the - Alemán Inglés Diccionario



Meanings of "the" in German English Dictionary : 4 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
the der [f]
the der (des/dem/den) [art]
the das (des/dem/das) [art]
the die (der/die/der) [art]

Meanings of "the" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
on the right rechts [adj]
pointing the way richtungsgebend [adj]
oblivious of the world weltvergessen [adj]
of the age of consent mündig [adj]
of the same grade gleichrangig [adj]
on-the-spot sofortig [adj]
on-the-spot vom Ort des Geschehens [adj]
on-the-spot umgehend [adj]
outside the body extrakorporal [adj]
irritable to the touch empfindlich gegen Berührung [adj]
inconsistent (with the facts) widersprüchlich (Fakten) [adj]
inherent in the system systembedingt [adj]
inherent to the system systemimmanent [adj]
fitting the body shape körpergerecht [adj]
fresh from the oven ofenfrisch [adj]
down (into) the valley talabwärts [adj]
equipped for the disabled behindertengerecht [adj]
equipped for the disabled rollstuhlgängig [adj]
dependent on the weather wetterabhängig [adj]
designed with the (needs of) people in mind menschenfreundlich [adj]
consistent (the same everywhere) durchgängig [adj]
by the box/case kistenweise (in Kisten verpackt) [adj]
(the) latter neuestes [adj]
(the) latter neuester [adj]
(the) latter neueste [adj]
(the) latter späterer [adj]
appropriate to the period periodengerecht [adj]
appropriate to the procedure prozedurgemäß [adj]
(the one) after next/after that/next to that übernächst [adj]
assembled on the spot/at the place of destination standortgefertigt [adj]
believing in the future zukunftsgläubig [adj]
belonging to the firm hauseigen [adj]
visible on the back (durch Papier) durchschlagend [adj]
worth the money preiswürdig [adj]
suitable for the elderly seniorengerecht [adj]
the former erstere [adj]
threatening the existence lebensfeindlich [adj]
true to the party line linientreu [adj]
true to the sense/meaning sinngetreu [adj]
second to (the) last vorletztes [adj]
second to (the) last vorletzter [adj]
sensitive to changes in the weather wetterfühlig [adj]
produced naturally in the body körpereigen [adj]
ready for the market marktreif [adj]
ready for the fray bereit zum Kampf [adj]
ready for the scrap heap schrottreif [adj]
ribbed on the outside außenberippt [adj]
rotten to the core kernfaul [adj]
The arbitration tribunal Das Schiedsgericht [adj]
outside the US außeramerikanisch [adj]
of the same age gleichaltrig [adj]
at the ready marschbereit [adj]
without a care in the world völlig sorgenfrei [adj]
run of the mill alltäglich [adj]
off-the-shell serienmäßig produziert [adj]
down at the left linkslastig [adj]
neutral to the parties parteineutral [adj]
ready for the fray startbereit [adj]
on the dole arbeitslos [adj]
all-the-year ganzjährig [adj]
up-to-the-minute hochaktuell [adj]
lukewarm to the touch handwarm [adj]
exact to the minute minutengenau [adj]
ready for the fray kampfbereit [adj]
always on the run immer emsig [adj]
on the slope abfallend [adj]
up the pole bescheuert [adj]
on the fly eilig [adj]
on the quiet vertraulich [adj]
exact to the second sekundengenau [adj]
bred-in-the-bone eingefleischt [adj]
with the lowest possible risk möglichst risikoarm [adj]
under the weather unwohl [adj]
soft in the head leicht bescheuert [adj]
with the same name namensgleich [adj]
straight from the shoulder geradeheraus [adj]
fresh from the mint prägefrisch [adj]
of the same price as genauso teuer wie [adj]
against the rules regelwidrig [adj]
dyed in the wool durch und durch [adj]
of the same name gleichen Namens [adj]
all the same trotzdem [adj]
damp from the rain regenfeucht [adj]
decisive for the outcome of the war kriegsentscheidend [adj]
threatening the security of the state staatsgefährdend [adj]
geared to the target group zielgruppengerecht [adj]
caused by the war kriegsbedingt [adj]
above the ordinary außerordentlich [adj]
up and down the table tischauf [adj]
above the ordinary überdurchschnittlich [adj]
on the loose frei [adj]
based on the division of labour arbeitsteilig [adj]
distorting the meaning sinnentstellend [adj]
eager for the fray kampflustig [adj]
near the beach strandnah [adj]
on the ball fähig [adj]
farthest from the sun sonnenfernste [adj]
antecedent to the state vorstaatlich [adj]
provided by the customer kundenseitig [adj]
to the contrary anderslautend [adj]
geared towards the media medienwirksam [adj]
up and down the country landab [adj]
of the rack von der Stange [adj]
of the same age altersgleich [adj]
buttoned at the side seitlich geknöpft [adj]
able to be reintegrated into the society resozialisierbar [adj]
blind to the world sternhagelvoll [adj]
of the same date vom gleichen Tag [adj]
on the surface überirdisch [adj]
of the landgraviate landgräflich [adj]
off-the-rails entgleist [adj]
the size of an egg eigroß [adj]
of the same name namensgleich [adj]
one in front of the other voreinander [adv]
most of the time meistens [adv]
down into the valley talwärts [adv]
down the river flussabwärts [adv]
earlier in the weekend zu Beginn des Wochenendes [adv]
early in the morning zeitig in der Früh [Bayr.][Ös.] [adv]
every day (emphasis on the regularity) tagtäglich [adv]
exactly the same genau so [adv]
consistently (everywhere in the same way) übereinstimmend [adv]
consistently (everywhere in the same way) durchwegs [Ös.][Schw.] [adv]
(right) through the middle mittendurch [adv]
(the) next time nächstens (das nächste Mal) [adv]
after the death of the testator nach Eintritt des Erbfalls [adv]
after the event hinterher [adv]
after the event im Nachhinein [adv]
all over the town in der ganzen Stadt [adv]
all the same (postpostive) trotzdem [adv]
all the time allzeit [adv]
all the time stets [adv]
all the time immer [adv]
all the while derweil [adv]
all the while alldieweil [Veraltet] [adv]
along the road die Straße entlang [adv]
along the river am Fluss entlang [adv]
along the path entlang des Weges [adv]
along the path entlang dem Weg [adv]
along the road längs der Straße [adv]
behind the times unzeitgemäß [adv]
up the river flussaufwärts [adv]
the last time das letzte Mal [adv]
the like desgleichen (dgl.) [adv]
the next day am Tag darauf [adv]
the while dieweil [Veraltet] [adv]
throughout the whole year das ganze Jahr hindurch [adv]
to be on the safe side um sicherzugehen [adv]
the day before tags zuvor [adv]
the earliest baldmöglichst [adv]
to the last bis zur letzten Minute [adv]
to the north nordwärts [adv]
to the order of someone an die Order von jemandem [adv]
to the split second sekundengenau [adv]
to the west westwärts [adv]
to the same effect (postpositive) gleichlautend [adv]
at the receiving side empfangsseitig [adv]
by the way übrigens [adv]
on the rocks kaputt [adv]
at the least wenigstens [adv]
for the long haul langfristig [adv]
according to the rules vorschriftsmäßig [adv]
over the centuries jahrhundertelang [adv]
the other day neulich [adv]
in the end zu guter letzt [adv]
by the way nebenbei bemerkt [adv]
or the like oder ähnliches [adv]
on the level ehrlich [adv]
on the outer vernachlässigt [adv]
by the sackload sackweise [adv]
for the sake of convenience einfachheitshalber [adv]
at the driving end antriebsseitig [adv]
behind the times rückständig [adv]
to the letter buchstabengetreu [adv]
all the same gleichviel [adv]
at the fireside am Kamin [adv]
on the one hand einerseits [adv]
at the worst schlimmstenfalls [adv]
on the QT still und leise [adv]
at the double sofort [adv]
all the time fortwährend [adv]
at the earliest frühestens [adv]
out in the open öffentlich bekannt [adv]
the day after tomorrow übermorgen [adv]
on the way unterwegs [adv]
in the evening abends [adv]
in the first instance zunächst [adv]
all the same ebenso [adv]
as the circumstances require gegebenenfalls [adv]
the more so as zumal [conj]
the ... the je ... desto [conj]
on the other hand hingegen [conj]
on the contrary hingegen [conj]
partner in the project Projektpartner [m]
peak of the cap Mützenschirm [m]
person in the know Insider [m]
person next to one (at the table) Tischnachbar [m]
pole of the face Flächenpol [m]
pouring of a load of water on the stones (sauna) Aufguss (Sauna) [m]
obstruction of the pylorus Magenausgangsverschluss [m]
opponent in the final Finalgegner [m]
outbreak of the war Kriegsbeginn [m]
main focus of a/the job Aufgabenschwerpunkt [m]
man of the house Hausherr [m]
man of the world Weltmann [m]
margin of the orbit Augenhöhlenrand [m]
length of the chain (surveying) Kettenzug (Vermessungswesen) [m]
line at the end of something Schlussstrich [m]
idealist reaching for the stars Himmelstürmer [m]
idealist reaching for the stars Himmelsstürmer [m]
inhabitant of the border area Grenzbewohner [m]
God the Father Gottvater [m]
going to the polls Urnengang [m]
head of the/an institute Institutsleiter [m]
father of the bride Brautvater [m]
first of the month Monatserste [m]
first vertebra (of the neck) Atlaswirbel [m]
flux (e.g. of the bile) Ausfluss [m]
flux (e.g. of the bile) Fluss [m]
dog in the manger Spaßverderber [m]
drop in the temperature Temperatursturz [m]
effect of the weather Witterungseinfluss [m]
egg bucket (in the fridge) Eiereinsatz (im Kühlschrank) [m]
end of a/the quarter Quartalsschluss [m]
end of the world Weltuntergang [m]
end of the year Jahresabschluss [m]
entrance for the players Spielereingang (Stadion) [m]
crown of a/the bell Glockenhenkel [m]
damage to the countryside Flurschaden [m]
date of a/the trial Gerichtstermin (Prozess) [m]
decision of the cabinet Kabinettsbeschluss [m]
decline in the birth rate Geburtenrückgang [m]
deli counter (at the supermarket) Traiteur (im Supermarkt) [Schw.] [m]
description (of the wanted person) Steckbrief [m]
desire to live life to the full Lebenshunger [m]
detective on the police force Kripo-Beamter [m]
diameter for fixing the disc to the brackets Anschraublochkreisdurchmesser [m]
dig in the ribs Rippenstoß [m]
cold in the head Schnupfen [m]
comfort of the home Wohnkomfort [m]
companion of the order of knighthood Ritter [m]
content of a/the bag Beutelinhalt [m]
content of a/the packet Beutelinhalt [m]
contractor to the Crown Staatslieferant [m]
corner/angle of the eye Lidwinkel [m]
corner/angle of the eye Augenwinkel [m]
course of the day Tageslauf [m]
crack of the door Türspalt [m]
crescent of the moon Halbmond [m]
breaking-up of the ice Eisgang [m]
calendar of the fair Messekalender [m]
car of a/the bell Glockenhenkel [m]
checkout divider (at the supermarket checkout) Warentrennstab [m]
classmate from the university Studienkollege [m]
clerk of the course Rennleiter [m]
(the) Middle East Nahost [m]
abduction of the bride Brautraub [m]
accident in the home Haushaltsunfall [m]
alcohol level (in the blood) Alkoholspiegel [m]
amount of the order Bestellbetrag [m]
amount of the purchase price Anschaffungsbetrag [m]
angle of incidence of the sun's radiation Sonneneinstrahlungswinkel [m]
attempt on the record Rekordversuch [m]
a/the song's lyrics Liedtext [m]
a/the song's lyrics Text [m]
back of the hand Handrücken [m]
beading (of the ribs) rachitischer Rosenkranz [m]
beginning of the month Monatsanfang [m]
beginning of the month Monatsbeginn [m]
beginning of the year Jahresbeginn [m]
blast of the trumpet Trompetenstoß [m]
body of the book Buchblock [m]
body of the/an aircraft Rumpf [m]
body of the/an aircraft Flugzeugrumpf [m]
upper part of the body Oberkörper [m]
vacation by the sea Badeurlaub [m]
vestibule of the mouth Mundhöhlenvorhof [m]
violation of (the) law Gesetzesbruch [m]
violation of the peace Friedensbruch [m]
violator of the law Gesetzesübertreter [m]
visitor to a/the fair Messebesucher [m]
stroke of the brush Pinselstrich [m]
stud of the projectile Geschosszapfen [m]
summary statement of the position Lageüberblick [m]
shot in the head Kopfschuss [m]
shower (for the-bride-to-be) Polterabend [m]
site of the discovery Fundort [m]
site of the find Fundort [m]
slap across/on the cheek Backenstreich (veraltet) [m]
slap round/across the face Backenstreich (veraltet) [m]
slip (of the tongue) Versprecher [m]
society for the prevention of cruelty to animals Tierschutzverein [m]
someone who is always on the go Hektiker [m]
something caught in the wild Wildfang [m]
son of the boss Juniorchef [m]
son of the chairman Juniorchef [m]
start of the exhibition Ausstellungsbeginn [m]
start of the/a day Tagesbeginn [m]
Statutes of the Realm Gesetzesanzeiger [m]
the incidence of light der Lichteinfall [m]
the last but one Vorletzter [m]
the last dance Kehraus (letzter Tanz) [m]
the major part der Großteil (etwas) [m]
the mails Postverkehr [m]
The Most Noble Order of the Garter Hosenbandorden [m]
the Nix Nöck [m]
the Nix Wassermann [m]
the older man Älterer [m]
the perfecter (of something) der Vollender (einer Sache) [m]
the Stars and Stripes Sternenbanner [m]
the Trades Passat [m]
the Trades Passatwind [m]
the undersigned der Endesgefertigte [Ös.] [m]
the undersigned der Unterzeichnete [m]
the very ... ebenjener [m]
the very same ... ebenjener [m]
the wrong route to take Irrweg [m]
title on the spine Rückentitel [m]
tub for the ore Erzkübel [m]
two figures the wrong way round Ziffernsturz [m]
typical wine of the country Landwein [m]
seat of the trousers Hosenboden [m]
secession from the Church Kirchenaustritt [m]
shadow of the earth Erdschatten [m]
shopping trolley (in the supermarket) Einkaufswagen [m]
principal of the firm Firmenchef [m]
radius (the area in all directions) Umkreis (der Bereich in alle Richtungen) [m]
radius of the earth Erdradius [m]
resident of a certain place from the time of birth Einheimischer [m]
roof of the mouth Gaumen [m]
Ruebezahl (spirit of the Sudeten mountains) Rübezahl [m]
table with (the) presents Gabentisch [m]
tan line (on the body) Bräunungsstreifen (auf dem Körper) [m]
the best Erster [m]
the boot Rausschmiss [m]
the bulk (of something) der Großteil (etwas) [m]
the chosen one Auserwählter [m]
the circumstances of the accident der Unfallhergang [m]
the Crown Fiskus [m]
toe of the ballast Bettungsfuß [m]
top of the group Gruppenerster [m]
witness for the prosecution Zeuge der Anklage [m]
swing to the right Rechtsruck [m]
prime of the day Tagesanbruch [m]
building of the church Kirchenbau [m]
genie in the bottle dienstbarer Geist [m]
off-the-road tyre Geländereifen [m]
war of the sexes Kampf der Geschlechter [m]
person of the same age Altersgenosse [m]
heir to the throne Thronfolger [m]
the slammer Bau [m]
benefit of the doubt Vertrauensbonus [m]
principal in the first degree Haupttäter [m]
goose that lays the golden egg Goldesel [m]
limb of the sea Meeresarm [m]
lord of the manor Schlossherr [m]
view onto the sea Blick aufs Meer [m]
resident of the house Bewohner des Hauses [m]
boil-in-the-bag rice Tütenreis [m]
optimism about the future Zukunftsoptimismus [m]
the shits Dünnschiss [m]
contract for the supply of remedies Heilmittelvertrag [m]
attrition of the workforce Personalabgang [m]
death on the cross Kreuzestod [m]
prolapse of the rectum Rektumprolaps [m]
tickle of the throat Hustenreiz [m]
breaking of the voice Stimmbruch [m]
clue of the story Faden der Geschichte [m]
delight for the taste-buds Gaumenkitzel [m]
remainder of the order Rest des Auftrags [m]
deduction from the price Preisnachlass [m]
renunciation of the throne Thronverzicht [m]
realm of the private sphere Bereich der Privatsphäre [m]
walk in the woods Waldspaziergang [m]
bullet lodged in the body Steckschuss [m]
spasm of the soft palate Gaumensegelkrampf [m]
top of the class Primus [m]
the will to persevere Durchaltewillen [m]
counsel for the prosecution Vertreter der Anklage [m]
hook to the chin Kinnhaken [m]
course of the disease Krankheitsverlauf [m]
day of the session Sitzungstag [m]
break in the weather Witterungsumschlag [m]
extent of the damage Schadensumfang [m]
the Kremlin Kreml [m]
water on the brain Wasserkopf [m]
cancer of the throat Kehlkopfkrebs [m]
occupant of the house Bewohner des Hauses [m]
defect of the machinery Maschinenfehler [m]
heel of the hand Handballen [m]
wine by the glass offener Wein [m]
neck of the bladder Blasenhals [m]
frog-in-the-throat Frosch im Hals [m]
diamond in the rough krachlederner Typ [m]
member of the gentry Geadelter [m]
babe in the woods Naivling [m]
severity of the injury Schweregrad der Verletzung [m]
master of the mint Münzmeister [m]
parting of the ways Kreuzweg [m]
the party dispatching the goods Absender [m]
the Occident Okzident [m]
enemy of the state Staatsfeind [m]
slip of the memory Gedächtnisfehler [m]
idol of the public Publikumsliebling [m]
walk along the beach Strandspaziergang [m]
closing the file Abschluss der Akte [m]
prolapse of the vagina Scheidenvorfall [m]
the novel Roman [m]
value of the property Grundstückswert [m]
holder for the time being jeweiliger Inhaber [m]
citizen of the world Kosmopolitaner [m]
view onto the sea Meerblick [m]
the State Vater Staat [m]
swing to the right Rechtsschwenk [m]
man of the cloth Pfarrer [m]
man of the cloth Priester [m]
circumference of the earth Erdumfang [m]
enemy of the people Volksfeind [m]
point of the compass Komapßstrich [m]
running of the bulls Stierlauf [m]
mogul of the film industry Filmmogul [m]
find at the beach Strandfund [m]
body of the mandible Unterkieferkörper [m]
stick-in-the-mud Spielverderber [m]
the rich and powerful Geldadel [m]
the hero of the hour Held der Stunde [m]
the tube Fernseher [m]
occupant of the house Hausbewohner [m]
the patron saint Schutzheiliger [m]
holiday at the seaside Urlaub am Meer [m]
contact with the earth Bodenkontakt [m]
above-average fall in the price überdurchschnittlicher Preisverfall [m]
deal with the Devil Teufelspakt [m]
scene of the accident Unglücksort [m]
the English Channel Ärmelkanal [m]
receipt of the money Eingan des Geldes [m]
shot in the back of the neck Genickschuss [m]
carer for the elderly Altenpfleger [m]
access from the left side linksseitiger Zugang [m]
the slammer Knast [m]
heir to the throne Erbprinz [m]
lord of the manor Gutsherr [m]
head of the government Regierungschef [m]
the traits trait Wesenszug [m]
ring-around-the-rosy Ringelreihen [m]
scent of lilies of the valley Maiglöckchenduft [m]
crossing of the border Grenzgang [m]
pretender to the throne Thronanwärter [m]
corn on the cob Maiskolben [m]
the first der/die Erste [m/f]
the threatened person der/die Bedrohte [m/f]
passage in the text Textstelle [f]
percentage of the profit Gewinnbeteiligung [f]
persecution of the Jews Judenverfolgung [f]
picking blanks from the stack Stapelabnahme [f]
plague (on the country) Landplage [f]
planning for the future Zukunftsplanung [f]
planning the construction phase Baubetriebsplanung [f]
point of the toe Zehenspitze [f]
premium for the call Option [f]
preservation of the character and appearance of towns and villages Ortsbildpflege [f]
note in the margin Randnotiz (handschriftliche Notiz) [f]
number of the house Hausnummer [f]
offset of the bed Apophyse [f]
off-the-peg clothes Konfektionskleidung [f]
par for the course Tagesordnung (das Übliche) [übertragen] [f]
lover of the arts Kunstliebhaberin [f]
man/woman at the counter Schalterbeamtin [f]
media skills (handling the mass media) Medienkompetenz (Umgang mit den Massenmedien) [f]
meeting of the staff Belegschaftsversammlung [f]
meeting the deadline Termineinhaltung [f]
member of the middle class Mittelständlerin [f]
memorandum (in the diplomatic service) Note [f]
mention of the inventor Erfinderbenennung [f]
middle of the crown Kronenmitte [f]
introduction to the description Beschreibungseinleitung [f]
journey to the Nordic Countries Nordlandreise [f]
keeper of the records Gerichtsschreiberin [f]
key to the symbols Zeichenerklärung [f]
knowledge of the law Rechtskenntnis [f]
lead item (on the news) Spitzenmeldung [f]
lift-ride up the mountain Bergfahrt [f]
history of the language (if a given language) Sprachgeschichte [f]
hood over stove (in the kitchen) Dunstabzugshaube (in der Küche) [f]
hostess at a/the fair Messehostess [f]
hostility to the church Kirchenfeindlichkeit [f]
improvement of the results Ergebnisverbesserung [f]
improving the specification (of a car) Modellpflege (z. B. bei Autos) [f]
instructions as to the wording to be used Sprachregelung [f]
gap at the joint Stoßfuge [f]
gap in the market Marktlücke [f]
gauge (distance between the rails of a track) (railway) Spur [f]
feast for the eyes Augenweide [f]
force of the impact Stoßkraft [f]
formation of the cabinet Kabinettsbildung [f]
freeing of (the) hostages Geiselbefreiung [f]
dog in the manger Spielverderberin [f]
dulling the mind Verdummung [f]
duration of the journey Fahrtdauer [f]
edge of the kerb Gehlsteigkante [Ös.] [f]