at present - Español Inglés Diccionario

at present

Significados de "at present" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
present regalo [m]
present presentar [v]
present presente [m]
present presente [adj]
present actual [adj]
first-person singular present indicative of callar callo [m]
first-person singular present indicative of comenzar comienzo [m]
present obsequio [m]
third-person singular present indicative of turbar turba [f]
third-person singular present indicative of fotografiar fotografía [f]
first-person singular present subjunctive of haber haya [f]
second-person singular formal present indicative of pensar piensa [v]
third-person plural present indicative of establecer establecen [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of pedir pida [v]
third-person singular present indicative of nacer nace [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of contrastar contraste [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of coincidir coinciden [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of avanzar avances [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of demorar demora [v]
second-person singular present indicative of mentir mientes [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of finir fina [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of presenciar presencia [v]
third-person singular indicative present of crear crea [v]
third-person plural present indicative of terminar terminan [v]
third-person plural present indicative of salir salen [v]
first-person plural present subjunctive of salir salgamos [v]
first-person plural present indicative of decidir decidimos [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of fatigar fatiga [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of calentar calientes [v]
third-person plural present indicative of atrever atreven [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of mostrar muestran [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of preferir prefieren [v]
first-person singular present indicative of pretender pretendo [v]
third-person singular present indicative of componer compone [v]
third-person plural present indicative of entregar entregan [v]
third-person singular present indicative of abrasar abrasa [v]
third-person singular present indicative of botar bota [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of satisfacer satisface [v]
third-person singular present indicative of custodiar custodia [v]
third-person singular present indicative of prometer promete [v]
third-person plural present indicative of coincidir coinciden [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of acercar acerque [v]
third-person singular present indicative of respirar respira [v]
third-person singular present indicative of palmar palma [v]
second-person singular present indicative of fechar fechas [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of descansar descanse [v]
third-person plural present indicative of entrar entran [v]
first-person plural present subjunctive of hacer hagamos [v]
third-person singular present indicative of fabricar fabrica [v]
first-person singular present indicative of cerrar cierro [v]
third-person singular present indicative of diferenciar diferencia [v]
second-person present indicative of llevar lleváis [v] ES
third-person singular present indicative of agenciar agencia [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of parecer parezca [v]
second-person singular present indicative of querer quieres [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of vengar vengan [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of impacientar impaciente [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of concluir concluye [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of amar aman [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of requerir requieren [v]
third-person singular present indicative of merecer merece [v]
third-person plural present indicative of tomar toman [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of pegar pega [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of fusilar fusiles [v]
third-person singular present indicative of reparar repara [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of haber hayas [v]
first-person singular present indicative of agorar agüero [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of estancar estanque [v]
first-person singular present indicative of pilotar piloto [v]
first-person singular present indicative of poner pongo [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of empujar empuje [v]
first-person singular present indicative of destellar destello [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of trotar trote [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of frecuentar frecuentes [v]
first-person singular present indicative of retar reto [v]
third-person singular present indicative of reconocer reconoce [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of subvencionar subvenciones [v]
third-person plural present indicative of pasar pasan [v]
third-person plural present indicative of mentir mienten [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of alcanzar alcanza [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of reñir riña [v]
third-person singular present indicative of convertir convierte [v]
third-person singular present indicative of roncar ronca [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of quejarse se queja [v]
second-person singular present indicative of acerar aceras [v]
third-person plural present indicative of creer creen [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of denunciar denuncia [v]
third-person plural present indicative of aprender aprenden [v]
third-person singular present indicative of espiar espía [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of meter meta [v]
third-person singular present indicative of prender prende [v]
third-person singular present indicative of descartar descarta [v]
third-person plural present indicative of explicar explican [v]
second-person singular present indicative of ser eres [v]
third-person singular present indicative of dudar duda [v]
first-person plural present indicative of necesitar necesitamos [v]
third-person plural present indicative of carecer carecen [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of apretar aprieta [v]
third-person singular present indicative of cenar cena [v]
second-person singular present indicative of entrañar entrañas [v]
first-person singular present indicative of freír frío [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of preocupar preocupes [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of destacar destaca [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of impedir impida [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of multar multa [v]
first-person singular present indicative of reinar reino [v]
first-person singular present indicative of vetar veto [v]
third-person singular present indicative of preocupar preocupa [v]
third-person singular present indicative of asegurar asegura [v]
third-person singular present indicative of zanjar zanja [v]
third-person singular present indicative of fingir finge [v]
first-person singular present indicative of deber debo [v]
third-person singular present indicative of precisar precisa [v]
third-person singular present indicative of escamar escama [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of contener contiene [v]
third-person plural present indicative of separar separan [v]
third-person singular present indicative of usar usa [v]
third-person plural present indicative of reír ríen [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of contrastar contraste [v]
first person present indicative of exiliar exilio [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of creer cree [v]
third-person singular present indicative of apostar apuesta [v]
second-person plural present indicative of ser sois [v] ES
first-person singular present indicative of sosegar sosiego [v]
third-person singular present indicative of puntar punta [v]
third-person singular present indicative of acordar acuerda [v]
first-person singular present indicative of grillar grillo [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of mostrar muestre [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of mantener mantiene [v]
third-person singular present indicative of tender tiende [v]
first-person plural present indicative of sentir sentimos [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of haber han [v]
first-person singular present indicative of desmayarse me desmayo [v]
second-person plural present indicative of encontrar encontráis [v] ES
second-person singular formal present indicative of antojarse se antoja [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of consumir consume [v]
third-person singular present indicative of echar echa [v]
first-person singular present indicative of proponer propongo [v]
third-person singular present indicative of tumbar tumba [v]
second-person singular present (vos) indicative of querer querés [v] AR UY
first-person plural present indicative of ser somos [v]
third-person plural present indicative of tender tienden [v]
third-person singular present indicative of sujetar sujeta [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of padecer padece [v]
third-person singular present indicative of montar monta [v]
first-person singular present indicative of descalzar descalzo [v]
second-person plural present indicative of desear deseáis [v] ES
first-person singular present indicative of refrescar refresco [v]
third-person singular present subj of andar ande [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of buscar busque [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of descubrir descubra [v]
third-person singular present indicative of derivar deriva [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of ser son [v]
third-person singular present indicative of sorprender sorprende [v]
third-person singular present indicative of desear desea [v]
third-person singular present indicative of duchar ducha [v]
third-person singular present indicative of alarmar alarma [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of hacer haga [v]
first-person singular present indicative of sitiar sitio [v]
third-person singular present indicative of estudiar estudia [v]
second-person singular present indicative of reinar reinas [v]
first-person singular present indicative of intentar intento [v]
third-person singular present indicative of escapar escapa [v]
second-person singular present indicative of anclar anclas [v]
third-person singular present indicative of despertar despierta [v]
first-person singular present indicative of acosar acoso [v]
first-person singular present indicative of sacar saco [v]
third-person plural present indicative of traer traen [v]
third-person singular present indicative of conseguir consigue [v]
third-person plural present indicative of gritar gritan [v]
second-person singular present (vos) indicative of poder podés [v] AR UY
first-person singular present indicative of equipar equipo [v]
third-person singular present indicative of pescar pesca [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of vacacionar vacaciones [v] AMER
first-person singular present indicative of molestar molesto [v]
third-person plural present indicative of volar vuelan [v]
third-person singular present indicative of producir produce [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of arrojar arrojan [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of recordar recuerde [v]
first-person singular present indicative of suministrar suministro [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of rescatar rescate [v]
first-person singular present indicative of menospreciar menosprecio [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of estrechar estrecha [v]
third-person plural present indicative of ir van [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of presionar presiones [v]
second-person singular present indicative of juntar juntas [v]
third-person singular present indicative of madurar madura [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subj of dar den [v]
third-person singular present indicative of iluminar ilumina [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of arder arde [v]
third-person plural present indicative of emplear emplean [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of contender contienda [v]
third-person singular present indicative of amenazar amenaza [v]
third-person singular present indicative of dinamitar dinamita [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subjunctive of solar suelen [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of resolver resuelve [v]
third-person singular present indicative of arrugar arruga [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of ilustrar ilustres [v]
first-person plural present subjunctive of haber hayamos [v]
second-person singular present indicative of pasar pasas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of buscar buscan [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of insistir insiste [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of implicar implica [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of entender entiende [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of hallar hallan [v]
third-person singular present indicative of acariciar acaricia [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of callar calles [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of acudir acuden [v]
first-person singular present indicative of traquetear traqueteo [v]
third-person singular present indicative of encargar encarga [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of morir mueren [v]
third-person plural present indicative of beber beben [v]
third-person singular present indicative of extremar extrema [v]
third-person singular present indicative of insistir insiste [v]
second-person plural present indicative of querer queréis [v] ES
second-person singular present indicative of falsar falsas [v]
third-person singular present indicative of venir viene [v]
second-person singular present indicative of seguir sigues [v]
third-person plural present indicative of existir existen [v]
first-person singular present indicative of herrar hierro [v]
second-person plural present indicative of deber debéis [v] ES
first-person singular present indicative of celar celo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of conseguir consigo [v]
second-person singular present indicative of fotografiar fotografías [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of dotar dotes [v]
third-person singular present indicative of clausurar clausura [v]
third-person singular present indicative of obedecer obedece [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of puntar punta [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of atravesar atraviesa [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of gritar gritan [v]
first-person singular present indicative of torear toreo [v]
third-person plural present indicative of escuchar escuchan [v]
third-person singular present indicative of guillotinar guillotina [v]
first-person singular present indicative of querer (want) quiero [v]
third-person singular present indicative of crecer crece [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of unir unen [v]
third-person singular present indicative of acudir acude [v]
second-person singular present indicative of ocultar ocultas [v]
third-person plural present indicative of distinguir distinguen [v]
first-person singular present indicative of retratar retrato [v]
first-person singular present indicative of desagradar desagrado [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of pedir piden [v]
first-person singular present indicative of rogar ruego [v]
third-person singular present indicative of valer vale [v]
first-person singular present indicative of obviar obvio [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subj of tener tengan [v]
first-person singular present indicative of abajar abajo [v]
third-person singular present indicative of significar significa [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of galopar galope [v]
second-person singular present indicative of puntar puntas [v]
third-person singular present indicative of subastar subasta [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of morir muere [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of comer comen [v]
third-person plural present indicative of reclamar reclaman [v]
third-person singular present indicative of imponer impone [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of ganar gane [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of adoquinar adoquines [v]
first-person singular present indicative of arar aro [v]
third-person singular present indicative of planchar plancha [v]
third-person plural present indicative of conservar conservan [v]
third-person singular present indicative of provenir proviene [v]
second-person singular present indicative of distanciar distancias [v]
first-person singular present indicative of justar justo [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of unir una [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of sublimar sublimes [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of necesitar necesitan [v]
second-person singular present indicative of batallar batallas [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of plegar pliegues [v]
first-person singular present indicative of parlamentar parlamento [v]
second-person plural present subjunctive of dejar dejéis [v] ES
third-person singular present indicative of respectar respecta [v]
third-person singular present indicative of regalar regala [v]
third-person plural present subjunctive of salar salen [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of custodiar custodia [v]
third-person singular present indicative of apagar apaga [v]
third-person plural present indicative of anunciar anuncian [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of ayudar ayudan [v]
third-person plural present indicative of resultar resultan [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of negar niega [v]
first-person singular present indicative of vidriar vidrio [v]
first-person singular present indicative of secar seco [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of agradar agrada [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of inspirar inspira [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of alegrar alegre [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of prolongar prolonga [v]
second-person singular present indicative of marchitar marchitas [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of desplegar despliegue [v]
second-person singular present indicative of escalar escalas [v]
third-person plural present indicative of dejar dejan [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of unir une [v]
second-person singular present indicative of venir venís [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of figurar figura [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of huir huyen [v]
second-person singular present indicative of enterar enteras [v]
second-person singular present indicative of rayar rayas [v]
second-person singular present indicative of comprender comprendes [v]
third-person singular present indicative of verificar verifica [v]
third-person singular present indicative of arrojar arroja [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of molestar moleste [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of reprochar reproche [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of estudiar estudian [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of experimentar experimenta [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of casar case [v]
third-person singular present indicative of sopar sopa [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of empezar empiece [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of rodar rueda [v]
first-person singular present indicative of instrumentar instrumento [v]
first-person singular present indicative of permitir permito [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of castigar castiga [v]
third-person plural present indicative of obligar obligan [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of crecer crece [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of desear desee [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subjunctive of tomar tomen [v]
first-person singular present indicative of halar halo [v]
third-person singular present indicative of privar priva [v]
first-person singular present indicative of latinar latino [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of practicar practica [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of acompañar acompañe [v]
third-person singular present indicative of entregar entrega [v]
third-person singular present indicative of contentar contenta [v]
third-person singular present indicative of traer trae [v]
third-person singular present indicative of reír ríe [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of temblar tiemblan [v]
first-person singular present indicative of casar caso [v]
first-person singular present indicative of fastidiar fastidio [v]
third-person singular present indicative of barajar baraja [v]
second-person plural present indicative of hacer hacéis [v] ES
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of solar suele [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of ofrecer ofrecen [v]
first-person singular present indicative of dañar daño [v]
second-person singular present (vos) indicative of saber sabés [v] AR UY
first-person singular present indicative of improvisar improviso [v]
second-person singular present indicative of referir refieres [v]
third-person plural present subjunctive of dejar dejen [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of leer lea [v]
third-person singular present indicative of espesar espesa [v]
second-person plural present indicative of pedir pedís [v] ES
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of brillar brillan [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of comprender comprenda [v]
first-person singular present indicative of liar lío [v]
third-person plural present indicative of funcionar funcionan [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of enjambrar enjambre [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of ayudar ayude [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of lanzar lanza [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of capturar captura [v]
first-person singular present indicative of centrar centro [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of provenir proviene [v]
third-person plural present indicative of sobrar sobran [v]
first-person singular present indicative of embarazar embarazo [v]
second-person singular present subj of saber sepas [v]
first-person singular present indicative of sentir siento [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of colorar colores [v]
third-person singular present indicative of sentar sienta [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of perfeccionar perfecciones [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of repetir repite [v]
third-person singular present indicative of evitar evita [v]
third-person singular present indicative of oír oye [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of acercar acerque [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of gozar gozan [v]
third-person singular present indicative of hermanar hermana [v]
second-person singular present indicative of tener tienes [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of sangrar sangre [v]
first-person plural present indicative of pasar pasamos [v]
first-person singular present indicative of indignar indigno [v]
first-person singular present indicative of silenciar silencio [v]
first-person plural present subjunctive of ver veamos [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of dudar duda [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of vendar vende [v]
third-person singular present indicative of tocar toca [v]
first-person singular present indicative of reconocer reconozco [v]
third-person singular present indicative of prohibir prohíbe [v]
second-person plural present subjunctive of haber hayáis [v] ES
second-person plural (ustedes) present subjunctive of vendar venden [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of mandar mandan [v]
first-person singular present indicative of extremar extremo [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of proceder proceden [v]
first-person singular present indicative of tintinear tintineo [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of odiar odian [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of querer quieren [v]
first-person singular present indicative of amargar amargo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of agradecer agradezco [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of urgir urge [v]
first-person singular present indicative of mentir miento [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of conservar conservan [v]
third-person plural present indicative of celebrar celebran [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subjunctive of entrar entren [v]
third-person present indicative of ser es [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of montar monte [v]
first-person singular present indicative of alcanzar alcanzo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of sentar siento [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of adobar adobe [v]
first-person singular present indicative of responder respondo [v]
first-person singular present indicative of manejar manejo [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of asombrar asombre [v]
second-person singular present indicative of pecar pecas [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of usar use [v]
third-person singular present indicative of charlar charla [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of entregar entrega [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of frecuentar frecuente [v]
second-person singular present indicative of andar andas [v]
third-person singular present indicative of cautivar cautiva [v]
third-person singular present indicative of equivaler equivale [v]
first-person singular present indicative of ahincar ahínco [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of celebrar celebran [v]
first-person singular present indicative of tropezar tropiezo [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of deber deba [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of ambicionar ambiciones [v]
third-person plural present indicative of integrar integran [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of girar gira [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of apartar aparte [v]
third-person singular present indicative of volar vuela [v]
first-person singular present indicative of asediar asedio [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of convertir convierten [v]
third-person singular present indicative of gastar gasta [v]
third-person singular present indicative of mover mueve [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of echar echan [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of razonar razones [v]
first-person singular present indicative of secretar secreto [v]
second-person singular present indicative of marcar marcas [v]
second-person singular present indicative of contar cuentas [v]
third-person plural present indicative of descender descienden [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of almacenar almacenes [v]
second-person singular present indicative of comprar compras [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of detener detenga [v]
third-person singular present indicative of engañar engaña [v]
third-person plural present indicative of caminar caminan [v]
second-person singular present indicative of responder respondes [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of molestar moleste [v]
second-person plural present subj of dar deis [v] ES
second-person singular formal present indicative of ofrecer ofrece [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of patentar patente [v]
third-person plural present indicative of colocar colocan [v]
third-person singular present indicative of reverenciar reverencia [v]
second-person singular present indicative of necesitar necesitas [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of matizar matices [v]
third-person singular present indicative of multar multa [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subjunctive of sentir sientan [v]
first-person singular present indicative of premiar premio [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of soltar suelta [v]
third-person singular present indicative of sacudir sacude [v]
third-person singular present indicative of atribuir atribuye [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of funcionar funcionan [v]
second-person singular present indicative of aguar aguas [v]
second-person singular present indicative of coronar coronas [v]
third-person singular present indicative of morder muerde [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of terminar termine [v]
second-person singular present indicative of violentar violentas [v]
third-person plural present indicative of señalar señalan [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of modificar modifica [v]
third-person singular present indicative of molestar molesta [v]
second-person plural present subj of tener tengáis [v] ES
second-person singular formal present indicative of calzar calza [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of librar libra [v]
first-person singular present indicative of desperdiciar desperdicio [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of aceptar acepte [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of afligir aflige [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of luchar lucha [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of recompensar recompensa [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of evolucionar evoluciones [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of justar justa [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of venir viene [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of interesar interesa [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of apartar aparta [v]
first-person plural present indicative of caminar caminamos [v]
second-person singular present indicative of escuchar escuchas [v]
first-person singular present indicative of diseñar diseño [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of tocar toca [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of secar seca [v]
first-person singular present indicative of recibir recibo [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of postrar postre [v]
third-person singular present indicative of recibir recibe [v]
first-person singular present subjunctive of considerar considere [v]
second-person singular present indicative of rentar rentas [v]
second-person singular present indicative of secretar secretas [v]
first-person singular present indicative of regalar regalo [v]
third-person singular present indicative of elegir elige [v]
third-person singular present indicative of resultar resulta [v]
third-person singular present indicative of potenciar potencia [v]
third-person singular present indicative of presidir preside [v]
third-person singular present indicative of permitir permite [v]
third-person singular present indicative of pretender pretende [v]
second-person singular present indicative of vagar vagas [v]
first-person singular present indicative of puntar punto [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of adobar adobe [v]
third-person singular present indicative of hartar harta [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of desear desee [v]
third-person plural present indicative of merecer merecen [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of pensar piense [v]
first-person singular present indicative of matar mato [v]
second-person singular present indicative of hollar huellas [v]
third-person singular present indicative of secar seca [v]
third-person singular present subjunctive of haber haya [v]
third-person singular present indicative of cortar corta [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of basar basa [v]
third-person singular present indicative of confiar confía [v]
third-person plural present subjunctive of poder puedan [v]
third-person plural present indicative of conducir conducen [v]
third-person singular present indicative of explicar explica [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of proteger protege [v]
first-person singular present indicative of gobernar gobierno [v]