traditional - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "traditional" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 30 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
traditional tradicional [f]
traditional tradicional [adj]
traditional típico [adj]
traditional clásico [adj]
traditional castizo [adj]
traditional conservador [adj]
traditional consuetudinario [adj]
traditional folklórico [adj]
traditional profundo [adj]
traditional rancio [adj]
traditional típico [adj]
traditional tradicional [adj]
traditional viejo [adj]
traditional folklórico [adj]
traditional folclórico [adj]
traditional asolerado [adj]
traditional tradicionalista [adj]
traditional convencional [adj]
traditional charro [adj] MX CU PR DO
traditional abolengo [adj] disused
traditional biempensante [adj] irony
traditional carpetovetónico [adj] derog.
traditional castiza [adj/f]
traditional charra [adj/f] MX CU PR DO
traditional consagrada [adj/f]
traditional típica [adj/f]
traditional de orden [adj]
traditional al uso [adv]
traditional de orden de [prep]
traditional convencional [adj]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "traditional" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 368 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
traditional dress aparejo real [m]
traditional ecuadorian and bolivian dress centro [m]
traditional or conventional person clásico [m]
traditional person conservador [m]
traditional varieties of flamenco singing palo [m]
traditional trading ship pontín [m]
traditional sign signo por costumbre [m]
girl from madrid wearing traditional dress chulapa [f]
chotis traditional dance of madrid polca alemana [f]
traditional galician hot drink made with flamed orujo moonshine, sugar, and lemon queimada [f]
traditional flute of the andes quena (quechua) [f]
traditional character solera [f]
traditional histories antiguallas [f/pl]
traditional stew of galicia and asturias pote [m]
traditional dress worn by ecuadorian and bolivian women centro [m]
a traditional cowboy who is from northern peru chalán [m]
a traditional dance of asturias pericote [m]
traditional spanish dance seguidilla [f]
traditional character solera [f]
singer of traditional spanish music folclórica [f]
traditional story leyenda [f]
traditional farmhouse in catalonia masía [f]
a traditional brazilian drink caipiriña [f]
traditional or conventional person clásica [f]
traditional person conservadora [f]
[of a custom] traditional folclórico [adj]
traditional music and dance typical of seville sevillanas [f/pl]
traditional dress traje típico
traditional chinese chino tradicional
a traditional peruvian cocktail chilcano [m] PE
the traditional dance of venezuela and colombia joropo [m] CO VE
traditional breeches worn by plainsmen loose-fitting at thighs and buttoned just below the knee where two finial pieces hang down garrasí [m] VE disused
a traditional multicolored woolen cloth worn by women as an ornament or shoulder bag where babies are carried and kept warm aguayo [m] PE BO AR:Nw
traditional dance of the andean region caluyo [m] BO AR:Nw
traditional praying to ward off epidemics or other misfortunes camaruco [m] AR
an traditional dance of the andean region callahuaya [m] BO
a traditional funerary dance in which dancers are dressed in black and wear bird feathers ayarachi [m] PE
traditional dance from ecuador amor fino [m] EC:W
music performed by a drum and traditional instruments bombo baile [m] PE
a traditional dance by garifuna dancers performed on the holy saturday to the music of wind instruments and shells baile de las tiras [m] HN:N
dance with one or several cueca traditional dances cuequeo [m] CL
man who dances or enjoys cueca traditional dances cuequero [m] BO CL
setup characteristic of the rio de la plata circus in which the spectacle was divided into a first part with traditional numbers and a second part with dramatic representations, generally of gaucho culture circo criollo [m] AR UY disused
freeze-dried potato used in traditional andean cuisine chuño cachi [m] BO:W
traditional article of clothing used by some women as a skirt (wool cloth that covers from hip to ankle) chincuil [m] MX
traditional article of clothing used by some women as a skirt (wool cloth that covers from hip to ankle) chincuey [m] MX rare
round musical instrument made of flattened metallic bottle tops, used during traditional bolivian festivities chullu-chullu [m] BO
small glass of pulque, a traditional mexican drink chico [m] MX
traditional drink of san pedro de macorís guavaberry [m] DO
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver ijillo [m] HN
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver lejillo [m] NI
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver ijío [m] SV
traditional rural character common in the center and south of the country huaso [m] CL
traditional rural character common in the center and south of the country guaso [m] CL
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver hijillo [m] HN SV
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver hijío [m] HN
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver hijillo [m] HN SV
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver hijío [m] HN
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver ijío [m] SV
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver lejillo [m] NI
traditional dance consisting of a continuous swinging of couples jamaqueyo [m] NI:N
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver lejillo [m] NI
traditional carnival character representing an older black woman dressed in bright colors mama vieja [m] AR UY
comb worn by women wearing traditional panamanian clothing peinetón [m] PA
traditional flute with seven holes made with cane, bone, or clay pífano [m] PE BO:E
large bright colored handkerchief traditional to male clothing of colombia rabo de gallo [m] CO
tap-dancing in some traditional dances repique [m] AR
fabric used for traditional dress worn by indigenous women saburete [m] PA
traditional riding-skirt with vertical stripes of different colors tumbahombre [m] PA
male traditional healer who treats dislocated bones and performs massages to alleviate muscles sobador [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA EC PE
traditional healer who treats dislocated bones and performs massages to alleviate muscles sobandero [m] CO VE
traditional indigenous brooch topped with a disc that has engravings tupo [m] EC PE AR:Nw
traditional indigenous brooch topped with a disc that has engravings tupu [m] EC PE BO CL
traditional male outfit typically sleeveless and down to the knees and hemmed with fringe uncu [m] PE BO:Sw rur.
traditional indigenous brooch topped with a disc that has engravings topo [m] EC PE BO CL AR:Nw
traditional andean community group aíllo [m] CL
traditional andean community group aillu [m] PE BO
headman (the chief man especially of a tribal or traditional village) jefe [m]
black slave dressed in traditional african attire dancing in the street on three kings' day diablito [m] CU
traditional village head jefe tradicional [m] GQ
traditional musician taita [m] AR
traditional indigenous brooch topo [m] EC PE BO CL AR
traditional indian hut ruca [f] CL
table for eating traditional chicken soup (sancocho) gallera  [f] AMER
traditional mexican folklore song bolera [f] MX
embroidered woolen fabric used to make traditional ecuadoran clothing bayetilla [f] EC
traditional amazon non-alcoholic beverage made from cassava starch cahuana [f] PE
traditional card game caída [f] EC
women's footwear worn with the panamanian traditional costume babucha [f] PA
a traditional multicolored woolen cloth worn by women as an ornament or shoulder bag where babies are carried and kept warm llijlla [f] BO:C
traditional folk song bolera [f] MX
traditional folk dance performed by young women and that forms part of the ritual dances dedicated to the virgin mary cullaca [f] CL
traditional dance accompanied by the musical composition of the same name cueca [f] AR UY
traditional dance that symbolizes the different stages of a romance, in which dancers quickly search for and dodge each other cueca [f] BO CL
woman who dances or enjoys cueca traditional dances cuequera [f] BO CL
traditional game played by children in a circle with the children making requests, singing songs, and punishing those who do not respond correctly chanchavalancha [f] SV
female partner of the charro who dresses in traditional indigenous clothing china [f] MX
female partner of the huaso who dresses in traditional indigenous clothing china [f] CL
lower class indigenous woman dressed in traditional andean clothing cholita [f] EC PE BO:W,C,S CL:N derog.
traditional exchange of messages between lovers through signals made, generally from one hill to another, with small mirrors that refract the sun's rays espejeada [f] AR:Nw rur.
traditional cheer of the universidad nacional autónoma de méxico goya [f] MX
squares added to a traditional hopscotch court to make it more challenging contra [f] HN
group of huasos, traditional rural character huasada [f] CL rare
traditional rural character common in the center and south of the country huasa [f] CL
traditional rural character common in the center and south of the country guasa [f] CL
traditional chibcha ceramic vessel with a slightly rounded body, narrow neck, and long strap handle hidria [f] CO
traditional system of work in rural areas that consists of all the members of a community helping in the agricultural tasks or construction of a neighbor house with the commitment that the beneficiary must return the favor of help when needed mano vuelta [f] HN rur.
traditional remedy for intestinal parasites using epazote lombricera [f] MX:Se CR rur.
traditional restaurant mondonguería [f] BO:W
establishment where clothing and masks for traditional dances are made morería [f] GT
tassel on a pollera traditional skirt mota [f] PA
comb worn by women wearing traditional panamanian clothing peineta de balcón [f] PA
coin purse for the traditional panamanian attire realera [f] PA rur.
stall during the national holiday celebrations where traditional food and music are offered ramada [f] CL
four-line stanza recited by dance couples in certain traditional dances relación [f] PY AR UY
served for many traditional dishes sarza [f] PE:S
step from traditional panamanian dances seguidilla [f] PA
female traditional healer who treats dislocated bones and performs massages to alleviate muscles sobadora [f] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA EC PE
traditional healer who treats dislocated bones and performs massages to alleviate muscles sobandera [f] CO VE
traditional orchestra típica [f] EC AR UY
traditional festival alasita [f] BO
traditional history antigualla [f] rare
pollera traditional dress pollera [f] PA CO
ballad that couples say to each other in traditional dances relación [f] AR UY
group of people who are fans of traditional tango guardia vieja [m/f] AR UY
traditional person biempensante [m/f] irony
relating to the cueca traditional dance cuequero [adj] BO CL
traditional (university teacher) escuelero [adj] CO derog.
pertaining to huasos, traditional rural characters in the center and south of the country huaso [adj] CL rur.
relating to conservative and traditional ideology momiacho [adj] CL derog.
relating to the traditional carnival king momo [adj] PR BO PY
dance or interpret a cueca traditional dance cuequear [v] BO CL
rub the part of the body causing illness or discomfort in traditional aboriginal medicine in ecuador fregar [v] EC
it expresses the order to start the pericón (traditional dance) ¡adentro! [interj] UY
expressing the order to stop dancing for a while in traditional festivals and some folkloric dances so that the dancers can have a drink or sing a folk song in a cheeky tone ¡aro! [interj] CL AR
expressing the order to stop dancing for a while during the cueca traditional andean dance so that the dancing partners can have a drink while interlocking their arms ¡aro! [interj] BO
traditional game where a steel ball is used to knock out other balls that are inside a circle drawn on the ground cocos [m/pl] EC
rattle anklet made with seeds used in traditional dances maichiles [m/pl] PE:N
it is used to indicate the beginning of a new figure or rhythm in traditional dances and songs adentro [expr] UY
(a woman) abandon the patterns of traditional behavior tirar la chancleta [v]
be traditional tener solera [v]
traditional game correr el ganso [v]
traditional game correr gansos [v]
part where a traditional dance is divided pie de cueca [m] CL
(in traditional rural medicine) illness that affects some people in poor health during the wake, caused by the vapors from the cadaver ijillo [m] HN
mestiza person who wears an upper class style dress rather than traditional indigenous clothing locha [f] BO
person who wears pants rather than traditional indigenous clothing locha [f] BO:W delinq.
woman wearing traditional dress mengala [f] GT
popular traditional ghost of a woman with tangled hair living in the woods, who visits houses at night and feeds on the ash remains of stoves tulevieja [f] CR
traditional ghost dressed in black and with the appearance of a woman who takes away disobedient or naughty children la tunda [f] EC
played on an accordion accompanied by a soloist and traditional singer típico [adj] PA
traditional method of scrambled egg perico [m] VE
traditional corporation corporación tradicional
traditional industry industria tradicional
non-traditional reinsurance reaseguro no tradicional
Foreign Trade
traditional knowledge conocimientos tradicionales [m/pl]
traditional dress consisting of a long skirt and a lace blouse in vivid and intense colors mengala [f] GT
traditional debt relief mechanisms mecanismos tradicionales de alivio de la deuda
traditional cost system sistema de costeo tradicional
traditional cost allocation distribución tradicional de costos indirectos
other traditional products otros productos tradicionales
non-traditional exports exportaciones no tradicionales
traditional exports exportaciones tradicionales
traditional sector sector tradicional
non-traditional reinsurance reaseguro no tradicional
International Law
traditional knowledge conocimiento tradicional
workshop on traditional know-how and biological diversity taller sobre conocimientos tradicionales y diversidad biológica
fund for promotion of non-traditional exports fondo de promoción de exportaciones no tradicionales PE
traditional contraception anticoncepción tradicional [f]
traditional medicine medicina tradicional
traditional birth attendants comadronas tradicionales
traditional society sociedad tradicional
traditional chinese chino tradicional
traditional spelling ortografía tradicional
traditional healers curanderos [m/pl]
traditional medicine medicina tradicional
oriental traditional medicine medicina oriental tradicional
traditional shop tienda tradicional
traditional technology tecnología tradicional
traditional operator operador tradicional
traditional fishing pesca tradicional
General Medicine
traditional medicine medicina tradicional
traditional practitioner curandero [m]
traditional chinese medicine medicina china tradicional
traditional practitioner médico tradicional
traditional drug medicamento tradicional
research on traditional drugs investigación del medicamento tradicional
quality control of traditional drugs control de calidad de los medicamentos tradicionales
quality control of traditional drugs control de calidad del medicamento tradicional
research on traditional drugs investigación sobre los medicamentos tradicionales
traditional values valores tradicionales
traditional authority autoridad tradicional
traditional gender roles roles de género tradicionales
non-traditional no tradicional
traditional marriage matrimonio tradicional
traditional racism racismo tradicional
non-traditional education educación no tradicional
traditional stereotypes estereotipos tradicionales
traditional family familia tradicional
traditional controls controles tradicionales [m/pl]
traditional telephone network red telefónica tradicional [f]
traditional telephone network red telefónica tradicional [f]
traditional telephone network red telefónica tradicional
traditional bomb bomba no atómica
traditional media medios tradicionales
traditional farming agricultura tradicional
revival of traditional agriculture renacimiento de la agricultura tradicional
traditional agriculture agricultura tradicional
neo-traditional food system sistema alimentario neotradicional
Wildlife Management
traditional medicine medicina tradicional
practitioner traditional practicante tradicional
practitioner traditional médico tradicional
traditional medicine communities profesionales relacionados con la medicina tradicional
a traditional mexican spicy soup made with tripe menudo [m] MX
a traditional mexican food made by topping folded warmed or fried tortillas with various foods including meat cheese bean and vegetables taco [m]
a traditional sauce made of ground nuts or seeds and spices pipián [m]
traditional sweet made from cattle marrow, corn starch, sugar or unrefined brown sugar, and water aliado [m] VE
traditional stew prepared with chili pepper, pork, tomato sauce, rice, and cumin chilayo [m] MX
traditional diamond shaped sweet pie from tabasco state, made with maize flour chinopote [m] MX
traditional meal eaten on all saint's day fiambre [m] GT
traditional food made with meat from the head of pork and vegetables, seasoned with annatto pebre [m] NI:E
traditional christmas dish pastel en hoja [m] DO
beef stew prepared with vegetables and salt, traditional yucatecan dish sanchac [m] MX:Se
beef stew prepared with vegetables and salt, traditional yucatecan dish sanchaque [m] MX:Se
coconut fish soup, traditional of the caribbean coast sancocho costeño [m] PA
beef stew prepared with vegetables and salt, traditional yucatecan dish chanchac [m] MX:Se
dish made with meat and chili pepper traditional of the state of chiapas shishpolá [m] MX:Se
tamale of tender corn, traditional meal from michoacan uchepo [m] MX
dish made with fish, traditional of veracruz tachogobi [m] MX
traditional soup of the andean regions, made of potato starch, potatoes, meat and vegetables chairo [m] BO
a traditional bolivian mixed drink chuflay [m] BO
ground pork fried with tomato, chili pepper, onion, and yucca to accompany traditional dishes merienda [f] SV
traditional christmas dish made with cooked, ground corn, raw cane sugar, cinnamon and spices, which hardens when cooled natilla [f] CO
served for many traditional dishes sarsa [f] PE:S
traditional meal made of beef, tender corn, broad beans, and potatoes, prepared the night before the festival for the apostol santiago on july 25, or in honor of mother earth pachamama on august 1 tijtincha [f] AR:Nw rur.
traditional meal made of beef, tender corn, broad beans, and potatoes, prepared the night before the festival for the apostol santiago on july 25, or in honor of mother earth pachamama on august 1 tistincha [f] BO:Sw AR:Nw
a traditional pumpkin dessert served at day of the dead festivities calabaza en tacha
traditional biomass biomasa tradicional [f]
round musical instrument made of flattened metallic bottle tops, used during traditional bolivian festivities chullu-chullu [m] BO
round musical instrument made of flattened metallic bottle tops, used during traditional bolivian festivities chulluchullu [m] BO
round musical instrument made of flattened metallic bottle tops, used during traditional bolivian festivities chulluchullu [m] BO
traditional and popular musical instrument of african origin gallumba [f] DO
contemporary popular music genre rooted in corridos, rancheras, and traditional music of northern mexico, with lyrics of everyday stories, sometimes related to drug trafficking música grupera [f] MX HN SV NI CR PA
traditional grammar gramática tradicional [f]
traditional speciality guaranteed (tsg) especialidad tradicional garantizada (etg)
traditional mozarabic song jarcha [f]
traditional colombian catholic service that is celebrated from december 16 to 24, with readings of the birth of the son of god novena de aguinaldos [f] CO
traditional colombian catholic service that is celebrated from december 16 to 24, with readings of the birth of the son of god, pray and sing christmas carols next to the manger novena [f] CO
an african tropical plant whose roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine for many purposes (paullinia pinnata) paté [m] SV
an african tropical plant whose roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine for many purposes (paullinia pinnata) pate [m] HN
an african tropical plant whose roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine for many purposes (paullinia pinnata) azucarito [m] CU VE
an african tropical plant whose roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine for many purposes (paullinia pinnata) ojillo [m] MX
a small and thin palm, up to 2 m high (used in traditional medicine) amargón [m] HN
a small and thin palm, up to 2 m high (used in traditional medicine) chicuilote [m] HN
a small and thin palm, up to 2 m high (used in traditional medicine) chichicuilote [m] HN
a small and thin palm, up to 2 m high (used in traditional medicine) garrote amargo [m] HN
a plant used as a traditional medicine (calea urticifolia) conroro [m] HN
a plant used as a traditional medicine (calea urticifolia) tatascán [m] HN
venomous fruit of the nipplefruit, used for treating athlete's foot, irritability, and as a relaxant, used for curing ulcers and dog bites in traditional medicine chuchito [m] MX:Se
a plant used as a traditional medicine (calea urticifolia) chichilsaca [f] HN
a plant used as a traditional medicine (calea urticifolia) chilchaca [f] MX:C
a plant used as a traditional medicine (calea urticifolia) pashcuana [f] MX:C
a plant commonly used in traditional medicine (waltheria americana) mala sombra [f] PA
traditional arabian qaṣīdah casida (árabe) [f]
traditional rural dance with european influences cielito [m] AR UY
traditional music genre interpreted by five musicians playing the guitar, tres, bongo, and maracas changüí [m] CU
person who interprets the changüí, traditional music changüisero [m] CU
traditional rhythm from the ecuadorian mountains that is played of drums, maracas, bells, jingles, whistles, and small flutes, and is danced at certain religious festivals danzante [m] EC:C
person who wears a mask and leads certain traditional mexican religious ceremonies chayacate [m] MX
folk rhythm played on a small guitar, a guitar, a traditional andean flute, and panpipes chuntunki [m] BO
traditional dance of african origin in honor of san benito chimbánguele [m] VE:W
traditional bolivian folk dance (from the yungas region of the la paz department) caporal [m] BO
traditional article of clothing used by some women as a skirt (wool cloth that covers from hip to ankle) chincuete tzintli, nalgas, y cueitl, falda) [m] MX
metallic chain with a little bell used in certain traditional dances by shaking it to the rhythm chicotillo [m] PE:C,E
traditional open position dance set to a lively rhythm escondido [m] AR
traditional celebration that starts on the winter solstice in which livestock is marked with woolen yarn of different colors floreamiento [m] CL
traditional dance performed after a marriage casarasiri [m] PE:C,S
traditional fantastic bird that inhabits the cliffs of mountains, throws fire through it's nostrils and enchants who looks at it coicoy [m] VE:W
traditional dance performed by the garifunas on holy saturday to the sound of wind instruments and shells from the colonial period juego de tiras [m] HN:N
traditional mapuche drum kultrum [m] AR
traditional mapuche drum kultrún [m] AR
traditional dance in which the dancers are dressed as shepherds and imitate how llamas walk llamero [m] BO:W
person who dances the llamerada traditional dance llamero [m] BO:W
traditional dance performed in the highlands during the feast of corpus christi in which the dances are dressed as jesters lanlacus [m] PE
traditional dance representing the vicuña hunt llipi [m] PE:Se
traditional dance representing the vicuña hunt llipi puli [m] PE:Se
carnival dance representing biblical scenes (traditional dance of san pedro de macorís) momise [m] DO
carnival dance representing biblical scenes (traditional dance of san pedro de macorís) momises [m] DO
traditional musical composition with a slow rhythm, generally about love and interpreted with harp, lyre, and maracas pasaje [m] VE
traditional panamanian dance with accordion music pindín [m] PA
part where a traditional dance is divided pie (inglés pie) [m] CL
traditional dance imitating hunters pulipuli [m] PE:Se
traditional dance imitating hunters pulipulis [m] PE:Se
traditional dance of the huila and tolima regions, similar to bambuco rajaleña [m] CO
traditional music seis [m] PR
traditional of the festivities of san juan and san pedro of huila and tolima sanjuanero [m] CO
joyful cry accompanying the chamamé traditional dance of argentina sapucai [m] PY AR:Ne
joyful cry accompanying the chamamé traditional dance of argentina sapucay [m] PY
joyful cry accompanying the chamamé traditional dance of argentina sapukay [m] PY
traditional dance and singing of the easter island sau sau [m] CL
traditional callawaya dance performed with repeated jumps and turns tucumano [m] BO
traditional festival celebrated in otavalo in honor of the virgin of montserrat yamor [m] EC
traditional dance where couples move around a tree chopping it until they fell it turbamonte [m] CL
traditional character in the form of a ferocious two-headed jaguar uturunco [m] AR:Nw rur.
popular traditional dance of valledupar vallenato [m] CO
traditional dance to a fast pace danced in pairs with the man crouching vals chilote [m] CL:C
traditional character in the form of a ferocious two-headed jaguar otoronco [m] AR:Nw
traditional dance of the north coast performed barefoot tondero [m] PE
traditional dance character disguised and acting like a bull torito [m] BO:E
traditional dance performed during carnival and religious festivals taquicari [m] CL:N rur.
traditional clothing worn by shuar indigenous women tarachi [m] EC
traditional basque dance aurresku (euskera) [m]
traditional andean dance caluyo [m] BO AR
traditional andean dance caluyo [m] BO
traditional collective dance carnavalito [m] AR
traditional dance tondero [m] PE
person who interprets the changüí, traditional music changüisera [f] CU
traditional dance to guarania music guarania [f] PY
popular traditional character used to frighten people, especially children cocora [f] HN
traditional indigenous dance executed with flags to celebrate carnival and the coming harvest huifala [f] PE
traditional festival held annually for branding livestock herranza [f] PE rur.
woman who performs a traditional dance with a pollera skirt and a milk jug lechera [f] BO
traditional music from the yucatan peninsula that is part of the son genre jarana [f] MX
place where herbs, amulets, and animal fat are sold for traditional rites and medicine kapacheca [f] BO:W
traditional dance in which the dancers are dressed as shepherds and imitate how llamas walk llamerada [f] PE BO:C:W
person who dances the llamerada traditional dance llamera [f] BO:W
traditional dance in which the performers are disguised as devils diablada [f] PE BO CL
popular dance similar to the beat of traditional merengue mangulina [f] DO
popular dance to the beat of the traditional merengue margulina [f] DO
traditional dance in which the performers dress in their finest clothes and women carry large pastries on their backs mohoseñada [f] BO
open position traditional dance alternating between slow and fast rhythm mediacaña [f] AR UY
traditional dance in which the performers wear their best dress and women carry large bread rolls on their backs moseñada [f] BO:W
traditional dance performed during carnival by richly dressed women pandilla [f] PE:Se
traditional dance performed by couples moving handkerchiefs to the beat of lively music pampeña [f] PE:S
popular traditional fictional bird whose song predicts misfortunes pavita de tierra [f] PA
traditional dance of the andean region where couples dressed in traditional costumes hold hands and dance around a group of musicians pinquillada [f] BO:W
fast and cheerful music, traditional of the andean region to the rhythm of the pinquillada pinquillada [f] BO:W
traditional song from an indigenous group of michoacán pirecua [f] MX
popular dance traditional of the province of angasmarca quiyaya [f] PE
traditional garifuna music and dance for the death of a family member punta [f] SV NI
traditional christmas festival held 9 days before the birth of christ, during which guests in procession pray the rosary, sing, and ask for hospitality at different houses posada [f] MX GT HN SV NI DO EC:W
traditional dance where a man dressed as a woman carries a potato in his hands and is harassed by other dancers to symbolize the different periods of fertility, famine, and prosperity of the earth rayguana [f] PE disused
colorful traditional skirt worn by indigenous women refajo [f] MX GT
traditional courting dance with roots in 18th century europe sajuriana [f] CL AR PE UY disused
traditional dance similar to the huaino serranita [f] PE disused
dance to the beat of the bombo and güiro music, traditional of the province of peravia zarandunga [f] DO
melodious sad music, with sentimental lyrics, traditional of the isthmus of tehuantepec zandunga [f] MX
melodious sad music, with sentimental lyrics, traditional of the isthmus of tehuantepec sandunga [f] MX
dance to the beat of the bombo and güiro music, traditional of the province of peravia sarandunga [f] DO
traditional dance of the yungas region where jumps and contortions represent the forced labor black slaves were subjected to during the colonial era tuntuna [f] BO:Nw
traditional character in the form of a ferocious two-headed jaguar runa uturunco [f] AR:Nw
traditional ceremony in which a llama or alpaca is sacrificed and its blood spread on the ground and its heart buried in order to ensure successful crops vilancha [f] CL rur.
traditional bolivian dance diablada [f]
traditional dance in which the dancers are dressed as shepherds and imitate llamas walking llamerada [f] BO
muiñeira traditional galician dance muñeira (gallego) [f]
music of the muiñeira traditional galician dance muñeira (gallego) [f]
relating to the changüí, traditional music changüisero [adj] CU
that blends traditional andean rhythms with techno music and includes lyrics regarding (popular music) chichero [adj] EC
improvise a verse that allows the singer to end the final ten-line stanza of the song (traditional rural music) dar el pie forzado [v] CU PR
tap lightly as if sweeping the floor (in some traditional dances) escobillar [v] MX PA CU CO VE PE BO:S CL AR UY
traditional dance in which the dancers imitate llama herders llameritos [m/pl] PE
traditional dance in which the dancers imitate the action of spuring on llamas with slingshots, with which they trace different figures llamish [m/pl] PE
traditional dance performed at festivities of the patron saints, where men dress with colored feathers and clothes to look like animals, while women carry a whip to pretend to beat them novenantes [m/pl] PE:Se
traditional dance to the rhythm of these drums with catholic and african origins palos [m/pl] DO
traditional music to accompany a troubadour singing seises [m/pl] PR
traditional bolivian dance of the beni department where participants disguised as bulls walk the streets, dancing and scaring spectators toritos [m/pl] BO
traditional dance performed by two rows of women who tap their feet to the beat of drums and a violin pallas [f/pl] PE
accompaniment with palms, stomping, and shouts in traditional dances tamboreo y huifa [n] CL