to show - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch

to show

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "to show" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
show mostrar [v]
you show muestra [v]
I will show you mostraré [v]
you show muestras [v]
show exhibición [f]
show-off fanfarrona [f]
show demostrar [v]
show off lucir [v]
show enseñar [v]
show exponer [v]
show off presumir [v]
show denotar [v]
show up descolgarse [v]
show exhibir [v]
show indicar [v]
show concern interesar [v]
show gratitude agradecer [v]
show ostentar [v]
game show programa de concursos [n]
chat show programa de entrevistas [n]
Irregular Verb
show showed - shown/showed [v]
show alarde [m]
floor show cabaret [m]
show show [m]
flamenco show tablao [m]
show especial (teatro/radio/tv) [m]
puppet show títere [m]
show lucimiento [m]
real-life drama show reality show (inglés) [m]
reality show [us] reality show (inglés) [m]
peep show mundonuevo [m]
show ostentación [f]
dinner show cena-espectáculo [f]
show pompa [f]
show exposición [f]
show manifestación [f]
show demostración [f]
show gala [f]
on show expuesto [adj]
show asomar [v]
show dibujarse [v]
show notarse [v]
show off ostentar [v]
show one's hand enseñar las cartas [v]
show off ahuecarse [v]
show pasar [v]
show off pasear [v]
show patentizar [v]
show off pavonearse [v]
show through entrelucir [v]
show pintarse [v]
show testimoniar [v]
show up well portarse [v]
show off exhibir [v]
show experimentar [v]
show expresar [v]
show exteriorizar [v]
show traslucir [v]
show through traslucirse [v]
show programar [v]
show trasuntar [v]
show promise prometer [v]
show tributar [v]
show off florearse [v]
show one's claws enseñar las uñas [v]
show off vacilar [v]
show recoger [v]
show off garbear [v]
show desenvainar [v]
show retransmitir [v]
game show concurso [m]
show mercy tener piedad [v]
show off darse farol [v]
show again reponer (película) [v]
show alarde (árabe) [m]
group of actors touring with a show bolo [m]
horse show carrusel [m]
talk-show guest contertulio [m]
slide show diaporama [m]
show espacio [m]
show espectáculo [m]
crowd member who joins in a show espontáneo [m]
show-off fanfarrón [m]
trade show ferial [m]
show-off gallito [m]
puppet show guiñol (francés) [m]
peep show mundinovi [m]
peep show mundonuevo [m]
show número [m]
show postín [m]
puppet show retablo [m]
show salón [m]
show show (inglés) [m]
show business show business (inglés) [m]
strip show striptease (inglés) [m]
peep show titirimundi [m]
peep show totilimundi [m]
peep show tutilimundi [m]
variety show vodevil (francés) [m]
blow with a show zapatazo [m]
show apariencia [f]
television show title careta [f]
show demostración [f]
show business farándula [f]
trade show feria [f]
show gala [f]
show of bravado machada [f]
theater show pieza [f]
variety show revista [f]
variety show revista musical [f]
show sesión [f]
show-woman show-woman (inglés) [f]
comedy show telecomedia [f]
show visualización [f]
show business farandulero [adj]
show off gallito [adj]
show reverence acatar [v]
show aclarecer [v]
show someone to their seat acomodar [v]
show acrisolar [v]
show one's cards acusar [v]
show the way aderezar [v]
show off alardear [v]
show signs of amagar [v]
show up aparecer [v]
show up aparecerse [v]
begin to show apuntar [v]
begin to show asomar [v]
show oneself asomarse [v]
show through clarearse [v]
show colgar [v]
show up comparecer [v]
show dar [v]
show decirse [v]
show ingratitude desagradecer [v]
show desencastillar [v]
show one’s true colors destaparse [v]
show up dibujarse [v]
show off engallarse [v]
show no mercy ensañarse [v]
show enseñar [v]
show willingness entender [v]
show through entrelucir [v]
show through entreparecerse [v]
show pride envanecerse [v]
not show up faltar [v]
show off fanfarrear [v]
show off fanfarronear [v]
show elegance and grace gallardearse [v]
show off gallear [v]
show off hacerse [v]
show off about hacerse [v]
show one's id/identification identificarse [v]
show interest interesarse [v]
show off a horse jinetear [v]
show justificar [v]
show off lucir [v]
show manifestar [v]
show up manifestarse [v]
show marcar [v]
show mostrarse [v]
show ostentar [v]
show off ostentar [v]
show pasar [v]
show cards when dealing pintar [v]
show off postinear [v]
show briefly premostrar [v]
show up presentarse [v]
show off presumir [v]
show up prodigarse [v]
show stubborn opposition recalcitrar [v]
show in relief recortarse [v]
show registrar [v]
show gratitude regraciar [v]
show off relamerse [v]
show respect respetar [v]
show up resultar [v]
show revestir [v]
show rodar [v]
suddenly show salir [v]
show support solidarizarse [v]
show solidarity solidarizarse [v]
go to show testificar [v]
show traer [v]
show through transflorar [v]
show transflorar [v]
show translucir [v]
show through translucirse [v]
show oneself translucirse [v]
show trasflorar [v]
show traslucir [v]
show through trasparecer [v]
show one card and play another traspintar [v]
show through traspintarse [v]
show off tremolar [v]
show venir [v]
show verse [v]
show visualizar [v]
show vocear [v]
show up zamparse [v]
to show joy aleluya [interj]
use to show disapproval arre [interj]
theatrical show bolos [m/pl]
puppet show títeres [m/pl]
openings in dresses to show different color fabric cuchilladas [f/pl]
variety show variedades [f/pl]
show variedades [f/pl]
variety show varietés [f/pl]
show varietés [f/pl]
show (tv program) espacio [m]
show teatro [m]
show-off fantasma [m]
show simulacro [m]
show-off gallito [m]
show-off vacilón [m]
show of affection arrumaco [m]
puppet show teatro de títeres [m]
puppet show teatro de marionetas [m]
show despliegue [m]
show boato [m]
television show programa de televisión [m]
reality show programa de telerrealidad [m]
show programa [m]
show-off exhibicionista [m]
freak show espectáculo de fenómenos [m]
game show concurso de televisión [m]
game show juego televisado [m]
guest on a talk show tertuliano [m]
the first use/show of something estreno [m]
show-off presumido [m]
talent show programa de talentos [m]
talent show concurso de talentos [m]
bikini show pase de bikinis [m]
art show programa de arte [m]
ballet show espectáculo de ballet [m]
pomp and show parafernalia [f]
show gentileza [f]
empty show farsa [f]
show case vitrina [f]
show off exhibición [f]
dumb show mímica [f]
show muestra [f]
chat show tertulia [f]
show jumping hípica [f]
show-off vacilona [f]
biennial show bienal [f]
no-show incomparecencia [f]
show-off presumida [f]
show of affection carantoña [f]
art show muestra de arte [f]
dog show exhibición de perros [f]
dog show exposición canina [f]
art show muestra de arte [f]
art show exposición de arte [f]
talk-show guest contertulia [f]
crowd member who joins in a show espontánea [f]
show-off fanfarrona [f]
person on a talk show tertuliante [m/f]
person on a talk show contertulio [m/f]
person on a talk show tertulio [m/f]
person on a talk show contertulia [m/f]
person on a talk show tertuliana [m/f]
show-off exhibicionista [m/f]
show (explain) decir [v]
show translucir [v]
show off vanagloriarse [v]
show off palanganear [v]
show proyectar [v]
make a great show triunfar [v]
show off farolear [v]
show reflejar [v]
show off fanfarronear [v]
show intention of doing something amagar [v]
show mostrarse [v]
show off exhibirse [v]
show through transparentarse [v]
show acusar [v]
show manifestar [v]
show (publish) traer [v]
show conducir [v]
show oneself in public too often prodigarse [v]
show red colorear [v]
show one's cleavage despechugarse [v]
show up descolgarse [v]
show revelar [v]
show the yellow card amonestar [v]
show off fardar [v]
show manifestarse [v]
show regard for distinguir [v]
show evidenciar [v]
show no mercy ensañarse [v]
show off sacar pecho (coloquial) [v]
show ofrecer [v]
show echar [v]
show off aparentar [v]
show argüir [v]
show (display) presentar [v]
outwardly show exteriorizar [v]
show traslucirse [v]
show off gallear [v]
show off farandulear [v]
show up again reaparecer [v]
show sympathy simpatizar [v]
show up asistir [v]
show interest in picar el interés [v]
show off chulear [v]
show off lucirse [v]
show conspicuously presentar [v]
show conspicuously exhibir [v]
show verbal disrespect insultar [v]
show verbal disrespect faltar [v]
show verbal disrespect denostar [v]
show someone the red card mostrarle a alguien la tarjeta roja [v]
show verse [v]
show proyectarse [v]
show presumir [v]
show one's face dejarse ver [v]
show a movie pasar una película [v]
show movies pasar películas [v]
run the show llevar la batuta [v]
show one's true colors pelar el cobre [v]
run the show cortar el bacalao [v]
show signs of presentar signos de [v]
show up for work presentarse a trabajar [v]
show that dar a entender que [v]
show that insinuar que [v]
show one's feelings mostrar sus sentimientos [v]
show one's hand mostrar sus cartas [v]
show one's true colors enseñar el cobre [v]
show signs of life dar señales de vida [v]
show signs of dar señas de [v]
show oneself dar la cara [v]
show no mercy no dar cuartel [v]
show identification mostrar identificación [v]
show someone to the door acompañar a alguien a casa [v]
show someone to the door acompañar a alguien a la puerta [v]
show an interest in mostrar interés en [v]
show an interest in mostrar interés por [v]
show hints or indications of doing something amagar a hacer algo [v]
show signals of amagar [v]
show indications of amagar [v]
show the symptoms amagar [v]
show signs of doing something amagar a hacer algo [v]
show one's face asomar la cara [v]
show respect for someone rendir pleitesía a alguien [v]
show signs of dar señal es de algo [v]
show signs of dar señas de algo [v]
show indications of dar muestras de [v]
show indications of dar señas de algo [v]
show indications of dar señal es de algo [v]
show hints of dar señas de algo [v]
show hints of dar señal es de algo [v]
show hints of dar muestras de [v]
show signs of dar muestras de [v]
raise the shoulders so as to give them a square appearance (to show dislike) enderezar los hombros [v]
show off one's talents or skill lucir las habilidades [v]
vote by a show of hands votar a mano alzada [v]
show consideration to tener consideración con [v]
show consideration to tener consideración a [v]
show the light alumbrar [v]
show off hacer alarde [v]
show someone the way darle a uno unas luces [v]
act in a tv show actuar en una serie de televisión [v]
be a guest on a tv show ser un invitado en un programa de televisión [v]
show annoyance virar la boca [v]
be on show estar en exhibición [v]
act in a tv show participar en un programa de televisión [v]
act in a tv show participar como actor en una serie (de televisión) [v]
act in a tv show actuar en una serie [v]
appear as a guest on a tv show aparecer como (artista) invitado en un programa de televisión [v]
appear as a guest on a tv show participar como invitado en un programa de televisión [v]
be a guest on a tv show estar invitado a un programa de televisión [v]
be a guest on a tv show ser el invitado de un programa de televisión [v]
good show! bravo [interj]
puppet show títeres [m/pl]
show-off ¿cómo te quedó el ojo? [expr] MX PA
show me the receipts ¿con qué ropa? [expr] CL
free entry for a show entrada de favor [n] DO AR UY
a colorful show un espectáculo colorido
show disrespect mostrar falta de respeto
reality show programa de telerrealidad
reality show reality show
show jumping salto ecuestre
floor show espectáculo de cabaret
chat show [uk] programa de entrevistas
fashion show desfile de modelos
talk show programa de entrevistas
show business mundo del espectáculo
show jumping concurso hípico de salto
fashion show pase de modelos
variety show espectáculo de variedades
show of affection demostración de afecto
show of despliegue de
quiz show concurso académico
tv show programa de televisión
television show programa de televisión
television show programa televisivo
tv show programa televisivo
magic show espectáculo de magia
fashion show la exhibición de moda
show business negocio del espectáculo
radio show host anfitrión de programas de radio
talk show host anfitrión de programa de entrevistas
talk show producer & host productor y anfitrión de programa de entrevistas
show salón [m]
show atuendo [m]
show aparato [m]
show-window aparador [m]
sloping line to show proper slant when learning to write caído [m]
pompous show boato [m]
show-bill cartelón [m]
puppet-show fantoche [m]
show fasto [m]
show ostento [m]
rare-show mundinovi [m]
show-bill rótulo [m]
rare-show titirimundi [m]
a peep-show titirimundi [m]
show-card tarjetón [m]
rare-show totilimundi [m]
show (ostentation) tren [m]
rare-show mundonuevo [m]
variety show revista [f]
show autoridad [f]
show función [f]
outward show apariencia [f]
show exterioridad [f]
affected show of fear/surprise hazañería [f]
show especie [f]
show esplendidez [f]
variety show folia [f]
show imagen [f]
show of learning pedantería [f]
show ostensión [f]
dumb show pantomima [f]
show presencia [f]
show-case vidriera [f]
show window vidriera [f]
show-case vitrina [f]
vain show vanidad [f]
fond of show lujoso [adj]
not prone to show the dirt sufrido [adj]
show señalar [v]
show marcar [v]
show guardar [v]
show balance arrojar [v]
show a threatening attitude amagar [v]
show oneself pleased at alabarse [v]
show great grief/pain asparse [v]
make a show of something afectar [v]
show blue azulear [v]
show (as signals) dar [v]
show genius despuntar [v]
teach (show or exhibit something) demostrar [v]
show whiteness blanquear [v]
show appreciation of distinguir [v]
show descubrir [v]
show through entreparecerse [v]
show the way encaminar [v]
show cruelty encarnizarse [v]
make a show of vigor and strength enlozanarse [v]
ride on horseback for show jinetear [v]
show the way enseñar [v]
show gratitude regraciar [v]
show concern remorderse [v]
show pintar [v]
show resentment mosquearse [v]
show up parecer [v]
show oneself mostrarse [v]
show sacar [v]
perform (concert, show) tocar [v]
show through transflorar [v]
show one card and play another traspintar [v]
show through traspintarse [v]
punch show títeres [m/pl]
slashes made in garment to show the lining cuchilladas [f/pl]
show concierto [m]
puppet-show retablo [m]
raree-show mundinovi [m]
raree-show tutilimundi [m]
show espectáculo público [m]
show pretexto [m]
show velo [m]
show negocio [m]
show card tarjetón [m]
show card letrero [m]
show bill cartelón [m]
show-window escaparate [m]
raree-show mundonuevo [m]
exaggerated show of feeling alharaca [f]
dog-show exposición canina [f]
cattle-show exposición de ganados [f]
puppet-show representación de títeres [f]
show cosa expuesta [f]
show seña [f]
show indicación [f]
show promesa [f]
show máscara [f]
cattle show exposición de ganado [f]
side show exhibición secundaria [f]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "to show" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 41 Ergebniss(e)

Spanisch Englisch
show [m] show
show [m] bother
show [m] farce
reality show (inglés) [m] real-life drama show
reality show (inglés) [m] reality show [us]
show (inglés) [m] show
show business (inglés) [m] show business
show-woman (inglés) [f] show-woman
show [m] fuss
show [m] spectacle
reality show reality show
bingo show [m] CL bingo show
bingo show [m] CL bingo game with show
fashion show (inglés) [m] US fashion show
montar un show [v] make/raise a stink
montar un show [v] put on a scene
montar un show [v] kick up a fuss
montar un show [v] make a scene
montar un show [v] kick up a row
montar un show [v] kick up a stink
montar un show [v] kick up a dust
montar un show [v] cause trouble
montar un show [v] raise a dust
montar un show [v] put on a show
montar un show por algo make a production out of something
hacer todo un show de una situación make a great play of something
hacer todo un show de una situación make a big play of something
show de llamadas telefónicas call-in
show dog and pony show
robarse el show [v] AMER steal the spotlight
robarse el show [v] AMER steal the show
gustar el show off [v] PR strut up and down like a peacock
gustar el show off [v] PR show off
mandarse el show [v] AR rare show off
robarse el show [v] CU VE steal the spotlight
robarse el show [v] HN SV NI PR EC steal the spotlight
show [m] scandal
show-off [f] parejería (caribe)
show [m] scene
show [pref] show
reality show (inglés) [m] reality show