kill - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "kill" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 128 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
kill matar [v]
kill asesinar [v]
kill aniquilar [v]
kill tostar [v]
kill victimar [v]
kill despenar [v]
kill apagar (motor) [v]
kill apagar [v]
kill acabar [v]
kill aguarse [v]
kill desgraciar [v]
kill exterminar [v]
kill fulminar [v]
kill matar [v]
kill pasaportar [v]
kill victimar [v]
kill zampar [v]
kill matanza [f]
kill cargarse [v]
kill vendimiar [v]
kill escabechar [v]
kill rematar [v]
kill ultimar [v]
kill cargar [v]
kill lapidar [v]
kill apedrear [v]
kill encargarse de [v]
kill acabar [v]
kill dar muerte [v]
kill desgranar [v]
kill despabilar [v]
kill privar de vigor [v]
kill hacer una carnicería [v]
kill amortiguar [v]
kill quitar la vida [v]
kill apear [v] CAM
kill beneficiar [v] CO PE CL CAR CAM AR
kill chinchar [v] disused
kill poner fin a [v] fig.
kill amatar [v] outdated
kill pajarear [v] ANS
kill raicear [v] HN
kill alivianar [v] SV
kill amatar [v] disused
kill cafetear [v] PA
kill chicharronear [v] NI
kill delibrar [v] disused
kill descoñetar [v] VE derog.
kill morirse [v] rare
kill palmar [v] NI
kill quebrar [v] GT SV CO
kill ultimar [v] LA
kill pasar a cuchillo [v]
kill coger a alguien la hebra de la vida [v]
kill cortar el hilo de la vida [v]
kill dar muerte [v]
kill mandar al cajón [v] CO
kill hacer boleta [v] AR
kill dar camotillo a alguien [v] HN
kill dar chicharrón a alguien [v] HN SV
kill llevar por la espada [v] disused
kill meter espada [v] disused
kill pasar espada [v] disused
kill echarse al pico [v] CU CO VE
kill limpiarle a alguien el pico [v] PR
kill tomar toda la botella [v]
kill terminar la botella [v]
kill pichonear [v]
kill suicidar [v]
kill apiolar [v]
kill birlar [v]
kill descartar [v]
kill apiolar [v]
kill arreglar [v]
kill birlar [v]
kill dar boleta a alguien [v]
kill dar la boleta a alguien [v]
kill cargarse [v]
kill cepillarse [v]
kill despachar [v]
kill escabechar [v]
kill borrar a alguien del mapa [v]
kill matar [v]
kill dar pasaporte a alguien [v]
kill quitar a alguien el pellejo [v]
kill torcer a alguien el pescuezo [v]
kill retorcer a alguien el pescuezo [v]
kill tistear [v] HN NI
kill vendimiar [v]
kill finiquitar [v] AR
kill quiñar [v] CO
kill afrijolar [v] CU
kill atocinar [v] disused
kill bailar [v] HN
kill hacer boleta a alguien [v] AR UY
kill despenar [v] rare
kill difuntear [v] MX GT CU UY
kill espabilar [v] rare
kill llevarse en la golilla a alguien [v] CU
kill limpiar [v] AR UY
kill pepenarse [v] SV
kill quiñar (quechua) [v] CO
kill raicearse [v] HN
kill siquitrillar [v] VE
kill boletear [v]
kill masturbarse [v] jail
kill eliminar [v]
kill liquidar [v]
kill suprimir [v]
kill abortar (un programa) [v]
kill abortar [v]
kill suprimir [v]
kill calcinar [v]
kill neutralizar [v]
kill anular [v]
kill cancelar [v]
kill detener un brote [v]
kill destruir [v]
kill desgrasar [v]
kill riachuelo [m]
Cold Roll Terminology
kill calmar [v]
kill avión derribado
kill destrucción de un avión enemigo
kill derribar un avión
kill calmar [v]
kill calmar [v]
kill apagar [v]
kill pieza [f]

Sens de "kill" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
you kill mates [f/pl]
you kill mata [v]
kill me matarme [v]
I kill mato [v]
kill them matarlo [v]
kill you matarte [v]
I will kill mataré [v]
you/he/she will kill matará [v]
they/you kill maten [v]
you/they kill matan [v]
you/they will kill matarán [v]
you kill matas [v]
I would kill mataría [v]
you/he/she would kill mataría [v]
we kill matamos [v]
kill us matarnos [v]
(bullfighting) a series of passes performed by a matador with sword before the kill faena [f]
kill oneself matarse [v]
kill time hacer tiempo [v]
kill oneself suicidarse [v]
kill time matar el tiempo [v]
take (to cause to die; kill or destroy) matar [v]
go in for the kill entrar a matar [v]
no-kill hunter cazador de alforja [m]
poisoned meat to kill dogs morcilla [f]
kill with arrows asaetar [v]
kill with arrows asaetear [v]
kill with a gun fulminar [v]
kill off rematar [v]
kill with one shot rematar [v]
kill time roncear [v]
substance which is used to kill plants herbicida [m]
substance which is used to kill or repress the activities of pests pesticida [m]
substance which is used to kill or repress the activities of pests plaguicida [m]
act of treating something to kill microorganisms esterilización [f]
substance which is used to kill parasites parasiticida [m/f]
kill by immersion in water ahogar [v]
kill oneself by strangulation estrangularse [v]
kill a bull by a stab on the nape of the neck atronar [v]
kill oneself quitarse la vida (coloquial) [v]
kill off despachar [v]
kill as punishment ejecutar [v]
kill as punishment ajusticiar [v]
deliberately kill asesinar [v]
kill (turn off) apagar [v]
kill brutally masacrar [v]
kill as sacrifice inmolar [v]
kill as sacrifice sacrificar [v]
shoot to kill disparar a matar [v]
kill someone asesinar a alguien [v]
kill oneself quitarse la vida [v]
threaten to kill someone amenazar a alguien de muerte [v]
shoot to kill tirar a matar [v]
shoot to kill matar a alguien de un balazo [v]
kill someone with a knife matar a alguien a cuchilladas [v]
if looks could kill si la mirada matara
kill-joy aguafiestas [m/f]
kill with arrows asaetear [v]
kill by a blow on the neck acocotar [v]
kill by a blow on the neck acogotar [v]
kill a bull atronar [v]
kill/wound by bullets balear [v]
kill by hanging colgar [v]
kill the bull by stabbing him in the cervix descabellar [v]
kill the bull by stabbing it in the cervix descordar [v]
kill by shooting fusilar [v]
wound/kill with an arrow flechar [v]
kill at one shot rematar [v]
kill with arrows saetear [v]
dispatch (to put to death; kill) matar [v]
kill oneself with work fatigarse [v]
kill oneself with work cansarse con demasiado trabajo [v]
bread containing a slice of poisoned meat to kill stray dogs bocado [m] PE
poisoned piece of meat used to kill animals bocado [m] SV NI
diarrhea that can kill newborns in seven days mayo [m] PA
diarrhea that can kill newborns in seven days mal de mayo [m] SV
kill shot venadazo [m] MX disused
mallet used to kill a capybara by hitting it in the head maceta [f] VE rur.
kill-joy derramaplaceres [m/f] disused
kill-joy derramasolaces [m/f] disused
kill oneself tomar la puerta falsa [v] MX
kill off despenar [v] AMER
wound or kill by shooting abalear (prót de balear) [v] PA CU DO PR CO VE EC PE
kill someone acostar [v] CO
kill someone afeitar [v] CU
kill with a knife achurar [v] AR UY BO
kill someone africochar [v] DO
kill someone afrijolar [v] CU
not kill the opponent's chip as part of a strategy (domino) agachar [v] CU
kill and butcher an animal aliñar [v] MX HN SV
kill someone alivianar [v] SV
kill someone aployar [v] DO
kill someone arrancársela [v] CU
kill somebody atarar [v] CU
kill a person by shooting balear [v] HN SV CR CU PR CO PE BO CL PY AR UY
kill someone with a bullet balacear [v] MX GT HN SV NI
kill somebody amasijar [v] AR
kill somebody apear [v] HN SV NI
kill someone amolar [v] VE
kill somebody bruñir [v] HN
kill somebody birar [v] CU
kill somebody anortar [v] DO
kill someone mamar [v] HN
kill someone acabar [v] HN SV NI PE
kill someone quebrar [v] MX GT HN SV PA CO
kill someone tumbar [v] HN
kill someone tistear [v] HN NI
kill someone volar [v] HN
kill someone aboyar [v] VE
kill someone descoñetar [v] VE
kill someone despalillar [v] PR
seriously injure or kill someone, particularly in a fight desgraciarse [v] DO AR CL rare
kill someone descalar [v] DO
injure or kill someone with a bullet cuetear [v] HN NI
injure someone repeatedly or kill them with a knife or bladed weapon charquiar [v] CL AR:Nw
kill someone chapear (del inglés chop) [v] CU disused
kill someone with a knife or other bladed weapon charquiar [v] CL AR:Nw
kill someone with a knife or other bladed weapon charquear [v] CL AR:Nw
kill someone chicharronear [v] NI
kill someone fregarse [v] MX
kill someone fregar [v] VE
kill someone espalillar [v] PR
kill and butcher animals for consumption faenear [v] BO
throw someone into the water tied to a heavy object in order to kill them fondear [v] PE BO CL
kill someone as an exemplary punishment ajusticiar [v] MX VE BO CL AR
kill for revenge ajusticiar [v] CR DO
injure and kill someone with a bladed weapon carnear [v] MX BO
kill someone with premeditation and without any legal justification comerse a [v] EC
kill someone largar [v] BO:E
kill someone doblar [v] GT HN SV
kill someone echar [v] MX HN SV DO
kill someone ejecutar [v] MX DO EC
injure or kill someone with a machete or knife machetear [v] CR PA DO VE EC PE BO rur.
injure or kill someone with a machete or knife machetear [v] HN SV NI CU
kill someone who never had a chance to defend themselves madrugar [v] MX GT NI PA
kill someone merenguear [v] SV
kill it matar [v] AR
kill something matar [v] CU
kill time opear [v] BO AR:Nw
kill a joint matar [v] PR drug
kill time miquear [v] PR
shoot to kill pasconear [v] HN SV NI
kill oneself petatearse [v] GT HN SV NI CR PA
kill someone petatear [v] HN SV NI
kill someone pepenarse [v] HN SV NI
kill for revenge or convenience raspar [v] VE
kill someone reventar [v] HN
kill someone tempranear [v] NI
kill someone ultimar [v] MX HN SV NI CR PA CU DO PR EC PE BO:E CL PY AR UY cult
kill someone victimar [v] MX HN SV NI DO EC BO CL
kill someone victimar [v] VE PE AR UY CO disused
kill someone virar [v] CU
kill someone volarse [v] GT HN SV NI CR
kill someone apear [v] HN
kill oneself apearse [v] SV
look for and kill fleas esculcar [v] ES local
kill oneself quebrarse [v] GT SV CO
kill someone dar el agua a alguien [adv] HN
kill the fatted calf celebrar un banquete en honor de alguien [v]
kill the mesenger matar al mensajero [v]
be dressed fit to kill estar de veinticinco alfileres [v]
be dressed to kill estar de veinticinco alfileres [v]
be dressed up fit to kill estar de veinticinco alfileres [v]
be dressed fit to kill estar hecho un brinquiño [v]
be dressed to kill estar hecho un brinquiño [v]
be dressed up fit to kill estar hecho un brinquiño [v]
be dressed fit to kill ir hecho un brinquiño [v]
be dressed to kill ir hecho un brinquiño [v]
be dressed up fit to kill ir hecho un brinquiño [v]
be dressed fit to kill estar de tiros largos [v]
be dressed to kill estar de tiros largos [v]
be dressed up fit to kill estar de tiros largos [v]
be dressed fit to kill andar bien vestido [v]
be dressed to kill andar bien vestido [v]
be dressed up fit to kill andar bien vestido [v]
be dressed fit to kill estar hecho un brazo de mar [v]
be dressed to kill estar hecho un brazo de mar [v]
be dressed up fit to kill estar hecho un brazo de mar [v]
close in for the kill dar el golpe de gracia [v]
close in for the kill prepararse para la estocada final [v]
kill two birds with one stone matar dos pájaros de un tiro [v]
be dressed to kill estar vestida para matar [v]
be dressed to kill vestir de una manera seductora [v]
have some time to kill tener algo de tiempo para perder [v]
have time to kill tener tiempo para perder [v]
kill someone on the spot dejar a alguien en el sitio [v]
kill someone stonedead dejar seco a alguien [v]
kill someone in cold blood matar a alguien a sangre fría [v]
kill the goose that lays the golden egg matar la gallina de los huevos de oro [v]
be in on the kill presenciar el final del evento [v]
be in on the kill presenciar el epílogo [v]
be in on the kill presenciar el canto del cisne [v]
be dressed up fit to kill ir hecho un brazo de mar [v]
be dressed up fit to kill estar peripuesto [v]
be dressed to kill ir hecho un brazo de mar [v]
be dressed fit to kill ir hecho un brazo de mar [v]
be dressed fit to kill estar peripuesto [v]
be dressed to kill estar peripuesto [v]
be dressed to kill estar de punta en blanco [v]
be dressed to kill ponerse de punta en blanco [v]
be dressed up fit to kill estar de punta en blanco [v]
be dressed up fit to kill ir de punta en blanco [v]
be dressed up fit to kill ponerse de punta en blanco [v]
be dressed fit to kill estar de punta en blanco [v]
be dressed fit to kill ir de punta en blanco [v]
be dressed fit to kill ponerse de punta en blanco [v]
kill the clock hacer el baile [v]
be dressed fit to kill ponerse de tiros largos [v]
be dressed to kill ponerse de tiros largos [v]
kill oneself quitarse la existencia [v]
kill oneself worrying romperse la cabeza [v]
be dressed up to kill estar hecho un paquete [v]
be dressed fit to kill estar hecho un paquete [v]
be dressed fit to kill ir maqueado [v]
be dressed up to kill ir maqueado [v]
be dressed fit to kill ir bien maqueado [v]
be dressed up to kill ir bien maqueado [v]
be dressed fit to kill ir de tiros largos [v]
be dressed up to kill ir de tiros largos [v]
be dressed to kill estar hecho un paquete [v]
be dressed up to kill ir de punta en blanco [v]
be dressed to kill ir maqueado [v]
be dressed to kill ir bien maqueado [v]
be dressed to kill ir de tiros largos [v]
be dressed to kill ir de punta en blanco [v]
be dressed up fit to kill estar hecho un paquete [v]
be dressed up fit to kill ir maqueado [v]
be dressed up fit to kill ir bien maqueado [v]
be dressed up fit to kill ir de tiros largos [v]
be dressed up fit to kill ir de conquista [v]
be dressed to kill estar de respeto [v]
be dressed fit to kill ir de conquista [v]
be dressed to kill ir de conquista [v]
be dressed to kill estar hecho un pincel [v]
kill someone dejar a alguien frito [v]
go for the kill lanzarse a la yugular [v]
be dressed up fit to kill vestirse de gala [v]
be dressed up fit to kill vestirse de fiesta [v]
be dressed up to kill vestirse de fiesta [v]
be dressed up to kill vestirse de gala [v]
be dressed to kill vestir sus mejores galas [v]
be dressed up fit to kill vestir sus mejores galas [v]
dress to kill vestirse de punta en blanco [v]
kill someone arrancarle a alguien el alma [v]
kill time hacer hora [v]
kill the messenger matar al mensajero [v]
kill dogs with poisoned meat dar morcilla [v]
kill two birds with one stone matar dos pájaros de una pedrada [v]
kill two birds with one stone matar dos pájaros de un tiro [v]
kill with one blow dar a alguien con la de rengo [v]
kill someone on the spot dejar a alguien en el sitio [v]
dressed to kill de punta en blanco [adv]
look fit to kill estar despampanante
look fit to kill verse infartante
dressed to kill estar despampanante
kill the fatted calf dar una gran fiesta de bienvenida
dressed to kill de punta en blanco
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs matar a la gallina de los huevos de oro
kill the goose that laid the golden egg matar a la gallina de los huevos de oro
kill time matar el tiempo
dressed to kill vestida de manera provocativa
dressed to kill vestida muy elegante
kill the goose that lays the golden egg agotar una fuente de riqueza
kill the clock dejar pasar el tiempo
dressed to kill deslumbrante
dressed to kill arrasadora
kill someone with kindness ser muy amable con alguien
kill someone with kindness ser muy bondadoso con alguien
kill the clock hacer correr el reloj
kill the fatted calf matar un cordero cebado
kill the clock hacer tiempo
kill time hacer tiempo
if looks could kill si las miradas mataran
kill the goose that lays the golden egg perder una fuente de riqueza
kill the goose that lays the golden egg matar a la gallina de los huevos de oro
dressed to kill ir muy elegante
kill two birds with one stone matar dos pájaros de un tiro
it's time for the kill ahora nos toca a nosotros
time for the kill tiempo de atacar
dressed to kill ir de punta en blanco
move in for the kill prepararse para derrotar por completo a alguien
move in for the kill prepararse para liquidar a alguien
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger lo que no mata, engorda
what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger lo que no mata, engorda
dressed to kill de veinticinco alfileres
dressed to kill despampanante
dressed to kill con todos sus alfileres
kill someone dar muerte a
dressed to kill vestida para matar
dressed up fit to kill ir despampanante
dressed fit to kill vestida para matar
dressed fit to kill ir despampanante
dressed to kill ir despampanante
dressed up fit to kill estar elegantemente vestida
dressed up fit to kill vestida para matar
dressed to kill como un pincel
kill two birds with one stone matar dos pájaros de una pedrada
kill someone or something echarse al plato [v] MX
be dressed up fit to kill estar hecho un anís [v] ANS
be dressed fit to kill estar hecho un anís [v] ANS
be dressed to kill estar hecho un anís [v] ANS
kill someone afeitársela [v] CU
kill someone darle el agua [v] GT HN SV NI
kill somebody dar el bajo [v] CL
kill somebody dar camotillo [v] HN SV NI
kill someone dar volantín [v] HN
kill someone dar vuelta [v] PE
kill someone darle el agua [v] GT HN SV NI
kill someone darle el bajo [v] CL
kill someone darle su pasaporte [v] NI
kill some animal dejar hule [v] HN
kill someone darle en la chapa [v] MX
kill someone dar camotillo [v] HN SV NI
kill someone dar chicharrón [v] MX GT HN SV PR EC
kill someone dar chapeta [v] EC:W
kill someone dar cran [v] MX
kill someone dar cuello [v] MX
kill someone dar el vire [v] EC
kill someone dar gladiolo [v] CO delinq.
kill someone dar guiso [v] CU disused
kill someone dar jabón [v] HN
kill someone dar juan [v] SV
kill someone dejar el pegao [v] PR delinq.
kill someone dar matacán [v] SV
kill someone dar matica de café [v] VE
kill someone dar mecha [v] SV
kill someone dar meme [v] SV
kill someone dar merengue [v] SV
kill someone dejar hule [v] HN
kill someone dar ñámpiti gorrión [v] CU
kill someone dar pan [v] GT
kill someone/an animal dar pirey [v] CU
kill a person or animal convertir en chanfaina [v] HN
kill someone dar chicharrón [v] MX GT HN SV PR EC
kill someone llevarse en la golilla [v] CU
kill someone sacar la gandinga [v] CU
kill a person or animal convertir en chanfaina [v] HN
kill someone without legal justification and with premeditation, usually in exchange for a reward comerse una corvina [v] EC:E
kill someone with a gun hacer zaranda [v] SV
kill on request hacer el mandado [v] CO
kill someone hacer bosta [v] AR UY
kill time hacer media [v] CU
kill time hacer una media [v] CU
kill someone hacer boleta [v] AR
kill someone hacer bolsa [v] AR UY
kill someone hacer cagar [v] AR UY
kill someone hacer la boleta [v] AR
kill someone hacer moco [v] AR UY
kill someone hacer pelota [v] BO AR UY
kill someone hacer pomada [v] AR UY
kill someone hacer torta [v] AR UY
kill someone hacerse aca [v] BO
kill someone limpiar el pico [v] PR
kill someone llevar al baile [v] MX
kill someone llevarse en la golilla [v] CU
kill someone echar al pico [v] CO:N
kill someone echar polvo [v] PR
kill someone echarse al buche [v] VE
kill someone echarse al pico [v] HN NI CU VE
kill someone echarse al plato [v] MX
kill time matar la chiva [v] DO
kill something matar el gallo [v] CU
kill a joint matar la changa [v] PR
kill someone's dreams matarle el gallo [v] HN rur.
be dressed to the nines/kill ponerse la hebra [v] CO:N
be dressed to the nines/kill ponerse la percha [v] CO:N rare
be dressed to the nines/kill ponerse la pinta [v] CO
be dressed to the nines/kill estar con la pinta puesta [v] CO
kill em in one hit sembrárselo de un solo pijazo [v] NI
kill em in one hit sembrárselo de un solo vergazo [v] NI
kill someone romper la madre [v] MX GT
kill with a machete volar machetazo [v] HN
kill someone volar la cabeza [v] HN DO PR BO
please don't kill us por favor, no nos maten
you're gonna kill yourself de que se mate usted mismo
live to kill vivir para matar
don't kill the messenger no mates al mensajero
you better kill me mejor mátame
i'm gonna kill him lo voy a matar
it's time for the kill es hora de atacar
he tried to kill you intentó matarte
if looks could kill... si las miradas matasen...
I could kill for a cold beer mataría por una cerveza fría
I didn't kill anybody no maté a nadie
kill to live matar o morir
she tried to kill you (ella) intentó matarte
i don't wanna kill you no quiero matarte
i swear to god i will kill you juro por dios que te voy a matar
i want to kill you quiero matarte
what doesn't kill me makes me stronger lo que no me mata me fortalece
kill off rematar [v]
kill off cargarse a alguien [v]
kill off matar a alguien [v]
what does not kill me, makes me stronger lo que no me mata, me hace más fuerte
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger lo que no mata, engorda
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger lo que no te mata te hace mas fuerte
dressed to kill encopetado [adj]
dressed to kill bien entrazado [adj]
be dressed to kill ponerse de veinticinco alfileres [v]
won't kill someone no caérsele a alguien los anillos [v]
kill someone cargarse a alguien [v]
do away with (kill) trincar [v]
kill/slay someone dar pasaporte a alguien [v]
be in at the kill presenciar el final del evento [v]
be in at the kill ver el final de la caza [v]
be in at the kill presenciar el epílogo [v]
be in at the kill presenciar el canto del cisne [v]
be dressed to kill encopetarse [v]
stab and kill escabechar [v]
kill the messenger matar al mensajero [v]
kill time matar la araña [v]
have time to kill ociosear [v]
shoot to kill palomear [v]
be dressed to kill ir bien trajeado [v]
kill time engañar el tiempo [v]
kill someone's buzz matar el entusiasmo de alguien [v]
kill someone sacar a alguien el alma a otra persona [v]
kill someone mandar al otro barrio [v]
kill someone dejar a alguien frito [v]
kill by drowning apretar a alguien la nuez [v]
kill oneself tistearse [v] HN NI
would not kill a fly no tener media torta [v]
would not kill a fly no tener ni media torta [v]
kill someone sacar las tripas a otra persona [v]
dressed to kill con todos sus alfileres [adv]
it wouldn't kill you to do something no se le caerá la venera [expr]
it wouldn't kill you to do something no se te caerá la venera [expr]
go on a kill-crazy rampage cometer una matanza
watch out! you don't want to kill yourself! ¡cuidado, no te vayas a herniar!
kill or cure cura o mata
men kill animals and eat their flesh los hombres matan a los animales y comen su carne
dressed to kill hecho un pincel
dressed up fit to kill hecho un pincel
there are loves that kill hay amores que matan
diarrhea that can kill newborns in seven days mal de los siete días [m] VE
kill oneself desempadronarse [v] MX
be dressed to kill engaripolarse [v] CAR
get dressed to kill apirularse [v] SCN
kill one by one palomear [v] ANS
kill someone apiar [v] HN NI
kill somebody atesar [v] DO
kill someone boletear [v] AR
kill someone boletear [v] AR
kill someone bailar [v] MX HN CU
kill someone llevar al baile [v] MX
kill someone clavar [v] VE
kill someone desaparecer [v] MX HN NI DO PE BO
kill someone descocotar [v] DO
kill someone guisar [v] CU
(bullfight) fight with a bull or a cow inciting them and dodging their attacks, but without going so far as to kill them jugar [v] CR
kill someone lamber [v] DO
kill someone violently difuntear [v] MX GT HN AR rur.
kill someone tender [v] BO
kill someone tesar [v] BO:W
kill someone templar [v] BO
kill with a blow to the back of the neck apercollar [v] disused
would not kill a fly no tener alguien media bofetada [v] ES
would not kill a fly no tener alguien ni media bofetada [v] ES
kill someone da lo mismo juana que chana [expr] HN SV delinq.
that which does not kill us makes us stronger. lo que no mata, engorda
road kill colilla de cigarrillo recogida en la carretera [m]
take off (to kill someone) matar [v]
kill (someone) ocuparse (de alguien) [v]
kill (someone) eliminar (a alguien) [v]
kill (someone) enviar al otro mundo (a alguien) [v]
kill (someone) hacer callar (a alguien) [v]
kill (someone) matar (a alguien) [v]
kill (someone) limpiar (a alguien) [v]
kill (someone) barrer (a alguien) [v]
kill the beat apagar la música [v]
they'll fucking kill you te matarán al carajo
don't kill my vibe no arruines mi disfrute
don't kill my vibe no mates mi vibra
don't kill my vibe no me tires mala onda
road kill fracasado
road kill animal atropellado en la carretera
die/kill someone palmar [v] CR
kill someone arreglar [v] CO jail
kill with a firearm chimbear [v] HN
kill someone choniar [v] SV
kill someone chifarse [v] PE
kill someone escoñetar [v] VE
injure and kill someone with a bladed weapon carnear [v] CL delinq.
kill for money hacer cruces [v] CO delinq.
kill time mojonear [v] PR
kill someone quebrarle el culo [v] GT HN NI CU
a kill joy aguado CR
fill or kill orden de efectuar o anular
attempt to kill atentado contra la vida [m]
assault with intent to kill asalto con intención de matar [m]
kill a bill vetar un proyecto de ley [v]
kill a bill rechazar un proyecto de ley [v]
assault with intent to kill agresión con intento
assault with intent to kill ánimo de matar
attempt to kill intento de matar
International Law
attempt to kill atentado contra la vida [m]
kill file archivo de eliminación
fish kill matanza de pescados
kill file archivo de eliminación
a type of cell death in which the cell uses specialized cellular machinery to kill itself apoptosis [f]