wear - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "wear" en diccionario español inglés : 97 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
wear llevar [v]
wear desgaste [m]
wear vestir [v]
wear llevarse [v]
wear gastar [v]
Irregular Verb
wear wore - worn [v]
wear deteriorarse [v]
wear portar [v]
wear gastarse [v]
wear gasto [m]
wear baqueteo [m]
wear detrimento [m]
wear julepe [m]
wear metido [m]
wear metida [f]
wear calzar [v]
wear alistar [v]
wear gastar [v]
wear llevar [v]
wear ponerse [v]
wear portar [v]
wear traer [v]
wear usar [v]
wear vestir [v]
wear trajín [m]
wear deterioro [m]
wear uso [m]
wear ropa [f]
wear machacar [v]
wear lucir [v]
wear fatigar [v]
wear desgastarse [v]
wear calzar (Zapatos) [v]
wear tener puesto [v]
wear vestirse de [v]
wear boga [f]
wear moda [f]
wear represa [f]
wear presa [f]
wear llevar puesto [v]
wear traer puesto [v]
wear tener aspecto de [v]
wear exhibir [v]
wear mostrar [v]
wear cansar [v]
wear aburrir [v]
wear enfadar [v]
wear usarse [v]
wear pasar (el tiempo) [v]
wear trajín [m] CL
wear degenere [m] MX HN
wear trajinar [v] CL
wear andar [v] HN SV NI CR
wear cargar [v] GT PA VE
wear traerse [v] rare
wear tute [m]
wear andar con [v]
wear desgaste [m]
wear desgaste por uso
Work Safety Terms
wear usura [f]
wear deterioro [m]
wear ropa [f]
wear desgaste por uso
wear vertedero [m]
wear desgaste [m]
wear gasto [m]
wear desgaste [m]
wear esclusa [f]
wear gastar [v]
wear gastarse [v]
wear desgastarse [v]
wear desgastar [v]
wear consumir [v]
wear desgastar [v]
Pipe Terms
wear abrasión [f]
wear consumir [v]
wear consumirse [v]
wear apurar [v]
wear agotar [v]
wear pasar [v]
wear durar [v]
wear deteriorar [v]
wear virar en redondo [v]
wear perdurar [v]
wear correr [v]
wear gastar [v]
wear desgastado [adj]
wear virar por redondo
wear virar (por redondo) [v]
wear cambiar la proa y tomar la otra vuelta [v]
wear desgaste [m]
wear vertedero [m]
wear desgastar [v]
wear desgastarse [v]
wear gasto [m]
wear gastar [v]
wear durar [v]

Significados de "wear" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
wear and tear desgaste [m]
wear (to have on) usar [v]
wear oneself out matarse [v]
wear out fatigar [v]
ready-to-wear pret-a-porter [adj]
wear out agotar [v]
wear out destroncar [v]
wear out romper [v]
wear out romperse [v]
wear off pasar [v]
wear out tullir [v]
wear a uniform vestir de uniforme [v]
wear down gastar [v]
wear out gastar [v]
wear down gastarse [v]
wear out gastarse [v]
wear white vestirse de blanco [v]
wear out desgastar [v]
wear out desgastarse [v]
wear down desgastar [v]
wear away desgastar [v]
wear down desgastarse [v]
wear away desgastarse [v]
wear down deshacer [v]
wear out deshacer [v]
wear away deshacer [v]
wear away desmoronar [v]
wear and tear baqueteo [m]
wear and tear metido [m]
evening wear traje de noche [m]
formal wear traje de ceremonia [m]
formal wear vestido de ceremonia [m]
formal wear vestido de etiqueta [m]
formal wear vestido de serio [m]
bonnet nuns used to wear cariñana [f]
wear and tear metida [f]
ready-to-wear clothing ropa hecha [f]
worse for wear maltrecho [adj]
wear out aburrirse [v]
wear away ajar [v]
wear down ajar [v]
wear oneself out ajarse [v]
wear out ajetrear [v]
wear oneself out ajetrearse [v]
wear out atrafagar [v]
wear oneself out atrafagarse [v]
wear down baquetear [v]
wear out baquetear [v]
wear shoes calzarse [v]
wear gloves calzar [v]
wear oneself out cansarse [v]
wear away carcomer [v]
wear sandals chancletear [v]
wear down decentar [v]
begin to wear down decentarse [v]
wear out degradar [v]
wear out steel in a tool desacerar [v]
wear down descarnar [v]
wear away desgastar [v]
wear down desgastar [v]
wear oneself out desgastarse [v]
wear away deshacer [v]
wear down deshacer [v]
wear out deshojar [v]
wear out desmejorar [v]
wear out desriñonar [v]
wear out the heels of footwear destaconar [v]
wear out the heels of footwear destalonar [v]
wear away from grief destrizarse [v]
wear a mask disfrazarse [v]
make wear shoes like flip-flops enchancletar [v]
wear shoes like flip-flops enchancletarse [v]
make wear a gown worn by penitent convicts of the inquisition ensambenitar [v]
wear a tunic entunicar [v]
wear away envejecer [v]
wear out fatigar [v]
wear down fatigar [v]
wear oneself out fatigarse [v]
wear out gastar [v]
wear off gastar [v]
wear out heder [v]
wear out reventar [v]
wear away roer [v]
wear out romper [v]
wear down romperse [v]
wear out romperse [v]
wear out sobar [v]
wear down torear [v]
wear out triarse [v]
wear out triturar [v]
wear out tronzar [v]
wear oneself out tronzarse [v]
formal day wear chaqué [m]
formal day wear chaquet [m]
sign of wear rozadura [f]
wear (dress) puesta [f]
athletic wear ropa atlética [f]
beach wear ropa de playa [f]
worse for the wear descompuesto [adj]
ready-to-wear confeccionado [adj]
wear oneself out extenuarse [v]
wear out raer [v]
wear out derrengar [v]
wear out desfondar [v]
wear for the first time estrenarse [v]
wear out aplatanar [v]
wear away corroer [v]
wear oneself out desgastarse [v]
wear out extenuar [v]
wear oneself out desriñonarse [v]
wear oneself out deslomarse [v]
wear and tear desgastar [v]
wear out desriñonar [v]
wear well durar [v]
(one's pain) to wear off desaparecer (un dolor) [v]
wear out abrumar [v]
wear (dressed in) traer [v]
wear out apurar [v]
wear down roer [v]
have or wear gastar [v]
use up or wear out desgastar [v]
wear/put on shoes calzar [v]
wear oneself out agotarse [v]
wear out irse [v]
wear out desfallecer [v]
wear away minar [v]
wear down morder [v]
wear fancy dress ponerse bonito [v]
wear fancy dress embellecer [v]
wear thin agotarse [v]
wear away by abrasion erosionar [v]
wear away by abrasion corroer [v]
wear warm clothes vestirse con ropa de abrigo [v]
wear red vestirse de rojo [v]
wear badly durar poco [v]
wear well durar mucho [v]
wear one's hair in a bun llevar el pelo recogido [v]
wear the latest fashions ir a la última [v]
wear something across one's chest llevar algo en bandolera [v]
wear a mask llevar una careta [v]
wear one's hair long llevar el pelo largo [v]
wear clothes usar ropa [v]
wear contact lenses llevar lentillas [v]
wear a ring llevar un anillo [v]
wear a ring usar un anillo [v]
wear someone out agotar a alguien [v]
wear around the house de andar por casa [v]
wear a garment vestir una prenda [v]
wear off ya pasar [v]
wear out aplastarse [v]
wear out aplatanarse [v]
wear a suit ponerse un traje [v]
wear the crown ceñirse la corona [v]
wear the crown ceñir la corona [v]
wear trousers ir con pantalones [v]
wear something around one's neck llevar algo colgado del cuello [v]
wear something around one's neck llevar algo colgado a cuello [v]
wear something around one's neck llevar algo colgado al cuello [v]
wear dress in rags estar hecho un harapo [v]
wear one's hair in a bun hacerse (un) moño [v]
wear flip-flops ir en chancletas [v]
group of students or professionals who wear scrubs mandiles blancos [n] BO
natural wear and tear desgaste natural
wash and wear de quita y pon
wash and wear de lava y pon
wear and tear uso [m]
wear (degradation) uso [m]
wear and tear desperfecto [m]
wear and tear gasto [m]
wear-and-tear uso [m]
wear out consumirse [v]
wear out a point despuntar [v]
wear out the heels destaconar [v]
wear out the heels destalonar [v]
wear away with grief destrizarse [v]
wear out in the folds (garments) cortarse [v]
wear out deteriorar [v]
wear away derrotar [v]
wear out the steel (in a tool) desacerar [v]
wear (clothes) durar [v]
wear away extenuar [v]
wear habitually gastar [v]
wear away marchitar [v]
wear away mermar [v]
wear away morder [v]
wear and tear estropeo [m]
wear and tear depreciación por uso [f]
wear shoes calzar [v]
wear the breeehes ponerse los pantalones [v]
wear black tomar luto [v]
wear away gastar [v]
wear away consumir [v]
wear away usar [v]
wear down usar [v]
wear away destruir [v]
wear away borrar [v]
wear down gastar por el roce [v]
wear off borrar [v]
wear away usarse [v]
wear away consumirse [v]
wear one's heart on one's sleeve andar con la cara descubierta [v]
wear away envejecer [v]
wear away pasar [v]
wear away decaer [v]
wear away deteriorar [v]
wear away perecer [v]
wear out envejecer [v]
wear out usarse [v]
wear out consumirse [v]
wear out pasar [v]
wear out decaer [v]
wear off borrarse [v]
wear out perecer [v]
wear off gastarse [v]
wear on pasarse lentamente [v]
wear off usarse [v]
wear well ser duradero [v]
wear one's heart on one's sleeve llevar el corazón en la mano [v]
for one's own wear para el propio uso de alguien [adv]
for one's own wear para su propio uso [adv]
for winter wear para invierno [adv]
hardly the worse for wear casi sin usar [adv]
little the worse for wear casi sin usar [adv]
the worse for wear que deteriora
wear and tear deterioro [m]
afro-peruvian dance where the men hold a candle they use to try to burn a ribbon the women wear alcatraz [m] PE
a traditional funerary dance in which dancers are dressed in black and wear bird feathers ayarachi [m] PE
shammy leather reinforcement to protect from wear (charro mexican cowboy clothing) cachirul [m] MX
beating of a piston during movement due to wear or a fault in adjustment that generates a slight clearance campaneo [m] MX
wear on the thread of a metal tube caused by rubbing/friction desolle [m] EC rare
wash and wear wash and wear (inglés) [m] US CU PR VE PE
wear out gastamiento [m] disused
ring that the indians used to wear in their noses chaguala [f] AMER
face mask drillers and miners wear hociquera [f] PE
braid saraguro indigenous people wear down their back jimba [f] EC:C
foot of someone who doesn't wear shoes peúña [f] GT
indigent person who does not wear shoes patapelada [m/f] BO CL
who likes to wear the latest fashion clothes and accessories avanti (del italiano) [adj] PR
wear a thing till it has lost half its value demediar [v] rare
wear tight clothing atrincarse [v] SV NI
use something frequently in order to wear it down or soften it baquetear [v] AR
wear out or damage the edge of a cutting instrument amellar [v] SV NI PA CU DO VE
wear something down with use cacharrear [v] CL
(piston) to beat due to wear or a fault in adjustment that generates a slight clearance campanearse [v] MX
wear out something/someone desconflautar [v] CU
wear out chancomer [v] NI
wear out chancomer [v] HN SV rur.
wear a garment cargar [v] GT PA VE EC
wear an article of clothing that does not fit cancharse [v] VE
wear something out furruquear [v] VE
wear the same clothes often guasquear [v] UY
wear a guayabera shirt enguayaberarse [v] PR
wear a jacket enchumparse [v] HN SV
wear a suit and tie enchaquetonarse [v] DO PR
wear one's sunday best dominguear [v] HN
wear high heels entaconarse [v] CU DO CO
wear out a horse by making it run machucar [v] PR rur.
wear a skirt empollerarse [v] PA
wear out obstinar [v] CR
always wear the same clothes palomear [v] NI:W child
wear oneself out ostinarse [v] VE
wear oneself out obstinarse [v] CU VE PY
wear out picotearse [v] BO:W
wear down picotearse [v] BO:W
wear out ponchar (inglés punch) [v] MX
wear down rodar [v] CL
wear out volar [v] GT
wear out volarse [v] GT
wear too much make up tarrajearse [v] PE
wear down acalorar [v] rare
wear out ahajar [v] disused
wear a face mask caratular [v] AR
wear down dañarse [v] DO PR
wear out delaxar [v] disused
wear a coat emponcharse [v] AR
wear for the first time emprimar [v] disused
wear down escoñarse [v] derog.
wear down escoñetarse [v] VE derog.
wear oneself out lasarse [v] disused
wear out tazar [v] disused
wear one's sunday best togarse [v] PA
carnival characters typical of some parts of la española island that wear colorful coveralls, bat wings, and carts with antlers cachuas [m/pl] DO
ready-to-wear confeccionada [adj/f]
wear and tear (on something) desgaste natural [m]
worse for wear borracho [adj]
wash and wear de quita y pon [adj]
wear one's age well aparentar ser más joven [v]
wear one's birthday suit llevar el traje de adán [v]
wear one's heart on one's sleeve ir con el corazón en la mano [v]
wear two hats tener dos funciones [v]
wear the trousers ser el que manda [v]
wear one's birthday suit ir en cueros [v]
wear out one's welcome pegársele el asiento [v]
wear out one's welcome calentar el asiento [v]
wear out one's welcome calentar el sillón [v]
wear out one's welcome calentar la silla [v]
wear out one's welcome calentar la poltrona [v]
wear out one's welcome agarrarse a la silla [v]
wear rose-colored glasses ver vida a través de gafas rosadas [v]
wear the trousers llevar los pantalones [v]
to wear bull-fighter's costume vestirse de luces [v]
wear the pants llevar la batuta [v]
wear the pants llevar los pantalones [v]
wear the pants llevar los calzones [v]
be none the worse for wear estar bastante bien a pesar de las circunstancias [v]
wear one's heart on one's sleeve estar con el corazón en la mano [v]
wear very fashionable hacer furor [v]
wear someone to a frazzle hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
wear someone to a frazzle hacer puré a alguien [v]
wear someone to a frazzle hacer pebre a alguien [v]
wear someone to a frazzle hacer papilla a alguien [v]
put wear (and tear) on something provocar deterioro en algo [v]
put wear (and tear) on something desgastar algo con el tiempo [v]
wear the pants tener los pantalones [v]
wear the trousers tener los pantalones [v]
wear the pants/trousers llevar las riendas [v]
wear the pants/trousers tener las riendas [v]
wear the pants ponerse los calzones [v]
wear the trousers ponerse los calzones [v]
wear the trousers llevar los calzones [v]
wear one's sunday best estar hecho un paquete [v]
wear one's sunday best ir maqueado [v]
wear one's sunday best ir bien maqueado [v]
wear one's sunday best ir de tiros largos [v]
wear one's sunday best ir de punta en blanco [v]
wear out derrengar a alguien [v]
wear someone out dejar derrengado a alguien [v]
wear someone out hacer trizas a alguien [v]
wear formal dress ir de etiqueta [v]
wear one's heart on one's sleeve tener las emociones a flor de piel [v]
wear one's heart on one's sleeve tener los sentimientos a flor de piel [v]
wear civilian clothes vestir de paisano [v]
wear one's around-the-house clothes estar de casa [v]
wear the crown ceñir la corona [v]
wear out matar de hambre [v]
wear mourning dress ir de luto [v]
wear oneself out devanarse alguien los sesos [v]
wear one's heart on one's sleeve con el corazón en la mano [adv]
wear the pants in the family llevar los pantalones en la familia
wear one's age well conservarse bien, no representar la edad que uno tiene
wear more than one hat tener más de una responsabilidad
wear a martyred expression poner cara de mártir
wear a long face poner cara larga
wear the britches estar a cargo
wear the pants estar a cargo
wear the trousers estar a cargo
wear the breeches (in the family) estar a cargo (en la familia)
wear the pants (in the family) estar a cargo (en la familia)
wear the britches in the family estar a cargo en la familia
wear the pants in the family estar a cargo en la familia
wear fingers to the bone trabajar como una mula
wear fingers to the bone trabajar duro
wear out one's welcome quedarse en un lugar más de lo debido
wear someone to a frazzle abrumar a alguien
wear out one's welcome abusar de la hospitalidad
wear out someone's welcome abusar de la hospitalidad
wear two hats actuar en más de una posición o tener más de una responsabilidad
wear thin agotarse
if the cap fits wear it al que le caiga el sayo, que se lo ponga
if the hat fits wear it al que le caiga el sayo, que se lo ponga
if the shoe fits wear it al que le caiga el sayo, que se lo ponga
wear sackcloth and ashes mostrar arrepentimiento
wear someone to a frazzle dejar exhausto a alguien
wear away at someone fastidiar a alguien
wear and tear desgaste o daño producido por el uso
wear and tear (on something) desgaste o daño producido por el uso
if the cap fits wear it el que se pica, ajos come
if the hat fits wear it el que se pica, ajos come
if the shoe fits wear it el que se pica, ajos come
wear out like old tires gastarse como neumáticos viejos
if the cap fits wear it si el río suena, agua trae
if the cap fits, wear it si el zapato encaja, póntelo
if the cap fits wear it si te sientes aludido, por algo será
wear thin perder la paciencia
wear a martyred expression poner cara de víctima
wear one's heart on one's sleeve para decir la verdad
wear one's heart on one's sleeve para ser franco
wear out one's welcome visitar en demasía a alguien
wear one's heart on one's sleeve con el corazón en la mano
wear the pants llevar las riendas
wear the trousers llevar las riendas
wear the pants in the relationship llevar las riendas de la relación
wear one's heart on one's sleeve con toda franqueza
wear the britches llevar los pantalones
wear the pants llevar los pantalones
wear the trousers llevar los pantalones
wear the breeches (in the family) llevar los pantalones (en la familia)
wear the pants (in the family) llevar los pantalones (en la familia)
wear the britches in the family llevar los pantalones en la familia
wear out somebody's welcome no querer acabar siendo una molestia
worse for wear dañado
worse for wear mal después de todo
worse for wear maltratado
worse for wear golpeado
become none the worse for wear no estar mal del todo
become none the worse for wear estar en buen estado a pesar de todo
if the shoe fits, wear it el que se pica, ajos come
if the shoe fits wear it al que le pique, que se rasque
none the worse for wear estar bastante bien a pesar de las circunstancias
the worse for wear maltratado
the worse for wear desgastado
(one's patience) wear thing estar hasta el perno [v] ANS
wear the same clothes many times darle como a pandereta aleluya [v] PR
wear the latest fashion estar azul [v] NI
wear the same clothes many times caerle como pandereta aleluya [v] PR
not wear socks usar calcetínes de pellejillo [v] GT
wear clothes of strong colors that do not match andar de caja fuerte [v] MX HN
use an object/machine for an extended period of time (subjecting it to wear) dar como caja [v] CL
use an object/machine for an extended period of time (subjecting it to wear) dar como guasca [v] CL
use an object/machine for an extended period of time (subjecting it to wear) dar como huasca [v] CU
use an object/machine for an extended period of time (subjecting it to wear) dar duro [v] CL
wear someone out tener cuzco [v] HN
wear clothes that are too tight parecer chile relleno [v] MX
wear something out dar fuete [v] PA DO
wear something out darle fuete [v] CU DO
wear something out dar como guasca [v] CL
wear something out dar guate [v] PA DO
wear something out dar fuete [v] PA DO
wear the pants agarrar fuerte [v] BO CL
cause to run out, deteriorate, or wear out hacer zumbar [v] CL
wear out someone's patience hinchar la paciencia [v] BO
wear out someone's patience hinchar las leches [v] BO
wear someone down embromarse la paciencia [v] DO
wear something out echar al trajín [v] CL
always wear the same clothes parecer retrato [v] HN NI
wear brand new shoes pisar duro [v] DO
wear a suit ponerse catrín [v] GT
wear a suit ponerse como chango [v] GT
wear the pants tener los pantalones [v] EC BO
not wear shoes usar zapatos de pellejillo [v] GT
not wear socks usar calcetines de pellejillo [v] GT
always wear the same clothes verse como retrato [v] GT
wear a tin foil hat tragar píldoras cuadradas [v] BO
wear one's sunday best volar lujo [v] HN teen
if the shoe fits wear it saber una canción con dos guiaderas [v] rare
it's what to wear, what to drink cómo vestir, qué beber
don't let the bastards wear you down no dejes que te machaquen
don't wear that shirt to school no uses esa camisa para ir a la escuela
don't let the bastards wear you down no dejes que los bastardos te ganen por cansancio
don't wear yourself out no te agotes
don't let them wear you down no dejes que te ganen por cansancio
do i have to wear a uniform? ¿tengo que usar un uniforme?
beauty is what you wear la belleza se refleja en lo que llevas puesto
he doesn't usually wear jeans no usa vaqueros/bluejeans por lo general
I don't wear a watch no ando reloj
what shall I wear? ¿qué me pongo?
animals are my friends and i don’t wear my friends los animales son mis amigos y yo no me visto de mis amigos
do you wear glasses? ¿usas anteojos?
do you wear glasses? ¿usas lentes?
do you wear lipstick every day? ¿usas lápiz de labios todos los días?
do you wear glasses? ¿llevas gafas?
the worse for wear decae con el uso
why do I have to wear this? ¿por qué tengo que usar esto?
why don't you wear makeup? ¿por qué no usas maquillaje?
if shoe fits wear it si el zapato te sienta bien, úsalo
if shoe fits wear it si el zapato te queda bien, póntelo
if the cap fits wear it al que le caiga el sayo, que se lo ponga
what shall i wear today? ¿qué debo ponerme hoy?
what shoe size do you wear? ¿qué número calzas?
what shoe size do you wear? ¿qué número de calzado usas?
what size do you wear? ¿qué número calzas?
what size do you wear? ¿qué talla usas?
what size do you wear? ¿qué número usas?
what size does love wear? ¿cuán grande es el amor?
wear your raincoat ponte el impermeable
wear hair restraints before you touch the foods cúbrete el cabello antes de tocar los alimentos
i don't wear glasses no uso gafas
what did you wear yesterday? ¿qué te pusiste ayer?
what did you wear? ¿qué te pusiste?
what do you plan to wear? ¿qué piensas ponerte?
what do you wear at home? ¿qué te pones en tu casa?
what does he wear at home? ¿qué se pone él en su casa?
what does she wear at home? ¿qué se pone ella en su casa?
wear on pasar [v]
wear out romperse con el uso [v]
wear down agotar [v]
wear out agotarse [v]
wear off desaparecer [v]
wear down cansar [v]
wear on transcurrir [v]
wear out cansarse [v]
wear away gastarse [v]
wear off perder efecto [v]
wear off disiparse [v]
wear out gastar (zapatos/ropa) [v]
wear off disminuir los efectos (de algo) [v]
wear off desaparecer [v]
will wear with use se gastará con el uso
don't wear out your welcome a boda y bautizado, no vayas sin ser llamado
if the shoe fits, wear it al que le caiga el sayo que se lo ponga
anything to wear algo que ponerse
nothing to wear nada que ponerse
to wear around the house para andar por casa
never wear out your welcome la larga visita la alegría quita
if the cap fits wear it, wear it te jodes, como herodes
don't wear fur no use pieles
don't wear fur absténgase de usar pieles
not all heroes wear capes no todos los héroes usan capas
use-wear tute [m]
worse for wear fané [adj]