pretext - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "pretext" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 50 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
pretext pretexto [m]
pretext comodín [m]
pretext velo [m]
pretext solapa [f]
pretext achaque [m]
pretext asidero [m]
pretext colorido [m]
pretext comodín [m]
pretext presupuesto [m]
pretext pretexto [m]
pretext rebozo [m]
pretext socolor [m]
pretext son [m]
pretext título [m]
pretext asa [f]
pretext asilla [f]
pretext cubierta [f]
pretext escusa [f]
pretext solapa [f]
pretext achaque [m]
pretext color [m]
pretext presupuesto [m]
pretext coartada [f]
pretext pretextar [v]
pretext arrebozo [m]
pretext expediente [m]
pretext rebozo [m]
pretext título [m]
pretext socolor [m]
pretext viso [m]
pretext son [m]
pretext coloración [f]
pretext especie [f]
pretext salida [f]
pretext socapa [f]
pretext voz [f]
pretext paro [m] MX
pretext color [m] fig.
pretext colorido [m] fig.
pretext color [m] rare
pretext escamocho [m] ES local
pretext expediente [m] disused
pretext prosupuesto [m] disused
pretext cubierta [f] fig.
pretext coloración [f] disused
pretext plataforma [f] disused
pretext andar en zancas de araña [v]
pretext subterfugio [m]
pretext evasiva [f]
pretext pretensión [f]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "pretext" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 31 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
give as a pretext pretextar [v]
allege as a pretext alegar como pretexto [v]
allege as a pretext afirmar como pretexto [v]
allege as a pretext mostrar como pretexto [v]
slight pretext asilla [f]
urge a pretext pretextar [v]
under pretext coloradamente [adv]
pretext (for avoiding duties) agachada [f] AR UY
with the pretext of so color [adv]
under the pretext of con el pretexto de
under the pretext of con la excusa de
with the pretext of socapa de [prep] rare
under the pretext of con la excusa de
on the pretext of con el pretexto de
under the pretext of con el pretexto de
under the pretext of so capa de
under the pretext of bajo capa de
as a pretext for con el pretexto de
as a pretext for so capa de
as a pretext for bajo capa de
on the pretext of en achaque de
on the pretext of so pretexto de
under the pretext of so pretexto de
under the pretext of con pretexto de
on the pretext of con pretexto de
under the pretext of en achaque de
on the pretext of bajo capa de
on the pretext of so capa de
false pretext tapujo [m]
resort to (pretext) acogerse [v]
habitual pretext or excuse comodín [m]