hold - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "hold" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 206 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
hold mantener [v]
hold mantenga [v]
hold desempeñar [v]
Irregular Verb
hold held - held [v]
hold asimiento [m]
hold pausa [f]
hold llave [f]
hold proyección [f]
hold detentar [v]
hold ocupar [v]
hold ofrecer [v]
hold ostentar [v]
hold llevar a efecto [v]
hold celebrar [v]
hold sostener [v]
hold sostenerse [v]
hold sujetar [v]
hold sujetarse [v]
hold tener [v]
hold poseer [v]
hold verificar [v]
hold redargüir [v]
hold regentar [v]
hold retener [v]
hold contener [v]
hold agarrar [v]
hold coger [v]
hold bodega [f]
hold cala [f]
hold abrazar [v]
hold alargar [v]
hold apañar [v]
hold arrendar [v]
hold dar [v]
hold detentar [v]
hold mantener [v]
hold ostentar [v]
hold prender [v]
hold retener [v]
hold sesionar [v]
hold sujetar [v]
hold sustentar [v]
hold tener [v]
hold tenerse en [v]
hold arraigo [m]
hold asidero [m]
hold agarre [m]
hold dominio [m]
hold acoger [v]
hold resistir [v]
hold empuñar [v]
hold haber [v]
hold acaparar [v]
hold albergar [v]
hold caber [v]
hold obtener [v]
hold agarrar [v]
hold detener [v]
hold reservar [v]
hold tener cogido [v]
hold continuar así (suerte/el clima) [v]
hold seguir en pie (prometan/ofrezcan) [v]
hold contrastar a [v]
hold contrastar con [v]
hold contrastar contra [v]
hold captarse [v]
hold apresamiento [m]
hold agarradero [m]
hold agarrón [m]
hold fuerte [m]
hold presa [f]
hold toma [f]
hold tomadura [f]
hold adherirse [v]
hold asir [v]
hold conservar [v]
hold juzgar [v]
hold quedar [v]
hold valer [v]
hold ascendencia [f]
hold tener cabida [v]
hold estrechar [v]
hold contener en sí [v]
hold estar en posesión de [v]
hold llevar a cabo [v]
hold proseguir [v]
hold estar en vigor [v]
hold hacer una apuesta [v]
hold apostar [v]
hold tener fuerza [v]
hold ser válido [v]
hold mantenerse firme [v]
hold abstenerse [v]
hold depender [v]
hold estar en posesión [v]
hold refrenarse [v]
hold estar dependiente de [v]
hold deducir [v]
hold organizar [v]
hold soportar [v]
hold ¡para! [interj]
hold ¡tente! [interj]
hold ¡quieto! [interj]
hold agarre [m] AMER
hold abarbetación [f] disused
hold continuar [v]
hold admitir [v]
hold abracar [v] MX NI PA CU
hold abrigar [v] rare
hold cargar [v] GT SV PA DO CO VE
hold catar [v] disused
hold llevar encima [v]
hold tirar la rienda [v]
hold tirar las riendas [v]
hold cargar [v] PA VE
hold celebrar [v]
hold demorar [v]
hold poseer [v]
hold tener [v]
hold sostener [v]
hold mantener [v]
hold retener [v]
hold tener capacidad
hold cárcel [f]
hold fortificación [f]
hold imponer [v]
hold decidir [v]
hold demorar [v]
hold bodega de un buque
hold reserva [f]
hold freno [m]
hold mango [m]
hold sollado [m]
hold apoyo [m]
hold sostén [m]
hold manigueta [f]
hold verificación [f]
hold posesión [f]
hold guarida [f]
hold influencia [f]
hold prisión [f]
hold custodia [f]
hold manija [f]
hold asa [f]
hold empuñadura [f]
hold retención [f]
hold poder [v]
hold retener [v]
hold espera de autorización para aterrizar [f]
hold ocupación de circuitos [f]
hold arruma [f]
Construction Machinery
hold fijar [v]
hold posición fija
Pipe Terms
hold dejar pendiente
hold impedir [v]
hold considerar [v]
hold durar [v]
hold obligar [v]
hold proteger [v]
hold persistir [v]
hold apoyar [v]
hold tener cabida para [v]
hold guardar [v]
hold tener firme [v]
hold gozar [v]
hold limitar [v]
hold reputar [v]
hold opinar [v]
hold seguir [v]
hold restringir [v]
hold mantenimiento de una conversación [m]
hold ocupación de circuitos [f]
hold sostenimiento [m]
hold asa [f]
hold hacer espera [v]
hold pozo [m]
hold bodega [f]
hold arruma [f]
hold abretonar [v]
hold frenillar [v]
hold bodega de buque
hold agarradero [m]
hold enganche [m]
hold agarradera [f]
hold asa [f]
hold empuñadura [f]
hold espera de instrucciones [f]
hold espera de permiso [f]
hold agarrar [v]
hold chupar [v]
hold espera de permiso
hold espera de instrucciones
hold cala [f]
hold aguantar [v]
hold sujetar [v]
hold sostenimiento [m]
hold apoyo [m]
hold sostén [m]
hold agarradero [m]
hold retención [f]
hold asa [f]
hold sujetar [v]
hold retener [v]
hold sostener [v]
hold sujetar [v]
hold agarrar [v]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "hold" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
you hold mantiene [v]
you/they hold mantengan [v]
hold in estimar [v]
hold on to asirse [v]
hold facility retención [f]
hold up retrasar [v]
hold a meeting celebrar una reunión [v]
get hold of hacerse con [v]
hold up dificultar [v]
hold up obstruir [v]
take hold dispararse [v]
hold up saltear [v]
hold a position desempeñar un cargo [v]
hold on agarrarse [v]
hold on aguantar (teléfono) [v]
hold up sostener [v]
hold up interceptar [v]
hold up sustentar [v]
hold down pisar [v]
hold out tender [v]
hold back estancar [v]
hold up estancar [v]
hold that sostener que [v]
get hold of ligar [v]
hold back trabar [v]
hold one's tongue morderse la lengua [v]
take hold of asirse [v]
take hold asirse [v]
hold back frenar [v]
hold back mellar [v]
hold up demorar [v]
hold up vertebrar [v]
hold in reprimir [v]
hold back reprimir [v]
hold out resistir [v]
hold one's breath contener la respiración [v]
hold responsible responsabilizar [v]
hold up retardar [v]
hold up interrumpir [v]
hold one's breath contener el aliento [v]
hold in low esteem tener en poco [v]
hold up resistir [v]
hold (an organization, event) dar [v]
securing hold aferramiento [m]
hold-up atraco [m]
place to hold a public dance bailadero [m]
amount a barrel can hold recebo [m]
hold in check refrenamiento [m]
hold-up retardo [m]
amount a cauldron can hold caldera [f]
amount a cauldron can hold calderada [f]
amount a barrel can hold cuba [f]
hold up demora [f]
set of stakes that hold the box and poles of a car estacadura [f]
bracket to hold up a trap lengüeta [f]
hold up atracar [v]
hold each other abarcarse [v]
hold each other abrazarse [v]
hold dear acariciar [v]
hold tightly acinturar [v]
take hold of acometer [v]
hold firmly aferrar [v]
hold firmly aferrarse [v]
hold fast afirmarse [v]
hold tightly agarrarse [v]
hold up aguantar [v]
hold back aguantar [v]
hold on aguantar [v]
hold back aguantarse [v]
hold on tightly amarrar [v]
hold oneself tightly amarrarse [v]
stretch out hands or skirt to hold something aparar [v]
hold in hand aparar [v]
hold on to asir [v]
hold onto asirse [v]
hold in caber [v]
hold an amount caber [v]
hold a conference or meeting conferenciar [v]
hold back contener [v]
hold up demorar [v]
hold in esteem diputar [v]
hold in dominar [v]
hold a shield handle embrazar [v]
hold tight empuñar [v]
hold fast empuñar [v]
hold in check enfrenar [v]
hold back enfrenarse [v]
hold one's ground estar erre alguien [v]
hold in high regard estimar [v]
hold one's own industriarse [v]
hold a herd of animals in a corral overnight majadear [v]
hold a tournament mantener [v]
hold in place without falling mantenerse [v]
hold in contempt menospreciar [v]
hold on persistir [v]
hold down pisar [v]
hold a grudge quejarse [v]
hold in check refrenar [v]
hold oneself back refrenarse [v]
hold under scrutiny reglar [v]
hold back repararse [v]
hold oneself back repucharse [v]
hold in esteem reputar [v]
hold back reservar [v]
hold out resistir [v]
hold out resistirse [v]
hold responsible responsabilizar [v]
hold up rezagar [v]
hold out sacar [v]
hold one's own sobrenadar [v]
hold oneself up sostenerse [v]
hold up sustentar [v]
hold back templarse [v]
hold on to tener [v]
hold oneself up tenerse [v]
take hold of tomar [v]
hold on to the ball tomar [v]
hold a vigil velar [v]
hold night watch velar [v]
hold in check vencer [v]
hold up guarda [interj]
hold your tongue cortapicos y callares [expr]
hold down sujetador [m]
one in charge of the hold bodeguero [m]
depth of hold puntal [m]
someone that professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold impostor [m]
someone that professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold hipócrita [m]
someone that professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold mentiroso [m]
someone that professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold embustero [m]
someone that professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold falso [m]
someone that professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold grupiento [m]
baggage hold compartimento de equipajes [m]
hold-up retención [f]
main corral to hold cattle at night majada [f]
small pond in plains used as watering hold for cattle tapa [f]
pad behind saddle to hold travel bag/kit grupera [f]
get hold of agenciarse [v]
get hold of emparejarse [v]
hold fast aprisionar [v]
hold talks parlamentar [v]
take hold of coger [v]
hold an interview entrevistarse [v]
hold sway imperar [v]
hold (on telephone) esperar [v]
hold sacred sacralizar [v]
take hold cebar [v]
hold back retraerse [v]
hold in high regard estimar [v]
take hold of morder [v]
hold up suspender [v]
hold up sostenerse [v]
take hold apoderarse [v]
hold (a posture) aguantar [v]
hold correspondence escribirse [v]
hold fast asegurarse [v]
hold off apartarse [v]
take hold enraizar [v]
hold in suspense embobar [v]
(someone) hold one's urine/pee aguantarse la orina [v]
(someone) hold one's urine/pee aguantarse el pis [v]
(someone) hold one's pee aguantarse el pis [v]
(someone) hold one's urine aguantarse la orina [v]
(one's luck) to hold mantener (la suerte) [v]
(one's luck) to hold tener una buena racha [v]
hold on aguantarse [v]
grab hold of abrochar [v]
hold on aferrarse [v]
grab hold of agarrafar [v]
grab hold of agazapar [v]
hold or retain detentar [v]
hold back retener [v]
take hold of agarrar [v]
take hold of apropiarse [v]
hold back the flow of water estancar [v]
hold in place atenazar (literal) [v]
hold tightly sostener [v]
hold tightly aferrarse [v]
hold tightly sujetar [v]
hold tightly agarrarse [v]
hold back sofocar [v]
hold out durar [v]
hold out aguantar [v]
hold in place suprimir [v]
hold in place fijar [v]
hold inside contener [v]
get hold of obtener [v]
hold up elevar [v]
hold dear apreciar [v]
hold down seguir en [v]
continue to hold conservar [v]
hold down conservar [v]
hold down mantenerse en [v]
continue to hold seguir en [v]
hold down retener [v]
continue to hold mantenerse en [v]
hold off retrasar [v]
hold off posponer [v]
hold up cumplir [v]
hold up aguaitar [v]
hold up esperar [v]
hold spellbound cautivar [v]
hold spellbound subyugar [v]
hold spellbound embrujar [v]
get hold of something hacerse con algo [v]
get hold of someone (find) localizar a alguien [v]
take hold of something agarrar algo [v]
have a firm hold on something tener algo bien agarrado [v]
hold an election celebrar elecciones [v]
hold one's own defenderse [v]
hold hands ir cogidos de la mano [v]
hold someone prisoner tener a alguien como prisionero [v]
hold someone hostage tener a alguien como rehén [v]
hold someone to ransom hacer chantaje a alguien [v]
hold steady estarse quieto [v]
hold someone responsible for something considerar a alguien responsable de algo [v]
hold still estarse quieto [v]
hold tight agarrarse fuerte [v]
lay hold of something agarrar algo [v]
break someone's hold escaparse de alguien [v]
break someone's hold liberarse de alguien [v]
hold a press conference ofrecer una rueda de prensa [v]
hold the title ostentar el título [v]
hold the presidency ostentar la presidencia [v]
take hold of instalarse en [v]
hold a trial celebrar un juicio [v]
hold a meeting celebrar una conferencia [v]
hold a conference celebrar una conferencia [v]
hold hands tomarse de la mano [v]
be on hold estar en espera [v]
hold a grudge guardar resentimiento [v]
hold a grudge guardar rencor [v]
hold out one's hand tender la mano [v]
take hold of adueñarse de [v]
hold the record tener el récord [v]
hold the key to tener la llave de [v]
hold one's breath aguantar la respiración [v]
hold a job mantener un trabajo [v]
hold one's breath aguantar el aliento [v]
take hold cuajar [v]
hold out one's hand extender la mano [v]
hold up a bank atracar un banco [v]
hold food down retener los alimentos [v]
lay hold of agarrar [v]
hold a professorship ostentar una cátedra [v]
hold power ocupar el poder [v]
hold the presidency of the government ocupar la presidencia del gobierno [v]
hold a chair ostentar una cátedra [v]
hold the presidency of ocupar la presidencia de [v]
take hold enquistarse [v]
hold someone accountable for something responsabilizar a alguien de algo [v]
hold on to sujetarse a [v]
hold on to power sostenerse en el poder [v]
hold someone responsible for something echar la culpa a alguien de algo [v]
hold someone responsible for something cargar las culpas de algo a alguien [v]
hold someone accountable exigir cuentas a alguien [v]
hold someone accountable pedir cuentas a alguien [v]
hold someone responsible exigir responsabilidades a alguien [v]
hold someone responsible pedir responsabilidades a alguien [v]
hold someone accountable exigir responsabilidades a alguien [v]
hold someone accountable pedir responsabilidades a alguien [v]
hold someone liable exigir cuentas a alguien [v]
hold someone liable pedir cuentas a alguien [v]
hold someone liable exigir responsabilidades a alguien [v]
hold someone liable pedir responsabilidades a alguien [v]
hold someone responsible exigir cuentas a alguien [v]
hold someone responsible pedir cuentas a alguien [v]
hold a meeting celebrar una junta [v]
hold a session celebrar una sesión [v]
hold a meeting celebrar una sesión [v]
hold a meeting convocar una junta [v]
hold your breath contener el aliento [v]
hold in high esteem estimar en mucho [v]
hold in high esteem for someone estimar a alguien en mucho [v]
hold in low esteem estimar en poco [v]
hold a flock/herd of animals corralled overnight majadear [v]
hold up empinar [v]
hold tightly apresar [v]
can't hold in your stool no poder aguantarse ir al baño [v]
can't hold in your pee no poder aguantarse el pipí [v]
can't hold in your stool no poder aguantarse las ganas de defecar [v]
hold fast tenerse [v]
indicating that one cannot hold down two jobs no se puede tapar dos cabezas con el mismo sombrero [expr] HN NI
after hold bodega de popa
don't hold your breath espera sentado
hold this for me sujétame esto
hold me tight estréchame fuerte
hold me tight agárrame fuerte
hold the phone no cuelgues
hold on no cuelgues
hold on no te retires
hold the phone no cuelgue
hold on no se retire
traffic hold-up retención de tráfico
tackle used to hoist light goods from the hold of a ship carrillar [m]
pan to hold coals brasero [m]
small pan to hold coals braserito [m]
hold-back strap of a harness cejadero [m]
hook to catch hold in an eye macho [m]
comb to hold the straggly ends of hair at the nape recogeabuelos [m]
a leg-hold (wrestling) trascabo [m]
leg-hold in wrestling traspié [m]
belt to hold the dress at the waist ceñidor [m]
band to hold the dress at the waist ceñidor [m]
well/large jar to hold alpechinera [f]
leg-hold (in wrestling) zancadilla [f]
amount a basket can hold cestada [f]
difficult to hold/keep escurridizo [adj]
hold (on to) agarrar [v]
hold off apartarse [v]
hold up apoyar [v]
take hold of adueñarse [v]
hold fast afirmarse [v]
hold on agarrarse [v]
hold a consultation acompañarse [v]
take hold arraigar [v]
hold on aguardar [v]
hold oneself in check contenerse [v]
lay hold of coger [v]
hold a conference conferenciar [v]
take hold of cebar [v]
hold back cejar [v]
hold a meeting celebrar [v]
hold a conference celebrar [v]
hold an opinion existimar [v]
hold out a long time envejecerse [v]
lay hold of garbear [v]
stow in a hold encalar [v]
hold someone under aim with a fire-arm encañonar [v]
hold a knight-commandery encomendar [v]
hold in equal estimation igualar [v]
trim the hold formejar [v]
hold for another guardar [v]
hold up levantar [v]
hold (an employment) ocupar [v]
hold out ofrecer [v]
lay hold upon pillar [v]
twist the neck of and hold down on the ground with the horns downwards mancornar [v]
hold a sale saldar [v]
take hold of trabar [v]
hold fast tener [v]
hold down sujetar [v]
hold fast sujetar [v]
hold a position servir [v]
depth of the hold escondite [m]
depth of the hold paraje oculto [m]
depth of the hold fuerte [m]
depth of the hold poder [m]
purchase (a hold or position that allows the application of power, as in moving something) potencia [f]
depth of the hold fortaleza [f]
depth of the hold influencia [f]
hold on to something apretar [v]
hold back apretar [v]
hold up mantener [v]
catch hold of agarrarse a [v]
catch hold of apoderarse de [v]
hold back guardar [v]
hold back resistir [v]
hold forth revelar [v]
hold forth mostrar [v]
hold in refrenar [v]
hold in refrenarse [v]
hold off separarse [v]
hold in contenerse [v]
hold off alejarse [v]
hold on prolongar [v]
hold out sostener [v]
hold out proferir [v]
hold out alargar [v]
hold up parar con motivo de robarlo [v]
hold up terminar [v]
hold one's tongue callar [v]
hold up cesar [v]
hold oneself in contener la cólera [v]
hold with estar de acuerdo con [v]
hold with ser de la opinión de [v]
hold oneself in contener la risa [v]
lay hold of apoderarse de [v]
let go one's hold soltar la presa [v]
hold good continuar en toda su fuerza [v]
hold good ser valedero [v]
lay hold of asir [v]
hold one's peace callarse [v]
hold one's peace guardar silencio [v]
hold one's ground mantenerse firme [v]
hold harmless librar de responsabilidad [v]
loose one's hold of/on soltar [v]
loose one's hold of/on abandonar [v]
hold the record conservar el récord obtenido [v]
hold a seat in parliament ser diputado a cortes [v]
hold in trust guardar en depósito [v]
hold sway (to have a controlling influence; dominate) gobernar [v]
hold sway regir [v]
take hold (on) agarrar [v]
take hold (on) coger [v]
hold a share tener un interés [v]
hold a share tener una acción [v]
hold tight tener bien agarrado [v]
band to hold the dress at the waist chumbe [m] SA
cord to hold the dress at the waist chumbe [m] CO PE
belt to hold the dress at the waist chumbe [m] SA
afro-peruvian dance where the men hold a candle they use to try to burn a ribbon the women wear alcatraz [m] PE
dam to hold flowing water in a drinking hole for cattle tapiz [m] VE
vessel to hold liquid bernegal [m] VE
stick or strong rod used to hold the ends of the fishing net calón [m] MX:Se SV
a deep, round bowl, used to hold water azafate [m] NI
binding consisting of a plastic spiral to hold sheets of paper anillado [m] HN CO VE EC PE BO AR
wide strip of leather that surrounds the body of the bull behind the front legs and serves to hold the one who rides in bull riding cincho [m] MX GT HN
indigenous folk dance in which dancers hold a bow and arrows and play with them to the sound of music as a part of the choreography chuncho [m] BO:C,W
steel cable to hold a docked ship esprín (inglés spring) [m] CR
band or strip of leather, which serves to hold a bundle cargador [m] CO
fork shaped stick used to hold and remove weeds that are cut with the machete gancho [m] GT HN rur.
elastic band that is used to hold hair colero [m] UY
each of the straps that hold the hammock, hammock strap hico [m] PA CU DO CO:N VE
each of the straps that hold the hammock, hammock strap hico [m] PR rur.
each of the two lateral poles nailed to the ground that hold the small manual mill in position hijuelo [m] HN
each of the straps that hold the hammock, hammock strap jico [m] CU PR
pair of soft leather straps attached to both sides of the saddle that serve to hold cargo jinetillo [m] HN
texas hold 'em marqueño [m] HN
hold-up palitroque [m] PR delinq.
cloth or metal sieve to hold clay, grains or flour pazcón [m] HN NI
hold up tumbe [m] PR
hold-up tiro [m] SV
person who can hold their liquor tirador [m] CU
stones to hold a fire tacán [m] CO:N rur.
cylinder to hold dynamite taco [m] CO
strap or handkerchief to hold hair turbante [m] DO PR
trivet to hold a container in a fire trebe [m] GT SV PY AR UY
stake inserted on the side of a cart, to hold the load trinquete [m] HN
container to hold annatto seeds achiotero [m] EC
hold tightly agarro [m] disused
stick to hold the string of a kite monigote [m] CU
earthen jar in form of amphora to hold water múcura  [f] CO CU VE
earthen jar in form of amphora to hold water mucura [f] CO CU VE
pad behind saddle to hold travel bag/kit gurupera [f] VE rur.
pad behind saddle to hold travel bag/kit gurupera [f] HN NI CR
headband strap to hold the hair balaca [f] CO
aircraft hold barriga [f] CU DO
wooden container which is used for washing, mixing, or to hold fruits or grains batea [f] CR DO CO VE EC PE BO CL UY MX GT HN SV NI PA AR rare
each of the two lateral poles stuck in the ground to hold up the manual press used in the sugar cane industry cureña [f] HN
plastic container to hold and transport liquids or solids caneca (portugués) [f] EC
choke-hold furca [f] AR
elastic band with an ornament worn by women to hold their hair cola [f] HN SV NI CR
three stones to hold utensils, where a fire is lit tulipa [f] EC rur.
three stones to hold utensils, where a fire is lit tulpa [f] CO:Sw VE EC:N PE rur.
container to hold annatto seeds achiotera [f] PR rare
pitcher to hold fine toasted cornstarch with cocoa pinolera [f] MX
on hold embrecado [adj] HN
not being able to hold one's alcohol pollo [adj] PE BO
hold up proponer [v]
hold up atorar [v] US MX CU DO PR
hold one's tongue quedarse callado [v] fig.
hold hands cogerse de la mano [v] ES
hold one's head cogerse la cabeza [v] ES
hold fast atraillar [v] fig.
hold out proponer [v]
hold someone acorar [v] PR
hold an object with the hands momentarily atajar [v] PY
get hold of the opponent, push it back without elevating and throw it with the spur (for a rooster) atetar [v] PR
hold somebody atarar [v] CU
hold on (something) atrincarse [v] MX NI PA VE rur.
hold something/somebody by pushing the thing/person to a place atrincar [v] CL
hold or bear up something calmly aguantar el gas [v] NI
hold up calmly and in a good mood difficult and annoying situations aguantar vara [v] MX
hold a baby alzar [v] CR CO BO UY
hold onto something amacizarse [v] GT
hold the cacharpaya party cacharpayar [v] AR:Nw
hold onto someone's waist acenturar [v] CR
hold on to someone cachear (inglés) [v] DO
hold on to cachar (inglés) [v] US MX GT HN SV NI DO PR AR UY
cling or hold on to a situation ahorcarse [v] CR CU
hold on to the saddle gear, tack, or mane in order to not fall off the horse charquear [v] CL rur.
hold on to the saddle gear, tack, or mane in order to not fall off the horse charquearse [v] AR:Nw UY rur.
hold on to the saddle gear, tack, or mane in order to not fall off the horse charquiar [v] AR:Nw UY rur.
hold on to chapar [v] PE BO AR UY
get hold of something to catch hold of something to hold onto something catchear (inglés catch) [v] CU DO PR
get hold of something to catch hold of something to hold onto something catchar (inglés catch) [v] NI PR
hold on fruncirse [v] VE
hold a safe sex campaign condonizar [v] CL rare
get hold of empuñar [v] DO PR
hold an object detener [v] MX
catch hold of empuñar [v] DO PR
hold dear to enchutar [v] DO PR
hold a certain point of view although numerous arguments refute it encasillarse [v] NI CU
hold on to empuñar [v] DO PR
hold fast to one's ideas embrecarse [v] HN
hold to a standard normar [v] MX NI CR CU EC PE BO CL AR
hold it in morder [v] NI BO CL
hold something up until a better time palanganear [v] GT
hold back pepenar [v] NI stud.
hold ceremonies to recover a soul lost to some spell picharar [v] BO AR:Nw rur.
hold on recargarse [v] NI CU CL
get hold of prensar [v] GT SV NI PA
catch hold of prensar [v] GT SV NI PA
hold onto prensar [v] GT SV NI PA
hold back pordelantear [v] AR:Nw
hold in zambutirse [v] MX GT
hold with nails tachuelear [v] MX NI
hold one's hair tomar [v] CL
hold each other abracarse [v] MX NI PA CU
hold each other abracijarse [v] disused