soul raimundo y todo el mundo CO
the eyes are the windows to the soul los ojos son espejos del alma
soul patch barba debajo del labio inferior
soul food comida sabrosa de origen afroamericano
every linving soul toda persona
each of the three faculties of the soul potencia [f]
soul food alimento del alma
soul pain dolor del alma
soul image imagen del alma
folk soul alma popular
good soul bonachón [adj]
one of the three enemies of the soul carne [f]
vine of the soul nepi [m] EC:E
vine of the soul natema [f] EC PE
rapture of the soul pilladura [m] AR:Nw rur.
feeling of lacking energy after an accident or fall in some place inhabited by spirits in nature, that retain the victim's soul tierra [f] BO:W
folk farce performed on corpus christi by characters dressed as devils, one as a soul and one as an angel, (grandiablos) gran diablo [n] PA