trick - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "trick" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 326 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
trick truco [m]
trick engañar [v]
trick entrampar [v]
trick embrollo [m]
trick engañabobos [m]
trick tinglado [m]
trick prestigio [m]
trick ardid [m]
trick pega [f]
trick superchería [f]
trick tangada [f]
trick pocha [f]
trick estafa [f]
trick tramoya [f]
trick mácula [f]
trick trápala [f]
trick trepa [f]
trick treta [f]
trick maña [f]
trick triquiñuela [f]
trick maraña [f]
trick martingala [f]
trick vacilada [f]
trick fullería [f]
trick bolada [f]
trick mula [f]
trick zancadilla [f]
trick embaucar [v]
trick enredar [v]
trick hacer trampa [v]
trick engaño [m]
trick artificio [m]
trick artificio [m]
trick artilugio [m]
trick chasco [m]
trick fraude [m]
trick petarte (francés) [m]
trick recoveco [m]
trick secreto [m]
trick tinglado [m]
trick tongo [m]
trick arana [f]
trick añagaza (árabe) [f]
trick artimaña [f]
trick astucia [f]
trick burla [f]
trick burlería [f]
trick carta de urías [f]
trick celada [f]
trick chuzonería [f]
trick decepción [f]
trick engañifla [f]
trick estafa [f]
trick falencia [f]
trick fraudulencia [f]
trick fullería [f]
trick magaña [f]
trick maraña [f]
trick martingala [f]
trick maturranga [f]
trick meretriz [f]
trick pasada [f]
trick picardía [f]
trick quintada [f]
trick sacaliña [f]
trick socaliña [f]
trick superchería [f]
trick tangana [f]
trick tángana [f]
trick trampa [f]
trick trampería [f]
trick vaya [f]
trick bromear [v]
trick bribonear [v]
trick burlar [v]
trick burlarse [v]
trick chasquear [v]
trick deludir [v]
trick embocar [v]
trick embromar [v]
trick encornudar [v]
trick engañar [v]
trick fascinar [v]
trick mentir [v]
trick mistificar [v]
trick prestigiar [v]
trick socaliñar [v]
trick timar [v]
trick torear [v]
trick maturrangas [f/pl]
trick recoveco [m]
trick embeleco [m]
trick timo [m]
trick chasco [m]
trick amaño [m]
trick trapicheo [m]
trick trampantojo [m]
trick astucia [f]
trick broma [f]
trick chapuza [f]
trick baza [f]
trick falacia [f]
trick trácala [f]
trick jarana [f]
trick candonga [f]
trick brega [f]
trick engañifa [f]
trick carnada [f]
trick burlar [v]
trick trampear [v]
trick engrupir [v]
trick asechamiento [m]
trick argado [m]
trick caramillo [m]
trick dolo [m]
trick embudo [m]
trick embuste [m]
trick fraude [m]
trick pego [m]
trick manejo [m]
trick tiro [m]
trick subterfugio [m]
trick asechanza [f]
trick burla [f]
trick estratagema [f]
trick pasada [f]
trick manganilla [f]
trick maniobra [f]
trick sacaliña [f]
trick socaliña [f]
trick trampa [f]
trick trapaza [f]
trick suerte [f]
trick travesura [f]
trick cachifollar [v]
trick defraudar [v]
trick embudar [v]
trick vicio [m]
trick hábito [m]
trick parchazo [m]
trick jugada [f]
trick costumbre [f]
trick destreza [f]
trick habilidad [f]
trick artería [f]
trick baza (juego de naipes) [f]
trick vivir de trampas [v]
trick topillo [m] AMER
trick trique [m] AMER
trick atole [m] MX HN
trick petardo [m] fig.
trick ratimago [m] rur. rare
trick atol [m] MX HN
trick barato [m] disused
trick como [m] disused
trick forro [m] CU
trick gancho [m] NI DO
trick prestigio [m] rare
trick agachada [f] AR
trick adrolla [f] rare
trick bigotera [f] rur. rare
trick guadramaña [f] disused
trick maca [f] rare
trick papilla [f]
trick trácala [f] MX PR VE
trick trácala  [f] MX PR VE
trick abusión [f] disused
trick cancamusa [f] disused
trick cancanilla [f] disused
trick caula [f] GT SV
trick chancha [f] disused
trick changa [f] CU AL
trick chuecura [f] MX
trick cirigaña [f] AL
trick droga [f] disused
trick fayanca [f] disused
trick fregada [f] MX HN derog.
trick furulla [f] NI
trick mafia [f] PR
trick magancería [f] disused
trick manganeta [f] AR UY
trick marufia [f] SV
trick maulería [f] rare
trick cabla [f] LA
trick tanteada [f] MX
trick trácala [f] MX VE
trick tramposería [f] PR EC PE
trick acomodar [v] CU PR
trick petardear [v] fig.
trick atracar [v] CR CU
trick cantusar [v] disused
trick descrestar [v] CO
trick diluir [v] disused
trick dormir [v] SV CU
trick dormirse [v] MX DO
trick embabucar [v] disused
trick enartar [v] disused
trick encestar [v] disused
trick encular [v] ES local
trick engaliar [v] AL
trick engorgoritar [v] ES local
trick ensartar [v] MX HN NI PE BO CL PY AR UY
trick entuturutar [v] SV
trick fraudar [v] disused
trick majear [v] MX
trick naipear [v] BO
trick paquear [v] UY
trick paquetear [v] CR
trick rodar [v] CR
trick sorprender [v] PE
trick tantear [v] MX
trick volar [v] NI
trick agachadas [f/pl] AR
trick bolaco [m] AR PY CL UY
trick meterla doblada [v]
trick diñársela a alguien [v]
trick dar el pego [v]
trick tirar el pego [v]
trick hacerle la camándula [v] NI HN
trick irse alguien arriba [v] NI
trick dar atol con el dedo a alguien [v] SV
trick dar atole con el dedo a alguien [v] MX HN
trick dar atolillo con el dedo a alguien [v] CR
trick grupo [m]
trick emboque [m]
trick pufo [m]
trick changüí [m]
trick cuento chino [m]
trick garlito [m]
trick parchazo [m]
trick pufo [m]
trick camama [f]
trick alicantina [f]
trick quintada [f]
trick entruchada [f]
trick engañufla [f]
trick chueca [f]
trick morisqueta [f]
trick andrómina [f]
trick pegata [f]
trick embustería [f]
trick zangamanga [f]
trick lilaila [f]
trick culebra [f]
trick chanada [f]
trick culebra [f]
trick engañifa [f]
trick entruchada [f]
trick filfa [f]
trick inocentada [f]
trick mácula [f]
trick maula [f]
trick pega [f]
trick roña [f]
trick tangada [f]
trick zangamanga [f]
trick zorrería [f]
trick burrear [v]
trick tomar el pelo [v]
trick chalaquear [v]
trick dar el pego [v]
trick enlabiar [v]
trick enflautar [v]
trick engaritar [v]
trick pastelear [v]
trick bellaquear [v]
trick emprimar [v]
trick encantusar [v]
trick encatusar [v]
trick enclavar [v]
trick enflautar [v]
trick engaitar [v]
trick engaritar [v]
trick engatar [v]
trick liar [v]
trick dar el pego [v]
trick tirar el pego [v]
trick tangar [v]
trick trampear [v]
trick de pega
trick curro [m] AR
trick jarusca [f] SV
trick matufia [f] BO PY AR UY
trick matufiada [f] BO PY AR UY
trick trafa [f] PE
trick trampucheta [f] SV
trick tracalería [f] VE
trick engrupir [v] CL AR
trick mechificar [v] CAR
trick caribear [v] VE
trick cuentear [v] HN SV CR
trick dar dado falso [v] disused
trick echar dado falso [v] disused
trick domar [v] SV
trick engaratusar [v] MX GT HN NI CO
trick engrupir [v] CL AR UY
trick jugar fulastrería [v] CU
trick descargar la guanota [v] VE
trick jonjabar [v] rare
trick marranear [v] CO
trick pistolear [v] CL
trick tracalear [v] VE
trick sacar alguien la vuelta [v] PE
trick persona fuera de la prisión que presta ayuda los prisioneros (dinero/favores)
trick marca [f] delinq.
trick calotear [v] PY AR UY
trick encantar [v] delinq.
trick traspaso [m]
trick truco [m]
trick magancia [f]
trick treta [f]
trick maraña [f]
trick trampa [f]
trick embaucar [v]
trick engañar [v]
trick chanchullo [m]
trick traspaso [m]
trick timar [v]
trick chicanear [v]
trick traicionar [v]
trick escamotear [v]
trick manipulación [f]
trick embolado [m]
trick engaño [m]
British Slang
trick apodo que con que nombran las prostitutas a sus clientes
Card Games
trick baza [f]

Sens de "trick" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 446 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
dirty trick picardía [f]
dirty trick faena [f]
dirty trick jugarreta [f]
clever trick truco [m]
dirty trick porquería [f]
card trick baza [f]
cheap trick truco bajo [m]
dirty trick canallada [f]
card trick ala de mosca [f]
carnival trick antruejada [f]
trick shot bamba [f]
dirty trick bellaquería [f]
dirty trick bribonada [f]
dirty trick charranada [f]
dirty trick charranería [f]
dirty trick faena [f]
dirty trick gorrinada [f]
dirty trick guarrada [f]
card trick guía [f]
dirty trick jugada [f]
dirty trick perrería [f]
trick photography machine truca [f]
dirty trick tunantada [f]
dirty trick tunantería [f]
prepare for a card trick florear [v]
hat trick triplete [m]
confidence trick timo [m]
mean trick guachada [f]
dirty trick gitanería [f]
dirty trick cerdada [f]
dirty trick trastada [f]
dirty trick cochinada [f]
nasty trick barrabasada [f]
nasty trick perrada [f]
dirty trick perrería [f]
dirty trick pillada [f]
dirty trick pirula [f]
dirty trick jugada [f]
dirty trick pillería [f]
mean trick jugarreta [f]
dirty trick ruindad [f]
dirty trick judiada [f]
dirty trick guarrada [f]
dirty trick marranada [f]
dirty trick cabronada [f]
dirty trick putada [f]
a mischievous trick travesura [f]
a mischievous trick broma [f]
a mischievous trick inocentada [f]
a mischievous trick jugarreta [f]
(never/hardly) miss a trick no escapársele a alguien (una oportunidad) [v]
play a dirty trick jugar una mala pasada a [v]
play a trick on someone gastarle una broma a alguien [v]
trick someone into doing something engañar a alguien para que haga algo [v]
not to miss a trick no perder ripio [v]
best a person by a trick meter un gol a una persona [v]
trick a person meter un gol a una persona [v]
play a trick on bellaquear [v]
trick or treat truco o trato [interj]
trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat padrino cacho [expr] CL disused
trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat padrino cebo [expr] PE
trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat padrino pelado [expr] AR UY
next trick siguiente truco
a low trick una mala jugada
trick question pregunta capciosa
trick question pregunta tramposa
dirty trick truco sucio
trick in card-dealing pastel [m]
card sharper's trick tejadillo [m]
skilful trick embuste [m]
cunning trick ardid [m]
cunning trick engaño [m]
harlequin's trick/joke arlequinada [f]
rotten trick canallada [f]
mischievous trick/practice bribonada [f]
artful dodge or trick celada [f]
cat-trick gatada [f]
mean/contemptible trick gitanada [f]
wicked trick jugada [f]
nasty trick jugarreta [f]
mean trick mañuela [f]
sponging trick primada [f]
sly trick pieza [f]
knavish trick pillada [f]
knavish trick pillería [f]
monkey trick monada [f]
cunning trick magaña [f]
dirty trick/action porquería [f]
moorish trick morisqueta [f]
boyish trick muchachada [f]
boyish trick muchachería [f]
girlish trick muchachada [f]
mean trick titeretada [f]
cunning trick astucia [f]
dirty trick/action cerdada [f]
challenge and trick a bull with a cloak capear [v]
trick a bull with a capote capotear [v]
win a trick at cards entrar [v]
take a trick (at cards) tomar [v]
cheating trick of gamblers flores [f/pl]
rope trick truco de las cuerdas [m]
low trick mala pasada [f]
low trick mala partida [f]
play a trick upon hacer una mala jugada a [v]
play a trick upon engañar a [v]
play a trick upon burlar [v]
play a trick upon engañar [v]
trick out ataviar [v]
trick up ataviar [v]
trick out adornar [v]
trick up adornar [v]
trick out componerse [v]
trick up componerse [v]
confidence trick manlieve [m] outdated
subtle and ingenious trick to achieve something with deception or fraud amarre [m] EC
swindler who uses fake stories to trick his victims cuentero [m] PR EC PE BO CL AR UY
trick or ruse in order to obtain something, especially in a card game chamarro [m] NI
confidence trick espuelazo [m] DO PR
trick used to prolong the solution of something carameleo [m] CO
trick someone hueveo [m] PE
confidence trick mocho [m] PR
three-card trick torito [m] CL
trick question torito [m] MX
cheating trick (at cards) ballestilla [f] disused
roguish trick picardihuela [f] rare
skilful trick tacuacha [f] CU MX
artful trick talquina [f] CL
dirty trick canallería [f] DO
dirty trick clavazón [f] HN
stroke of luck or achievement in pool or a trick chambra [f] DO
dirty trick chispería [f] SV
dirty trick chuchada [f] GT
dirty trick farusca [f] HN rur.
trick executed on horseback by a group of charro women at celebrations escaramuza [f] MX
deceptive trick caula [f] GT SV
dirty trick played on someone jangada [f] SV
confidence trick mejicana [f] SV
confidence trick moña [f] PR
confidence trick mordida [f] CU
confidence trick ñanga [f] PE
dirty trick putangada [f] SV
confidence trick ponga [f] HN
confidence trick pongueada [f] HN
confidence trick prendida [f] BO
trick in marbles game roña [f] EC
dirty trick tirada [f] PA
dirty trick vergajada [f] CO:N
trick shot bambarria [f] disused
nasty trick barraganía [f] disused
dirty trick bellacada [f] rare
dirty little trick caula [f] GT SV
moorish trick morisqueta [f] disused
(never/hardly) miss a trick no perder un chance [v] AMER
trick someone out of money descañonar [v] fig.
trick someone bulchitear [v] US PA
play a dirty trick on someone clavar [v] GT HN UY CL
trick someone descansar [v] AR teen
trick someone caramelear [v] CO
trick by abusing one's trust alambrear [v] MX
catch someone red-handed in a trick catchear (inglés catch) [v] CU DO PR
catch someone red-handed in a trick catchar (inglés catch) [v] NI PR
trick someone cauquear [v] BO:W,C
trick someone cazuelearse [v] CL
trick into enrolar [v] HN
trick using flattery embelequear [v] HN NI DO PR
trick through hot air emparular [v] SV
scheme and trick in one's own interest pendejear [v] PE
trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat padrino sebo [interj] PE rare
dog trick traición [f]
trick someone dar gato por liebre [v]
play a dirty trick behind someone dar una puñalada trapera a alguien [v]
play a trick on someone dársela a alguien con queso [v]
play a trick on someone pegársela a alguien con queso [v]
know every trick in the book sabérselas todas [v]
play a trick on someone engañar a alguien como a un chino [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una trastada a alguien [v]
trick someone hacer una jugarreta a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una granujada a alguien [v]
pull a trick on someone hacerle la cama a alguien [v]
trick someone hacer una granujada a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una jugarreta a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una faena a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una mala jugada a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una perrada a alguien [v]
play a trick on someone gastar una broma a alguien [v]
play a trick on someone jugar malas pasadas [v]
play a dirty trick on someone jugar una mala partida a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone jugar una pieza a alguien [v]
do a dirty trick on someone jugársela a alguien [v]
do a nasty trick on someone jugársela a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone jugar una mala partida a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone jugar una pieza a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone jugarle a alguien una mala pasada [v]
pull a trick on someone hacerle una treta a alguien [v]
pull a trick on someone estafar a alguien [v]
pull a trick on someone engañar a alguien [v]
pull off the trick sacar algo adelante [v]
play a trick on gastarle bromas a [v]
play a trick on someone jugarle una broma a alguien [v]
play a trick on hacerle bromas a [v]
play a trick on someone hacerle una broma a alguien [v]
play a trick on someone burlarse de alguien [v]
play a trick on someone mofarse de alguien [v]
trick someone meter un gol a alguien [v]
not miss a trick no perder comba [v]
not miss a trick no perder ripio [v]
use every trick in the book probar de todas las maneras posibles [v]
use every trick in the book usar todos los métodos disponibles [v]
serve someone a trick pegar a uno un chasco [v]
serve someone a trick jugar a uno una mala partida [v]
pull a trick on someone hacer la pirula a alguien [v]
play a trick on someone hacer la pirula a alguien [v]
play a trick on someone dar brega a alguien [v]
play a trick on someone dar cañazo a alguien [v]
play a trick on someone dar un chasco a alguien [v]
best someone by a trick embocar algo a alguien [v]
best someone by a trick comer el tarro a alguien [v]
best someone by a trick llevarse a alguien al huerto [v]
trick someone embocar algo a alguien [v]
trick someone comer el tarro a alguien [v]
trick someone llevarse a alguien al huerto [v]
trick someone dar changüí a alguien [v]
trick someone diñársela a alguien [v]
trick someone dar el pufo a alguien [v]
trick someone dar un timo a alguien [v]
trick someone (out of something) meter la mula a alguien [v]
play a trick on someone hacer una gracia a alguien [v]
trick someone tomar el pelo a alguien [v]
trick someone tomar a alguien para la farra [v]
fall for a trick tragarse el anzuelo [v]
trick someone torear a alguien [v]
trick someone vendar los ojos a alguien [v]
play one's last trick quemar el último cartucho [v]
figure out the trick descornar la flor [v]
dog trick puñalada por la espalda
know a trick or two saber una o dos cosas
know a trick or two sabérselas todas
every trick in the book todos los trucos
a good trick el truco del almendruco
magic trick el truco del almendruco
the oldest trick in the book el truco más viejo del mundo
the oldest trick in the book el número más antiguo del mundo
the oldest trick in the book el truco más gastado del manual
trick or treat dulce o travesura
trick-or-treat dulce o travesura
trick or treat treta o trato
trick-or-treat treta o trato
trick someone hacer tonto a alguien [v] CL
play a trick on someone hacer leso a alguien [v] SCN
trick someone fumárselo a alguien [v] LAM
trick into false promises dar atol con el dedo [v] GT HN SV NI
trick into false promises dar atole con el dedo [v] MX HN
turn a trick (prostitution) andar buscando su camaroncito [v] NI
trick someone dar borriguero por iguana [v] PA
turn a trick (a prostitute) andar buscando su camaroncito [v] NI
play a dirty trick on somebody bregar chiqui star [v] PR
play a dirty trick on somebody bregar cajita de pollo [v] PR
fall for a trick irse en amagues [v] MX
falsify a situation to deceive or trick somebody hacer baja [v] CL
play a dirty trick on someone dar una tirada [v] PR
trick with false promises dar atol con el dedo [v] GT HN SV NI
trick with false promises dar atole con el dedo [v] MX HN
trick someone dar balón [v] SV
trick someone by giving them something of inferior quality dar borriguero por iguana [v] PA
trick someone dar capú [v] PR disused
trick someone by delaying the solution to something dar caramelo [v] CO
trick someone dar changüí [v] DO PR disused rur.
trick someone darle la mala [v] CU
trick by giving someone the wrong item dar gato por ñeco [v] HN
trick someone dejar jalando el fuelle [v] VE disused
trick or deceive with skill dar changüí [v] DO
fall for a trick creer en velorios [v] PR
trick someone by taking advantage of their naiveté coger a lazo [v] VE
trick someone by taking advantage of their naiveté coger de leva [v] GT
trick someone hacer de chivo los tamales [v] MX GT HN SV
trick someone into believing what is false hacer de chivo los tamales [v] MX GT HN SV
play a dirty trick on someone jugarse el abono [v] HN
play a dirty trick on echar una broma [v] VE
trick someone tomar a alguien para la farra [v] PY AR UY
dirty trick una mala pasada ES
trick play jugada de engaño
you have to teach me that trick sometime debes enseñarme este truco en algún momento
it's an old trick es un viejo truco
that'll do the trick eso funcionará
that did the trick eso hizo el truco
I can do this trick in reverse puedo hacer esos números a la inversa
trick out vestirse con mucha elegancia [v]
trick out emperifollarse [v]
trick up vestirse con mucha elegancia [v]
trick out emperejilarse [v]
trick out vestirse con mucho esmero [v]
trick up emperifollarse [v]
trick up emperejilarse [v]
trick up vestirse con mucho esmero [v]
as a part of a trick parte de un truco
they played a trick on you te gastaron una broma
trick or treat truco o trato
no trick sin trampa ni cartón
con trick timo [m]
confidence trick delito de abuso de confianza [m]
artful trick gatazo [m]
april fool's trick virote [m]
little trick burleta [f]
trick to deceive cancamusa [f]
a merry, playful trick candonga [f]
scurvy trick gatada [f]
artful trick trepa [f]
nasty trick leperada [f]
dirty trick perrada [f]
dirty trick pasada [f]
dirty trick bribonada [f]
rotten trick mala partida [f]
malicious scheme or trick concha de mango [f] VE
dirty trick concha de mango [f] VE
nasty trick barrabasada [f]
dirty trick cabritada [f]
funny trick coba [f]
hat trick gatada [f]
low trick guarrada [f]
dirty trick judiada [f]
dirty trick jugarreta [f]
moorish trick morisqueta [f]
dirty trick perrada [f]
dirty trick porquería [f]
crafty trick retrechería [f]
rascally trick retrechería [f]
mean trick titeretada [f]
know a trick or two (of something) coger el tranquillo a algo [v]
pull a trick andar en chanchullos [v]
know every trick in the book tener muchas camándulas [v]
trick someone dar el pufo a alguien [v]
trick someone fumárselo a alguien [v]
turn a trick hacer la vida [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacerle una faena a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacerle una putada a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacerle una mamada a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone hacerle una faena a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone hacerle una putada a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone hacerle una mamada a alguien [v]
play a trick on pifiar [v]
play a nasty trick on someone gastar una mala jugada a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone gastar una mala jugada a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone hacer la a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone hacer una faena a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone hacer una cochinada a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone hacer una mala jugada a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone hacer una trastada a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone hacerle una mala pasada a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone jugarle una mala pasada a alguien [v]
play a dirty trick on someone jugarle una mala partida a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer la a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una mala jugada a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una trastada a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una faena a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una cochinada a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacerle una mala pasada a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone jugarle una mala pasada a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone jugarle una mala partida a alguien [v]
trick someone dar papilla a alguien [v]
know every trick in the book sabérselas todas alguien [v]
trick someone pegar a alguien una ventosa [v]
a trick question una pregunta con trampa
confidence trick fraude
confidence trick estafa
what a trick! qué timo!
trick or ruse carried out in a business chancuco [m] CO
trick used to prolong the solution of something caramelo [m] CO
confidence trick nucazo [m] SV
confidence trick ñeapu [m] BO:E
fraud or dirty trick chamarreada [f] CR rare
dirty trick huecada [f] GT
dirty trick indiada [f] CO derog.
dirty trick played on someone jijez [f] MX
confidence trick mula [f] CL AR
dirty trick puñalada marranera [f] CO
dirty trick cabronada [f]
dirty trick chanchada [f] LA
dirty trick pirula [f] ES
dirty trick puercada [f] HN CR
trick someone hacer el avión a alguien [v] ANS
trick someone dar pájara a alguien [v] ANS
trick someone alburear [v] HN NI
trick someone forrear [v] AR UY
trick someone fumar [v] BO AR rare
trick or fool someone in order to laugh at them or make fun of them cotorrearse [v] MX
play a trick on someone pitarse [v] CL
trick with wit tramar [v] CO PY
they have a trick up their sleeve si no la gana, la empata NI DO CO VE BO AR
con-trick engaño [m]
play a dirty trick on someone hacer una cabronada a alguien [v]
play a nasty trick on someone hacer una cabronada a alguien [v]
trick someone estafar a alguien [v]
turn a trick trabajar (las prostitutas) [v]
turn a trick estar con alguien por dinero [v]
turn a trick prostituirse [v]
turn a trick tener relaciones sexuales por dinero [v]
neat trick fantástico
neat trick buen truco
con-trick fraude
con-trick infidelidad
dirty trick prostitución
trick used to prolong the solution of something caramelo [m] SV delinq.
card game trick/deceit raspadillo [m] delinq.
confidence trick muela [f] DO VE delinq.
dice trick tarafada [f] delinq.
trick someone hacer guaje [v] MX
confidence trick timo [m]
confidence trick embaucamiento [m]
confidence trick estafa [f]
advertising trick truco publicitario
advertising trick truco de publicidad
ad trick truco publicitario
promotion trick truco de promoción
promotional trick truco de promoción
publicity trick truco de publicidad
marketing trick truco de marketing
marketing trick truco de mercadeo
ad trick truco de publicidad
publicity trick truco publicitario
trick questions preguntas capciosas
larceny by trick hurto mediante fraude
ad trick truco publicitario
advertising trick truco de publicidad
larceny by trick hurto mediante engaño
trick flying vuelo de acrobacia
trick photography fotografía trucada
card trick truco de naipes
card trick truco con cartas
math trick truco matemático
trick of a player who engages to lose for a bribe tongo [m]
advertising trick truco publicitario
marketing trick truco de marketing
publicity trick truco publicitario
flying trick vuelo acrobático
trick flying vuelo de acrobacia
revolving door trick bofetón [m]
trick-piece trasto [m]
trick printer impresora para trucado [f]
optical trick truco óptico
score a hat trick marcar tres goles (en un partido)
American Football
trick play jugada sorpresa
trick play jugada de engaño
British Slang
trick (mainly gay use) encuentro sexual casual (uso predominantemente gay)
trick cyclist psiquiatra (juego de palabras)
cheating trick (cards) armada [f]
Card Games
card trick embazarse [v]