tela - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "tela" in Spanish English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
tela tela [f]

Meanings of "tela" in English Spanish Dictionary : 89 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
tela [f] fabric
tela [f] cloth
tela [f] film
tela [f] material
tela [f] canvas
tela [f] piece of cloth
tela [f] skin
tela [f] painting
tela [f] membrane
tela [f] textile
tela [f] cloth
tela [f] fabric
tela [f] material
tela [f] loom batch
tela [f] membrane
tela [f] cream
tela [f] milk skin
tela [f] web
tela [f] tunic
tela [f] floater
tela [f] muscae volitantes
tela [f] run fence
tela [f] fishing net
tela [f] stuff
tela [f] matter
tela [f] business
tela [f] argument
tela [f] thread of a discourse
tela [f] pellicle
tela [f] quibble
tela [f] quirk
tela [f] cobweb
tela [f] cassimere
tela [f] rare plaza
tela [f] argument
tela [f] dispute
tela [f] controversy
tela [adj] PE unsatisfactory
tela [adj] PE insufficient
tela [f] dough
tela [f] brass
tela [f] dosh
tela [f] lolly
tela [f] dingbat
tela [f] loot
tela [f] task
tela [f] difficult task
tela [f] cash
tela [f] chore
tela [f] bread
tela [f] subject
tela [f] topic
tela [f] large amount
tela [f] large quantity
tela [f] large number
tela [f] fortune
tela [f] wealth
tela [f] riches
tela [f] money
tela [adv] a lot
tela [adv] a lot of
tela [adv] lots of
tela [adj] PE boring
tela [adj] PE weak
tela [adj] PE old
tela [adj] PE worn out
tela [adj] PE sickly
tela [adj] PE tiring
tela [f] web
tela [f] cloth
tela [f] fabric
tela [f] tela
tela [f] tela (pl: telae)
tela [f] CU tracing
tela [f] south american hardwood
tela [f] fabric
tela [f] wire
tela [f] fabric
tela [f] ply
tela [f] texture
tela [f] CO:W thin arepa served with milk, coffee, or hot chocolate
tela [f] fabric
tela [f] ply
tela [f] cloth
tela [f] hunting tarp
tela [f] cape
tela [f] cloak
tela [f] hooded coat
tela [f] canvas

Meanings of "tela" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
poner en tela de juicio [v] (call into) question
papel tela [m] tracing paper
tela asfáltica [f] rag felt
tela asfáltica [f] roofing tar
tela de araña [f] spider web
tela de araña [f] cobweb
tela de cebolla [f] onion skin
tela de punto [f] knitted fabric
tela metálica [f] wire gauze
tela metálica [f] wire mesh
tela pasada [f] back stitch embroidery
tela de cebolla [f] onion skin
tela escocesa [f] plaid
(tela) pana [f] cord
tela de encuadernación [f] book cloth
cubierta de tela usada en cirugía para cubrir la barba [f] beard cover
antiempañamiento (tela) [adj] anti dim
poner en tela de juicio [v] question
poner en tela de juicio [v] raise doubts about
retorcer (tela/cuerda) [v] twist
poner en tela de juicio [v] call in question
teñir una tela [v] dye a cloth
tela de [adv] damn
tela de [adv] damned
tela de [adv] darn
tela cruzada o asargada twill
tela encerada oilskin
tela a cuadros plaid
tela de poca consistencia onion skin
tela de araña spiderweb
tela metálica wire gauze
tela tejana denim
tela metálica gauze
edición en tela hardback
tela metálica wire mesh
tela metálica screen
tela metálica screening material
tipo de ojal hecho con hilos a la orilla de la tela button loop
chantung (tela) [m] shantung
tela fina de seda negra [f] alamode
tela muy doble [f] dreadnought
tela de algodón [f] bezan
tela de crin [f] crinoline
tela de algodón estampada [f] chintz
tela de cedazo [f] bolting-cloth
tela de seda fina [f] foulard
tela tejida en casa [f] homespun
tela metálica [f] wire-gauze
tela impresa [f] print
capa de tela impermeable [f] gossamer
tela de lana [f] moreen
tela hecha de lino [f] linen
tela de crin [f] hair-cloth
tela de algodón [f] pique
propensión (capa de tela) [f] ply
tela para chalecos [f] vesting
tela para manteles [f] table-cloth
tela cruzada [f] twill
tela asargada [f] twill
tela para sábanas [f] sheeting
tela de araña [f] web
tela para camisas [f] shirting
tela cruzada de seda [f] twilled silk
tela basta [f] stockinette
tela metálica [f] wire netting
tela de araña [f] toil
tela de lana [f] woollen
tela de lana [f] woolen [us]
lista (papel/tela) [f] slip
tira (papel/tela) [f] slip
labrado (tela/género) [adj] faced
poner en tela de juicio [v] impeach
poner en tela de juicio [v] impugn
cubrir con una tela [v] tilt
tela fina de lana carmelite
capote y capucha hecho de tela dreadnought
hilo de tela de araña para micrómetros spider-line
tela con bordones diagonales whipcord
colchón de tela metálica [m] disused mattress base
colchón de tela metálica [m] disused box frame
colchón de tela metálica [m] disused box spring
tela adhesiva [f] MX NI BO CL AR UY band-aid
tela corrugada [f] CU weaving
tela emplástica [f] AR UY CL disused band-aid
tela adhesiva [f] MX NI BO CL AR UY sticking plaster
tela emplástica [f] AR UY CL disused sticking plaster
tela adhesiva [f] AR adhesive tape
tela adhesiva [f] AR surgical tape
labrada (tela/género) [adj/f] faced
haber tela que cortar [v] have a lot of stuff
haber tela que cortar [v] have a plenty of things to say
haber tela que cortar [v] be a long job
cortados de la misma tela [v] be cut from the same cloth
tener mucha tela que cortar [v] have one's work cut out for one
haber tela para rato [v] have many things to talk about
haber tela para rato [v] be lots to talk about
poner algo en tela de juicio [v] put something into question
poner algo en tela de juicio [v] cast doubt on something
poner algo en tela de juicio [v] throw doubts on something
poner algo en tela de juicio [v] call something into question
poner algo en tela de juicio [v] cast doubts on something
poner algo en tela de juicio [v] raise doubts about something
ser algo una tela de araña [v] be something very tangled
ser algo una tela de araña [v] be very difficult to interpret or unravel
tener tela [v] be abundant
tener tela [v] have abundance
poner en tela de juicio [v] raise doubts about
poner en tela de juicio [v] call into question
echar tela [v] prepare to weave
mantener alguien tela [v] take control of a conversation
mantener alguien la tela [v] take control of a conversation
en tela de juicio [adv] under advisement
ser puesto en tela de juicio get the flak
tela de cebolla [f] MX NI EC CL UY thin layer
tela de cebolla [f] MX NI EC CL UY thin fabric
buena tela [adj] CL with good intentions
mala tela [adj] CL disinterested
mala tela [adj] CL with ban intentions
mala tela [adj] CL bad person
mala tela [adj] CL apathetic
buena tela [adj] CL good person
ponerse en tela de medir [v] BO:W put oneself in the ring
ponerse en tela de medir [v] BO:W take the temperature of a group
tirarse la tela [v] DO PR dress elegantly
mantener alguien tela [v] rare hold the line
mantener alguien la tela [v] rare hold the line
a la tela [adv] PE elegantly
¡vaya tela! amazing!
¡tiene tela! amazing!
¡tiene tela! incredible!
¡vaya tela! unbelievable!
¡vaya tela! incredible!
¡tiene tela! unbelievable!
atravesar (la tela con un aguja) [v] push something through
entrelazar los hilos de una tela [v] weave something into something
sobre tela on the flat
estar en tela de juicio [v] have one's head screwed on the right way
estar en tela de juicio [v] be in one's right mind
estar en tela de juicio [v] have it all together
estar en tela de juicio [v] be of sound mind
estar en tela de juicio [v] be in one's senses
estar en tela de juicio [v] have all one's marbles
poner en tela de juicio [v] cast doubt on
sacudir la tela [v] fork over
soltar la tela [v] fork over
sacudir la tela [v] cough up
soltar la tela [v] cough up
sacudir la tela [v] fork out
soltar la tela [v] fork out
sacudir la tela [v] pony up
soltar la tela [v] pony up
sacudir la tela [v] shell out
soltar la tela [v] shell out
tener tela [v] be abundant
tener tela [v] have a lot
tener tela [v] have tons of
haber tela [v] be abundant
haber tela [v] have a lot
haber tela [v] have tons of
tener tela que cortar [v] have plenty to work with
tener tela que cortar [v] have one's work cut out for one
haber tela que cortar [v] have plenty to work with
haber tela que cortar [v] have one's work cut out for one
sobrar tela de que cortar [v] have plenty to work with
sobrar tela de que cortar [v] have one's work cut out for one
ver alguien algo por tela de cedazo [v] be biased
tela de [adv] very
tela de [adv] too
tela de [adv] greatly
tela de [adv] highly
hay tela cortada [expr] there are some bumps in the road
hay larga tela [expr] there are some bumps in the road
tela de cebolla [f] thin fabric
tener tela marinera [v] ES have great difficulty
tener tela marinera [v] ES have a hard time of
haber tela marinera [v] ES have great difficulty
haber tela marinera [v] ES have a hard time of
tela marinera [adv] ES a lot
tela marinera [adv] ES a lot of
tela marinera [adv] ES lots of
no hay tela sin falta even an expert makes mistakes
no hay tela sin falta even the best of us make mistakes
no hay tela sin falta even monkeys fall from tree
no hay tela sin falta everybody makes mistakes
de dónde tela, si no hay araña GT PA there's no way to fund that
la tela money
tela de embalaje gunny bag
Work Safety Terms
silicosis en tela de araña silicosis with lace-like lung appearance
atuendo de tela [m] cloth turnout
tela cruda [f] drill
tela fina [f] lawn
tela acompañante [f] leader cloth
tela para camisas [f] shirting
tela de colchón [f] mattress ticking
tela de fondo [f] ground cloth
tela de forro [f] lining fabric
tela con hilos mezclados [f] union cloth
tela de lana regenerada [f] shoddy fabric
tela a rayas [f] stripe fabric
tela de refuerzo de envés [f] backing fabric
tela de sostén [f] backing
tela de tapeta [f] facing fabric
tela para trajes [f] suiting
tela forrada [f] coated fabric
tela revestida [f] coated fabric
muestra de tela [f] fabric sample
tela revestida coated fabric
ancho de la tela fabric width
tela para trajes suiting
muestra de tela fabric sample
tela a rayas stripe fabric
tela para camisas shirting
tela de sostén backing
tela para tapicería upholstery fabric
tela de forro lining fabric
tela de colchón mattress ticking
sindicato de trabajadores de la tela railroad company HN trade union of tela railroad company workers
papel de tela rag paper
tela fina de esmeril [f] crocus cloth
tela sin pelusas lint-free cloth
escobilla de tela metálica wire-gauze brush
colador de tela metálica [m] screen strainer
tela de alpaca [f] alpaca cloth
manguera reforzada con tela metálica [f] wire-reinforced hose
tela de esmeril fina [f] fine emery cloth
tela de esmeril de óxido de hierro [f] crocus cloth
tela de malla grille cloth
tela a rayas stripe
tela abrasiva abrasive cloth
tela de cebolla onion-skin
tela metálica wire mesh
tela negra duvetyne
tela asfáltica roofing tar
tela cuero leatherette
tela de algodón cotton fabric
tela estampada diaper
tela metálica netting
tamiz de tela metálica wire-screen
tela metálica galvanizada galvanized wire mesh
filtro de tela metálica filter screen
tela para sábanas bed sheeting
tela de batán picker lap
tela preencogida preshrunk fabric
tela para filtros filtration fabric
tela para colchones bed ticking
tela de saco sack cloth
tela hecha en casa homespun
tela para globos balloon fabric
tela ignífuga fire-resistant fabric
tela metálica wire fabric
tela de lino olán linen cloth
tela metálica wire cloth
tela de lino linen
pieza de tela bolt
tela de fibra de vidrio glass cloth
yarda de tela cloth yard
tela encerada oil fabric
tela fruncida gathered fabric
tela revestida armored fabric
tela de crin haircloth
tela de filtrar filter cloth
tela de granitos momie cloth
tela guía leader
tela para sacos sackcloth
tela resistente durable cloth
tela de amianto asbestos cloth
tela de dos caras janus-cloth
tela de pelo pile fabric
pieza de tela roll of cloth
defensa de tela metálica wire guard
tela de paracaídas parachute fabric
tela metálica hardware cloth
tela para tamices bolting cloth
tela incombustible fireproof fabric
tela estampada printed cloth
revestimiento de tela fabric covering
tela metálica gauze
tela de esmeril sand cloth
panel de tela plegada linen-fold panel
tela metálica chicken wire
papel revestido de tela cloth paper
tela escocesa plaid
tela metálica wire gauze
doble tela double cloth
tela a cuadros check cloth
tela de algodón cotton cloth
tela engomada buckram
tela para toldos awning cloth
segunda tela center web
tela de sacos bagging
tela de dibujo drawing cloth
revestido de tela fabric-covered
tela kaki olive drab
tela negra black fabric
en tela de juicio under advisement
tela de forro backing cloth
tela sesgada biased fabric
tela impermeable rough fabric
tela metálica metallic gauze
tela no tejida non woven fabric
tela forrada lined cloth
tela esmeril abrasive paper
tela de lana peinada worsted fabric
tela de lana woollen cloth
tela esmeril abrasive cloth
rodillo cubierto de tela cloth-covered roll
tela de yute gunny
tela de algodón estampada printed cotton cloth
tela de crin horsehair
tela tricotada knitted fabric
tela de raso satin-woven fabric
tela barnizada empire cloth
tela para trajes dress fabric
tela de yute hessian
tela metálica wire
tela metálica de ventana window screen
tela metálica wire netting
tela filtrante filter cloth
tela de cebolla onionskin
cuenta de la tela fabric count
tela para sacos sacking
tela para tapizar upholster fabric
tela vibrante vanner
tela de cedazo screen cloth
tela filtrante filtering cloth
tela aceitada oilskin
ligamento para doble tela double cloth weave
tela para vestidos dress-material
papel tela linen-faced paper
tela de ramio grass cloth
tela de seda silk lap
tela absorbente absorption fabric
tela equilibrada balanced cloth
tela metálica woven wire
forrado de tela fabric-covered
tela metálica wirework
acabado de trama de tela cloth finish
encuadernado en tela clothbound
tela elástica elastic fabric
tela de gasa cambric
tela angosta narrow cloth
tela metálica machine wire
tela lavable washable fabric
tela de fibra de vidrio fibreglass cloth
tela metálica metallic wire cloth
papel tela tracing cloth
tela ornamental ornamental cloth
empaque de hule con inserción de tela cloth-insertion packing
goma de tela fabric tire
tela de filtración [f] filtering cloth
tela de filtrar [f] filter cloth
tela de yute burlap
tela de filtrar filter cloth
tela filtrante filter cloth
filtro de tela fabric filter
tela sintética synthetic fabric
tela de alambre wire cloth
tela natural natural fabric
tela de vidrio glass cloth
tela de vidrio glass fabric
tela filtrante [f] filter cloth
tela de filtrar [f] filter cloth
tela de alambre tejido [m] woven wire cloth
tela metálica de colador sacudidor [f] shaker screen
tela adhesiva [f] adhesive tape
tela metálica wire mesh
disco de tela cloth disc
tela coroidea del cuarto ventrículo choroid tela of fourth ventricle
tela coroidea del tercer ventrículo choroid tela of third ventricle
tela coroidea tela choroidea
tela coroidea inferior tela choroidea inferior
tela coroidea superior tela choroidea superior
tela conjuntiva tela conjunctiva
tela elástica tela elastica
tela subcutánea tela subcutánea
tela submucosa tela submucosa
tela submucosa faríngea tela submucosa pharyngis
tela subserosa tela subserosa
tela vasculosa tela vasculosa
tira de tela linen strip
tela metálica [f] screens
tela asfáltica [f] rag felt
tela alquitranada [f] tarpaulin
tela metálica de alambre de bronce [f] brasswire gauze
reforzar con tela [v] reinforce coating
puerta de tela metálica screen door
tela alquitranada tarpaulin
cinta de tela cloth tape
cinta de tela reforzada metallic tape
tela forrada [f] coated fabric
tela de lija [f] coated abrasive
tela revestida [f] coated fabric
tela revestida coated fabric
tela de lija coated abrasive
aprestar la tela [v] dress cloth
tela en crudo grey [uk]
tela de esmeril emery cloth
tela metálica gauze
tela metálica fina wire gauze
defensa de tela metálica wire guard
tela de fibra de vidrio glass cloth
tela metálica wire cloth
tela de alambre wire mesh
tela revestida coated fabric
tela alambrada wire cloth
tela de acero wire mesh
tela metálica wire fabric
tela alambrada wire fabric
tela de asbesto asbestos cloth
tela de filtro filter fabric
tela de malla wire cloth
tela de calcar tracing cloth
tela de malla wire mesh
tela de acero wire cloth
tela de dibujar drawing cloth
tela de pedernal flint cloth
tela de filtro filter cloth
tela esmeril emery cloth
tela lija emery cloth
tela para gallinero chicken wire
tela mosquitera mosquito screening
tela para perfiles profile cloth
ruleta de tela cloth tape
papel tela CO tracing paper
tela de esmeril [f] abrasive cloth
tela de esmeril [f] emery cloth
tela de lija [f] coated abrasive
cara tela [f] wire side
tela de esmeril fina fine emery cloth
tela de lija coated abrasive
tela de esmeril abrasive cloth
papel tela tracing paper
tela de esmeril de óxido de hierro crocus cloth
papel fabricado en máquina de doble tela [m] twin-wire paper machine
lado tela [m] wire side
bastidor de la tela [m] wire frame
rodillo de acondicionamiento de la tela [m] wire drive roll
manchón de tela plástica encogible [m] fabric sleeve
tensor de la tela [m] wire stretcher
bandeja de tela [f] wire tray
fosa bajo la tela [f] wire pit
tela de formación [f] forming fabric
tela encogible [f] shrink sleeve
tela de formación [f] fourdrinier wire
tela de mesa plana [f] fourdrinier wire
tela de soporte [f] backing wire
tela de tejido liso [f] plain weave
tela de tejido liso plain weave
lado tela wire side
cara tela wire side
guía de tela wire guide
tela de formación forming fabric
papel fabricado en máquina de doble tela twin-wire paper machine
fosa bajo la tela wire pit
tela de mesa plana fourdrinier wire
tela de formación fourdrinier wire
lado tela [m] wire side
tela aceitada oilskin
tela impermeable oilskin
filtro de tela metálica filter screen
lado tela wire side
filtros de tela fabric filters
tela de azafrán crocus cloth
tela para techo plegable folding top fabric
tela de lija crocus cloth
tela de esmeril emery cloth
tela fina de esmeril fine emery cloth
tela ignifuga fire resistant fabric
tela de algodón cotton fabric
tela de varias capas multiply fabric
tela metálica metallic wire cloth
tela metálica wire mesh
tela para aviones airplane fabric
tela para globos balloon fabric
bote plegable de tela cauchutada fait boat
tela de avión aircraft fabric
tela metálica protectora de admisión de aire inlet screen
tela sesgada biassed fabric
tela para balonet gas cell fabric
tensión de la tela fabric tension
tela mimética camouflaged sheet
tela incombustible fireproof fabric
válvula de tela crabpot valve
ala de tela rag wing
tela de paracaídas parachute fabric
tela metálica wire gauze
tela de amianto asbestos cloth
tela metálica wire netting
tela de esmeril emery cloth
revestimiento de tela fabric covering
tela de aeroplano aircraft fabric
tela metálica expanded metal
tela de filtrar filtering cloth
tela metálica wire netting
tela de amianto asbestos cloth
tela de filtrar filter cloth
tela de vidrio glass cloth
tela metálica metal gauze
tela para sacos o bolsas [f] bagging
tela metálica screen