spring - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "spring" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 191 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
spring primavera [f]
spring manantial [m]
spring resorte [m]
spring primaveral [adj]
Irregular Verb
spring sprang/sprung - sprung [v]
spring muelle [m]
spring hontanar [m]
spring entretiempo [m]
spring fontanal [m]
spring fontanar [m]
spring venero [m]
spring elasticidad [f]
spring vernal [adj]
spring brotar [v]
spring nacer [v]
spring fluir [v]
spring caño [m]
spring corcovo [m]
spring emanadero [m]
spring entretiempo [m]
spring filtro [m]
spring libón [m]
spring manadero [m]
spring manantial [m]
spring muelle [m]
spring ojo [m]
spring ojo de agua [m]
spring resorte (francés) [m]
spring venero [m]
spring cuerda [f]
spring fuente [f]
spring fuente ascendente [f]
spring llave [f]
spring mina [f]
spring primavera [f]
spring vena [f]
spring vena de agua [f]
spring venera [f]
spring primaveral [adj]
spring vernal [adj]
spring corcovear [v]
spring saltar [v]
spring sobresaltar [v]
spring surgir [v]
spring surtir [v]
spring arranque [m]
spring brinco [m]
spring nacimiento [m]
spring origen [m]
spring el brote de agua [m]
spring fontana [f]
spring ballesta [f]
spring sopanda (new mexico) [f]
spring surtir [v]
spring brincar [v]
spring saltar [v]
spring originarse [v]
spring emitir [v]
spring saltar (saltar) [v]
spring moverse de repente [v]
spring ojo de agua
spring el manantial
spring caño [m]
spring germen [m]
spring manadero [m]
spring salto [m]
spring bullir [v]
spring saltar [v]
spring arrancar [v]
spring consentirse [v]
spring salir [v]
spring corcovo [m]
spring bote [m]
spring respingo [m]
spring rechazo [m]
spring surtidor [m]
spring principio de acción [m]
spring alabeo [m]
spring fuerza elástica [f]
spring reculada [f]
spring entrada de agua [f]
spring causa de acción [f]
spring barloa [f]
spring tangidera [f]
spring de primavera [adj]
spring soltar (un resorte/muelle) [v]
spring sacar de golpe [v]
spring presentar de golpe [v]
spring hacer volar [v]
spring rendir (un palo/una verga) [v]
spring saltar (una mina) [v]
spring doblar [v]
spring pasar saltando [v]
spring insertar forzando (algo) [v]
spring insertar doblando (algo) [v]
spring meter doblando (algo) [v]
spring pasar por arriba [v]
spring meter forzando (algo) [v]
spring arrojar [v]
spring ojear [v]
spring alzar (la caza) [v]
spring saltar por encima [v]
spring presentarse súbitamente [v]
spring manar (un líquido) [v]
spring emanar [v]
spring tomar su origen [v]
spring venir [v]
spring moverse como por resorte [v]
spring elevarse [v]
spring levantarse [v]
spring amanal (náhuatl) [m] MX rur.
spring fontanal [m] rare
spring puquio [m] PE CL
spring vertiente [f]
spring hontana [f] disused
spring mana [f] CO
spring fontanar [v] rare
spring surtir [v] disused
spring springback [m]
spring resorte [m]
spring borbotón [m]
spring muelle [m]
spring borbollón [m]
spring resorte [m]
spring combadura [f]
spring codera [f]
spring elasticidad [f]
spring casimba [f]
spring cachimba [f] AR
spring torcer [v]
spring bombearse [v]
spring ojo de agua
spring resorte [m]
spring manantial [m]
spring fuente [f]
spring ojo de agua [m]
spring puquio [m] CL PE
spring chorro [m]
spring aljibe [m] CO
spring amagamiento [m] CO
spring brotadero [m]
spring venera [f]
spring surgencia [f]
spring azanca [f]
spring aguada [f] CL
spring alzaguera [f] ES
spring cachimba [f]
spring tinaja [f]
spring casimba [f]
spring surgencia [f]
spring manantial [v]
General Medicine
spring torcerse [v]
spring vaciar (un arco) [v]
spring arrancar (un arco) [v]
spring vertiente [f] CL
spring abrirse [v]
spring bombearse [v]
spring manar [v]
spring dimanar [v]
spring combarse [v]
spring alabearse [v]
spring surgir [v]
spring provenir [v]
spring encorvar [v]
spring combar [v]
spring resorte [m]
spring muelle [m]
spring resorte [m]
spring elástico [m]
spring resorte [m]
spring muelle [m]
spring espiral [f]
spring resorte espiral
spring hoja de muelle
spring elástico [adj]
spring mecha [f]
spring esprín [m]
spring muelle [m]
spring manantial [m]
spring venero [m]
spring salto [m]
spring elasticidad [f]
spring flexión [f]
spring ballesta [f]
spring ojo de agua
spring resorte [m]
spring muelle [m]
spring fuente [f]
spring marea de agua viva
spring marea de sicígia
spring fontana [f]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "spring" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
spring onion cebolleta [f]
leaf spring ballesta [f]
spring (water source) fuente [f]
spring (water) manantial [m]
hot spring hervidero [m]
off-spring progenie [f]
spring up nacer [v]
spring from nacer de [v]
spring up brotar [v]
spring on a arquebus calzo [m]
toy that moves with a spring correverás [m]
spring-tooth harrow dental [m]
spring-tooth of a harrow dental [m]
spring honeycomb trimming deshaldo [m]
natural spring filtro [m]
spring bolt golpe [m]
hot spring hervidero [m]
natural spring manadero [m]
natural spring manantial [m]
main spring muelle real [m]
natural spring ojo [m]
natural spring ojo de agua [m]
trigger spring pelo [m]
spring bolt pestillo de golpe [m]
spring-nut of a gun piñón [m]
spring roll rollito de primavera [m]
spring roll rollo de primavera [m]
box spring somier [m]
natural spring venero [m]
copious spring alfaguara (árabe) [f]
spring-board jumps batuda [f]
hot spring burga [f]
spring in large lock cacheta [f]
clock spring espiral [f]
natural spring fuente [f]
natural spring fuente ascendente [f]
spring lever (latch) gacheta (francés) [f]
spring of a trap pitezna [f]
natural spring vena [f]
natural spring vena de agua [f]
spring-like primaveral [adj]
spring back resultar [v]
spring water aguas firmes [f/pl]
popular spring songs marzas [f/pl]
spring-set trabado [m]
spring catch mosquetón [m]
spring cap tapón [m]
spring-set triscado [m]
spring onion cebollino [m]
thermal spring pozo termal [m]
hot spring pozo termal [m]
spring (device) resorte [m]
spring (device) muelle [m]
box spring somier [m]
spring tide aguaje [m]
small spring-fed pool jagüey (usado en américa) [m]
spring-fed reservoir aljibe [m]
bimetallic spring resorte bimetálico [m]
disk spring arandela-muelle [f]
hair-spring espiral [f]
(watch) spring cuerda [f]
spring cleaning limpieza general [f]
spring-cleaning limpieza general [f]
spring-like primaveral [adj]
spring (attributive) primaveral [adj]
spring up again resurgir [v]
spring something on someone espetar [v]
spring down bajarse [v]
spring down apearse [v]
spring to life nacer [v]
spring-clean limpiar a fondo [v]
be a spring chicken parecer un abril [v]
spring something on a person espetar algo a una persona [v]
spring from dimanar de [v]
spring (liquid/water) manar [v]
early spring principios de primavera [m/pl]
hot spring aguas termales [f/pl]
hot spring termas [f/pl]
sear spring resorte del fiador
extractor spring muelle del extractor
spring shower aguacero de primavera
spring cleaning limpieza general
spring roll rollo primavera
spring roll rollito de primavera
arab spring primavera árabe
spring tide marea viva
spring equinox equinoccio de primavera
spring equinox equinoccio vernal
hot spring la fuente termal
small pond fed by a spring at the bottom chortal [m]
duplicate spring contramuelle [m]
spring/mechanical toy correverás [m]
man's spring-side or buttoned boot botito [m]
spring/autumn entretiempo [m]
small spring whence water bubbles out hervidero [m]
spring bolt of a lock golpe [m]
spring of water fontanal [m]
spring of water fontanar [m]
water spring fontanal [m]
trimming honeycombs in spring marceo [m]
hair-spring of a watch or fire-arms pelo [m]
water-spring ojo [m]
spring latch picaporte [m]
spring catch of a gun piñón [m]
spring of water mineral [m]
spring-board trampolín [m]
spring of water venero [m]
spring wheat trigo trechel [m]
carriage-spring ballesta [f]
spring-board jumps batuda [f]
spring of water fuente [f]
spring lever of a latch gacheta [f]
spiral spring of a watch espiral [f]
spring season primavera [f]
spring (a source or origin) mina [f]
spring of a trap pitezna [f]
light spring voltereta [f]
flap/spring door trampa [f]
spring of water venera [f]
light spring volteta [f]
spring-like vernal [adj]
spring from dimanar [v]
spring up again renacer [v]
spring from originarse [v]
spring up resurgir [v]
spring back resurtir [v]
spring up romper [v]
spring from manar [v]
spring (a mine) volar [v]
spring from seguirse [v]
spring mattress colchón de muelles [m]
hair spring muelle muy fino (de reloj) [m]
hair spring pelo de reloj muy fino [m]
sear spring muelle real [m]
water spring ojo de agua [m]
water spring manantial [m]
spring-back lomo plegado (de un libro) [m]
spring-mattress colchón de muelles [m]
spring-latch picaporte [m]
well-spring manantial [m]
spring bouquet mayo [m]
spring-lock cerradura de muelle [f]
spring-water agua de manantial [f]
spring-water agua de fuente [f]
water spring fuente [f]
spring halt cojera de caballo [f]
spring water agua de pie [f]
spring water agua de manantial [f]
spring-tide marca viva [f]
spring-lock cerradura de golpe [f]
spring-tide primavera [f]
well-spring fuente [f]
spring tide agua viva [f]
spring tide marea mayor [f]
salt spring fuente de agua salada [f]
spring the luff partir el puño [v]
spring again renacer [v]
spring at lanzarse sobre [v]
spring again volver a brotar [v]
spring back saltar hacia atrás [v]
spring away saltar a un lado [v]
spring forth brotar [v]
spring at saltar a [v]
spring forth precipitarse [v]
spring forth salir [v]
spring forth lanzarse [v]
spring forth arrojarse [v]
spring forward abalanzarse [v]
spring up desarrollarse [v]
spring forward dispararse [v]
spring upon abalanzarse a [v]
spring forward tirarse [v]
spring forward arrojarse [v]
spring an accusation hacer una acusación inesperadamente [v]
spring-tide marea del equinoccio vernal
spring roll taco chino [m] SV CR
spring cleaning anidio [m] rur. rare
spring diarrhea ! bobo de mayo [m] CU rur.
mountain spring caliche [m] PR
box spring box spring (inglés) [m] US CU DO PR VE PE BO CL
spring diarrhea bobo de mayo [m] CU rur.
quantity of water gushing from a spring buey de agua [m] GT SV
box spring esprín (inglés spring) [m] PA DO
natural spring cenote [m] MX NI CU
hot spring hervidero [m] NI
natural spring lloradero [m] CU
natural spring llorón [m] CU rur.
spring rain matapajaritos [m] CL
spring showers matapajaritos [m] CL
caged nest with spring that the its entrance and forces the hen to put all its eggs in a single site nido de trampa [m] PR
natural petroleum spring mene [m] VE
natural spring meyal [m] MX rare
hurricane force winds in patagonia in spring that bring strong tides panteonero [m] CL
natural spring paúro [m] BO:E
natural spring poguio [m] EC
natural spring pugio [m] BO:W AR:Nw
natural spring pujio [m] BO AR:Nw
natural spring puquial [m] PE
natural spring puquio [m] PE BO CL AR:Nw rur.
area around a spring puquial [m] PE
natural spring sachachorro [m] PE
box spring spring (inglés) [m] PR
natural spring virtiente [m] SV rur.
spring mattress colchón de muelles [m] rare
box spring colchón de tela metálica [m] disused
spring lamb cordero de so cesto [m] disused
spring strip fleje [m] CO
natural spring fontanal [m] rare
natural petroleum spring mene [m] VE
box spring tambor [m] MX
breaking wave of a spring tide pororoca [f] AR
river, gorge or spring water within a pasture or meadow which supplies water to the cattle agua de pasto [f] HN:E PA rur.
spring water agua de pie [f] rur.
bed that has a box spring with stiff raw or tempered leather straps cama de cuero templado [f] HN NI
metal spring used to wind a watch or clock cuerda [f] EC
spring of leaves, such as sugar cane or corn gavia [f] CU
natural spring mana [f] CO
spring with a spout olleta [f] AR:S
natural spring with a spout olleta [f] AR:S
natural spring vertiente [f] SV EC BO CL PY AR UY
natural spring vertiente [f] MX:Se disused
spring an armor jaldeta [f] disused
natural spring mana [f] CO
box spring parrilla [f] BO UY
water spring secón [adj] HN
spring clean (house) anidiar [v] rur. rare
spring water (plot of land) chagüitear [v] SV
spring at rumbarse [v] HN
spring at alagartarse [v] GT HN SV NI
natural spring fontanar [v] rare
be a spring chicken estar hecho un abril [v]
be full of the joys of spring estar como un niño con zapatos nuevos [v]
be full of the joys of spring alegrarse como un niño con zapatos nuevos [v]
be full of the joys of spring estar como niño con zapatos nuevos [v]
be full of the joys of spring alegrarse como niño con zapatos nuevos [v]
be full of the joys of spring estar hecho unas castañuelas [v]
be full of the joys of spring estar como unas castañuelas [v]
be full of the joys of spring estar más contento que unas castañuelas [v]
be full of the joys of spring estar alegre como unas castañuelas [v]
be full of the joys of spring estar más contento que unas pascuas [v]
spring up like mushrooms brotar como hongos [v]
spring up like mushrooms aparecer como hongos [v]
spring up like mushrooms brotar como las setas [v]
drink straight from the spring or bottle beber a morro [v]
do one's spring cleaning hacer sábado [v]
be full of the joys of spring estar en las nubes [v]
be full of the joys of spring estar muy alegre [v]
have a spring or a bounce in your step caminar brincando de alegría [v]
put the spring back in one's step recuperar la energía [v]
put the spring back in one's step recobrar las energías [v]
spring a trap tender una emboscada [v]
spring a trap tender una trampa [v]
spring a trap desplegar una celada [v]
spring into action tomar medidas [v]
spring to attention prestar atención [v]
spring to attention prepararse para actuar [v]
spring into action entrar en acción [v]
spring to life cobrar vida [v]
spring to life entrar en acción [v]
spring to life revivir [v]
spring to life reanimarse [v]
spring to mind recordar [v]
spring to mind rememorar [v]
spring to mind evocar [v]
spring to mind venir (algo) a la mente [v]
spring to one's feet ponerse de pie de un salto [v]
spring to one's feet saltar como un resorte [v]
spring to one's feet pararse con rapidez [v]
spring to one's feet levantarse rápido [v]
spring to mind recapitular [v]
spring to mind acordarse [v]
spring to one's feet sanar [v]
spring to one's feet recuperar la salud [v]
spring to someone's defense saltar en defensa de alguien [v]
spring to one's feet recobrar la salud [v]
spring to one's feet levantar la cabeza [v]
spring to one's feet levantar cabeza [v]
spring to one's feet levantar el cuello [v]
spring to mind saltar a la memoria [v]
do one's spring cleaning hacer sábado [v]
no spring chicken no tan joven
he's no spring chicken se le ha pasado el arroz
she's no spring chicken se le ha pasado el arroz
spring up (problem) chupar faros [v] MX
not be a spring chicken anymore no cocer al primer hervor [v] MX
spring at something irse de boca [v] AR
during spring break durante las vacaciones de primavera
spring break vacaciones de primavera
spring forth surgir [v]
spring up surgir de repente [v]
spring at someone saltar sobre alguien [v]
spring out salir de repente [v]
spring out at saltar encima (de alguien) [v]
spring forth ocurrir [v]
spring out emerger de repente [v]
spring upon tirarse sobre [v]
spring out of something surgir [v]
spring out of something brotar [v]
spring is in the air la primavera la sangre altera
in early spring a principios de la primavera
at the beginning of spring a principios de la primavera
early in the spring a principios de la primavera
spring is in the air la primavera se siente en el aire
she's no spring chicken no es ninguna niña
(vault) spring arranque [m]
spring cleaning zafarrancho [m]
spring a leak hacer agua [v]
spring a leak hacer aguas [v]
spring (dawn) amañanar [v]
spring back levantar el cuello [v]
spring up sacar a relucir algo [v]
spring up salir a relucir algo [v]
spring roll [uk] rollitos primavera
spring onions [uk] cebollas tiernas
spring chicken joven
spring chicken jóvenes
second spring segunda primavera
spring broke sin blanca
natural spring remaniente [m] MX disused
toy that moves with a spring corriverás [m] ES local
spring-tooth harrow trapa [f] ES local
spring into action ponerse las botas [v] MX CO PE
spring broke sin un centavo AMER
spring broke sin un duro ES
spring is in the air la primavera la sangre altera
the sap rises in the spring la primavera la sangre altera
the spring has come nobody knows how it was la primavera ha venido, nadie sabe cómo ha sido
spring mornings are sweet to sleep las mañanitas de abril son muy dulces de dormir
spring a leak cambiar el caldo a las aceitunas [v]
spring for something invitar a algo [v]
spring for something convidar con algo [v]
spring a leak cambiar el agua al canario [v] ES
a natural spring ojo de agua CR
Work Safety Terms
weeping spring rezume [m]
return spring resorte de retorno
spring-loaded safety valve válvula de resorte
return spring muelle recuperador
spring-type vibration insulator amortiguador de resorte
spring laded check valve válvula de retención de resorte
maximum spring deflection deflección máxima del muelle
self-contained spring loader relief valve válvula de seguridad de tipo independiente con resorte
valve-spring washer arandela de resorte de válvula [f]
spring meetings reuniones de primavera
spring knife cuchillo de resorte
spring blade knife cuchillo de resorte
spring knife navaja de resorte
spring blade knife navaja de resorte
arab spring primavera árabe
Emergency Terms
russian spring-summer encephalitis encefalitis rusa de la primavera y el verano
spring switch conmutador con contactos elásticos [m]
spring return switch conmutador de retorno elástico [m]
spring return switch conmutador de retorno por muelle [m]
spring commutator interruptor de resorte [m]
spring jack jack de enlace [m]
brush spring resorte de la escobilla [m]
spring commutator conmutador con contactos elásticos [m]
spring switch interruptor de resorte [m]
contact spring muelle de contacto [m]
brush spring muelle de la escobilla [m]
contact spring manantial resurgente
spring loaded bearing cojinete de resorte
electrically released spring brake freno por acumulación de energía eléctrica
brush spring muelle de la escobilla
spring drive transmisión por resortes
contact spring muelle de contacto
rubber spring drive transmisión por elementos de caucho
brush spring resorte de la escobilla
spring nut tuerca de resorte
earth spring resorte de puesta a tierra
spring contact contacto de resorte
water spring pozo [m]
spring strip fleje [m]
spring bolt pestillo de golpe [m]
spring latch cerrojo de vaivén [m]
spring clamp cartucho del resorte [m]
spring ring aro elástico [m]
spring of an arch arranque [m]
spring clamp sujetador [m]
spring clamp fijador [m]
spring counterbalance contrapeso de resorte [m]
spring finger resorte [m]
spring hook mosquetón [m]
spring load apriete por resorte [m]
spring seat cartucho del resorte [m]
spring (water) puquio [m] CL PE
spring rail carril de muelle [m]
spring (water) manadero [m]
spring (water) manantial [m]
spring (water) lloradero [m]
spring (water) chiflón [m] CO
spring (water) brotadero [m]
spring bolt cerrojo de resorte [m]
spring switch cambiavía de resorte [m]
coil-spring clutch embrague de resorte helicoidal [m]
return spring muelle recuperador [m]
coil spring muelle espiral [m]
coil spring resorte espiral [m]
coiled spring resorte helicoidal [m]
main spring resorte motor [m]
return spring resorte de retorno [m]
main spring resorte principal [m]
coiled spring resorte espiral [m]
coiled spring muelle espiral [m]
helical spring resorte helicoidal [m]
coiled spring muelle helicoidal [m]
spring governor gobernador de resorte [m]
clutch spring resorte del embrague [m]
friction spring resorte de fricción [m]
helical spring resorte en hélice [m]
retaining spring resorte de retención [m]
helical spring muelle helicoidal [m]
disk spring muelle de disco [m]
elliptic spring muelle elíptico [m]
coil spring muelle helicoidal [m]
return spring muelle de recuperación [m]
spring stop tope de resorte [m]
double-acting spring hinge bisagra de vaivén [f]
wind spring cuerda [f]
elliptical spring ballesta elíptica [f]
plate-spring ballesta [f]
spring lock cerradura de golpe [f]
spring clip chaveta [f]
spring lock cerradura de muelle [f]
leaf spring ballesta de hojas [f]
spring oats avena de primavera [f]
spring-pole pértiga [f]
spring hinge bisagra de muelle [f]
spring-loaded hinge bisagra con resorte [f]
gas-spring mofeta [f]
front spring ballesta delantera [f]
sensitive spring cascada desplegable [f]
spring lock cerradura de muelle [f]
spring (water) alzaguara [f] ES
laminated spring ballesta [f]
semielliptical spring ballesta de arco [f]
elliptical spring ballesta doble [f]
three-quarter elliptical spring ballesta de cayado [f]
spring hinge bisagra de muelle [f]
spring hinge bisagra de resorte [f]
semielliptical spring ballesta de media pinza [f]
spring lock cerradura de resorte [f]
gas spring fuente de gas [f]
disk spring arandela elástica [f]
valve-spring washer arandela del muelle de válvula [f]
spring washer arandela de resorte [f]
spring governor chaveta de resorte [f]
spring clip presilla [f]
spring washer arandela elástica [f]
gas spring mofeta [f]
spring cotter chaveta de resorte [f]
subterranean spring azanca [f]
spring-loaded cargado por resorte [adj]
spring-loaded abierto mientras se pulsa [adj]
spring-loaded accionado por resorte [adj]
spring-loaded cargado por resorte [adj]
spring-loaded con muelle antagonista [adj]
spring-loaded con resorte de compensación [adj]
spring (arch) arrancar [v]
spring grain cereales de primavera [m/pl]
spring corn cereales de primavera [m/pl]
calçots (long spring onions) calçots [m/pl]
ejector spring muelle de expulsión
release spring muelle de desembrague
compressing spring resorte de presión
hard red spring wheat trigo rojo de primavera
spring coil espira de resorte
tension spring resorte tensor
firing spring muelle de disparo
tension adjuster spring muelle tensor
plate-spring muelle de hojas
draft spring muelle de tracción
spring buffer muelle amortiguador
hard spring muelle duro
bearing spring muelle de suspensión
spring-assisted accionado por muelle
garter spring muelle toroidal
spring washer arandela elástica
fissure spring manantial de fisura
spring tension tensión del muelle
clutch spring resorte de embrague
gravity spring lock gancho resorte de gravedad
spring scale balanza de resorte
shunting spring resorte de cortocircuito
click spring muelle del trinquete
motor spring resorte del motor
spring hanger soporte del resorte
buffer spring resorte antagonista
spring clip grapa elástica
hold-down spring resorte de presión
spring retainer retén de resorte
spring-operated accionado por resorte
spring-return de retroceso por muelle
spring clip anillo de cierre
spring band brida del muelle
spring frost helada primaveral
torsion spring muelle de torsión
balance spring espiral del volante
counter spring muelle antagonista
draught spring muelle de tracción
counterrecoil spring muelle recuperador