running - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "running" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 105 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
running corriendo [v]
running rodaje [m]
running funcionamiento [m]
running manejo [m]
running marcha [f]
running dirección [f]
running explotación [f]
running escurridizo [adj]
running corredizo [adj]
running manantío [adj]
running supurante [adj]
running funcionamiento [m]
running resbalamiento [m]
running conducción [f]
running carrera [f]
running consecutivo [adj]
running corredor [adj]
running correntío [adj]
running corriente [adj]
running llano [adj]
running volador [adj]
running curso [m]
running recorrido [m]
running control [m]
running footing [m]
running running [m]
running jogging [m]
running carrera [f]
running administración [f]
running organización [f]
running continuo [adj]
running seguidos [adj]
running corredizo
running corrimiento [m]
running escurrimiento [m]
running andadero [adj]
running andarín [adj]
running corrido [adj]
running seguido [adj]
running matute [m]
running celo de ciertos animales [m]
running rápido [adj]
running por encima [adj]
running repetido [adj]
running en sucesión [adv]
running proceso [m]
running corredero [adj] disused
running correlón [adj] MX HN CO VE
running escurridiza [adj/f]
running corrediza [adj/f]
running manantía [adj/f]
running continua [adj/f]
running andadera [adj/f]
running andarina [adj/f]
running corrida [adj/f]
running rápida [adj/f]
running repetida [adj/f]
running contrabando [m]
running manejo [m]
running conducción [f]
running administración [f]
running continuo [adj]
running vigente [adj]
running corriente [adj]
running consecutivamente [adv]
running funcionamiento (maquinaria)
running laboreo [m]
running ejecución [f]
running deslizamiento [m]
running pasaje [m]
running accionamiento [m]
running movimiento [m]
running tendido [m]
running trasmitiendo [m]
running funcionamiento [m]
running filtración [f]
running puntada [f]
running pasada [f]
running corrida [f]
running circulación [f]
running correlativo [adj]
running disponible [adj]
running en curso [adj]
running corrido [adj]
running de régimen
running de servicio
running en marcha
running movedizo
running en orden
running en ejecución
running con viento en popa
running trasmitiendo
running ejecución [f]
running corrimiento [m]
running marcha [f]
running derrame [m]
running tendido [adj]
running marcha [f]
running corriendo en marcha
running goteo [m]
running flotante [adj]
running sostenido [adj]
running trazado [m]
running el correr
running calcorreo [m]

Sens de "running" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 2 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
running [m] jogging
running [m] running

Sens de "running" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
I was running corría [v]
he/she was running corría [v]
you were running corría [v]
running of a business dirección [f]
running-in rodaje [m]
running of the bulls encierro [m]
running board estribo [m]
running title folio [m]
running (business) gestión [f]
running (flowing) corriente [adj]
start running echar a correr [v]
running (management) gobierno [m]
running-in rodaje [m]
running board adral [m]
running water aguapié [m]
running-over arrollamiento [m]
running over atropellamiento [m]
running over atropello [m]
running down atropello [m]
running aground encallamiento [m]
running of the bulls encierro [m]
running footman espolique [m]
running footman espolista [m]
running title folio [m]
running time metraje [m]
running footman mozo de espuela [m]
running footman mozo de mulas [m]
running after seguimiento [m]
bull with sparklers on its horns running at a festival toro de fuego [m]
bull with sparklers on its horns running at a festival toro de ronda [m]
bull with sparklers on its horns running at a festival toro jubillo [m]
running aground varamiento [m]
running water agua corriente [f]
running water agua viva [f]
running of the bulls algarrada [f]
setting the taxi meter running bajada de bandera [f]
running track carrera [f]
running time corrida del tiempo [f]
running aground encalladura [f]
running hand letra corrida [f]
running away again rehuida [f]
running after seguida [f]
running aground varada [f]
running aground varadura [f]
running board zancajera [f]
running after easy bargains or jobs ganguero [adj]
go running off after being tazed with a cattleprod cucar [v]
running boards adrales [m/pl]
running hot calentamiento [m]
channel made by running water badén [m]
running out fin [m]
running in rodaje [m]
running over arrollamiento [m]
running gear tren de conducción [m]
running text texto corrido [m]
someone who is responsible for the running of an inn posadero [m]
someone who is responsible for the running of an inn ventero [m]
someone who is running in an election candidato [m]
running over atropello [m]
running shoe (shoe) tenis [m]
running roughshod over atropello [m]
running into each other encontronazo [m]
running aground encalladura [f]
running start carrerilla [f]
running of a business administración [f]
someone who is responsible for the running of an inn posadera [f]
someone who is responsible for the running of an inn ventera [f]
be running fast (reloj) estar adelantado [v]
be running fast (reloj) ir adelantado [v]
start running arrancar a correr [v]
go running hacer footing [v]
be in the running for something tener posibilidades de algo [v]
be out of the running for something no tener posibilidades de algo [v]
leave something on/running dejar abierto [v]
take off running echarse a correr [v]
keep the motor running mantener el motor en marcha [v]
come running venir corriendo [v]
be running free escaparse [v]
a running battle una batalla en curso
a river running through catalonia llobregat
spindle to raise or lower a running millstone aliviador [m]
running gear of a carriage without the body carro [m]
running away (horses) desbocamiento [m]
running footman espolique [m]
kind of running squib rapapiés [m]
running the gauntlet vaqueteo [m]
mark left by running water chorrera [f]
running (factory) explotación [f]
slimy moisture running from the eyes lagaña [f]
running from the nose moquita [f]
running aground varadura [f]
running-board zancajera [f]
smooth running buena marcha [f]
good at running andador [adj]
running wild cerrero [adj]
running much corredor [adj]
running (knot) corredizo [adj]
running (liquid) correntío [adj]
running away fugaz [adj]
running after easy bargains or jobs ganguero [adj]
running (water) manantial [adj]
long-running largo [adj]
running around dando vueltas [expr]
running knot nudo corredizo [m]
running hand letra corrida [f]
running water agua viva [f]
running water agua de pie [f]
twice running dos veces seguidas [adv]
a person in charge of keeping watch and running an estate agregado [m] CO rur.
street thief (running after committing robbery) caballo loco [m] PY
maneuver used to dodge obstacles while running or driving finteo [m] BO CL
launching a boat back into the water after running aground desvaramiento [m] CL
running martingale pegual [m] CL rur.
running around in circles doing paperwork peloteo [m] CU PE CL
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull with pyrotechnics that someone wears while running around the square toroencuetado [m] HN
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull with pyrotechnics that someone wears while running around the square torofuego [m] HN
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull with pyrotechnics that someone wears while running through a crowd torito [m] GT PE
running-in ablande [m] BO AR UY
running a small shop bolicheo [m] AL
running footman estribero [m] EC
long-distance running fondismo [m] PR CO PE BO CL AR
running one's mouth lengüetazo [m] SV
action of a vehicle running over a person/an animal atropellada [f] GT HN NI PA CO CL AR
water running free agua de pie [f] rur.
running jacket chumpa (inglés jumper) [f] GT HN SV NI PA
running jacket chompa [f] CO EC PA rare
interurban public transport bus that is completely open on the sides with seats running along the perimeter so that passengers turn their backs to the windows escalera [f] CO:W
running shoe catimba [f] CL rare
launching a boat back into the water after running aground desvarada [f] CL
running out of gas panne del tonto [f] CL
running out of gas pana del tonto [f] CL
running aground varazón [f] CL
running water agua de pie [f] rare
running one's mouth lengüeteada [f] SV
person who participates in the celebration of running to christ, which is celebrated on the sunday following that of the resurrection, called the quasimodo cuasimodista [m/f] CL
person who is accustomed to running great distances chasqui (del quechua) [m/f] BO:W,C
suitable for running in a classic horse race (horse) clasiquero [adj] CL
relating to a person who participates in the celebration of running to christ, which is celebrated the sunday following that of the resurrection, called the quasimodo cuasimodista [adj] CL
running late fregado [adj] BO
running a lot (person or animal) correlón [adj] VE rur.
running late echado [adj] SV
running on gasoline naftero [adj] BO PY AR UY
running on oil petrolero [adj] CU
running at high speed rajador [adj] BO AR
running at high speed rajador [adj] UY rare
running a fever afiebrarse [v] MX HN PA CU DO CO EC PE BO CL PY AR UY
train a horse (for running at a regular speed) afirmar [v] PE
quickly dodge obstacles that appear in one's way while running or driving fintear [v] BO CL
take off running retobarse [v] HN rur.
tame a horse by running in a circle tornear [v] PE
be running a fever afiebrarse [v] LA
take off running varear [v] AR rare
expresses a request to catch a thief running away ¡ataja! [interj] CU
running wild cerrera [adj/f]
good at running andadora [adj/f]
running much corredora [adj/f]
running (knot) corrediza [adj/f]
running after easy bargains or jobs ganguera [adj/f]
running high a flor de piel [adj]
be running on empty no tener energía [v]
be fighting a running battle estar librando una lucha constante [v]
be fighting a running battle estar librando una batalla interminable [v]
be fighting a running battle estar enzarzado en una pelea constante [v]
do all the running encargarse de todo [v]
hit the ground running arrancar a toda velocidad [v]
hit the ground running empezar con el pie derecho [v]
be out of the running estar fuera de carrera [v]
be out of the running estar fuera de competencia [v]
be out of the running estar fuera de combate [v]
be running like the devil's chasing andar corriendo como perseguido por el demonio [v]
be running like the devil's chasing andar corriendo como perseguido por el diablo [v]
be running on empty andar sin energía [v]
be running on empty quedarse sin ideas [v]
be running on fumes estar agotado [v]
be running on vapors quedarse sin combustible [v]
be running on fumes estar muerto de cansancio [v]
be running on vapors estar agotado [v]
be up and running estar funcionando normalmente [v]
be up and running estar listo y en funcionamiento [v]
be running on empty estar pasado de rosca [v]
perform a deftness exercise, running on horseback correr alcancías [v]
participate in running games where silk cloth was awarded to the winner correr el palio [v]
running errands por la posta [adv]
make all the running hacer todo el trabajo
get off to a running start tener un buen comienzo
a running battle una lucha constante
a running battle un largo período de guerra
a running battle largas discusiones
time is running out se le acaba el tiempo
out of the running fuera de la carrera
off and running (salir) corriendo
off and running (ponerse) en marcha
out of the running sin opciones (de ganar)
running with the hare and hunting with the hounds jugando a dos puntas
tension running high las tensiones aumentan
running hither and thither corriendo de acá para allá
running over pasada a llevar [f] CL
running over something pasada a llevar [f] CL
be running against the clock estar a la ley [v] PR
running around like a chicken without a head andar como gallina con pepa [v] EC:S rur.
be running late coger el dedo la puerta [v] GT
be running late coger el día [v] PR
be running late coger la hora [v] DO
be running late coger la noche [v] CU
keep running into obstacles irle como en feria [v] MX SV
keep running into obstacles irle de la patada grande [v] HN
be running out of time jugar los descuentos [v] BO CL UY
always be running late llegar placé [v] CL
hit the road running parar el rabo [v] DO
hit the road running parar el rabo [v] CR disused
be running late perder el bus [v] EC
be in the running estar alguien en cántaro [v] rare
keep running into obstacles irle a alguien como en feria [v] MX
hit the road running parar alguien el rabo [v] CR DO
we're running out of time nos estamos quedando sin tiempo
your mascara's running se te está corriendo el maquillaje
your mascara's running se te está corriendo el rímel
I am running an internet cafe dirijo un cibercafé
i'm not running after you no te voy a perseguir
I'm running a little late se me está haciendo un poco tarde
i'm running late se me está haciendo tarde
he was running down her la desprestigiaba
time is running out tiempo se acaba
time is running out tiempo se está acabando
time is running out tiempo se agota
time is running out se acaba el tiempo
time is running out tiempo apremia
I'm running late se me ha hecho tarde
I'm running late se me hace tarde
she started running se echó a correr
I'm running out of time Mi tiempo se acaba
I'm running out of patience Se me está acabando la paciencia
my patience is running out se me está agotando la paciencia
I'm running out of patience Se me está agotando la paciencia
I'm running out of time me queda poco tiempo
my nose is running me gotea la nariz
I'm running late voy tarde
how long have you been running this place? ¿cuánto hace que maneja este negocio?
how long have you been running this place? ¿cuánto hace que opera este negocio?
how long have you been running this place? ¿desde cuándo maneja este negocio?
how long have you been running this place? ¿desde cuándo opera este negocio?
keep the meter running deje el taxímetro en marcha
keep the meter running no baje la bandera
leave the meter running deje el taxímetro en marcha
leave the meter running dejar el medidor funcionando
leave the meter running no baje la bandera
we're running out of time se está acabando el tiempo
we're running out of time nuestro tiempo se está acabando
we're running out of time se está terminando el tiempo
my nose is running estoy resfriado
this house doesn't have running water esta casa no tiene agua corriente
time is running out se está acabando el tiempo
time is running out se está terminando el tiempo
we are running low on salt nos estamos quedando sin sal
we are running out of salt nos estamos quedando sin sal
we are running out of time nos estamos quedando sin tiempo
we are running out of time el tiempo se nos acaba
we are running out of time el tiempo se nos termina
we are running out of time el tiempo se nos agota
we are running out of time nuestro tiempo se está acabando
I’m running the show ser como juan palomo, yo me lo guiso, yo me lo como [v]
in running order en buen estado
in running order en condiciones de marcha
in running order orden de marcha
in running order listo para funcionar
we're running out of time se nos acaba el tiempo
months running meses consecutivos
weeks running las semanas que transcurren
years running años que pasan uno tras otro
suspect running on foot sospechoso huyendo a pie
out of the running fuera de combate
out of the running fuera de competencia
years running años consecutivos
time is running out el tiempo se acaba
running out of puff sin resuello
for two days running durante dos días consecutivos
for two years running durante dos años consecutivos
days running días consecutivos
water or other liquid running from a spout chorretada [f]
hit the ground running comenzar a ejecutar [v]
be in the running for postularse para [v]
be in the running for estar en la disputa para [v]
be in the running for estar en carrera para [v]
stop running dar de mano [v]
be running a temperature estar con calentura [v]
be running a temperature tener calentura [v]
start running apretar a correr [v]
get running apretar a correr [v]
running through one's head llevar en la cabeza [v]
take advantage of running into cazar al espartillo [v]
take advantage of running into coger al espartillo [v]
take off running perder el hato [v]
get up and running sacar a pulso [v]
running smoothly a buen viento va la parva [expr]
a running start un buen arranque
a running start un comienzo con buen pie
burglar running out ladrón escapando
go take a running jump! ¡vete a la porra!
go take a running jump! ¡vete a paseo!
go take a running jump! ¡vete a espulgar un galgo!
go take a running jump! ¡vete a freír buñuelos!
go take a running jump! ¡vete a freír espárragos!
go take a running jump! ¡que te den morcilla!
go take a running jump! ¡vete a la puñeta!
go take a running jump! ¡vete a freír espárrago si!
go take a running jump! ¡a cagara la vía! (catalán)
go take a running jump! a tu palo, gavilán, y a tu matorral, conejo
not running on all eight cylinders no le gira la ardilla
take a running jump ¡vete!
take a running jump ¡aléjate de mí!
take a running jump ¡márchate!
time is running out el tiempo se está acabando
running pursuit correteadera [f] NI EC PE
running a lot (person or animal) correlón [adj] GT HN CO PE rur.
hit the ground running pegar [v] PA DO PR
a running horse needs no spur caballo que vuela, no quiere espuela
go take a running jump! ¡una polla!
go take a running jump! ¡una ñorda!
go take a running jump! ¡un rábano!
take running jump! ¡que te frían un huevo!
why the hell are you running away? ¿por qué estás huyendo?
why the hell are you running away? ¿por qué estás escapando?
why the hell are you running away? ¿por qué huyes?
go take a running jump! ¡hazte humo!
go take a running jump! ¡vete!
go take a running jump! ¡desaparece!
running someone's tags recabar información acerca de un prisionero
take a running jump in the lake irse
take a running jump in the lake salir pitando
take a running jump in the lake largarse
annuity contract running with the land censo [m]
annuity contract running with the land censo consignativo [m]
annuity contract running with with the land censo real [m]
running account cuenta corriente [f]
running account cuenta corriente [f]
smooth-running sobre ruedas [adj]
running costs costos de operación [m/pl]
running costs costos de exploración [m/pl]
running total total acumulado
running form formulario continuo
running costs costes corrientes
running cost coste de explotación
running costs gastos de explotación
running days días corridos
running costs costos de operación
running expenses gastos de operación
running costs costos de explotación
running expenses gastos de explotación
running expenses gastos de mantener un negocio en marcha
running policy póliza corriente
running costs costes de operación
running costs costes de explotación
running ends extremos corredizos
in-running roll rodillo alimentador
running rope cable de alambre extraflexible
running rope cable con funcionamiento
running rope cable portante
running overcurrent device dispositivo de sobrecorriente
running mould molde que pierde
running costs costes de funcionamiento
running yield tasa de retorno
running costs gastos de funcionamiento
running costs costos corrientes
running costs gastos corrientes
running form forma corrida
running costs gastos de explotación
running out descentramiento [m]
running down atropello [m]
running water aguas vivas
gun-running tráfico de armas
running days días consecutivos
running costs costos de operación
running of the statute of limitations expiración del término de prescripción
running policy póliza corriente
covenant running with the land obligación vinculada con el inmueble
running costs costos de explotación
candidate's running for candidatos postulados a
running for office presentar candidatura para un cargo
running mate compañera de fórmula
running mate compañera de campaña
running mate compañero de campaña
running mate compañero de fórmula
running full caudaloso [adj]
running state estado de marcha
running state estado de ejecución
running open funcionamiento en línea abierta
running accumulator acumulador móvil
running component componente de proceso
free-running speed velocidad de régimen
parallel running proceso en paralelo
parallel running proceso en paralelo
parallel running ejecución en paralelo
parallel running ciclo de funcionamiento en paralelo
motor running capacitor condensador permanente de motor [m]
free running oscillator oscilador de funcionamiento libre [m]
free running oscillator oscilador astable [m]
asynchronous running funcionamiento asíncrono [m]
free running frequency frecuencia de marcha continua [f]
free running oscillator frequency frecuencia de oscilación libre [f]
asynchronous running circulación asincrónica [f]
running test ensayo de línea
empty running marcha sin carga
main running line vía principal
running current corriente de marcha
running current corriente en marcha normal
free-running oscillator oscilador de funcionamiento libre
free-running frequency frecuencia de marcha continua
free-running oscillator frequency frecuencia de oscilación libre
running knot nudo corredizo
running bowline nudo corredizo
motor running capacitor condensador permanente de motor [m]
running earth puesta a tierra móvil
running test ensayo de línea
main running line vía principal
light running marcha de máquina aislada
running board palanca de desbobinado
empty running marcha sin carga
free-running mode modo de marcha continua [m]
free-running frequency frecuencia de marcha continua [f]
dry-running precontrol [m]
running on acoplamiento [m]
running bond aparejo a soga [m]
cable running cableado [m]
paired running acoplamiento [m]
running off desacoplamiento [m]
running bowline ahorcaperro [m]
running down agotamiento [m]
running winding arrollamiento de marcha [m]
running off a road descamino [m]
running rail carril maestro [m]
quiet running funcionamiento suave [m]
quiet running funcionamiento silencioso [m]
running fit ajuste corredizo [m]
running on no load funcionamiento en vacío [m]
running gear aparato de rodadura [m]
running out colada [f]
running out caducidad [f]
running out salida [f]
running out desviación [f]
running out degeneración [f]
running out expiración [f]
running-in bajada [f]
running-in inserción [f]
running-in colada [f]
running water agua corriente [f]
running off fuga [f]
running spares pieceria [f]
water running off from irrigated land escurrideras [f] MX
running levels altimetría [f]
actual running speed velocidad de funcionamiento real [f]
running-down cutter fresa hueca [f]
running-in puesta en marcha [f]
self-running automático [adj]
running rabbits parásitos [m/pl]
running waters aguas vivas
running back marcha atrás
running day día corriente
running expenses gastos corrientes
running fit ajuste deslizante
running voltage tensión de servicio
running days días consecutivos
running voltage tensión de marcha normal
idle running marcha en vacío
running overcurrent device dispositivo de sobrecorriente
running head cabecera de página
running under load funcionando con carga
quiet running marcha suave
running surface superficie ondulada
running inventory inventario permanente
running days días seguidos
running total total acumulado
running head título repetido
running gear órganos de rodadura
running ground terreno movedizo
smooth running sin vibraciones
running cost coste variable
running-wheel rueda de traslación
running surface superficie de rodadura
running rigging jarcia de labor
running fire fuego a discreción
quiet running marcha silenciosa
running block polea móvil
running light luz de navegación
continuous running régimen permanente
running gear aparato de rodadura
running out marcha por inercia
running speed velocidad de marcha
reverse running marcha atrás
parallel running marcha en paralelo
dry-running funcionamiento en seco
running title título de página
running policy póliza flotante
running track via principal
running cable cable portante
running time duración de funcionamiento
running indicator indicador de marcha
running trap sifón en u
running balance equilibrio dinámico
running fret greca corrida
running ends extremos corredizos